The vast wilderness, the tragic battlefield.

The corpses of countless ancient celestial demons, barbarian gods, mixed with the corpses of immortals fell on the battlefield where the golden light radiated and magic weapons roared continuously.

Chang Sheng lay on the ground gasping for breath, looked up at the battle in the sky, and then looked at the body in the lower abdomen that was being eroded and damaged by the magic soldiers.

"I'm going to die..." Chang Sheng raised his head unwillingly and looked into the distance, wanting to see the alchemy chamber of Zhenjun Tiandan in the endless distance. Because he was a good person in his previous life, he was directly reincarnated in the underworld after death. The alchemy boy who was chosen by the Heavenly Court to become a true lord of Tiandan no longer needs to fall into reincarnation.

But because another alchemy boy wanted to climb up, he framed him for stealing alchemy, and was relegated to this endless wild battlefield.

What kind of magic power does an alchemy boy have in battle?There was a bit of a bitter smile in Chang Sheng's mouth, he was extremely lucky to be able to survive the battle for ten days.

Now, this luck is over!

When a person dies, he enters reincarnation, when an immortal dies... even if a boy who refines alchemy dies, he will turn into nothingness.

"Boy, don't you want to die?"

An old voice suddenly rang in Chang Sheng's ears, it was the voice of an ancient heavenly demon who hadn't completely died yet.

Gu Tianmo!Even though Chang Sheng was about to die, he was still shocked when he saw his opponent from the Gu Tianmo camp.

"Everyone is going to die, what are you afraid of?" Gu Tianmo looked at Chang Sheng with lifeless eyes: "I am Gu Tianmo who ascended from the lower realm. How can I have enough mana to be a scapegoat for other demons and be sent to fight?"

Chang Sheng listened to the indescribably desolate taste in Gu Tianmo's words and nodded, feeling that he was also a fallen person in the world.

"I think you look like you were also framed." Gu Tianmo opened his wrist and in his palm there was an extra pill, blooming with seven-colored pill light.

If it weren't for the bombardment of too many magic weapons and immortal techniques around, this pill should have been noticed by countless people.

"Great reincarnation elixir!" Chang Sheng has been an alchemy boy for hundreds of years, what pill has he never seen?Not only have I seen it, but even Zhenjun Tiandan said that his own alchemy skills are even stronger than Tiandan Zhenjun's alchemy ability.

It was also because of this sentence that the other alchemy boys hated him, so they joined forces to frame him, which led to today's situation.

Immortals will lose everything when they die, but if there is a reincarnation elixir, there is a [-]% chance. Let the immortal enter the secular reincarnation, and the great reincarnation elixir has a full [-]% chance!

In an instant, Chang Sheng understood Gu Tianmo's meaning. If it was a Great Reincarnation Pill, the Gu Tianmo would have eaten it directly to try reincarnation, but the immortal power in the Great Reincarnation Pill was enough to kill demon spirits. Only immortals can use it.

Chang Sheng is not a real fairy family, but he is still half a fairy family.

Without any hesitation, Chang Sheng stretched out his hand to grab the elixir, but it was empty, his eyes suddenly flashed Mingwu: "What request?"

After suffering in the Heavenly Court these days, Chang Sheng finally began to understand what is called human sophistication, instead of being a fool who only knows about alchemy and research on alchemy.

That's right, study alchemy!Chang Sheng can no longer learn alchemy from Tiandan Zhenjun. He has learned everything that should be learned, and the rest is research.

"Two things, if you are reincarnated on the mainland of Tianyuan Shenzhou. First, help me take care of my son, and second, help me kill two guys! One is Xiuxian Jiuchongyang, and the other is the old devil who has true skills in cultivating demons."

Tianyuan Shenzhou?what is that placeAs an earthling, Chang Sheng was led to Heaven after his death, but he had never heard of such a place.

"Aren't you afraid that I'll pretend to agree to lie to you?" Chang Sheng stared at Gu Tianmo.

"I can only gamble." Gu Tianmo's eyes were full of helplessness: "Boy, I will imprint all the exercises and memories I have snatched into this pill, which can be regarded as a gift for you .”

boom!Gu Tianmo's body suddenly exploded, and a trace of rainbow light instantly entered the Great Samsara Elixir. This is also a special aspect of this pill, which allows the immortal family to have the opportunity to carry memories when they reincarnate.

Chang Sheng picked up the elixir of reincarnation from the ground, turned around and glanced at the incomparably vast heaven, and remembered a sentence that the villain in the Earth Cinema said most often.

"I, will come back."

The elixir of great reincarnation entered Chang Sheng's body, and the ferocious properties of the medicine exploded immediately, and his body was blown to pieces!

"Well, he died as expected." Tiandan Zhenjun watched the flames carved with ever-filled candles go out, and turned his head to look at the little alchemy boys kneeling on the ground with a smile: "You have done a good job, you can go down."

"Want to surpass me? Dream!" A smug smile appeared on the face of Tiandan Zhenjun, I will always be the strongest alchemy Zhenjun.

"Fool Sheng, come this way, come this way!"

Among the green mountains, three young men pointed to a huge alchemy furnace: "Fool Sheng, as long as you enter here, you will become powerful."

"Don't you want to protect Senior Sister Misty? Then you have to go inside to become stronger." Another fat young man had a seductive smile on his face.

The last thin young man looked at him in a daze with worry on his face, and Chang Sheng, who was full of foolishness, said in a low voice: "If the patriarch finds out, he will definitely kill us. You should think about it... ...Although he is a fool, he is also the patriarch's nephew, and his father is still the prime minister, so we will be ransacked and killed."

"Feng Zhi, what are you afraid of? Even if you ransack your home, you have to have evidence of guilt, right? As long as we do everything cleanly, nothing will happen. Besides, the three Feng brothers need more pills if they want to pass the entrainment period." medicine, but we don’t have any.” The tall young man pointed at Chang Sheng: “This idiot, his uncle has given him countless elixir since he was a child, it’s just a human-shaped elixir!”

"Feng Jian is right! You see, this idiot can break through the Qi-entraining period just by taking the elixir. If we train him into a human pill..." The chubby young man said with a sinister face: "We can even become The most talented immortal cultivator in Fengdu City!"

"Feng Quan is right..." The skinny Feng Zhi nodded, and a fierce light flashed in his pupils again: "Then do it! Throw this idiot into the alchemy furnace!"

Feng Jian smiled and looked at Chang Sheng with a silly face, feeling unbalanced again, this idiot doesn't understand anything, he is usually bullied in secret, but he is loved by the beauty Misty Senior Sister, why?

"Go will become stronger if you go in..."

The voice full of temptation lures the idiot Chang Sheng. Chang Sheng, the nephew of the head of the Chang family of the four major families in Fengdu City, wiped his nose and walked towards the alchemy furnace step by step.

"It's so hot, I don't want to..."

"Get in!" Feng Jian kicked Chang Sheng's ass, and kicked his whole body into the crude alchemy furnace that was exposed everywhere.


Chang Sheng's head hit a piece of bluestone in the stone alchemy furnace, and he passed out immediately.

"Let's start refining human pills." Feng Quan rubbed his chin and looked at the murder scene with a sneer: "This is the recipe for a human pill that I have exhausted."

Feng Jian and Feng Zhi both nodded together. It was extremely difficult to find a pill on Tianyuan Shenzhou. Fortunately, Feng Quan not only found the pill, but also studied some alchemy methods by himself, which is why he has such great luck today.


Chang Sheng in the fire suddenly opened his eyes, staring blankly at the raging flames around him, a trace of medicinal gas was mixed in the flames and boiled.

here it is?Chang Sheng shook his head vigorously, a large number of memories crazily impacted in his head, all kinds of memories of Gu Tianmo, Chang Sheng's own memory, and the memory of the owner of this body rushed into it instantly.

This body is also called Changsheng?Chang Sheng quickly understood his situation. It turns out that the owner of this body is a complete fool. Even if he took the Wisdom Pill, he is still a fool. The background is one of the four great families in Fengdu City...

Tianyuan Shenzhou?This is really Tianyuan Shenzhou?Chang Sheng suddenly discovered this matter, he did not return to Earth, but really came to a place called Tianyuan Shenzhou, and entered the body of a fool named Chang Sheng.

Huh?Chang Sheng suddenly realized that the flames around him would not hurt him, and lowered his head to find that a jade belt around his waist was emitting a faint light.

This is?A low-grade magic weapon!Water and fire do not invade the lock!The magic stones in it are consuming mana little by little because of the temperature of the flames. When the essence of all the magic stones is consumed, the magic weapon will become invalid.

"There are still three days."

Chang Sheng saw through all the abilities of Water and Fire Bugusuo at a glance. As an alchemy boy, he has some eyesight in this aspect, and with all the memory experience of Gu Tianmo, Chang Sheng's ability in appreciating treasures is definitely a master level.

Three days... Chang Sheng's hand that was raising his hands to push away the alchemy furnace suddenly stopped exerting force. Now he will definitely meet the three Feng brothers when he goes out. Although the three of them have poor cultivation bases, they are three people after all. He is only at the first level of entraining Qi, and if he goes out, he will be beaten to death by them.

Can not Go Out!Chang Sheng has absorbed all the experience of Gu Tianmo, he is far from the idiot boy in heaven back then, let alone the idiot boy who only knew how to design software programs on earth.

The way of magic has always been cunning, ruthless, and constantly killing. Gu Tianmo can practice to the level of ascension in such an environment, and there will be no shortage of vicious, cunning, and decisive killings. Give it a shade, otherwise it wouldn't be so unlucky to die.

Can't leave?Then... Chang Sheng suddenly laughed as he looked at the unevenly bouncing fires around him, as well as the medicinal materials that kept being thrown in.

What a good cultivation environment this is!The original Chang Sheng had accumulated countless elixir in his body, but he hadn't absorbed and refined it, and the three evil slaves outside knew it, so he wanted to train himself into a pill.

Alchemy...Compared to alchemy, Lao Tzu is the ancestor of your ancestors, and it is a dream to try to refine Lao Tzu.However, it's really creative to practice Xiaoye as a human being.The human pill needs to be practiced, but the young master is training himself, just using the flames in the stone furnace to refine and absorb the countless elixir in this body.

"Alchemy requires formation first, but the only thing that can be formed on the body now seems to be the magic stones in the water and fire inviolability lock... Forget it, let's take out some magic stones and set up the simplest spirit-gathering formation. "

Chang Sheng took out a magic stone from the water and fire intrusion lock on his waist, broke it with both hands, and with a "touch", the magic stone split into two.

Holding the broken magic stones in his hands, Chang Sheng observed it a little, just like a child grabbed a handful of ordinary stones and threw them on the ground at will, throwing out the magic stones in his hand.He was praised by the No. 1 Alchemy King Tiandan in the fairy world, and he can be called the real No. 1 alchemy existence in a hundred years. Before reincarnation, his alchemy level was no less than that of Tiandan Zhenjun. The simplest spirit-gathering array, it's not just thrown out at random!

The Spirit Gathering Formation has been set up. As long as you sit cross-legged in it, the unrefined elixir in your body can be refined automatically. Now you must seize all the time to practice. While refining the elixir in your body, you can practice and absorb it. There is something better than this Is it the cultivation environment?

"Uh, practice..."

A bitter look appeared on Chang Sheng's face, "I only know one kind of cultivation technique, and it's the most common cultivation technique in the fairy world. I used all my experience in alchemy in my previous life, and after that, I used it all the time, no matter what I did. , all thinking about how to make alchemy, improve the medicinal properties of elixir, and increase the success rate of alchemy, and they are really bad at cultivation, if not, I would not die so easily."

"However, even if it is the most common cultivation method in the fairy world, it is also the cultivation method of the fairy world, and it is better than the cultivation method of Tianyuan Shenzhou. For almost three days, the three evil slaves outside are all entraining the tenth floor. , at least reach the same level as them, so as to have a chance of survival."

Chang Sheng closed his eyes and recalled the only kung fu he knew in his previous life, but he didn't practice much.

"En? There is still a book of exercises in my mind? "Flourishing Age Immortal Techniques"? The exercises left by the ancient Tianmo should be better than the immortal techniques that I know."

In Chang Sheng's mind, his consciousness was connected to "The Immortal Method of the Prosperous Age" and continued to read.

"Prosperous Immortal Law" comes from the Wordless Heavenly Book...

"Book without Words"

Chang Sheng's heart was shaken by these four words, and he almost lost the consciousness of thinking. Only four words kept appearing in his mind.

"A Wordless Heavenly Book, it turned out to be a Wordless Heavenly Book..."

Chang Sheng's hands, which had become very steady after years of alchemy, suddenly began to shake uncontrollably. Not only his hands, but his whole body trembled uncontrollably, and his heart was beating non-stop. It was almost about to explode.

"Wordless Heavenly Book, this is the most famous secret book in the entire fairy world, not one of them. People in the fairy world, whether they are great immortals who have cultivated for many years or newcomers who have just ascended to the fairy world, there is no one who does not know the Wordless Heavenly Book .”

"The most famous lone immortal in the fairy world is always arrogant and domineering, and he never gives anyone face. His exercises come from the Wordless Heavenly Book. Before he got the exercises, he was just a special guardian. It's just a servant who feeds the mount. But since he got the immortal law from the wordless book, he has risen rapidly in the fairy world. After the immortal law is completed, he has become the strongest in the fairy world. No one remembers his original name."

"There is also the most difficult character in the fairy world, the immortal god. The ancient true immortal who claims that he may not be able to defeat others, but others will definitely not be able to defeat him. His immortality and immortality come from Wuzi Heavenly Book."

"Tiandan Zhenjun also became the number one alchemist in the fairy world after he got the alchemy method in the wordless heavenly book! Almost all the giants in the fairy world, they all got the wordless heavenly book, and then they became the giants of the fairy world."

"The wordless heavenly book is said to be a book, but it is actually more like a rare magic weapon. It is not round or square, and exudes colorful light. It is a fairy stone floating in the fairy world. No one doubts that after the wordless heavenly book is refined, It can become the most powerful magic weapon in the world. However, anyone with a little strength in the fairy world would not want to snatch the wordless heavenly book into their hands and refine it into the magic weapon they need. Merge the words and scriptures together, and become the strongest in the world!"

"In the fairy world, among all the giants and strong men, there is no one who has not participated in the competition for the wordless book, but no one has ever succeeded. Xianshi is like a peerless master, or someone who has extremely high intelligence and does not need to be controlled. Like the most powerful magic weapon. It floats in the fairy world unchanged forever, and occasionally shoots a colorful light that contains super powerful fairy magic."

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