silly elixir emperor

Chapter 156 Shock

"His origin is the origin of the Immortal Realm. Even if a person in the Immortal Realm is the most unsuitable Confucianism cultivator, his cultivation speed can be so fast! That is Immortal!"

Listening to Gu Tianmo's explanation, Chang Sheng quickly understood in his heart that masters in the Immortal Realm would disdain to use mad power.They are like college students. Crazy magic is a problem for primary school students. No matter how difficult the problem is, it is still easy for college students to do it.

While communicating with Gu Tianmo, Chang Sheng practiced madness power.

"The seventh floor...the eighth floor...the ninth floor!"

The ninth floor is insane!

Chang Sheng had just finished the second set of Crazy Demon Boxing and stood up with his hands back. At this time, the original devil energy of the old devil in his body was also exhausted.

"It's a pity, I'm still at the tenth level of the Xiantian Realm, and I haven't reached the Qi Cultivation Realm, and the madman energy can only be cultivated at the ninth level! Otherwise, I will ask the old devil to give some more original devilish energy, and I can directly kill the madman Jin has cultivated to Dzogchen!"

Chang Sheng sighed in his heart, and said to the old devil: "Okay, I'm ready, how can you help me out?"

"In a while, I will attack the seal that suppresses me. In that case, their masters will inevitably suppress me. At this time, I can take the opportunity to escape. My current ability can impact for a quarter of an hour at most, and this time is enough for you to escape from real life. Sent!"

As the old devil said, his body suddenly fell to the ground, lying on the ground like a huge toad.


The old devil let out a loud roar, and suddenly pulled his body upwards.

"Whoa, whoa!"

With the huge strength of the old devil's pull, the four iron chains suddenly tightened, and there was a piercing metallic sound. Like a lion breaking free from its shackles, it kept tearing at the chains on its body.

As he continued to pull, the entire huge tomb driven by the four chains began to tremble...

"Oops, that old devil really went crazy and attacked and suppressed." Xiao Guangdao's complexion darkened, and he waved his hands behind him: "I was injured just now, and my strength is not enough. A few uncles, please help me suppress the seal together."

Xiao Guangdao yelled in a hurry and rushed to the round stone platform on one side. Behind him, four white-haired old men rushed out at the same time and landed on the round platform, surrounding Xiao Guangdao in the middle.


The four shouted at the same time, and gently pushed Xiao Guangdao with both hands. Immediately, a wave of abundant breath flowed out from the bodies of the four people and flowed towards Xiao Guangdao.

Xiao Guangdao sat cross-legged with his legs crossed. Cooperating with the breath from the four of them, he raised his hands up with his palms facing the sky. An oppressive breath rushed into his body and fell into the dense forest not far away.

In the dense forest, a ray of light suddenly descended and landed on the huge tomb. Immediately, the tomb, which had been trembling due to the impact of the old devil, gradually stabilized.

"Huh? It seems that they have already started to suppress the old devil, and here is my chance." Chang Sheng's eyes were fixed, his legs kicked on the ground suddenly, and he rushed out of the dense forest, and at the same time, his eyes quickly looked around. sweep.

Outside the dense forest, near the huge stone tablet, densely packed people stood, but Xiao Guangdao was not seen in the crowd.

"Well, that old bastard is there!"

Chang Sheng's eyes quickly fell on the circular stone platform on one side. The stone platform looked like nothing special. Xiao Guangdao sat cross-legged in the middle of the stone platform, surrounded by four old men. Xiao Guangdao shot out from his raised hands and rushed into the sky, while a faint, misty white air spread around the stone platform.

Seeing this, an idea suddenly popped up in Chang Sheng's mind: "Gu Tianmo, this old bastard is suppressing the old devil, and has no time to take care of me. If I take this opportunity and rush up, I should be able to kill Xiao Guangdao, that bastard!" eggs?"

"You still want to rush up, let me tell you, don't look at the ordinary circular platform, as long as you dare to rush over, I can guarantee that you will be crushed." Gu Tianmo shouted in Chang Sheng's mind He shouted: "Then there is a suppression formation drawn on it. Through this formation, they can suppress the little devil who is at the peak of immortality. You, a small innate peak, can be killed directly."

"So that platform is still a formation!" Hearing what Gu Tianmo said, Chang Sheng didn't dare to take Xiao Guangdao's idea anymore, glanced at the crowd, and rushed towards the direction with the fewest people.

"This little bastard was not beaten to death by the old devil." Xiao Guangdao suddenly saw Chang Sheng rushing out of the dense forest through the gap between the two uncles in front of him. suppressed.

He really knows the character of the old devil too well, he is definitely a first-class cruelty, if he sees someone entering the dense forest, unless he is not an opponent, he will definitely kill him!Why, he didn't kill the little beast?

Xiao Guangdao suddenly thought of something, and his face instantly showed surprise. The little beast was not killed, so he could ask where his treasure went!

Seeing the little beast rushing out of the dense forest, Xiao Guangdao immediately shouted to the distance: "Junior Brother Liu, Junior Brother Wu, Junior Brother Yue, quickly help me stop this little beast, don't kill him, Stay alive."

As soon as Xiao Guangdao's voice fell, on the opposite side of Chang Sheng, three figures immediately rushed towards him, one of them was in front and the other was behind. It was obvious that when the person in front moved quickly, the innate qi around him was full of strength. , that is a master at the peak of the tenth floor, and the two people who are slightly behind seem to be the masters of the ninth floor!

"Damn, there are so many masters in the Zhensheng faction. If I didn't absorb the innate source crystal and reached the tenth floor, I would be dead!"

Chang Sheng was secretly surprised. Seeing the tenth-level innate master rushing in front of him, he didn't dare to be careless and punched with all his strength. The opponent was a tenth-level innate master just like himself!

Junior Brother Liu saw that the little bastard that the senior brother in charge of the opposite door was talking about didn't dodge or evade. Here, no one who is in the same realm as me dares to fight head-on with him, because the speed at which he elevates his energy to explode is definitely the fastest in the same realm!

Junior brother Liu met the fist coming from the opposite side, and punched it.


The two fists collided, and there was a loud noise that resounded through the sky, and there was a slight "click" sound in the loud noise.

Junior Brother Liu's complexion changed drastically in an instant, as the two fists collided, he felt that he had not hit a fist, but an extremely hard Xuantian spar specially used to forge divine weapons, his fist was instantly There was a crisp sound, and the bones were broken inch by inch!

"This... what kind of state is this little beast? Why did my fist break just as soon as it collided with his fist? I am a master of the tenth floor!"

Junior Brother Liu's eyes widened in horror. How could someone train his body to such a hard level? More than that, his innate qi rushed into the opponent's body first, but he was blocked immediately. The air blocking, but the opponent's body!

"What kind of body is he, isn't he a human being?"

As soon as an idea appeared in Junior Brother Liu's mind, suddenly, an incomparably huge force mixed with surging innate qi came from the opposite arm, and rushed into his body along his arm in an instant.His own innate qi can't stop the other party's innate qi from rushing in.Although they are both on the tenth level of innate energy, it is obvious that the opponent's innate qi is more pure than his own, and more importantly, the opponent's strength is too great, and they will retreat when they forcefully face his innate qi.

In just a short while, the opponent's innate qi has rushed into all parts of his body in an instant!


As the innate zhenqi entered the body and violently impacted all parts of the body, Junior Brother Liu couldn't help crying out in pain, and the next moment, the violent strength and innate zhenqi instantly destroyed Junior Brother Liu's entire body!


There was a loud bang!

In an instant, Junior Brother Liu's body burst open, minced meat and blood scattered in the air like a goddess scattering flowers.

"This guy died just like that? Is he really a person on the tenth floor?"

Chang Sheng looked at the flesh and blood floating in the air in front of him, and he was stunned. When did he become so powerful that he killed a person on the tenth floor with one punch!Why is Junior Brother Liu a parallel importer?

"Parallel imports? What are parallel imports?" Gu Tianmo heard a new vocabulary from Chang Sheng's mouth again, and couldn't help asking.

"Parallel imports, you can understand it as a fake. This guy in front of me clearly exudes the innate zhenqi of the tenth level of the innate, but he was killed by a single punch from me who is also the tenth level of the innate. This is not a fake!"

"Parallel imports originally meant that." Hearing Chang Sheng's explanation, Gu Tianmo whispered, and said, "Of course he's not a fake, he's just a tenth-level congenital, but he was unlucky enough to meet you. Chang Sheng, you won't I don’t know, you’ve already reached the ninth level of madness. What’s more, your body has been tempered by the fire. God knows how hard it has become. What a strange thing!"

"That's right, what you said makes sense. It's just that my strength suddenly soared, and I didn't get used to it for a while! What a pity! If I had known earlier, I would have used less strength. What a precious resource for a person born at the tenth floor. Don't beat him to death, how good it is to absorb his origin, even if you can't use it yourself, you can use it for the little stick and Misty!"

Chang Sheng regretted it unceasingly, it was such a waste, a tenth-level innate master, just so useless!

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