Great Luck

Chapter 3 Entering the General's Mansion

Section [-] Entering the General's Mansion

Section [-] Stay in the General's Mansion

After an unknown amount of time, Zhu Tianjiang finally made a move, retreated, and squeezed his body out of the crack in the stone.

"Girl, come out, we're safe." Zhu Tianxiang called out in a low voice.

After dawdling for a long time, Guo Ying walked out of the stone crevice.Fortunately, the night was dark, and her pretty red face could not be seen under the moonlight.

"Zhu~Brother Zhu, I'm a little scared." Looking at the darkness around her, Guo Ying finally revealed her true nature as a little girl.

Zhu Tianxiang stretched out his hand, embraced Guo Ying, and leaned against him.

"You~don't~don't do this." Guo Ying's heart was pounding, she said so, but her body didn't move.

"When a girl is afraid, it's best to lean in a man's arms. Listen to me, you're right." Zhu Tianjiang said, hugging Guo Ying's small waist, and began to walk towards the top of the mountain.

Perhaps out of fear, Guo Ying hesitated, leaned against Zhu Tianxiang and began to climb the mountain.

Along the way, Zhu Tianxiang told small jokes from time to time, making Guo Ying happy.Unknowingly, the strangeness between the two people was eliminated.At some point, Guo Ying's little hand was also wrapped around Zhu Tianxiang's waist, like a young couple, they were chatting and laughing, emphasizing each other's courage.

After crossing the mountains, you will arrive at the boundary of Shu Tianfu.It wasn't until noon that the two arrived outside the city of Shu Tianfu.

"I said girl, you can treat me to a big meal after entering the city." Zhu Tianxiang licked his dry lips.

"I don't have any money, and I was searched by those damn thieves."

Zhu Tianxiang stared like a copper bell, "What are you talking about, no money? My mother, you don't want me to sell you to a brothel for money, do you?"

"If I want to sell it, I'll sell it to you. Anyway, I don't have any money. You are a big man, so you can figure out a way." Guo Ying raised her mouth, as if she had fallen for him.

Zhu Tianxiang touched his inner pocket, it was cleaner than his face.There is no way, the two of them can only go into the city and talk.

Shu Tianfu was the wealthiest capital in the Dafeng Dynasty.Fu Yin Zhou Dazhong is the son of the old uncle, relying on the old queen's favor, sometimes he doesn't even buy the emperor's account.

The quaint streets are bustling with people coming and going.Zhu Tianjiang looked at it for a long time, and suddenly said to Guo Ying in a low voice: "You wait, I'll get some money."

"You~ you're not going to steal it, are you?" Guo Ying looked at Zhu Tianxiang in surprise.

"What are you talking about, am I that kind of person? A man is a man, if he wants to get money, he just throws a sap." Zhu Tianxiang said without any concealment.

"Oh my God, that's great, I'll help you." Not only did Guo Ying not object, but she found it very exciting.

Zhu Tianxiang looked at Guo Ying in surprise, "Girl, I found that you have great potential to be a thief. Given time, you might be the female thief saint in the Jianghu."

"Fuck you, you are the thief, this girl is going to be a knight in the rivers and lakes."

The two talked and laughed, and began to look for the target.With the eyes of Zhu Daqi as a paparazzi, he quickly found the prey.A fat man with a fat head and big ears became the unlucky guy they attacked.According to Zhu Daqi, even if such a master misses, he won't be able to run away, and he won't be able to catch up with them at all.

After following Santiao Street, I saw the fat man walking into an alley.The two quickly followed in, and Zhu Daqi even touched half of a brick and hid it behind his back.

"You wait, that guy has entered the latrine."

"Can you do it, don't fail to grab the money, and instead be pushed into the latrine." With the experience of the last horse gallery, Guo Ying said worriedly.

"Damn girl, curse me, don't you? Listen, count from one to twenty, if I don't come out, rush in and save me." Zhu Tianjiang was really afraid of being hit by Guo Ying.

"Cut! How embarrassing, I think you are a pig." Guo Ying said with a curled lip.

Zhu Tianxiang rolled his eyes, weighed the blue brick halfway in his hand, and walked quickly to the toilet.Just kidding, Guo Ying actually counted the numbers.

"Eighteen~nineteen~ Oh my god, the big stupid pig was really pushed into the latrine, right?"

Just when Guo Ying was about to rush in to save someone, Zhu Tianxiang walked out as if nothing had happened.From his smirk, Guo Ying knew he had succeeded.

The two hurried to a remote place, Zhu Tianxiang took out a purse containing silver.There are even scattered silver coins in it, no less than 100 taels.For today's society, it is not a decimal.

Zhu Daqi was very hungry, so they first went to a tailor shop and bought two new clothes.For the sake of safety along the way, Zhu Tianxiang specially dressed Guo Ying as a handsome young man.

The two 'Master Pianpian' who had a completely new look walked into a tavern, found a side seat and sat down. As soon as the food was served, Zhu Tianjiang devoured it and lost his image.Miss Guo originally cared about everyone's gentleness, but when she saw Zhu Tianxiang ate up a plate of beef without reservation, she couldn't help but grabbed it.

The two of them were eating when a few yamen servants walked in and posted a wanted notice on the wall inside the restaurant.After posting, he glanced at all the diners, turned around and walked out without saying a word.

Zhu Tianjiang and Miss Guo were full of food and drink, and walked out belching.When she got to the wall, Guo Ying grabbed Zhu Tianxiang's hand in surprise.

"Ah~ this~ Zhu~ let's go!" Guo Ying took Zhu Tianxiang's hand and walked out.

Without her pulling, Zhu Tianxiang could clearly see the image on the wanted warrant.The one in the painting is him at all. Although the one in the painting doesn't look like a thief, it still has a certain resemblance.And it says "The wanted murderer Zhu Tianxiang, anyone who provides clues will be rewarded with ten taels of silver."Zhongdu government office arrest! '

Zhu Tian lowered his head and covered half of his face, the two of them walked for three or four streets before stopping.

"Paralyzed, is there any reason for this? It's obviously you who killed the person, why should you blame me? No, I have to ask them to reason. I don't take the blame for this." Zhu Tianxiang was so depressed that he really wanted to Draw a circle, and even curse yourself to death.

Guo Ying knew that he was speaking out of anger, so in order to deceive others, Guo Ying bought a carriage.Zhu Tianxiang simply changed his appearance, and easily deceived the officers and soldiers at the city gate.It's just that Miss Guo didn't expect that she would become a poor driver.

"Dead pig, stinky pig, the arrest warrant clearly says it's a pig, but you must say that your surname is Zhu. You actually asked this lady to drive the car for you. Be careful that this girl will drive the car into the river and drown you, you stinky pig." Guo Ying Pouted angrily, cursed and beat the horse.

Three days later, Guo Ying finally couldn't bear it anymore and hired a driver.The small carriage became a place for the two to quarrel.

Zhu Tianjiang talked about anecdotes all the way, and little Guo Ying was amazed.She didn't expect this 'stinky pig' to know a lot.Especially the story about the brothel dream that Zhu Tianxiang told her, Guo Ying was fascinated by it.Lin Daiyu, the top brand in the brothel, had a great success, Jia Baoyu couldn't extricate himself after taking the lead, and spent money to buy the brothel. From then on, they lived a shameless life.Later, Master Bao was beaten by his father, and Lin Daiyu suffered from anorexia and died miserably.Hearing this place, Guo Ying cried like a tearful person.

In the small carriage, Guo Ying likes to lean against Zhu Tianxiang's chest when she has nothing to do, dreaming about when her second brother Bao will appear.No one knows anyway, this is a secret between the two of them.The two of them hugged and kissed each other, and before they knew it, Guo Ying found that she fell in love with Zhu Tianjiang.

The small carriage finally arrived in the capital. Zhu Tianjiang looked at the bustling streets and felt as if he had entered a film and television city.

"Girl, where is your home? I'll take you home first, and then I'll find a place to live." Zhu Tianjiang said to Guo Ying.

"Smelly pig, I want to sell you to the General's Mansion right now." Guo Ying suddenly poked Zhu Tianxiang's forehead mischievously.

"General's Mansion? Heh, the domineering name of this brothel is much more domineering than my peony garden."

"Fuck you, your home is the brothel." Guo Ying raised her hand to hit her, but she stopped in the air and did not fall.

Zhu Tianjiang is not a fool, he was a majestic gold medal paparazzi in his previous life, upon hearing this, Zhu Tianxiang looked at Guo Ying in surprise.

"You mean~ that's your home?"

Guo Ying blinked her big watery eyes, and nodded silently, "Brother Tianxiang, to tell you the truth, my family is not a fur dealer. My father is the Great General of Zhennan, and my grandmother was once the nanny of Emperor Chengwu. Ma'am, I didn't intend to deceive you, but the honor of the general's mansion was involved, and I don't want people to know what happened along the way."

Zhu Tianxiang looked at Guo Ying in shock, his mouth was watering.Grandma's, I didn't expect to find a piece of treasure.

"Brother Tianxiang~you~you won't be angry, right?" Seeing Zhu Tianxiang's stupid look, Guo Ying thought she was angry with her.

"It's okay, why would I be angry? Then what, since this is the case, Miss Guo should go home. I will bury this relationship deeply in my heart. When I am old, I will tell my children and grandchildren that once For a while, I fought a life-and-death battle with a little girl. Of course, I won’t tell them about the plot of smashing the sap, because it will affect our glorious image. Alright, goodbye!”

Zhu Tianjiang came up with a trick to play hard to get, and after finishing the performance with a lot of voice and emotion, he jumped out of the car without saying a word.But in his heart, Zhu Tianjiang began to count, counting from one to ten, if the little girl still didn't call him back, then he would lick his face and come back and say a few more words.

"Seven~eight~nine~! Grandma, no way, did I overact just now?" Zhu Tianjiang began to beat his heart.

"Damn pig~ if you dare to take another step, I'll beat you into a pig's head!" Guo Ying's angry voice finally came from behind Zhu Tianxiang.

With the sound of footsteps, Guo Ying ran up to Zhu Tianjiang, looking at him angrily, quietly, resentfully, and hatefully.

"Little girl, what will I do if I don't leave? If people find out, it will be bad for your reputation." Zhu Tianjiang looked sincere, as if he was a poor abandoned woman.

"Come home with me."

"To your house? Do you want to tell your family that you have already agreed with your body. "

"Fuck you, who made a promise with your body. I will tell grandma that you are ~ the person my father sent to protect me all the way, so that I can live in the general's mansion. Anyway, my father will not return in two or three months. we'll talk about it then."

Seeing that Zhu Tianjiang remained silent, Guo Ying shook his arm, "Are you going?"

"Just go, it's just a small general's mansion, what are you afraid of." Zhu Tianxiang said nonchalantly.

Guo Ying finally showed a smile, and she didn't even want the carriage, and gave it to the groom directly.Guo Ying took Zhu Tianjiang's hand and introduced the scenery of the capital all the way.Although she grew up in southern Xinjiang, she has to go back to Beijing to visit her grandmother every two years. There are many good sisters in Beijing.

General Zhennan belongs to the second-rank military attache. Regardless of his small rank, he holds a heavy army.Moreover, the old lady was once the emperor's nanny, with the grace of breast milk.Therefore, the mansion was built beyond the second-rank level.

Although Guo Ying only came back every two years, everyone in the general's mansion recognized her handsome appearance.

"Ah~! Miss, why are you back? Where are the attendants? Why are you two letting you in?" Seeing that it was the return of the eldest lady, the servants hurried down the steps.

Guo Ying was welcomed into the mansion by all the stars, and Zhu Tianxiang followed behind without speaking, observing from time to time.

The old lady was seriously ill and was resting in bed in the backyard.As soon as the servants said that Guo Ying was back, the old lady's spirit immediately lifted.

"Quick~ call me Ying girl. This child is really worried. In the letter sent by his father the day before yesterday, he even asked if he had returned home. Sigh~! Finally here~!" The old lady With that said, let someone help her sit up.

When he came to the backyard, Zhu Tianxiang was blocked at the door, he had no right to enter the old lady's bedroom casually.After about a stick of incense, a maid came out and called Zhu Tianjiang in.

As soon as he entered the dormitory, Zhu Tianjiang cupped his fists and respectfully asked the old lady to press her.

The old lady leaned halfway on the bed, and looked at Zhu Tianjiang carefully, "Well, yes, he looks quite clever. Child, I heard from Ying girl that you didn't have time to go back to the camp to report to protect Ying girl?"

"Ah~ um, yes. The eldest lady was worried about your old health, and she couldn't wait for the emperor to come down to accompany the general. She came in a hurry. The younger generation was worried about the safety of the lady, so he ran out." Zhu Tianjiang said to the two people Totally good nonsense.

"Do you know that soldiers who escape without permission will be killed." The old lady asked.

"Go back to the old lady, the younger generation saw that the young lady was leaving in a hurry, so I didn't have time to go back and report. Therefore, I will admit to killing or beating. As long as the young lady is safe, this is more important than anything else." The wife nodded straight.

"Well, I think you are loyal to protect the Lord, and Ying girl begged for you again. I will hide this matter for you. Since you can't go back, then arrange an errand in the garden. Sister Du, look If there is any suitable errand, arrange it for him."

After the old lady finished speaking, the old mother nodded in response, but glanced at Guo Ying.From Guo Ying's eyes, the old nanny seemed to notice something unusual.Zhu Tianjiang thought he could have a big meal, but he was taken out in a blink of an eye.In the back garden, Madam Du arranged for him a light job as a flower gardener.

"It's paralyzing, I'm bothering about it, and I'm spending my time." Zhu Tianxiang muttered, no matter what, he finally found a place to live.

There was only one old gardener with a wine gourd in the flower garden, no matter what Zhu Tianxiang asked him, he never answered.Zhu Tianxiang even doubted that this old fellow secretly sold the flowers in exchange for wine.After waiting for seven or eight days out of boredom, Zhu Tianjiang didn't even see Guo Ying's face.

On this day, two maids dressed like butterflies walked into the flower garden, and Zhu Tianxiang sent a pot of plum blossoms and bonsai to the young lady's room by name.Zhu Tianxiang was overjoyed, he hadn't seen Xiao Guoying for a few days, and he really missed her a little.The most important thing is that Zhu Tianxiang has lost all his money.

Zhu Tianjiang, who was dressed as a servant, followed two maids to the inner courtyard.Along the way, Zhu Tianxiang praised the two maids for their beauty from time to time.Although ashamed of this man's boldness, the two maids were very happy in their hearts, and they couldn't help feeling a lot of favor for Zhu Tianxiang.

When he came to the room, Zhu Tianxiang pretended to play with the bonsai.Guo Ying looked very fresh and elegant in this white cloak.

"You step back first, no one is allowed to come in without my permission." Guo Ying ordered.

As soon as the two maids left, Zhu Tianxiang leaned closer with a playful smile.

"Girl, leave me alone in the flower garden, do you still have a conscience?"

"What's more, I've been exhausted these past few days. Yugege from the palace came to see me two days ago, and I told them the stories you told, and she insisted on pestering me to finish telling her the past few days. That's not counting, even the ladies of other ministers' families called several of them here." Guo Ying said, and gave Zhu Tianjiang a resentful look.It is estimated that those touching stories will soon spread among the aristocratic circles in the capital.

"Girl, you have to invite me out to have a good meal today. I have been in the capital for so many days, and I still don't know what the capital is like." Zhu Tianjiang knew that he couldn't stay in the general's mansion all the time, and he had big plans Not implemented.

"Okay, you go out first, I'll change clothes." Guo Ying readily agreed.

"What am I going out for? It's not that I haven't seen you change."

Guo Ying glared at him shyly, blushed and ran to the inner room, and changed into a simple make-up.

The old lady is sick in bed, but no one in the general's mansion can hold Miss Guo down.The door servants watched helplessly as the eldest lady swaggered out of the gate with a flower servant, and no one dared to ask.

The two turned around for a few streets, and Guo Ying suddenly remembered that she came out in a hurry and forgot to bring her silver.Guo Ying looked around, "Brother Tianxiang, let's go to the Shufang Courtyard first."

"Shufangyuan? Brothel?"

"You're so tall, that's the Yazhai opened by Yugege, where the sisters gather." Guo Ying gave a white look.

"They're all girls, it's not good for me to go." Zhu Tianxiang smiled awkwardly.

"You think I'm willing to take you there, but I forgot to bring some silver, so I'll withdraw some first. Do you have it? If you have it, then you don't have to go." Guo Ying said bluntly, with her mouth curled up.

When it comes to money, Zhu Tianxiang loses his temper. Now he doesn't even have enough money for a meal.

"I have no money, and my pocket is cleaner than my face."

"That's all right, come with me."

Guo Ying waved her little hands and walked forward shamelessly, looking like a tomboy.

Shufang Courtyard is a small two-story building.However, the decoration is very elegant.As soon as he entered the door, Zhu Tianjiang could smell the fragrance of ink.

"Miss, please stop, the upstairs is a forbidden area, you can't enter casually."

Just as the two were about to go upstairs, they were stopped by a servant.Seeing the arrogant look of that servant, he didn't take Guo Ying seriously at all.

"Is Yugege here? Tell her that Guo Ying from Zhennan General's Mansion is here." Guo Ying said dissatisfied.

As soon as he heard that he was from the Zhennan General's Mansion, the servant immediately put away his arrogant expression and hurried upstairs to report.After a while, the servant of the famous family ran down the stairs, "Miss Guo, please!"

"Hmph!" Guo Ying snorted coldly, pulling Zhu Tianjiang to go upstairs.

"Miss Guo, the servant should stay downstairs." The servant pursed his lips and glanced at Zhu Tianjiang.

"Dog slave, you are the house slave. He is the relative of this girl." Guo Ying said with a stare.

"This~ not so good, the upstairs is full of female relatives, or~!"

"What's the matter, don't talk too much, believe it or not, I'll kick you to death!" Guo Ying rolled up her sleeves and stuck her waist.Zhu Tianxiang took a look, ah, this girl is really violent.

The servant didn't dare to provoke the eldest lady of the general's mansion, don't think that this Miss Guo is not often in the capital.But in the aristocratic circle, the reputation is not small.When Guo Ying returned to Beijing a year ago, she beat up the admiral's young master.As soon as the news got out, Mrs. Guo was so outraged that no one even came to propose marriage.

Guo Ying led Zhu Tianjiang upstairs domineeringly. As soon as he came upstairs, Zhu Tianjiang felt a little regretful. He was really the only old man in the whole hall.

"Sister Yinger, why are you here? I was telling them about the brothel dream." A girl who seemed to be about the same age as Guo Ying ran over happily.

Guo Ying glanced at the sisters, some she knew and some she didn't. In front of so many people, she was embarrassed to mention the loan.

"I came here to see you." Guo Ying changed the subject.

"Come in and sit down, your speech is wonderful." Yuge grabbed Guo Ying's hand and dragged him in without even looking at Zhu Tianxiang.

A group of girls gathered around Guo Ying asking this and that, making Zhu Tianxiang neither stand nor sit.It seems that in the eyes of these girls, he is like air.

Zhu Tianxiang laughed at himself, casually watching the room layout.When I walked to the desk, I was immediately attracted by a painting with wet ink.On the screen is a snow scene. A woman in a cloak is holding a plum blossom in the snow and looking back and smiling. Her heroic appearance is very similar to Guo Ying.In his previous life, Zhu Tianxiang was fond of music, calligraphy and painting when he was in college, and he even won prizes in competitions for his calligraphy.

Looking at the woman holding plum in the painting winking at him, Zhu Tianxiang couldn't help picking up the brush next to him, and wrote a poem on the picture.

"Ah~! You~ what are you writing, this is the calligraphy that Yugege just painted for me." A tall woman who looked like Sister Feng ran over screaming.

The eyes of the girls immediately shifted to Zhu Tianxiang.Yugege's face turned cold, but in front of everyone, she still maintained her ladylike appearance.Yugege moved lightly and walked to the desk.

"You slave is really bold. For the sake of sister Ying'er, I will~!" Suddenly, Yugege was stunned, and his eyes were immediately attracted by the poem on the screen.

Guo Ying was so embarrassed that she wished she could find a crack in the ground and get in. How could she take him out after losing such a big face in front of her sisters.

"Yugege, he~he just came from southern Xinjiang, don't understand the rules, don't mind." Guo Ying hurried over to accompany him.

Yu Gege suddenly looked up at Zhu Tianjiang, "Is this your poem?"

Zhu Tianxiang plagiarized the poems from his previous life, but nodded without blushing, "The main reason is that I saw that this painting is very artistic, so I couldn't help but write a few strokes."

"Bold, Yugege's painting is also written by you casually."

"It's too outrageous."

"He should be punished~!" A group of girls seemed to have a deep hatred with Zhu Tianxiang, accusing them one after another.

Guo Ying quit, and stared, "What are you doing, isn't it just a painting, what's the big deal. Yugege, I want this painting, how much money, you say a price." Guo Ying was barbaric As soon as he came up, he unceremoniously stood beside Zhu Tianxiang.

"Sister Ying'er misunderstood. This brother is very talented. Sister Fei, I will draw another picture for you later. I want to keep this one for collection." Yu Gege suddenly changed her tone.

"Uh~he~has literary talent? Why didn't I see it." Guo Ying was stunned for a moment. Besides making jokes along the way, Zhu Tianjiang just took advantage of her with evil intentions. Where did he get his literary talent.

Not only Guo Ying, but other girls were also taken aback by Yugege's words.Yugege is a talented girl in the capital, and there are not many writing styles that she can fancy.Could it be that he deliberately found a step down for Miss Guo?All the women gathered around to see what was written on it.

The women in the capital are not as barbaric as Guo Ying, these women are all young ladies, proficient in pen and ink.Looking at it, everyone's eyes changed.

"Good poem! It's really a quatrain for the time and the situation." Yugege browsed again, and couldn't help but admire sincerely.

Guo Ying couldn't help it, and stretched her head over!

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