silly elixir emperor

Chapter 10 Baby Elixir?

"It's not bitter. This elixir is made by my mother. You have eaten the food made by my mother. It's delicious. This elixir is as delicious as the food made by my mother."

"oh, I see."

Chang Sheng looked at the elixir in front of him, and answered stupidly, with an urge to vomit blood in his heart. Seeing that Piaomiao was so mysterious, it was a secret room, a hidden compartment, and a hidden weapon. He thought that Piaomiao What a precious treasure to take out, and after a long time, it turned out to be such a broken first-order elixir!

"I think when I was in the fairy world, I would not bend down to pick up this kind of broken first-order pill when I saw it. With the kung fu, I would go to any alchemist's alchemist's furnace and give it to him casually." Catch it, the benefits you get are tens of thousands of times higher than this level of pills!"

Chang Sheng raised the elixir to his nose and sniffed it vigorously. He looked silly and seemed to be smelling whether this elixir was as delicious as Miu Miao said. In fact, he was already judging the refining process in his heart. The materials needed for the elixir.

"Damn, who wrote this recipe for Po Dan? How can you use Jianjia? Jianjia can play a neutralizing role. You can mix it with other medicinal materials in this Danfang, but it will reduce the medicinal properties by [-]% invisibly. , Should I use Jinchan shell? Also, the overall amount of medicine is not right, the soil in the five elements is actually more than the water, you should reduce the Huai Dihuang by one cent, add two cents of water bluegrass, and Miluo flower, It's a waste to use such a ghostly medicinal material, we can use lavender leaves instead..."

"In short, this pill recipe is a deceitful pill recipe. Although it can also be successfully refined, the medicinal properties are at least nearly [-]% lower than the normal pill recipes, and the cost is more than [-]% higher, let alone me. The improved Danfang is better!"

"And this elixir, this is called the elixir of the peak state, my God! The degree of roundness is barely round, the color is not bright enough, and more importantly, the lines on the elixir, that is, the lines of the elixir, are not clear enough. It's an ordinary pill, and the pills I made with my eyes closed are better than this!"

"Piao Miao regards this kind of elixir as a treasure!"

Resisting the urge to vomit blood, Chang Sheng took the pill and wiped it twice on his clothes, which were far less clean than the pill, and swallowed it in one gulp, grinding his teeth.

"Well, it smells so good!"

Chang Sheng said three words, then suddenly shut up and stopped talking, his brows were slightly wrinkled, as if he was in deep thought.

On the side, Miu Miao couldn't help but be happy when she saw Chang Sheng's behavior, "Successful? Did you see the effect?"

After a while, Chang Sheng suddenly plucked the onion from the dry land, jumped up, grinned, and shouted loudly: "Haha, I have become smarter, I have become the smartest person."

Looking at the corners of Chang Shengli's cracked mouth, and the same silly smirk as before, Miao Miao felt himself falling from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the valley. It was obvious that the elixir hadn't taken effect, but just now...

"Sheng'er, why did you act like that just now?"

"Is that so?" Chang Sheng lowered his head slightly again, frowned, and acted like he was thinking.After less than two breaths, she showed her original shape again, wiped her nose, and laughed loudly: "Because people say that smart people like this look, and Sheng'er has become smarter, so of course he also wants to look like this." gone."

"This..." Misty was speechless, it seemed that this elixir was the same as the medicinal elixir that Chang Sheng ate before, and it didn't have half the effect.But she still didn't want to give up, so she insisted on staying with Chang Sheng. After waiting for another half an hour, she found that Chang Sheng was still the same as before, and then reluctantly brought Chang Sheng back to his room.

Seeing the misty back getting farther and farther away until it disappeared, Chang Sheng turned his head and told the servant beside him: "I'm sleepy, I'm sleeping, don't disturb me."

After Chang Sheng finished speaking, he closed the door, went back to the bed, and sat down cross-legged. In his mind, the Immortal Art of the Prosperous Age emerged. He must practice quickly, break through and ascend to the Immortal Realm for revenge as soon as possible!

Before he knew it, Chang Sheng's mind was completely immersed in the Immortal Art of the Prosperous Age, absorbing the aura of heaven and earth, refining it for his own use...

In the body, the medicinal materials left over from the last practice in the furnace were quickly consumed, and gradually, it took about half a stick of incense...

"Huh? All the medicinal materials left in the body were consumed when he was about to break through? Now, it happens to be stuck at the bottleneck of the breakthrough from the sublimation state to the innate state, and the speed of cultivation has suddenly become very slow..."

Chang Sheng found that the speed of repairs has dropped a lot now. According to the Shengshi Xianfa, every time the bottleneck breaks through, it is the slowest period of cultivation. If the country and itself are in a prosperous age, the speed of cultivation may still be maintained. A high-speed, but the Daqi Dynasty he belongs to is in decline, far from the prosperous age, and he has not reached the prosperous age.

In addition to prosperity, another way to increase the speed of cultivation in the bottleneck period is the panacea!

Suddenly, a slight "creaking" sound came into my ears.

"The door was pushed open!"

Chang Sheng raised his head and looked towards the door, and a familiar figure came into view.

"Sheng'er, you..." Chang Ganyi supported the door frame, his elegant face was full of horror, and he said in a trembling voice, "How did you reach the peak of the Ascension Realm?"

"The peak of sublimation?" Chang Sheng looked up at Chang Ganyi in confusion, and asked pretending to be stupid. In his mind, he thought quickly. Obviously, Chang Ganyi saw the moment he was practicing just now, and discovered his current state. The magic of immortality is the biggest secret, and it must not be revealed. If there is a way, it will deceive Chang Ganyi.

"Peak of sublimation, when you were practicing just now, the spiritual energy lingered all over your body, blending with the heaven and the earth, that is the performance of the peak of sublimation, the same realm as uncle and me, Xiao Sheng, how did you cultivate?"

Chang Ganyi pointed at Chang Sheng, and then at himself.This is the pinnacle of sublimation!I don't know how many people have practiced for a lifetime, but they are stuck on the card of the physical training state, and it is difficult to break through to the sublimation state. They have practiced for most of their lives before reaching the peak of sublimation.But Chang Sheng was still at the level of entraining Qi three days ago, how did he become the existence of the peak of sublimation in a blink of an eye, this cultivation speed is too fast, how did he practice?If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never believe that a person could cultivate from the first level of entraining Qi to the peak of sublimation in just three days.

"You said that my heart is in the sublimation state? Is this called the sublimation state? I didn't know it, and I don't know how I practiced it."

Chang Sheng was talking useless nonsense, anyway, he was a fool, and a fool would talk like this, so no one would suspect him.

While talking nonsense, Chang Sheng was thinking rapidly in his mind. He remembered that before reincarnation, there were often similar lines in movies. By the way, that's it. Chang Sheng suddenly had an idea.

"A few days ago, I was afraid that the tiger would eat me, so I ran and ran, and I didn't know where I went. I felt sleepy and fell asleep. Then I dreamed of a grandpa with a white beard. That grandpa is so stupid. He also holds a thing like a horse's tail, and shakes it as he walks. He also hates it, touches my head without talking to me, and talks about root bones, spiritual roots, centuries, what fate, What kind of luck, it's all nonsense, I can't understand it anyway. I knew he was annoying."

Chang Sheng pointed to his head, and said: "After he said those words, he clicked on me, which was very comfortable, but after a while, I felt hot all over my body for a while, and then felt hot again. Cold, hot and cold for a while. It was so uncomfortable, and then I fell asleep. When I got up, I was sitting like this now, and I didn’t know why, I just knew how to sit like this and how to practice.”

"So..." Chang Ganyi frowned and thought, "According to what Sheng'er said, that thing like a horse's tail should be Fuchen, and the old man with a white beard should be a powerful immortal. And touching his head is to test him. Then the immortal discovered that Sheng'er was extremely talented, and felt that the two met was destined, so he taught Sheng'er the immortal method, so the cultivation progressed so quickly."

The more Chang Ganyi thought about it, the more he felt that his thinking was right. There were such records in Tianyuan Shenzhou, including many biographies of the Daqi Dynasty. Moreover, his nephew was still a fool, and he couldn't make up lies.

"Sheng'er, that old man with the white beard is an immortal. This is a great opportunity for you. You don't know why if you practice hard, just know how to practice! Haha!"

Chang Ganyi laughed out loud. Over the years, today is the happiest day for him!Chang Sheng, the nephew who has always been the most troublesome and worried, has been valued by the immortals. Is there anything more gratifying than this?In just a few days, he has cultivated to such a state. According to his cultivation speed, could it be possible that he will be able to cultivate to the Xiantian state after practicing for a while?

"However, it is not so easy to break through to the Xiantian realm. Every major realm breakthrough is a hurdle. Without pills, no matter how good the talent is, it will take a long time to break through."

Chang Ganyi looked at Chang Sheng who was sitting on the bed, and thought to himself, "Sheng'er can be valued and instructed by the immortals, and can also love himself to break through to the same level as me in such a short period of time. This talent is obviously much better than mine. In this case Why don't you give him that pill."

Thinking about it, Chang Ganyi took out a brocade box from his arms, opened it carefully, and suddenly, a faint fragrance wafted out.

"Sheng'er, this is a first-level Qi Condensation Pill, which can allow you to better gather spiritual energy and help you speed up your breakthrough in cultivation. Take it and eat it first."

Handing the elixir to Chang Sheng, Chang Ganyi sighed softly, and said to himself: "Unfortunately, in the entire Fengdu City, including the nearby cities, there is no takeaway of this condensed qi pill. Now this condensed qi When Dan was still an uncle going out, he came across an auction in a black market by chance, and he paid three times the high price to get it. This was the only one, and the effect it would have would not be too obvious, otherwise..."

"Hey... It's still useless as an uncle. Originally, the Keqing of the family has been developing how to refine the Qi Condensation Pill. Unfortunately, it has never been successful, so a lot of resources and money have been spent, and the elders of the family have also tried their best. Oppose, saying that this is a waste of money."

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