silly elixir emperor

Chapter 17 Prescriptions

Chang Sheng curled his lips, quickly put the magic stone in place, then covered the furnace lid that didn't fit very well, and lit up the flame.At this time, he picked up the medicinal materials that he had bought on the table again, grabbed a handful of them casually, and threw them into the alchemy furnace.Perhaps those alchemists need to be careful and prepare everything in advance.Given his level, he could refine a small first-order Qi Condensation Pill with his eyes closed.

"Refining first-level pills is really boring. Now that there are no pills, and the cultivation has slowed down, I have to find something to do. Why don't I forget this pill that I improved in which year, and then try to improve it. Improve it?"

Chang Sheng looked at the other medicinal materials on the table, and after turning around, he landed on the Cordyceps sinensis that he bought first. Among the Cordyceps that he bought yesterday, more than [-]% were Tianxi Cordyceps, "This Tianxi Cordyceps is a good thing, Logically speaking, it is theoretically possible to use it instead of ordinary Cordyceps, but this Cordyceps is a good thing, it would be too wasteful to use it for Qi Condensation Pill, so we have to think of another way.”

Chang Sheng sat on the side of the bed, thinking for a long time, his mouth was dry, and when he picked up the teapot in front of him to drink tea, inspiration suddenly emerged, "You can use Kuding tea instead of Zhilan flowers, and then Xuezhi's The portion should be reduced by a quarter, and the portion of bamboo leek should be reduced by one-fifth, but the amount of red peony should be added appropriately. No, the amount of red peony here is just right, so I have to go out to buy medicine. No, we have to find another way, and replace it with something that can be found in the mansion."

Chang Sheng continued to think about ways to improve the elixir. For him, refining first-level elixirs was just for fun.He wasn't afraid of the failure of the alchemy he modified randomly. If he couldn't refine the elixir in the end, he would have killed himself head-on.

After a long time, Chang Sheng finally thought of the perfect solution to improve the alchemy formula. He jumped up from the bed, grabbed two herbs, threw them into the alchemy furnace, then hid the alchemy furnace, opened the door, and ran out. Going to find a substitute...

The night was getting dark, Chang Sheng lay on the bed, yawned, looked at the still burning stove, closed his eyes, he was sleepy and ready to sleep.Although this condensing qi pill is a first-order elixir, its conditions are too simple, and it will take seven days to successfully refine it.

Fengdu City is called a city, but in fact, it is just a county seat, and the yamen is just a county yamen.

Early the next morning, not long after the county master Wu Shiju woke up, the master hurried to find him.

"Master, there is trouble. The Luo family handed over a lawsuit early this morning." The master said while handing the lawsuit in his hand to Wu Shiju, frowning, and said: "Yesterday, the young master of the Luo family, Luo Jin was beaten."

"Who is so bold, dare to beat Luo Jin!" Wu Shiju spread out the lawsuit, his eyes swept over it quickly, and his brows were also wrinkled. The wrinkle was a little bit worse than that of the master. The idiot young master Chang Sheng.

The Chang family and the Luo family are both the four major families in Fengdu City, and both of them are mainly engaged in the elixir business. In the past, these two families had many conflicts, but this time it came to him before they came first.

The master looked at the bitter face of his master, sighed in his heart, hesitated for a moment, and continued: "In addition, General Lin, the city guard general, also sent someone to hand over a note, saying that he heard that yesterday in the thatched cottage, Regarding Chang Sheng's beating, he hopes that we can handle it fairly and don't be afraid of the Chang family."

"Lin Yuanzhi, what does this have to do with him? What is he messing with!" Wu Shiju stretched out his hand, and knocked himself on the head lightly. In charge of the governance of the entire Fengdu City, a majestic county lord is simply magnificent, but who knows the pain behind him.

There are four big families in the small Fengdu City. These four families are polite to him on the surface, but in fact, none of the families will buy him, and there is a city guard general who belongs to the army in the city. Relying on his possession of military power, he was not taken seriously at all.It's really difficult for him, the county master!

The master saw the frown on the master's face, and carefully offered advice: "There is a quarrel between the two families, let them go on their own. Master, we can't cause trouble for the upper body, we can only make peace with this matter. However, the Luo family Now that the lawsuit has been handed over, we can't just ignore it and let it go through the motions. Sir, do you see?"

"He Xini, I also want to be with Xini, but...forget it, you can find two messengers and send them to Chang's house."

"Yes." The master replied, turned around and found two clever policemen, and sent them to Chang's house.

In the Chang family, two officers from the county government, led by the servant of the Chang family, walked to the side hall where the Chang family entertained guests, politely took the purple sand teacup handed over by the servant of the Chang family, and gently placed it on the wooden table beside it. .The two glanced at the round chair with armrests made of pear blossom wood, which was carved with exquisite ice plum patterns and inlaid with bamboo silk. They looked at each other and stood quietly aside.

If they went to other places, they would have been sitting on chairs and tasting tea like uncles, but this is Chang’s family, they didn’t even dare to breathe out here, and they were even more careful when placing teacups. Make a little noise.

In the main hall of the Chang family, Chang Ganyi sat in the main seat, and on the seats on both sides were two old men.

"Patriarch, Miu spent 4000 taels of silver yesterday. If the silver was used on the ground, then we have nothing to say, but as far as I know, she spent the money because Chang Sheng was playful and felt The medicinal materials are fun, so I bought them. This is 4000 taels of silver, even those small landlords in our Fengdu City, it will take them two years to earn so much money."

Chang Ganyi's left lower position, the oldest old man spoke, and when his words fell, the other three old men also responded: "Patriarch, what the Great Elder said is very reasonable, although our Chang family is rich , but you can’t just waste money like this, if a family wants to last long, it can’t be like this.”

Chang Ganyi has a headache. Recently, he has really annoyed the four elders of the family.When Fang Xianyun, Misty's mother and the chief guest of the family, tried the Qi Condensation Pill, they all strongly supported her.But as Fang Xianyun failed again and again, they turned against him again, and in the end he had to compromise for a while, asking Fang Xianyun to refine a few furnaces of Lingzhi Pills that he had already mastered, and then continue to condense after a while. Qi Dan research.

Today, these elders were recruited because of a trivial incident yesterday, isn't it just 4000 taels of silver?The profit brought to the family by Misty's mother's alchemy is more than 4000 taels of silver!

Chang Ganyi rubbed his temples, stared at the four elders below, and said, "Elders, don't forget that Chang Sheng's father is the current prime minister. Without him, our Chang family would not be where it is today." status, so what if his son spends us 4000 taels of silver?"

"It's okay not to mention this." Another elder said with obvious dissatisfaction on his face, "Patriarch, your elder brother, that is, Chang Sheng's father, is a dignified prime minister. If he helps the family a little Will there be three other families in Fengdu City that can be compared with our Chang family? And our Chang family will not still be nested in Fengdu City, he is a prime minister with one person under ten thousand! Since he became the prime minister Bit, he never helped the family at all!"

"Second Elder, things are not that simple. I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at my brother now. Even though he is the prime minister, he still has to be constrained by many things."

Chang Ganyi was explaining patiently, when suddenly, outside the hall, a servant hurried in.

"Patriarch, two policemen came to the house and said that there is a case that needs the assistance of our Chang family to deal with it."

"The case?" Chang Ganyi was stunned for a moment, and quickly replied: "Okay, you lead the way, I'll go and see what happened, and the police dared to find our Chang family."

Chang Ganyi informed the four elders on the left and right, and walked out of the hall, he was having a headache on how to deal with the four elders, when he didn't expect that someone would come, just to let him get rid of the elders.As for the case, he didn't pay much attention to it. The Chang family has always kept a low profile, and members of the family never bully others. If there is a case, it will not be a big case. Besides, his own brother is the prime minister, a high-ranking official.Even if his brother seldom helps the family due to various reasons, but those officials below, who dare not take his brother's face into consideration!

Walking into the side hall, Chang Ganyi walked towards two policemen who were anxiously standing beside the round chairs with fearful expressions on their faces.

"I don't know why the two messengers came to my Changfu?"

The two listened to Chang Ganyi's faint voice, somehow, they always felt that there was some dissatisfaction in it.Is this guy in a bad mood today?Thinking of this, both of them bent their bodies again, and said respectfully: "The thing is like this, the Luo family handed in a lawsuit today, suing the son of your family, Chang Sheng, for viciously injuring the Luo family, Luo Jin, and then He also wounded the second housekeeper of the Luo family who was persuading him. Therefore, the county lord ordered us both to come, and hoped to ask Mr. Chang Sheng to go to the yamen to help."

"Hmph!" After hearing the words of the two police officers, Chang Ganyi's expression turned cold, and he said coldly, "What help? I want my family Changsheng to go to trial and just say it. You go back and tell Wu Shiju that our family Changsheng is unwell today. I don’t feel well, so I won’t go.” It’s a joke, Chang Sheng is the son of the current prime minister, so he doesn’t believe it, if Chang Sheng doesn’t go to the county government, the county master dares to send someone to the Chang residence to arrest him.

"Uh...", the two messengers heard Chang Ganyi's words, neither would they retreat, nor would they stay. This made them what to do. Facing the head of the Chang family, one of the four major families, how dare they speak out against him, Chang Ganyi wanted to deal with them, it was no different from dealing with an ant.But if they don't do well what the county master ordered, they will be unlucky when they go back.Chang Sheng curled his lips, quickly put the magic stone in place, then covered the furnace lid that didn't fit very well, and lit up the flame.At this time, he picked up the medicinal materials that he had bought on the table again, grabbed a handful of them casually, and threw them into the alchemy furnace.Perhaps those alchemists need to be careful and prepare everything in advance.Given his level, he could refine a small first-order Qi Condensation Pill with his eyes closed.

"Refining first-level pills is really boring. Now that there are no pills, and the cultivation has slowed down, I have to find something to do. Why don't I forget this pill that I improved in which year, and then try to improve it. Improve it?"

Chang Sheng looked at the other medicinal materials on the table, and after turning around, he landed on the Cordyceps sinensis that he bought first. Among the Cordyceps that he bought yesterday, more than [-]% were Tianxi Cordyceps, "This Tianxi Cordyceps is a good thing, Logically speaking, it is theoretically possible to use it instead of ordinary Cordyceps, but this Cordyceps is a good thing, it would be too wasteful to use it for Qi Condensation Pill, so we have to think of another way.”

Chang Sheng sat on the side of the bed, thinking for a long time, his mouth was dry, and when he picked up the teapot in front of him to drink tea, inspiration suddenly emerged, "You can use Kuding tea instead of Zhilan flowers, and then Xuezhi's The portion should be reduced by a quarter, and the portion of bamboo leek should be reduced by one-fifth, but the amount of red peony should be added appropriately. No, the amount of red peony here is just right, so I have to go out to buy medicine. No, we have to find another way, and replace it with something that can be found in the mansion."

Chang Sheng continued to think about ways to improve the elixir. For him, refining first-level elixirs was just for fun.He wasn't afraid of the failure of the alchemy he modified randomly. If he couldn't refine the elixir in the end, he would have killed himself head-on.

After a long time, Chang Sheng finally thought of the perfect solution to improve the alchemy formula. He jumped up from the bed, grabbed two herbs, threw them into the alchemy furnace, then hid the alchemy furnace, opened the door, and ran out. Going to find a substitute...

The night was getting dark, Chang Sheng lay on the bed, yawned, looked at the still burning stove, closed his eyes, he was sleepy and ready to sleep.Although this condensing qi pill is a first-order elixir, its conditions are too simple, and it will take seven days to successfully refine it.

Fengdu City is called a city, but in fact, it is just a county seat, and the yamen is just a county yamen.

Early the next morning, not long after the county master Wu Shiju woke up, the master hurried to find him.

"Master, there is trouble. The Luo family handed over a lawsuit early this morning." The master said while handing the lawsuit in his hand to Wu Shiju, frowning, and said: "Yesterday, the young master of the Luo family, Luo Jin was beaten."

"Who is so bold, dare to beat Luo Jin!" Wu Shiju spread out the lawsuit, his eyes swept over it quickly, and his brows were also wrinkled. The wrinkle was a little bit worse than that of the master. The idiot young master Chang Sheng.

The Chang family and the Luo family are both the four major families in Fengdu City, and both of them are mainly engaged in the elixir business. In the past, these two families had many conflicts, but this time it came to him before they came first.

The master looked at the bitter face of his master, sighed in his heart, hesitated for a moment, and continued: "In addition, General Lin, the city guard general, also sent someone to hand over a note, saying that he heard that yesterday in the thatched cottage, Regarding Chang Sheng's beating, he hopes that we can handle it fairly and don't be afraid of the Chang family."

"Lin Yuanzhi, what does this have to do with him? What is he messing with!" Wu Shiju stretched out his hand, and knocked himself on the head lightly. In charge of the governance of the entire Fengdu City, a majestic county lord is simply magnificent, but who knows the pain behind him.

There are four big families in the small Fengdu City. These four families are polite to him on the surface, but in fact, none of the families will buy him, and there is a city guard general who belongs to the army in the city. Relying on his possession of military power, he was not taken seriously at all.It's really difficult for him, the county master!

The master saw the frown on the master's face, and carefully offered advice: "There is a quarrel between the two families, let them go on their own. Master, we can't cause trouble for the upper body, we can only make peace with this matter. However, the Luo family Now that the lawsuit has been handed over, we can't just ignore it and let it go through the motions. Sir, do you see?"

"He Xini, I also want to be with Xini, but...forget it, you can find two messengers and send them to Chang's house."

"Yes." The master replied, turned around and found two clever policemen, and sent them to Chang's house.

In the Chang family, two officers from the county government, led by the servant of the Chang family, walked to the side hall where the Chang family entertained guests, politely took the purple sand teacup handed over by the servant of the Chang family, and gently placed it on the wooden table beside it. .The two glanced at the round chair with armrests made of pear blossom wood, which was carved with exquisite ice plum patterns and inlaid with bamboo silk. They looked at each other and stood quietly aside.

If they went to other places, they would have been sitting on chairs and tasting tea like uncles, but this is Chang’s family, they didn’t even dare to breathe out here, and they were even more careful when placing teacups. Make a little noise.

In the main hall of the Chang family, Chang Ganyi sat in the main seat, and on the seats on both sides were two old men.

"Patriarch, Miu spent 4000 taels of silver yesterday. If the silver was used on the ground, then we have nothing to say, but as far as I know, she spent the money because Chang Sheng was playful and felt The medicinal materials are fun, so I bought them. This is 4000 taels of silver, even those small landlords in our Fengdu City, it will take them two years to earn so much money."

Chang Ganyi's left lower position, the oldest old man spoke, and when his words fell, the other three old men also responded: "Patriarch, what the Great Elder said is very reasonable, although our Chang family is rich , but you can’t just waste money like this, if a family wants to last long, it can’t be like this.”

Chang Ganyi has a headache. Recently, he has really annoyed the four elders of the family.When Fang Xianyun, Misty's mother and the chief guest of the family, tried the Qi Condensation Pill, they all strongly supported her.But as Fang Xianyun failed again and again, they turned against him again, and in the end he had to compromise for a while, asking Fang Xianyun to refine a few furnaces of Lingzhi Pills that he had already mastered, and then continue to condense after a while. Qi Dan research.

Today, these elders were recruited because of a trivial incident yesterday, isn't it just 4000 taels of silver?The profit brought to the family by Misty's mother's alchemy is more than 4000 taels of silver!

Chang Ganyi rubbed his temples, stared at the four elders below, and said, "Elders, don't forget that Chang Sheng's father is the current prime minister. Without him, our Chang family would not be where it is today." status, so what if his son spends us 4000 taels of silver?"

"It's okay not to mention this." Another elder said with obvious dissatisfaction on his face, "Patriarch, your elder brother, that is, Chang Sheng's father, is a dignified prime minister. If he helps the family a little Will there be three other families in Fengdu City that can be compared with our Chang family? And our Chang family will not still be nested in Fengdu City, he is a prime minister with one person under ten thousand! Since he became the prime minister Bit, he never helped the family at all!"

"Second Elder, things are not that simple. I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at my brother now. Even though he is the prime minister, he still has to be constrained by many things."

Chang Ganyi was explaining patiently, when suddenly, outside the hall, a servant hurried in.

"Patriarch, two policemen came to the house and said that there is a case that needs the assistance of our Chang family to deal with it."

"The case?" Chang Ganyi was stunned for a moment, and quickly replied: "Okay, you lead the way, I'll go and see what happened, and the police dared to find our Chang family."

Chang Ganyi informed the four elders on the left and right, and walked out of the hall, he was having a headache on how to deal with the four elders, when he didn't expect that someone would come, just to let him get rid of the elders.As for the case, he didn't pay much attention to it. The Chang family has always kept a low profile, and members of the family never bully others. If there is a case, it will not be a big case. Besides, his own brother is the prime minister, a high-ranking official.Even if his brother seldom helps the family due to various reasons, but those officials below, who dare not take his brother's face into consideration!

Walking into the side hall, Chang Ganyi walked towards two policemen who were anxiously standing beside the round chairs with fearful expressions on their faces.

"I don't know why the two messengers came to my Changfu?"

The two listened to Chang Ganyi's faint voice, somehow, they always felt that there was some dissatisfaction in it.Is this guy in a bad mood today?Thinking of this, both of them bent their bodies again, and said respectfully: "The thing is like this, the Luo family handed in a lawsuit today, suing the son of your family, Chang Sheng, for viciously injuring the Luo family, Luo Jin, and then He also wounded the second housekeeper of the Luo family who was persuading him. Therefore, the county lord ordered us both to come, and hoped to ask Mr. Chang Sheng to go to the yamen to help."

"Hmph!" After hearing the words of the two police officers, Chang Ganyi's expression turned cold, and he said coldly, "What help? I want my family Changsheng to go to trial and just say it. You go back and tell Wu Shiju that our family Changsheng is unwell today. I don’t feel well, so I won’t go.” It’s a joke, Chang Sheng is the son of the current prime minister, so he doesn’t believe it, if Chang Sheng doesn’t go to the county government, the county master dares to send someone to the Chang residence to arrest him.

"Uh...", the two messengers heard Chang Ganyi's words, neither would they retreat, nor would they stay. This made them what to do. Facing the head of the Chang family, one of the four major families, how dare they speak out against him, Chang Ganyi wanted to deal with them, it was no different from dealing with an ant.But if they don't do well what the county master ordered, they will be unlucky when they go back.

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