silly elixir emperor

Chapter 101 The Sheriff's Sister

After Lan Yixing noticed the convoy, he swept his eyes across the convoy, and immediately focused his gaze on the door of the carriage. Obviously, the person who can get inside the carriage must be the person with the most status in the entire convoy. Those who went to Jiangyang Bandits and personally escorted them should also be in the carriage.

Soon, in the carriage, a woman of extraordinary beauty jumped out of the carriage, and before he could recover from the beauty of this girl, another person jumped down again, Lan Yixing He was taken aback for a moment, who was this guy who jumped out of the carriage, why did he look like a fool, and he didn't even look at himself, but continued to keep his gaze in the carriage!

He was here as a sheriff, but he chose to ignore it!

Lan Yixing's heart was suddenly filled with anger, and he stared fiercely at the young man who jumped out of the carriage. He saw that the young man leaned half of his body into the carriage, and then pulled, and suddenly, a group of blue figures came out of the carriage. He jumped out of the carriage and threw himself directly into the boy's arms. This figure looked very graceful, obviously it was a woman!

"He didn't come to see me, but flirted with women in front of my face! This person, who does he think he is, he really doesn't want to hang out in Mengshan City and the whole county!"

Lan Yixing clenched his fists angrily, and looked at the young man holding the graceful blue figure. This local turtle family from a small county town was so ignorant that he lost face, so there was no need for him to greet him.After a while, order the head catcher to accept Jiang Yang's thieves, and just fight them away!

Thinking about it, he waved his hand behind him, and when his master Sen Jie found out that he was in front of him, Lan Yixing said angrily: "This family is too ignorant! My lord has no time to entertain them, you tell me..."

Halfway through speaking, Lan Yixing's mouth that was about to close suddenly froze, and then opened wide in an instant, looking at the blue figure who had turned around.

"Ker... my precious daughter!"

Lan Yixing stared straight at Lan Ke'er, suddenly yelled, reached out his hand to lift the official uniform, regardless of the image of a sheriff, and quickly ran towards Lan Ke'er with his legs open.

"Daddy." Lan Ke'er called softly, like a swallow returning to its nest, her slender figure moved, she left Chang Sheng's embrace, lightly touched the ground with her feet, and after a few steps, she leaped vigorously, one step onto Lan Yixing's body, His arms wrapped around Lan Yixing's arms, hanging on it like a hanging monkey.

"Daddy, Ke'er is back!"

"Well, it's good to be back, it's good to be back, I miss my father these days..."

In the rear, everyone in the Chang family looked at Lan Ke'er and Lan Yixing who were embracing each other and talking intimately, and they were all stunned.

"Lan Ke'er, who has been walking with them for so many days, is actually the daughter of the sheriff!"

"We've been walking with the sheriff's daughter!"

Piao Miao blinked her eyes vigorously, and asked Guo Feng who was on the side in disbelief: "Guo Feng, did I hear you right? The sheriff is called Ke'er's sister and daughter!" She has long seen that Lan Ke'er's identity is not Simple, but I didn't expect that Lan Ke'er was the daughter of the sheriff!

"No, Lan Ke'er called her father too, Miu Miao, you recognized a county sheriff's daughter as your younger sister!" Guo Feng sighed in his heart, he was still in fear along the way, and he was always on guard against Lan Ke'er, making a fuss for a long time, It turned out that she was the daughter of the sheriff. If I had known earlier, what would I have to worry about!

Chang Sheng looked at Lan Ke'er in surprise, just now he just wanted to pretend to be stupid, so he pulled Lan Ke'er down, but he didn't expect to pull out such a secret that Lan Ke'er was the daughter of the sheriff. If she didn't pull her down by herself, I'm afraid she wouldn't come down.

In the arena, Lan Ke'er and Lan Yixing talked for a long time. Thinking that there were many people around them looking at them, she felt a little embarrassed. She was already 17 years old, and she was old enough to get married, and she was still relying on her father. In my arms, it's not very good.

Lan Ke'er left her father's arms, turned her head to look at Chang Sheng who was standing by Miu Miao's side, a gloomy expression appeared on her face, she didn't want to come out of the carriage just now, because she was afraid to recognize her father and let everyone Know her identity.

She is the daughter of the sheriff, and in the whole county, everyone respects her, and no one will offend her in spite of herself!But she doesn't have a true friend. Although she is not deeply involved in the world, she can still tell whether a person is good or bad by her intuition.

She could see that all along, those who approached her were either for her appearance or for her father and her family's power and wealth.This time, from Fengdu City to Mengshan City, she has not disclosed her identity all the way, and she also wants to make more friends.

The result made her very happy. She realized that Miu Miao, who was really kind to her, was the little lawyer. Although sometimes, he felt that the little lawyer had been secretly observing her, but he could feel that the little lawyer was not bad!Most importantly, she got to know Chang Sheng, this silly guy who made her feel safe!

However, now that they all know her identity, will they still treat her innocently like before?Also, they have already arrived at Mengshan City, and they are about to complete the handover task. Will they return to Fengdu City immediately after that, and then they will never see them again?

No, they must be kept, even if they stay for one more day.

Lan Ke'er tugged at her father's official uniform, pointed at Chang Sheng and the others and said, "Father, they rescued my daughter. You must thank them. Let them come to our house for dinner tonight."

"Okay, they rescued my precious daughter. Of course, Daddy should thank them."

Lan Yixing nodded with a smile, took a step forward, stood upright imposingly, and looked at the Chang family members, his eyes were full of goodwill, these people in front of him saved his daughter.

"Everyone! I already know your deeds. On behalf of everyone in the county, I would like to thank you all. Because of your bravery, Jiang Yang was caught, so that the residents of the entire county can live with peace of mind in the future. At the same time..."

Lan Yixing began to praise Chang Sheng and others in long paragraphs, and it took nearly half an hour before he finished speaking. After a pause, he changed his tone and said: " You all rushed from Fengdu City to Mengshan City, the journey was exhausting, and you are all tired if you think about it. I have ordered the chief arrester in the city to come to accept the Jiangyang robbers. After a while, after you hand over the prisoners, go back and have a good rest. If there is no place , I can arrange it, and I will clean up the dust for you in the evening!"

After Lan Yixing finished speaking, he looked at his daughter with a smile, and asked softly: "Ke'er, how is the arrangement for father, are you satisfied?"

"En, good, Ke'er is very satisfied." Lan Ke'er nodded slightly.

"That's good." Lan Yixing waved his hand back, and since Lan Ke'er appeared, the master Mori, who had been consciously falling behind, ran over immediately after seeing the sheriff's gesture.

"Master, you heard what I said. After a while, you should hand over the prisoners to them first, and then you should immediately arrange for tonight's party. Don't leave anyone who should be invited. All the famous people in our Fengdu City must be invited." Yes. My precious daughter is back today, the banquet tonight must be held in a beautiful manner, don't be afraid to spend money, my lord, I have plenty of money!"

"Yes, please rest assured, my lord!" Mori bowed and said respectfully.

"Why invite others!" Lan Ke'er frowned when she heard the conversation between the two.

"Those people are annoying, I don't want to see them, don't call anyone else tonight!"

Lan Ke'er pouted, her bright eyes widened.

"Uh, alright, today my baby girl is the oldest, so you can do whatever you want. Master, just do as the young lady tells you!" Lan Yixing was not angry at all, and said to Mori with a smile, then lowered his head and continued to look at it. looking at his daughter.

Mori looked at the father and daughter in front of him, and respectfully replied "Yes!", he knew that no matter what he said, it was useless, the wife of the county sheriff passed away early, and he never took another wife and concubine, He has always regarded his daughter as a treasure. Now that Lan Ke'er speaks, it is useless for him to object any more. It is better not to speak again.

After watching the Sheriff and Lan Keer leave, Mori hurriedly moved his legs, ran to Chang Sheng and the others, and introduced himself, "It must be that Mori is the master of the Sheriff. Heroes have been exhausted all the way. , or go with me to hand over the prisoner first, and then everyone can rest as soon as possible."

"Okay, then there is Lord Lawson." Guo Feng held the fan and cupped his hands, with a smile on his face. The master in front of him seemed to be not a simple person.

"You're welcome." Mori looked at the boy in front of him, who was fifteen or sixteen years old, holding a folding fan. He really didn't know how to address him. It should be said that he was a member of the team that caught Jiang Yang's bandit, so he should call out Young hero, but the other party is full of elegance.And the person who caught Jiangyang Bandit, didn't he say that he escorted Jiangyang Bandit himself?Why didn't I see anyone? He must not be among the people who have appeared.

Mori glanced at the compartment of the carriage. Could it be that it was inconvenient for that person to show up because of some special circumstances?

The doubts in Mori's heart disappeared in a flash, he greeted everyone, and took the lead to walk into the city.

As soon as he walked into Mengshan City, Chang Sheng clearly felt the difference between this place and Fengdu City. It is worthy of being the seat of the county government. The streets here are three times wider than the streets of Fengdu City. On both sides of the street, there are row upon row of buildings one after another. , close together, pedestrians wearing brocade clothes can be seen everywhere on the road, but there are many people in ragged clothes.

Chang Sheng followed the team all the way, and followed Mori to the north of Mengshan City. In Fengdu City, the prison and the county government are very close to each other, but in Mengshan City, the two places are separated.

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