"Not necessarily, if you take the antidote, you will be fine. Look at Han Tao, he must have taken the antidote, so he dared to throw it out with the soul-hunting bell in his hand, but if he is poisoned, within a quarter of an hour If the poisoned person has not taken the antidote, unless he has reached the Qi training stage, he will not be able to tell if he is poisoned on the surface, but once he exercises his skills, he will definitely die! So Chang Sheng, let alone Guo Feng, you are poisoned , I think they will all die! He wants Guo Feng to die!"

"Want Guo Feng to die? Then abolish him first!"

Chang Sheng was furious when he heard the words, and immediately said secretly to Guo Feng: "Destroy him!"

Although Guo Feng didn't know what the black bell-like thing thrown out by the other party was, after hearing his young master's words, he knew in his heart that it must be an extremely sinister thing. If he hadn't prepared in advance, Will be murdered!


Guo Feng snorted coldly, without holding back his hands, he rushed forward suddenly, and while his wrists were shaking rapidly, waves rushed out of the folding fan and gathered in the air, forming a series of folding fans again, coordinating with Holding the folding fan waving by Guo Feng himself, in an instant, the shadows of the fan completely covered the space in front of Han Tao.

"This mighty uprightness, this little litigator...his realm is even higher than mine!"

Han Tao only looked at the shadow of the fan in front of him, and he could tell at a glance that the other party's realm was much higher than his own, not one level, two levels, at least three levels!

"The eighth level of congenital? How old is this kid, and he has already cultivated to the eighth level of congenital? This...how did he do it? He still cultivates the same Confucianism cultivator who is very difficult to cultivate. How can he be so talented? !"

"Innate Eighth Level!"

Songlao and Linglao's expressions changed at the same time, a young man who looked fourteen or fifteen was already a congenital eighth-level master!

This kind of talent, even looking at the history of the Daqi Dynasty, there are not many Confucianism cultivators with this kind of talent!

For a moment, Han Tao's heart was filled with horror, and at the same time, he was filled with remorse. He knew that he would not have proposed such a random competition.

I thought that kid was not weak at such a young age. He must be the kind of person who practiced every day without much actual combat experience. It is impossible for him to have much actual combat experience at such a young age. success!

As long as he is knocked down, he is dead!That little clock was acquired at a considerable price.As long as you are hit, there is no antidote for fifteen minutes, and even if you take the antidote after fifteen minutes, it will be useless.

Hit by the small bell, nothing can be seen on the surface.I can also say that, just to teach the younger generation, there is a saying in the battle that soldiers are not tired of cheating, so Guo Feng seems to be fine, and his own statement is completely justified.

Then, when Guo Feng died again, it was when he practiced his kung fu, and he died when he practiced his kung fu. It seemed that he died of madness and had nothing to do with him!

I planned everything very well, but I never thought that Guo Feng seemed to know in advance that he would use a hidden weapon to assassinate him. Almost at the moment he shot the hidden weapon, he opened the folding fan and easily blocked it. His own attack, now he even shot directly at himself!

Han Tao looked at the layers of fan shadows in front of him, not daring to be careless in the slightest. He concentrated all his energy like never before, and carefully identified the reality of the fan shadows in front of him.

Guo Feng's strength is far beyond his imagination, he is not an opponent at all, he has made up his mind, as long as he avoids all the fan shadows, he will immediately jump out of the contest and simply admit defeat!Then find a way to kill Guo Feng!

"It's false, it's real, it's also false..."

Han Tao fully unleashed his own strength. When he saw the virtual fan shadow, he just ignored it. When he saw the real fan shadow, he smashed it with the greatest force, and hit the fan shadow step by step...

"Haha, this is a false fan shadow. As long as I pass through this fan shadow again, I can run to the prime minister and just say no more."

Han Tao looked at the fan shadow in front of him, swayed his body, and rushed over quickly.

"Haha, sure enough, sure enough, this Guo Feng is strong, but unfortunately he is not proficient in the use of moves. I am a Confucianism cultivator, and I know fans very well. How can I not see the authenticity of his fan shadow!"

"not good!"

Songlao and Linglao looked at Han Tao who was secretly complacent, and their expressions suddenly changed drastically.

At the moment when Han Tao was proud, Guo Feng rushed towards him on the opposite side, and at some point, the folding fans in Guo Feng's hands had already closed together.

"What an idiot, he didn't even think about it. When he cracked my fan shadow, why didn't I attack him, thinking that cracking the fan shadow would be safe, and I don't know how such a person got into the prime minister's mansion!"

Guo Feng looked at Han Tao and sneered, and the folding fan in his hand focused heavily on Han Tao's sea of ​​anger!

"do not want!"


Seeing Guo Feng's movements, Song Lao and Ling Lao shouted at the same time, and at the same time their figures flickered, and rushed towards them quickly, trying to stop them, but it was too late!

"You are not young masters, why should I listen to you!"

Guo Feng sneered in his heart, the folding fan had fallen into Han Tao's Sea of ​​Qi, and suddenly, a strong righteousness burst out from the tip of the fan, piercing into Han Tao's sea of ​​Qi instantly like a dagger.

How pure and fierce the righteousness cultivated by the Haoran righteousness song is, Guo Feng's own strength is higher than that of Han Tao, and in an instant, his righteousness has pierced Han Tao's sea of ​​qi.


Han Tao suddenly yelled in pain, the sound was terrible, like a chrysanthemum being stuffed into a prickly pear ball, his whole face twisted violently.

When the sea of ​​qi is pierced, not only the sea of ​​qi will be affected, as the sea of ​​qi is punctured, the innate true qi in the entire sea of ​​qi will also flow out, plundering in his body, impacting every part of his body. organ.

Songlao and Linglao rushed to Han Tao's side quickly, Linglao was responsible for catching Han Tao, and at the same time put his hands on Han Tao's back to help stabilize the innate qi that was scurrying around in Han Tao's body, but he could only Help reduce Han Tao's pain.

Han Tao's sea of ​​qi was pierced, and his cultivation base was completely abolished. He is now an ordinary person, and his body is much weaker than that of ordinary people because of the raging innate qi just now. If he wants to restore his cultivation Because, he had to start from the Qi Entraining Realm and start training again, and it was even more difficult than before!

Elder Ling looked at Guo Feng angrily: "Boy, you are too vicious. You just crippled Han Tao just to learn from each other!"

Elder Ling was really furious, not only because Guo Feng abolished Han Tao, but also because Guo Feng was so ruthless, Guo Feng was a Confucianism cultivator, and Confucianism cultivator had to have the demeanor of Confucianism cultivator, his talent was good, But if he continues to be vicious like this, he will definitely go astray!He was also angry because he didn't want to see a genius ruined like this.

"I'm vicious? He's the one who is vicious!" Guo Feng pointed at Han Tao and sneered, "If he hadn't attacked me, would I have been vicious?"

"It's just a hidden weapon."

"Hidden weapon?" Guo Feng sneered. When Mr. Song was treating Han Tao just now, Chang Sheng had already told him what the little clock was.

"You think it's just a hidden weapon, so you can pick it up and try it out to see if it's a hidden weapon, but I want to remind you that the black on the small clock is deliberately dyed, if you touch it, you will be poisoned , that’s no wonder for me.”

"Hmph, don't be alarmist here. The little clock was thrown by Han Tao just now. If the hidden weapon is poisonous, he would have poisoned himself long ago."

Old Ling snorted coldly in disbelief, and walked towards Xiao Zhong, who was about to walk beside Xiao Zhong.

Suddenly, a burst of sad mourning came in from outside the mansion, and then bursts of crying sounded.

"what happened?"

Hearing the sudden mourning and crying, everyone was stunned. This is an area next to the inner city. Although it is an outer city, the people who live here are either rich or noble, and everyone loves each other. I am familiar with it, playing mourning and music, it must be a dead person, but I haven't heard of anyone passing away recently!

More importantly, the Chang family's mansion was bestowed by the current emperor. This mansion was originally the residence of the richest merchant in the Daqi Dynasty. It has a huge area. It can be said that there is only the Chang family in this area. There is no one dead at home, how can there be mourning and joy?

Everyone was wondering, suddenly, a servant ran over in a panic.

"Master, it's not good. Many people came outside and surrounded the gate of our mansion. They even carried a headless corpse."

"Surround our mansion? How dare they!"

Elder Song snorted angrily, turned around and walked towards the gate of the mansion: "I want to see, who is desperate!"

"I'm with you!" Elder Ling closely followed Elder Song. He was already furious at Guo Feng, but now someone bumped into him and made him vent his anger.How could he not go for such a thing!

Songlao and Linglao opened the door angrily, and suddenly, a monstrous noise pierced their ears.I saw a long mourning band lined up outside the gate. There were too many people in the team. From the street all the way to the end, the number of people could not be seen at a glance.

Behind the mourning and joyful scene, a group of women were wearing sackcloth and filial piety one by one, and some were still holding infants who were still in their infancy, all weeping bitterly and wailing loudly.

Seeing that the gate of the Prime Minister's Mansion was opened, the group of women rushed towards the door.

"My husband died so badly..."

"Return my husband!"

"Hand over the murderer who killed our husband."

In an instant, Songlao and Linglao were surrounded by women.

Songlao and Linglao were holding back their stomachs, but when they saw these women, they panicked and didn't know what to do. They are two masters of Qi training who just died. Husband's wife, let's spread the word and tell them how to go out in the future!

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