silly elixir emperor

Chapter 158 Bloodline

Also, what is in the hands of the white beard fairy?How do you feel that it contains incomparably pure innate and original energy?

Staring at the spar in front of him with misty and bright eyes, he was curious, but he didn't dare to ask a word, for fear of causing dissatisfaction and affecting Chang Sheng's position in the opponent's mind.

Just as she was wondering, the old man in white in front of her stretched out her hand.

"These two spars are the crystals of innate origin, you two should take one and practice."

"The crystal of innate origin!"

Piao Miao was shocked again, she knew about the innate source crystal, but she had only heard about it, she didn't even have the extravagant hope that one day she could see the innate source crystal, let alone thought that she would be so simple Just got this magical spar!

The crystal of innate origin, that is a magical crystal that can quickly improve the strength of an innate master!Such things are what any force wants to obtain, no matter how powerful they are, they still need to train their descendants.

The crystal of innate origin, let alone Mengshan City, the entire province may not have this kind of crystal, and even a few families in the whole country may not have this kind of crystal. Chang Sheng's master, he actually put it so simply. The spar was given to myself and Guo Feng!

The two of them have nothing to do with him, because they are people who can be trusted by his apprentice Chang Sheng!

This fairy with a white beard, he... is worthy of being called a fairy by Chang Sheng, he is really right!

Chang Sheng looked at Piaomiao looking at himself with adoring eyes, thinking to himself, wondering how she would react after Piaomiao knew that the immortal she admired and respected in front of her was herself.

After thinking for a while, Chang Sheng immediately shook his head. Now he still can't let Piaomiao know his identity. The more people who know his identity, the more dangerous he and the people around him will be. Piaomiao is not as shrewd as Guo Feng, so it is better not to Good to let her know.

Chang Sheng waited for Guo Feng and Piaomiao to take over the innate source crystal, swung his sleeves, and said, "Piaomiao, you can hold this source crystal to feel it first. Guo Feng, come with me, Chang Sheng's current practice It's almost over, I'll take you to find him, you bring him, that stupid apprentice can't find his way here."

As Chang Sheng said, he opened the door and walked out. Guo Feng followed closely behind him.Many people outside the inn saw him enter the inn by himself, so he must say that Chang Sheng was outside.

Chang Sheng took Guo Feng out of the inn, along the street in the center of the city, out of the city gate, and in a remote place outside the city, Chang Sheng wiped his face, and then took out his original clothes from the Qiankun bag to change.

Guo Feng looked at the young master who changed his appearance in an instant, and said enviously: "Master, your method of disguise is really clever, you can teach me anytime."

"Teach you, master, I was instructed by others to do this disguise technique, master, I don't understand it very well, how can master teach you!"

Chang Sheng slandered in his heart, pretending to be angry and said: "You are so weak now, you don't want to improve your strength, what are you doing all day thinking about miscellaneous things! Improve your strength first, and when your strength is high enough, I will teach you Your disguise!"

As Chang Sheng said it, he thought in his heart that when the strength of the little litigation stick is high enough, he should also be able to learn the disguise technique from Gu Tianmo.

"By the way, young master, you go out this time..."

The two talked all the way through sound transmission in secret language, while walking towards the inn again.

Back at the inn, Guo Feng re-opened a room next to Chang Sheng's, and the two walked upstairs. Just as they reached the second floor, they walked into Chang Sheng's room. Walked out, walked in.

"Chang Sheng, you are back."

Lan Ke'er was still bouncing around as before, and arrived at Chang Sheng's side, but her steps didn't seem to be as light as in the past.

"Chang Sheng, where's your master?"

"Master, Chang Sheng doesn't know where he is. That old man, he lied to Chang Sheng that he took Chang Sheng out to play, and Chang Sheng went out with him, so he locked Chang Sheng up. Sheng Wan. Chang Sheng doesn't want to practice, that big liar! Sister Ke'er, did he lie to Sister Ke'er too!"

Chang Sheng yelled pretending to be angry, but he thought to himself that Ke'er's expression didn't seem right.

"He didn't lie to Ke'er, and Ke'er didn't even see him!" Lan Ke'er's pretty face looked downcast: "Chang Sheng, your master doesn't like Ke'er, why does he see Sister Misty and Guo Feng? Son!"

"So that's the reason!" Chang Sheng suddenly understood, presumably after he left, Lan Ke'er knew from Miu Miao that the white beard fairy had been here before, but she only saw Miu Miu and Guo Feng but not him, so she didn't Happy.

"Hey, this is my own mistake..."

Chang Sheng secretly regretted that he only had the innate source crystal and innate qi, these two things were just right for Misty and Guo Feng to use, and Lan Keer was only at the peak of body forging, it was too wasteful to use these two things, not to mention Lan Keer's talent It should be very good, but she has never practiced. I can see that she is not a person who likes to practice, so I didn't look for her, but I didn't expect her to be unhappy.

Ke'er actually asked herself in front of Miu Miao if the master didn't like her.This kind of words can only be asked by a simple girl like her. I made a mistake in this matter, and I have to make up for it. I can't make Ke'er sad.

Chang Sheng thought about it for a moment, and secretly said to Guo Feng through voice transmission: "Guo Feng, tell Keer that my master mentioned it on the way with you, saying that he..."

After hearing Chang Sheng's words, Guo Feng nodded without any trace, turned his head to look at Lan Ke'er, and said, "Ke'er, you are wrong."

After Guo Feng finished speaking, he saw Lan Keer's gaze fell on himself, and then continued: "Young master's master, Immortal Wang Dan, told me that when he left with me, he said that he saw you for the first time, but his body was just right. I don’t have the nerve to meet you without a meeting ceremony that suits you.”

"Ah... is this true?" Lan Ke'er's eyes brightened when she heard Guo Feng's words: "Guo Feng, you didn't lie to me?"

"No, of course not. Immortal Wangdan also said that he said a few days ago that he would give you a special gift to make up for it, because this time he gave me and Misty a gift, but he didn't give it to you."

Guo Feng repeated what the young master taught him.

"It turns out he doesn't hate Ke'er..."

Lan Ke'er didn't doubt Guo Feng's words at all. Hearing Guo Feng's words, Chang Sheng's master would give her a separate gift, her eyes narrowed like crescent moons, and her hands moved happily.


During the movement of both hands, Lan Keer accidentally wiped a pillar next to her like a delicate finger. How could the wooden pillars of the inn be as delicate as the ones at home? The thorn pierced, and Yin Hong's blood flowed out from her finger.

Seeing Lan Keer's finger bleeding, Chang Sheng's heart moved, and he grabbed Lan Keer's injured finger: "Sister Ke'er, you are injured, Chang Sheng will help you."

Chang Sheng grabbed Lan Ke'er's wounded and bleeding white finger and put it into his mouth. He sucked it hard and made a crisp sound of "boo".

Before Lan Keer could react from Chang Sheng's words, Chang Sheng's finger had already been called into his mouth, and a warm feeling surrounded the entire wounded and bleeding index finger. Suddenly, an abnormal feeling flowed through his whole body, and Lan Keer's whole body As soon as it numb, the body softened and let out a groan, so soft that it fell into Chang Sheng's arms.

"Chang Sheng, you really know how to find opportunities. Lan Ke'er hurt his hand, so he took his hand to suck it, and I realized that you are so bad!" Seeing Chang Sheng's actions, Gu Tianmo suddenly Chang Sheng popped up in his mind.

"Nonsense, Ke'er is my wife now, and I can make money openly and honestly. Is this necessary? What do you know? I want to analyze her blood," Chang Sheng retorted loudly.

"Analyze the blood, why don't you analyze her blood!" Gu Tianmo's voice was obviously suspicious: "You are clearly trying to quibble."

"Sophistry with a slingshot! I am an alchemist, a master of alchemy. I want to refine a kind of elixir that is most suitable for my wife. Of course, I have to analyze her blood." Chang Sheng loudly despised Gu Tianmo: " Gu Tianmo, even if you think about it, you don’t know. In fact, many elixirs out there are aimed at everyone. The best elixirs are refined for a certain person’s system. The one that suits you is the best, because everyone Individual systems are different."

"Hey, but, Gu Tianmo, it's useless for me to tell you so much. I guess you don't understand it, and you must have never experienced it. The experience of others refining pills specifically for your system. There is no way, according to the other party It is really too difficult to refine pills according to the system of the other party, even in the fairy world, there are not many people who can do it, and it is estimated that I am the only one who can refine pills according to the other party's system in the entire Tianyuan Shenzhou Continent."

While refuting Gu Tianmo, Chang Sheng sucked Lan Ke'er's soft and boneless fingers.

"Well, no, the wound is too small, so I don't feel the smell of bleeding."

Chang Sheng naturally embraced Lan Keer's slender and soft waist with both hands, sucked hard on Lan Keer's finger with his mouth, and then quickly licked Lan Keer's finger with his tongue.


Lan Ke'er snorted, her cheeks glowed with a delicate peach color, Chang Sheng even sucked and licked her finger at her, where had she been teased like this before, her body softened, and she completely lay on Chang Sheng's finger. Sheng body.

Chang Sheng sucked it hard a few times, and finally sucked out a stream of blood that could be tasted and fragmented.

"This blood...the smell doesn't seem doesn't smell like human blood!"

Chang Sheng felt the smell of Lan Ke'er's blood and was startled suddenly. At the same time, the voice of Gu Tianmo also remembered in his mind: "Chang Sheng, if you suck some more blood, I can feel it too. The smell is other than half human blood, and there are other blood smells. But you sucked too little, I can't tell what kind of blood it is."

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