She exposed it inadvertently just now, but this level is nothing in the Great Qi Dynasty...

"Cheng Mo is a majestic innate expert, but because of this, his ears are red. Really... Could it be that he has never had intimate contact with women in his 30s?"

Xie Shiwen couldn't help thinking about it. On the other side, just as Chang Sheng turned a corner, Gu Tianmo's voice sounded in his mind.

"Chang Sheng, you kid can't be a freshman with no experience, otherwise, why would you be so shy after seeing a little bit of spring?"

As Gu Tianmo said, before Chang Sheng could reply, his voice continued to sound: "However, this Xie Shiwen is really a top-notch beauty. The deep ravine is white and plump, and even an old man like me is moved when he looks at it. Chang Sheng Let me tell you, you have to seize the opportunity, and based on my hundreds of years of experience in the ancient heavenly devil's life, I have come to a conclusion that this woman has no ill feeling toward you!"

"You, Xinnen, definitely can't tell. Although this beautiful young woman named Xie Shiwen looks charming, she is much more wary of men than other women. She has a kind of disgust for ordinary men, but She didn't treat you. You have to work hard, this kind of overripe top taste is much more flavorful than your unripe Misty!"

Chang Sheng found that the more he interacted with Gu Tianmo, the more he found that Gu Tianmo was very narcissistic. It seemed that except for the alchemy he was good at, Gu Tianmo claimed to be very proficient in other aspects. He believed it at first, but Now, he doubted Gu Tianmo's words.

And, more importantly, Gu Tianmo's words made him realize a very serious problem.

"Gu Tianmo, I found that you are always in my mind, you can see everything I see, if one day I do that kind of thing with a woman, wouldn't you be able to see it too! It would be a big loss for me! "

" depends on my mood. If I'm in a good mood, I can still sleep, but if I'm in a bad mood and can't sleep, then I can only watch what you do." Gu Tianmo laughed strangely. In fact, Chang Sheng still has a way to isolate his consciousness, but he didn't tell Chang Sheng about it. It's also very interesting to see Chang Sheng anxious.

"Gu Tianmo, you are threatening me." Chang Sheng also imitated Gu Tianmo and laughed: "Gu Tianmo, don't forget that I am an alchemist."

After finishing speaking, Chang Sheng stopped talking and continued to walk forward.

"Huh... Chuanlanbei, this kind of herb is rare."

Chang Sheng picked up the blue scallop-like Chuanlan shellfish on the shelf, and glanced down, and landed on a greenish, slightly transparent rope-like herb.

"This is Baiyoucao and Chuanlanbei. I remember that there was Song Song on the shelf when I entered the door. These medicinal materials can be used to soothe the nerves and drive away fatigue."

Chang Sheng took a piece of Chuanbei and a stalk of Baiyou grass, turned around and strode towards the place where he came.

When he was about to turn a corner, Chang Sheng thought of the embarrassment just now, stopped suddenly, and shouted to the other end of the shelf: "I'm going to get something."

On the other end of the shelf, Xie Shiwen was half lying on the ground, when she suddenly heard the words from the opposite side, she knew in her heart that the other party must be afraid of encountering the embarrassment just now, so she said ahead of time to get herself up.

Xie Shiwen withdrew her arms hanging on her legs, and pushed her hands to the ground to get up, but after a light push, she withdrew her strength again.She has been tired for so many days, and now she finally has a chance to have a good rest, she really doesn't want to get up.

"That's it."

Xie Shiwen raised her hand to tidy up her clothes, raised her collar a bit, raised her head and gave a soft "en" to the other side of the shelf.

The voice was very small, but Chang Sheng was already a congenital master, so he could still hear the voice very clearly.He didn't think much about it, he raised his leg and turned around the shelf containing the medicinal materials, subconsciously looked at the place where Xie Shiwen was lying, and when he saw it, his eyes suddenly widened.

Xie Shiwen didn't get up, she was still half lying on the ground, but her legs were no longer as straight as before, but curled up. Because of the problem of the angle, Chang Sheng could clearly see the line on Xie Shiwen's chest from above. deep ravine.

After Chang Sheng glanced at it, he quickly looked away. This was a ditch that any man would find it difficult to extricate himself from. He was afraid that if he continued to look at it, he would forget to do his business.

"Cough cough."

Chang Sheng coughed twice, walked quickly to Xie Shiwen's side, and raised his hand to grab a khaki-colored Xiangsong, the size of a baby's little finger, from a shelf on one side.

"This is Xiangsong. I remember that this kind of medicinal material is more often used as a material for making high-end incense." Xie Shiwen looked up and asked when she saw the Xiangsong in Chang Sheng's hand. The medicinal materials are really very interesting, after all, the person in front of him is probably a master of alchemy.

"That's right, this is Xiangsong. Because of its medicinal properties and calming effect, some people like to mix it with other things to make incense. Of course, these people are rich and powerful. This kind of incense The cost is simply too high.”

Chang Sheng nodded with a smile. Unexpectedly, Xie Shiwen knew a little about medicinal materials, and Xiangsong was not a common medicinal material.

"However, this Xiangsong is not for me to use, but for you."

"Use it for me?" Xie Shiwen stared at Chang Sheng's smiling face for a moment.

"That's right, it's just for you." Chang Sheng smiled and spread out his left hand, holding Xiang Song with his right thumb, index finger and middle finger and twisting it gently.

With the twirling of the fingers, the short Xiangsong quickly turned into powder, and slowly scattered and fell on the Chuanlanbei and Baiyoucao on the left hand.

But after a while, the whole piece of Xiangsong has disappeared, while Chuanlanbei and Baiyoucao are dotted with khaki dots.

Chang Sheng nodded in satisfaction, picked up Chuanlanbei with one hand, and grabbed one end of Baiyou grass with the other hand, twisted it lightly, twisted this end to a small point, and then gestured on Chuanlanbei , Facing the position that had already been calculated in my heart, I pushed through it with all my strength.

In an instant, a stream of innate zhenqi flowed out from Chang Sheng's palm, flowing along the palm all the way to the tip of Baiyou grass, wrapping Baiyou grass, and piercing through Chuanlan Bei.

Chang Sheng grabbed a section of Baiyoucao in a circle, tied half a knot, and handed the Baiyoucao and Chuanlanbei that were already worn together to Xie Shiwen, and said, "Okay, this thing is for you. .”

Xie Shiwen looked at the thing that Chang Sheng handed to her eyes, she was a little dazed, what is this?This thing looks like a necklace now?Is he trying to play a romantic game?Do it yourself and hand the necklace to yourself?

Xie Shiwen didn't raise her hand to pick up something like this necklace. She didn't feel bad for the man in front of her, but the item in front of her should really be called a necklace. She wouldn't casually accept a necklace given by a man.

Seeing Xie Shiwen's appearance, Chang Sheng knew in his heart that he was misunderstood, so he touched his forehead helplessly, and Chang Sheng explained: "This is made of Chuanlanbei, Baiyoucao and Xiangsong. The three things put together should be able to calm the nerves, get rid of fatigue and make people energetic, and also allow you to rest and sleep better. At the same time, it does not make people fall into deep sleep and lose their vigilance to the outside world. I happened to find these herbs, and I thought you should be able to use them, so I made this stuff for you."

Xie Shiwen was stunned. She knew all these medicinal materials, and knew that these medicinal materials did have the effect of calming the nerves and invigorating people, but it also required a variety of medicinal materials to be mixed and refined to achieve that effect, and she had never heard of it before. , Putting these three kinds of medicinal materials together can achieve the effects he said.

However, the person in front of him is very likely to be an alchemy master.

Xie Shiwen stared carefully at Chang Sheng's eyes. From the other's eyes, she saw only sincerity.

"Anyway, there's no harm in keeping it. If it doesn't work, at most I won't wear it. And according to what he said, it's not a necklace, but a prescription!"

Thinking of Xie Shiwen standing up, she reached out to take the necklace-like Chuan Lanbei from Chang Sheng, hung it around her neck, put her hands behind her and tied it lightly.

At this moment, Chang Sheng seemed to have thought of something, and his expression suddenly changed: "Wait, you'd better not stand and take this thing, you'd better sit down and take it."

"It's late, I've already brought it." Xie Shiwen looked at Chang Sheng with a strange expression: "Is there a difference between sitting and standing? Why..."

Before she finished speaking, Xie Shiwen suddenly felt a sense of fatigue welling up in her heart, she closed her eyes, and fell to one side as soon as her body softened.


Chang Sheng's eyes were sharp and his hands were quick. He immediately took a big step forward, and stretched out his hands to hug Xie Shiwen's soft body. From his hands, there was an elastic softness.

He had never experienced such an unusually soft yet elastic feeling. Involuntarily, Chang Sheng grasped the soft mass with both hands, and pressed down again.

Xie Shiwen is now face to face with him, tightly clinging to his arms, the softness he grasped with both hands must be Xie Shiwen's buttocks.In Chang Sheng's mind, when he saw Xie Shiwen in Linmeng City, Xie Shiwen's tight-fitting cheongsam outlined an amazing arc.

While feeling the amazing elasticity tightly pressed against his chest, while supporting Xie Shiwen's plump but upright buttocks with both hands, Chang Sheng became fascinated for a while, and a trace of desire gradually arose in his heart. A well-ripe young woman is indeed too capable of arousing people's desire.

"Well, well..."

Suddenly, a cry sounded in Chang Sheng's arms, and Chang Sheng was startled, he came back to his senses instantly, and the hands that had been hugging Xie Shiwen's hips moved up instantly, and placed them on Xie Shiwen's delicate waist.

"I, I fainted just now?" Xie Shiwen raised her head from Chang Sheng's arms, and wanted to push Chang Sheng away and leave from Chang Sheng's arms, but there was no strength in her arms, and she couldn't even move.

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