silly elixir emperor

Chapter 14 Don't beat people in the face?hit you in the face

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Luo Jin's forehead hit Lin Xian's nose, instantly causing Lin Xian's nose to stop bleeding, and bright red blood flowed out again...

Lin Xian gnawed on Luo Jin's brow bone with two broken front teeth, and while gnawing off a piece of meat on Luo Jin's brow bone, his own front teeth also hurt...

"You don't slap people in the face? You fart! I just slapped you in the face, and let the two of you flirt with my woman!" Chang Sheng thought in his heart, but on his mouth, he kept yelling: "I beat you two villains to death, Senior Sister Misty! If I hate you, I will beat you..."

Luo Jin and Lin Xian were knocked out like this, knocked unconscious and woke up, woke up and fainted again, I don't know how many times they tossed, they finally passed out completely.

On the side, a few shop assistants who were pulling the frame were accidentally injured, and they were lying on the ground in a daze, wailing continuously. Several guards were still trying to pull Chang Sheng, but it was of no avail.

"Look, guards, Coach Bai is here."

Piao Miao suddenly stood up straight, and secretly gathered the true energy in her body. She knew the guard instructor Bai of the Herbal Hall, and she was at the peak of the tenth level of body training just like her.Although I don't know Chang Sheng's realm, but I think Chang Sheng has not reached the tenth level of body forging. If Coach Bai dares to attack Chang Sheng instead of fighting, she must stop it.


Instructor Bai yelled loudly, and flew forward. In half a breath, he reached Chang Sheng's side, stretched out his big hand, and grabbed Chang Sheng's wrist. He has been trained for ten layers, and his hands have been cultivated to be as hard as refined iron. , Stop the opponent, that's not easy!

"Huh? This is it!"

Teacher Bai had just grabbed the opponent's wrist with both hands, and he was surprised to find that what he grabbed was not a flesh and blood body, but two pieces of hard steel!

"He has forged his arm to be like fine steel, stronger than me!"

Coach Bai said inwardly that he was not good, and wanted to let go, but a stream of pure aura had passed along his hands!

"Spiritual Qi? Sublimation Realm!"

In Coach Bai's mind, an idea just popped up, and he was already blown away!

"This... is how it should be."

Everyone around was shocked at first, Chang Sheng was able to blow Coach Bai away, what level of realm does this have?Then everyone suddenly realized that this coach Bai was also cunning, he must have been afraid of the power of the Chang family and didn't do his best, that's why he was blown away.

"No, Teacher Bai has done his best, Xiao Sheng is at least in the sublimation state! And he hasn't just stepped into the sublimation state!" Piao Miao looked at the flying instructor Bai, and felt that her brain was not enough. She and her surroundings were extremely cultivated. People who are lower are different, she is already at the tenth level of body forging, she can see that Chang Sheng's realm is definitely higher than that of Teacher Bai.

"Since when did Xiao Sheng become so powerful? That's the Sublimation Realm! No!"

Piao Miao looked at Luo Jin and Lin Xian after they fell into a coma, and still did not let them go, and Chang Sheng, who was still beating them, said in his heart, "Chang Sheng is at the sublimation level, we can't let him beat him anymore, if he beats them again, he will kill them." If the two are killed, then Xiao Sheng will be in real trouble."

Miu Miao didn't dare to let Chang Sheng beat him any longer, so she hurried to Chang Sheng's side, grabbed Chang Sheng's arm, and wanted to pull Chang Sheng up.

Instructor Bai, who was on the tenth floor of body training with Miu Miao, was blown away, but facing Miu Miu, Chang Sheng seemed afraid of hurting her, so he didn't dare to use force. For a moment, he was caught by Miu Miu, and he couldn't even use his hands and feet. An unhappy expression suddenly appeared on his face: "Senior Sister Misty, you hate them, I'll beat them for you, why are you pulling me?"

Misty was almost lying behind Chang Sheng, her chest was tightly pressed against Chang Sheng's back, her hands hugged Chang Sheng from the back to the front, and said softly: "Okay, Xiao Sheng, stop beating, if you beat me again, you will be fine." Beat them to death, then Senior Sister will hate you."

"No, I don't want Senior Sister to hate you." When Chang Sheng heard Miu Miao's words, Dong didn't need Miu Miu to pull, and stood up from the ground in an instant, stepping on the legs of Luo Jin and Lin Xian respectively, and lifted himself up high. He raised his hands: "Senior Sister, don't hate me, you see I won't fight anymore, I really won't fight anymore."

While talking, Chang Sheng twisted his body, and his feet spun around.

Standing up from the ground and running again, Coach Bai looked at Chang Sheng's feet, and listening to Chang Sheng's words, a drop of cold sweat broke out on his head, yes, you stopped beating, but your feet, your feet stomped Butterfly is the key point of a man, so if you turn it around, you won't be able to break their eggs!

Piao Miao looked down at the two of them, cursing inwardly that she deserved it, and directly pulled Chang Sheng to shopkeeper Tong, took out 4000 taels of silver and handed it over.

"Shopkeeper Tong, here is 4000 taels of silver. Except for the money for medicinal materials, the rest of the money is to compensate for the loss of your pharmacy."

Shopkeeper Tong took the money and wanted to speak, but he looked embarrassed and didn't know how to speak, what did he say?Just say that you beat the person, don't go like this, stay and wait for the family of the person who was beaten to come, and then leave?He didn't dare to say that, if Piao Miao said that he hated him again, that fool would beat him immediately, he didn't want to be as miserable as Luo Jin and Lin Xian who were lying on the ground.

Moreover, these two were members of the Chang family, so he couldn't afford to offend them.But let them go like this, the Dong family, the Luo family, and the city defender General Lin blamed it, and he couldn't explain it.It's not true if you stay, it's not true if you don't stay, why is he so unlucky that he is on duty today?

Piao Miao could see shopkeeper Tong's embarrassment, but she had to take Chang Sheng away as soon as possible, answering that the family reported the matter to the patriarch and beat the people of the Luo family and General Lin. It's too miserable.

After apologizing to Shopkeeper Tong, Piaomiao took Chang Sheng's hand and walked out, but just after taking a step, a duck-like cry came from the door.

"Why, want to run away after hitting someone? As expected of a member of the Chang family."

An old man who looked about 50 years old and dressed in a gray cotton robe walked in from the door of the store. Behind him were six middle-aged men who wore the same clothes and had a Luo character embroidered on their chests. Behind him, There is also a clerk from the herbal shop.

"This is Luo Fu, the second housekeeper of the Luo family. When I saw the clerk of the Herbal Store behind him, I knew that someone from the Herbal Store must have informed him to come here."

"The Luo family and the Chang family, there is a good show to watch now. I didn't expect to come to sell some medicinal materials and encounter such wonderful things."

"What's interesting, the Chang family is the young master of the family and the daughter of the most important guest of the Chang family, and the other one is just a housekeeper, not a big housekeeper. The identities are not equal at all, what a good show to watch!"

Seeing Luo Fu's appearance, everyone immediately started talking.

The Luo family has property on Zhengyang Street. Today, Luo Fu brought the patriarch here as a routine to check. Unexpectedly, before half of the investigation was completed, a store clerk from the thatched cottage hurried over and said that Luo Jin’s salary was paid by the thatched cottage. beated!

Mr. Luo Jin, that is not some messed up Mr. He is the dignified direct descendant of the Luo family, the eldest son of the patriarch's younger brother!He was actually beaten, which is not bad!

Rushing into the store, Luo Fu waited until Misty and Chang Sheng were the same, and immediately turned his head and shouted loudly: "Master Jin, where are you, the old slave Luo Fu is here."

Asked but did not answer, a waiter at the side reminded in a low voice: "Master Luo Jin is unconscious, unable to answer, he is lying there."

"What! The young master is unconscious!"

Luo Fu screamed, followed the direction pointed by the shop assistant's finger, and looked towards the corner of the shop.There were two people lying face-up almost side by side on the ground. It seemed that both of them had passed out, and the ground beside them was covered with blood and stains. It seemed that they were beaten Very miserable.

"Where do these two people look like the young master? Although their faces are already purple, blue and stained with blood, and they can't see clearly, the young master's face is not as swollen as theirs. The guy in the store must have made a mistake."

Just as Luo Fu was about to ask again, suddenly, his eyes widened sharply, looking at the silver kit with the picture of a flying fairy girl on the person on the right of the two, he remembered that this kit was the young master's favorite kit, then Is this man really the young master?

Luo Fuzai carefully looked at this face that did not resemble the young master at all. The mouth was too swollen to be recognized, and the nose was even more collapsed. The young master's nose is not like this.No matter how you look at it, this face really doesn't look like the young master's.

"Go, go over and see if that is the young master."

Luo Fu ordered the two to see if the person on the ground was the young master, and he led four people to block the door, preventing Misty and Chang Sheng from leaving.

"Housekeeper Fu, what a master."

The two servants of the Luo family ran to the man whom the second housekeeper had mentioned and observed carefully, and found that this was really their young master, and the injury was more serious than it looked.

"Housekeeper Fu, the bridge of the young master's nose was broken, his legs and two arms were broken, and..." The servant looked at his young master, there was a puddle of blood mixed with yellow thick liquid between his legs, After thinking about it for a long time, I don't know how to say it.

Listening to the servant's report, Luo Fu's face became more and more ugly. He began to think that the young master was just beaten, and he didn't think how serious it would be. The young master was with General Lin's son, and the Luo family and General Lin were together. With such a high status, even the Chang family would not dare to do anything to the young master?Who would have thought that the person in front of him was really the young master, and he was injured so badly.

"Yiaomiao, your Chang family is too presumptuous. This fool in your family doesn't know the identities of the two of them. How can you not know? Leaving aside the third son of General Lin, General Lin will come to your Chang family at that time." Let's settle the accounts."

Luo Fu's sinister eyes bypassed Misty and fell directly on Chang Sheng: "Fool, let me tell you, the one you beat is the younger brother of our patriarch, the eldest son of the second team leader of our Luo family, and he is not the same as you, a fool." Similarly, he has the possibility of inheriting the position of patriarch. How dare you beat him! Your Chang family just wait to accept the anger of our Luo family."

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