silly elixir emperor

Chapter 135 So What If I Kill You

The two of them only felt a thick black shadow flash before their eyes, and then they lost their mind forever.


From afar, everyone saw Chang Sheng raised that strange stick and smashed it. Immediately afterwards, the two members of the Pan family fell to the ground with a plop, turning into two puddles of meat. Suddenly, there was an uproar .

"These two are masters at the peak of sublimation, and they were beaten to death just like that."

"Smashing two masters who have reached the peak of sublimation into meatloaf with a stick, this young master of the Chang family must be in the innate realm. Only innate masters have such abilities!"

As soon as a person's voice came out, everyone around nodded in agreement. It was obvious that the foolish young master of the Chang family was a natural master.

"It turns out that the Chang family is not two innate masters in Mengshan City, but three innate masters. If what they said is true, and they still have two innate masters in the countryside of Fengdu City, they are five innate masters in total. .There are five innate masters in a family, which is too scary."

"Yes, looking at the entire county, which family or force can have five innate masters, this Chang family can almost become the number one family in our county!"


Hearing the discussion of the people around, an inconspicuous man in the crowd snorted coldly, if there are five innate masters, he must be the first family?What a bunch of idiots, there are high and low innate masters, my master alone can beat five innate masters!

The man glanced around, quietly left the crowd, and ran towards the direction of the general's mansion.

In Pan's mansion, Pan Xian looked at the idiot holding a huge stick in front of him with a look of horror. He really didn't expect that this idiot was so powerful that he killed two of his guards with one stick. Is it your turn?

An idea just popped up in Pan Xian's mind, when the huge black iron rod was raised before his eyes.

"Don't kill..."

Pan Xian opened his mouth wide in horror, and just had time to say three words, before he finished speaking, the giant stick fell on his head.


The black iron rod hit Pan Xian's body, and there was an extremely dull and loud noise, like thunder exploding on the flat ground, and everyone's ears were deafened and buzzed.

The huge black iron rod fell from Pan Xian's head, smashing Pan Xian's head instantly. At the same time, the black iron rod continued to go down at the same fast speed, smashing Pan Xian's body and legs, and then It fell heavily to the ground.

In an instant, brains, blood, minced meat, and dust were mixed together, like an umbrella cover that was suddenly opened, burst from the ground to the sky, and then fell like a drizzle.

"He actually killed Patriarch Pan!"

Everyone looked at Chang Sheng in horror, and before they could recover, Chang Sheng rushed out again in sight.

"You want to kill me too!"

Chang Sheng turned his head and looked not far away. He glanced at the Pan family guards with weapons, and rushed over in a flash. He remembered very clearly that when Pan Xian said those obscene words, these guys were all Fanning the flames from the side, at that time, from their conversation, I knew that these guys were not good people, and they usually did bad things, so he was not polite.

In the courtyard of the Pan family, Chang Sheng fingered a black iron rod, and chased majesticly. On that day, many guards at the gate of the Pan family chased and killed them. Behind him, Guo Feng led the Chang family to block the gate, preventing these guards from Fleeing away, there are stunned crowds watching from afar.

General's House.

"What? People from the Chang family killed Pan's family? Their young master Chang Sheng also killed someone?"

Sun Shihao stared at the subordinates who came to report, and suddenly stood up. This was a godsend opportunity, and he was worried about finding a reason to deal with Chang Sheng. Right now, Chang Sheng himself sent himself in front of him!

"Come here, prepare your horse, and leave the mansion with this general!"

blue mansion.

"Chang Sheng rushed into Pan's house to kill people openly and aboveboard. It's really outrageous. It's outrageous. What did he ask the county guard to do!"

Lan Yixing cursed loudly, put on his court clothes, and hurried out of the mansion, with Lan Keer closely following behind him: "What happened to Chang Sheng? No, I must go."


"People from the Chang family went to the Pan family and killed someone?" An Feng asked his subordinates in a panic, "Hurry up, notify the heads of the Li family and the Tian family. No, I will go find them myself."

An Feng said, and quickly left the house.

In the Pan family, Chang Sheng has already insulted him and Misty with all the previous swear words, and the Pan family nursing home and Pan Xian's son who have done all kinds of bad things are usually killed. The entire Pan family, except for the members of the Chang family, will never No one dared to hold a weapon.

At this moment, outside Pan's house, there was a sudden sound of horseshoes. After a while, groups of soldiers rushed into Pan's house and surrounded everyone in Chang's house.

Among the soldiers, Sun Shihao in military uniform jumped off his tall horse, and walked towards Chang Sheng and Guo Feng with a gloomy face. The scene in front of him was obviously Chang Sheng's killing, this was a godsend opportunity.Under normal circumstances, if I want to kill Chang Sheng, I have to rely on my own snobbery, but right now, Chang Sheng has clearly violated the law of the country, so I can use the power of the army to kill Chang Sheng openly!

While walking towards Chang Sheng, Sun Shihao opened his mouth and was about to speak when there was a rush of footsteps behind him.

Lan Yixing, dressed in court uniform, hurried over, closely followed by his masters, Sen Jie and Lan Ke'er, and behind him were a kind of government servant and a fast catcher.


When Lan Yixing walked into the gate of Pan's house, a strong smell of blood came over his face immediately. Looking around, there were more than ten or twenty corpses lying in disorder in the entire Pan's mansion, and the ground was full of unrecognizable corpses.

Seeing so many corpses suddenly, Lan Yixing was startled immediately, exclaimed, then stretched out his hand, pointing tremblingly at Chang Sheng who was holding a black iron rod in one hand, and pointing at the many corpses on the ground , asked tremblingly: "You... you killed these people?"

"Of course he killed it."

Before Chang Sheng could answer, Sun Shihao had already walked over from the side, pointed to the black iron rod in Chang Sheng's hand and said, "Look at the weapon in his hand, it's covered with blood, you don't need to ask to know that he killed everyone. In broad daylight , The world is clear, he dared to commit murder openly, disregarding the laws of the country, it is the worst disease."

As he said that, Sun Shihao looked at Lan Yixing beside him, and said, "Junior, what more do you need to ask about this kind of person, just send someone to catch him and put him in prison!"


As soon as Sun Shihao's words fell, Lan Ke'er immediately objected loudly: "You didn't see Chang Sheng kill someone, so why do you say it was Chang Sheng who killed someone?"

While talking, Lan Ke'er quickly ran towards Chang Sheng.

"Ke'er is dangerous, come back!" Lan Yixing was shocked when he found his daughter running towards Chang Sheng suddenly. Chang Sheng had killed many people just now, how could his daughter run over on her own initiative!

Lan Ke'er listened to her father's words, and her foot speed increased a little. Although she said that the person was not necessarily killed by Chang Sheng, she didn't even believe it. Just look at the black iron rod in Chang Sheng's hand. .

Chang Sheng killed people, and now there is Sun Shihao, the general who defends the city, bringing the army. He must not be able to escape, unless an important person is kidnapped by him, such as himself!If Chang Sheng caught him, his father would definitely not do it.

Lan Ke'er ran towards Chang Sheng quickly, but before she could reach Chang Sheng's side, Guo Feng's voice suddenly sounded.

"That's right, my young master killed him, so what!"

Guo Feng said indifferently, and as soon as his words fell, there were exclamations all around.

"This man actually took the initiative to admit that his young master killed someone. What's wrong with him? Has he lost his mind?"

"The members of the Chang family are too arrogant."

"It's also possible that Guo Feng intentionally wanted to kill his young master. Do you think that as long as Chang Sheng dies, Guo Feng will have the final say on how long the Chang family will be in Mengshan City."

Everyone talked about what to say, and Lan Ke'er didn't care what others said, she had to run to Chang Sheng's side quickly and let Chang Sheng hijack her.

On the opposite side, when Sun Shihao heard Guo Feng's words, he always hid his thoughts in the bottom of his heart, making it difficult to see the joy, anger, sorrow and joy on his face. At this moment, he couldn't hide his joy. Guo Feng actually admitted that Chang Sheng had murdered It's over, Chang Sheng is dead!

Sun Shihao's whole body trembled involuntarily, killing Chang Sheng, as long as he killed Chang Sheng himself, he would be able to get acquainted with Yingwuhou, as long as he was admitted to the big tree of Yingwuhou, would he worry about not being able to get promoted and make a fortune in the future, even his own strength? , as long as you get advice from Yingwuhou, it will be easy to go further. Yingwuhou is the most talented existence in the entire Daqi Dynasty!

"Hurry up, didn't you hear that person confessed to murder? What are you still doing in a daze? Hurry up and arrest him."

Sun Shihao suppressed the joy in his heart, raised his hand and pointed at Chang Sheng, and yelled at the soldiers on both sides, after all, he rushed out first, but only halfway through, the way in front of him was blocked by Guo Feng up.

"General Sun, what are you in such a hurry for? I said my young master killed someone, but that doesn't mean you can arrest him."

Guo Feng waved his folding fan and stood in front of Sun Shihao, with a playful smile on his handsome face: "General Sun, you should know that my young master is a fool."

"So what!" Sun Shihao snorted coldly, but his heart tightened, as things seemed to be going to a bad place.

"Stupid man, the laws of our Daqi Dynasty have regulations. If one party angers a foolish man, then the foolish man does not need to pay with his life when he kills someone. He only needs to pay a certain amount of money."

Guo Feng finished speaking with a smile on his face, his expression changed suddenly, he raised his hand and pointed to the corpse on the ground and said: "As for Pan Xian, the Patriarch of the Pan family, our Chang family asked him to use money to buy back the things that belonged to our Chang family. Fang market, but he insisted not to sell it, so my young master naturally thought that he was holding our Chang family's things and not returning them. But in our young master's heart, our Chang's things are his own things, so the young master said I think it was Pan Xian who took the young master's things and didn't return them to the young master."

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