Hearing his father's words, Chang Sheng could not stop complaining in his heart, his uncle must have betrayed him, otherwise how could his father know how to use candy to seduce himself!Now that my father has said so, it's fine if I don't agree!

"Well, okay, Chang Sheng will study obediently. After learning, Dad will give Chang Sheng candies." Chang Sheng said with a smile and shouted, secretly thinking that he didn't even know who the so-called General Liu was. I have seen his daughter. In this case, I must not visit him.

What's more, if the general's daughter is ugly, wouldn't he cry to death!Think about it, she is the daughter of a general, not the daughter of a civil servant or a great Confucianist, the chance of being ugly is not low!

Chang Sheng did not return to his courtyard, but followed Elder Ling and Elder Song into a huge study.

The two elders had taught countless students, but had never taught foolish people. They looked at Chang Sheng with embarrassment for a long time, and the two finally decided to pay the etiquette first. After all, Chang Sheng was going to visit his future father-in-law.

"Master, you are going to visit your father-in-law. Today we will teach you the etiquette that you should pay attention to when you visit your father-in-law."

Song Lao had just said a word, when he saw Chang Sheng raised his head curiously, and asked expectantly: "What is etiquette? Is it delicious? Is it better than candy?"

"My God!"

Song Lao was directly defeated by Chang Sheng's words, etiquette, how can it be compared with candy!My son, besides eating, can he know anything else!

"Etiquette...Etiquette is..." Elder Song had no choice but to explain the definition of etiquette, but when he finished speaking and looked at Chang Sheng, he found that Chang Sheng didn't listen to him at all, but lowered his head, Look at the table in front of him!

Song Lao was furious immediately, and stopped calling Young Master, but called Chang Sheng's name directly: "What are you doing, now I am your teacher, I am giving you a lecture, what are you doing? Did you listen to me?" ?”

"What you said has no meaning at all. Chang Sheng can't understand it, so Chang Sheng doesn't listen to you." Chang Sheng said it as a matter of course, and continued to lie on the table, looking around, murmuring while watching He said to himself: "Ant, ant, where are you? There were many ants in Chang Sheng's house, why are there no ants here?"

Chang Sheng's voice was low, but Song Lao and Ling Lao were both masters of Qi training, so they could still hear clearly even if their voices were twice as small.

Hearing Chang Sheng's words clearly, Elder Song couldn't restrain himself and grabbed a ruler beside him.

Seeing Mr. Song's movements, Mr. Ling quickly stretched out his hand and grabbed Mr. Song's hand holding the ruler: "Old Song, calm down, calm down, you can't hit him, he is a fool, he didn't want to learn it, you hit him!" He, he will definitely not learn anymore. At that time, we will not be able to complete the things that the Prime Minister told us. Although the Prime Minister will not blame us, but he will have a headache for his son. How can we feel good about it. Loosen Old man, calm down first, let me teach him first."

Elder Ling persuaded Elder Song to retire, walked up to Chang Sheng, and did not tell Chang Sheng anything else, but directly told Chang Sheng what he would do when it was time to meet Chang Sheng's father-in-law: "Chang Sheng, when the time comes When you see your father-in-law, you have to bend down slightly, and then say hello to Mr. Father-in-law. Chang Sheng, do you understand?"

Elder Ling looked at Chang Sheng with a smile. Now that he said this, Chang Sheng, even a fool, should understand it.

Chang Sheng shook his head very puzzled: "Chang Sheng doesn't know, Chang Sheng doesn't know his father-in-law."

It turned out that he didn't know his father-in-law, which was too simple.

Elder Ling smiled in his heart and said, "It's okay, someone will tell you who your father-in-law is."

"But, Chang Sheng still doesn't know..." Chang Sheng still shook his head vigorously.

"Didn't I just say that? Someone will tell you who is your father-in-law. You don't need to know him now."

"Why?" Chang Sheng raised his head innocently, his eyes full of bewilderment.

"Because..." Elder Ling gritted his teeth and explained again. He found that he had the urge to vomit blood. After talking to Chang Sheng for a long time, he still went around on a useless question. When people are together, they become stupid.

Chang Sheng still raised his head in confusion, looking at Elder Ling: "Why?"




Chang Sheng didn't learn at all, he kept asking Ling Lao and Song Lao why, and kept repeating a sentence. After talking patiently for a long time, Ling Lao and Song Lao finally couldn't stand it anymore!

"It's really rotten wood that can't be carved, and mud can't support the wall after all!"

Elder Song and Elder Ling cursed, turned around and left, he had had enough, as long as Chang Sheng's IQ, it doesn't matter whoever will teach him, no one can teach him!

Chang Sheng looked at the backs of the two leaving with a silly face, and said softly to himself: "I'm really sorry for you two, I still don't understand who that General Liu is, so I can't go see him! Pretend you can't learn!"

At the same time, in Chang Ganze's study in the Prime Minister's Mansion, Chang Ganze held a brush and wrote on the memorial the memorial that he needed to play in the court tomorrow morning.

In the outer city, in the mansion three streets away from the prime minister's mansion, General Liu did not return to the city gate immediately, but ran to the mansion of his boss, General Tianwei.

"Chang Ganze's son? A fool? He killed the young master of the Zhou family, and also Jiang Heng who guarded the city gate?"

General Tianwei Li Yuncai was shocked when he heard the report of his subordinates. He knew Jiang Heng's strength very well, especially the armor on his body. He is invincible in nature, at least he will not be defeated, only a master of Qi training can hurt him!

"Did you see how Jiang Heng died with your own eyes? The other party is a master of Qi training?"

"No, when my subordinates arrived, General Jiang Heng was already dead, but my subordinates heard the soldiers report that the other party was only a congenital master, but he had three congenitals, and his strength was not low!"

"Three geniuses?"

Li Yuncai heard the sound, bowed his head and meditated to himself. If it was the three innates, they would attack Jiang Heng in turn. Moreover, there might not be enough magic stones in Jiang Heng's treasure armor. If the energy of the magic stones is not enough It is normal to be beaten to death after being hit for a few times and the energy is exhausted, but his death is worth it!Once he dies, we can find a chance to deal with Chang Ganze!

Since the founding of the Daqi Dynasty, although the first generation of monarchs has always had the tradition of early courts, there are also many kings who do not pay attention to early courts. Even the emperor 300 years ago, because of the night and spring nights, the early courts are held throughout the year. The number of times is not even ten times!

With such an emperor, the Daqi Dynasty under his rule would naturally not be strong. Not only that, the Daqi Dynasty was almost destroyed under his rule.

Because of this, after the new emperor came to the throne, the new emperor immediately promulgated a decree. From then on, all emperors who ascended the throne, unless they were seriously ill, had to go to court early!

From then on, all the emperors of the Great Qi Dynasty, no matter how long they have been in power, no matter whether they are Ming emperors or not, must pay attention to the early dynasty.

On the Golden Palace.

The current emperor, Hongde Emperor Fang Yuanfu sat high on the dragon chair, and below, civil servants and military generals stood on the left and right. On the left was Prime Minister Chang Ganze, and on the right was Grand Marshal Kou Tianxiao.

"Report to the Holy Majesty, I have a book to play!"

In the hall, a slightly old voice sounded.

Fang Yuanfu looked down, his eyes flashed with astonishment, the person in front of him who walked out from the group of officials and knelt on the ground turned out to be the king of Zhenyuan County, Zhou Yiyan!

Speaking of which, Zhou Yiyan is also a relative of the emperor. The Zhou family was originally a branch of the royal family, and their surname was Fang.It was only later that he was given the fief Zhou County.In the Great Qi Dynasty, once all the royal family or members of the royal family were given fiefdoms, the surnames of their branches would all be changed accordingly. This is the rule set by the founding ancestors of the Great Qi Dynasty!

The king of Zhenyuan County was given the fief Zhou, so naturally the whole family changed their surnames to Zhou!

Fang Yuanfu secretly wondered that although Zhou Yiyan had been participating in the early court, in fact he was only called a county king, and he actually didn't have much power.On weekdays in the early morning, he never took the initiative to play.He would only speak when several of the county kings objected together or attacked the prime minister, Chang Ganze. What's going on today? I haven't seen other county kings make any moves. Why did Zhou Yiyan come out first?

"Zhou Aiqing is alive, I don't know what happened to Aiqing?"

Fang Yuanfu waved his hand down, and said in a kind tone. Although he was speaking to Zhou Yiyan, he glanced at Chang Ganze indistinctly. Could it be that this group of people is going to attack the prime minister again today?

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Zhou Yiyan stood up slowly, cast a glance at Chang Ganze behind him, and said, "My Majesty, this old minister wants to read the copy of the Prime Minister Chang Ganze!"

"Sure enough, it has something to do with the Prime Minister!" Fang Yuanfu's heart tightened suddenly.

Down below, including Generalissimo Kou Tianxiao, all the generals suddenly burst into smiles. It really was Shen Chang Ganze who told you that Chang Ganze would always make reforms if you had nothing to do. Take our benefits and give them to the lowly untouchables.He even intervened in the army and told the emperor that the army was spending too much, and that many generals in the army were paid for nothing, lied about their military achievements, and that the army also needed to be reformed!

Reform, reform!Just know the reform!

It has been many years since the founding of the Daqi Dynasty, and there have been no major reforms, especially the army. This system has been in place since the founding of the country, and it has never changed. However, Chang Qianze is special. After two years as the prime minister, he began to implement reforms!

Now it's all right, let's offend someone!Let you reform!

As for the generals, all the generals were secretly happy in their hearts. They wanted to see what Zhou Yiyan wanted to participate in Chang Ganze. If necessary, they would definitely add fire and join Chang Ganze together!

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