Chang Sheng pointed to the Cordyceps behind the counter, included all the Tianxi Cordyceps, and then added a few ordinary Cordyceps and said: "I want all these things, pack them up for me."

Hearing Chang Sheng's words, Miu Miao quickly tugged Chang Sheng: "Xiao Sheng, why did you buy so much? What if it doesn't taste good, what should I do?" Although it cost a lot to buy so much Cordyceps sinensis at one time, it still cost a lot. The Chang family would care less about it, but the problem is, if Chang Sheng buys all the medicinal materials he likes, like buying Cordyceps sinensis, it will waste a lot of money. The pressure is not small, and if the elders know it, it will be some troubles.

Chang Sheng tilted his head and thought for a while, nodded in agreement, took out a small root from the wrapped cordyceps, and said, "Then ask for a little less, and don't want this one." After finishing speaking, he shook his body Drilling, and ran to the other side, pointing to a fiery red maple leaf-like herb and said: "This leaf is so beautiful, bring me some."

Behind the counter, the corner of the clerk's mouth twitched, and there was something like this, he didn't even know the names and properties of the medicinal materials, and he wanted to buy them just because they looked good. The young master of the family is not afraid that he will not be able to come up with money.

"Guest, how much do you want?"

"How much do you want?" Chang Sheng murmured to himself, thought for a moment, gestured with both hands, and said, "I want this one."

"How much is that?" The buddy was a little dizzy seeing how much Chang Sheng compared with his hands. It doesn't matter how much it is, let him do it.

"Oh, what a hassle, why are you so stupid!" Chang Sheng looked at the foolish guy, and said impatiently, snatched the small spoon that was holding the medicinal material from the guy's hand, took it and shoveled it in the medicinal material, and shook it. I overweighted the amount and thought it was a bit too much, so I poured out some more, and the rest was directly put into the medicinal paper wrapped beside it.

"The idiot packed it, I want these."

After leaving a word, Chang Sheng simply took the small spoon and walked towards others.Behind him, the clerk looked at Chang Sheng with a livid face. This idiot even calls others idiots, obviously he is the biggest idiot!

Chang Sheng held a small silver spoon in his hand, and walked among the medicinal materials, shoveling left and right, without weighing them. After shoveling, he was wrapped up and walked directly down.The clerk in the store happily let Chang Sheng shovel it himself, he would be a fool if he had money but didn’t make money, anyway, if he had money, he wasn’t afraid that he wouldn’t be able to pay the money and destroy the medicinal materials.

"Wow, this thing is really fragrant, I want it." Chang Sheng said, and took away a large piece of Chuan Qionglan with a shovel, felt the weight, felt that it was not enough, and shoveled more than half of the shovel.Using Chuanqionglan to refine Qi Condensation Pill is his original creation. If Chuanqionglan is not used, then four other medicinal materials must be used to neutralize each other to achieve the effect, and the cost is at least ten times higher than using Chuanqionglan.

The guys behind Chang Sheng and the customers looked at each other, and they could tell that the idiot young master of Chang's family was here to play.Probably because he took the elixir and found it delicious, so he came here to buy medicinal materials, or he saw other people making alchemy for fun, so he came in and started to learn it. In short, he came in to play.

Looks good, yes!It looks special, please!It smells good, too!This foolish young master, this is not buying medicine, this is here to send money.Take the Chuanqionglan in front of me as an example, it smells very fragrant, it can also be used as a medicine with Pianling, and it can also have the effect of nourishing the lungs, but the price is more than that of Bai Liyegui, which has the same effect but is extremely common up.Looking at the other medicinal materials, the ones he selected are messy, and it's strange that they can be used to make pills.

And he didn't weigh it, just a spoon.No matter how powerful the alchemist is, they have to carefully weigh the medicinal materials repeatedly, more carefully than ordinary people.Although they don't understand alchemy, they have also heard that alchemy is extremely complicated and the requirements are very strict. There are dozens of hundreds of medicinal materials, and the amount of any one of them is not accurate, or it is more than a penny, or less. Any amount of money will cause the final refining to fail, and the medicinal materials of a furnace of elixirs will be wasted in vain.

"However, this idiot can't make pills, as long as he doesn't make the poison and dies after taking the poison, it's fine to let the Chang family come to trouble the shop."

Several guys were thinking at the same time, and their eyes fell on Miu Miao, who was following the fool Chang Sheng, thinking that the Chang family would not let such a thing happen.

Chang Sheng bought the last type of Chuanqionglan, reorganized in his mind the pills he needed to refine Qi Condensation Pill, and found that he had bought all of them, and said to the side guy: "Okay, that's all, let's take care of it." Wrap it up for me." Maybe other things, he needs to weigh them carefully, but the medicinal materials can be known by just weighing them with his hands. The medicinal materials bought today are enough for him to refine a batch of Qi Condensing Pills.

Bencaotang is worthy of being the number one medicinal herb shop in Fengdu City. After a while, all the medicinal materials have been packaged.

"A total of 600 taels of silver." Almost 3000 taels of the money were used to buy Cordyceps sinensis.

After the shop assistant finished speaking with a smile on his face, a voice suddenly came from beside him.

"Hey, aren't these herbs exactly what I want?"

Two young sons in fancy clothes came from the other side, and beside them was a man who looked like a little shopkeeper in the costumes of a herbal cottage.

"Just to save trouble, Shopkeeper Tong, ask who these medicinal materials belong to. Except for these Cordyceps sinensis and Chuanqionglan, there is also this... I don't want any of them. I want everything else. The young master will pay twice the price. All of them I want it all."

The young man ordered eight of the 27 kinds of herbs selected by Chang Sheng in succession, and after explaining not to use them, he raised his head, and the person next to him, who was like the shopkeeper, continued: "How many of the remaining [-] kinds of herbs do you have in stock?" , Send me as many stocks as you want, the young master wants them all. And..."

While talking, the young man took out a list and read it out: "Also, Hemene leaves, Shougonggen, valerian, sedge... I want all of these, as many as I want!"

The young man said the names of a hundred herbs according to the list in one breath.

In an instant, the boy attracted the attention of everyone in the shop.

"All of them. Although he said the names of the medicinal materials in a low voice, I couldn't hear them clearly, but after talking for so long, the number must be indispensable. Who is this person? He speaks loudly!" A man in his 20s looked at him. asked the young man puzzled.

"This is Luo Jin, the second young master of the Luo family, one of the four major families in our Fengdu City." Next to him, a middle-aged man who was also buying medicine explained softly: "Did you see that person next to the young master of the Luo family? Lin Xian, the third son of General Lin, the city guard general, is said to be the number one expert in our Fengdu City! Did you see that the shopkeeper Tong, who is on duty in this herbal cottage today, will accompany the two of them, which shows how high their identities are? !"

"No wonder he speaks so loudly." The man nodded. He knows the Luo family. The Luo family and the Chang family are the only two families that sell pills in Fengdu City. Seeing him come to purchase this time, the Luo family wants to come again. There is a big move.

On the side, shopkeeper Tong had already asked who belonged to those pills that Luo Jin valued.

"En?" After understanding the clerk's answer, shopkeeper Tong was taken aback, and leaned over to Luo Jin's side, and whispered, "Master Luo, this medicinal material is what Chang's family wants!" That foolish young master at home caught him by himself, but he was a fool, if you say what he does, you have to say he can take care of it, and Misty is undoubtedly such a person.

"What!" Luo Jin's body trembled when he heard that the medicinal materials were what Piao Miao wanted, and the hand holding the list of medicinal materials trembled suddenly, almost letting the list drop.

"How much did she ask for in total, and what did she ask for?"

"There are only these medicinal materials in total."

"Oh, that's good, that's good." Hearing that shopkeeper Tong said that Miu Miao didn't buy anything else, Luo Jin felt relieved.On the other hand, Lin Xian, the third son of the general guarding the city, was shocked when he heard Miu Miu's name, Miu Miu, she is a famous beauty in Fengdu City!

Lin Xian raised his head, looked forward, and suddenly his eyes lit up, Miu Miao was slowly walking towards him, followed by a young man with a foolish smile, they were still holding hands.

"Damn it, it's really the most beautiful flower inserted into the stinkiest cow dung. A top-quality woman like this should be kept in the backyard by the young master. Under the young master's training, it's right to dress the young master every day. It's even cheaper for this fool."

Lin Xian cursed in his heart. Seeing that Miu Miao had come to him, he straightened his body again, showing the smile that he had practiced in front of the bronze mirror for a long time at home, and said to Luo Jin beside him: "Brother Luo, since these medicinal materials are Miu Miu If you want it, why don’t you give my little brother some face and give these medicinal materials to Fairy Misty Miao, and I will pay you ten times as much.”

"What ten times the money, Brother Lin, how can I ask for your money. Besides, it's rare to see our beautiful Misty Fairy, such a beauty, just looking at it, I can feel refreshed all day. I didn't know it before. We need medicinal materials, otherwise you don’t need to pay the money, I will pay it myself.”

As Luo Jin said, he casually glanced at the herbs on the table beside him, and his eyes fell on a bundle of Cordyceps sinensis.

"This Cordyceps sinensis has a total of eight pairs of legs, and the low-end quadrupeds are obvious, it is the real Cordyceps sinensis, and the ones sold in this herbal shop can't be fake."

Luo Jin picked up a often confused Cordyceps sinensis from the table and showed it off: "Actually, Cordyceps is just a general name, and there are many types, and the value of each branch is also different. But this type of Cordyceps sinensis is the least valuable one."

As he said that, Luo Jin looked at Miu Miu's beautiful face, and said in admiration: "Our Miu Miu is getting more and more beautiful and feminine, and I haven't seen our Miu Miu for a long time. How about tonight , Miu Miao, you come to my manor, I will teach you some basic knowledge of medicinal materials, and then we will drink wine and watch the moon at night, you play the flute and I dance the gun, how about it?"

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