silly elixir emperor

Chapter 200 is just right


As soon as Wei Zhigang's words fell, Fang Yuanfu raised his hand and slapped the armrest of the dragon chair heavily, with a look of incomparable anger on his face: "It's outrageous, it's really outrageous! Prince Zhu, Lin Mo, and Dian Jian returned With Ma Yun, look at the good sons you have educated!"

Fang Yuanfu pointed to the three people below: "You are important ministers of the imperial court, but your son, they even gathered a crowd to bet with others, just bet, or find a fool to bet! Bet with fools, if you think you won Is it an honor?"

"What's more, the three of them still lost, and they lost the bet with the idiot! What's even more ridiculous is that at the beginning, it was obviously a one-round bet, but your children still didn't accept it. From one win in one game to two wins in three games, and then It became five rounds and three wins again, betting with idiots and playing tricks! If you cheat, you can cheat, and in the end you lose! When six people cheated, they lost the bet with fools, and the whole city knew about it! My big brother The face of the Qi Dynasty is completely humiliated by you! Everyone will say what others say, look, the sons of the six high-ranking officials of the Qi Dynasty can't win a bet with a fool. The son of a trash!"

Fang Yuanfu cursed angrily, secretly excited in his heart, unexpected, really unexpected, Chang Sheng actually helped him invisibly, a few days ago, Chang Sheng cut off Grand Master Fei's face in the Golden Luan Hall, although he himself It seems that no substantial benefits have been obtained, but this has also dealt a blow to Taishi Fei's prestige virtually.

And today, Chang Sheng actually played such a trick, and he just happened to be able to make use of it. This Chang Sheng really looks like his lucky star!

Fang Yuanfu smiled secretly in his heart, pointed to the four ministers kneeling on the ground who had already been frightened below, and scolded: "What's even more embarrassing for you is that you still don't admit the bet after losing, and want to renege on your debt! In the end, Chang Sheng blocked you Isn't it an honor to be killed by a stupid man to ask for bills at home? Don't you feel ashamed? Look now, Chen Huanqi and Li Ye were even arrested by Chang Sheng because of this incident! It's just too outrageous !"

Fang Yuanfu was outrageous, but everyone knew that he wasn't talking about Chang Sheng, but Chen Huanqi and Li Ye.

Hearing Fang Yuanfu's words, Wei Zhigang's heart moved, he took a step forward, and said, "Your Majesty, although Chang Sheng captured two generals, making them unable to participate in the early court, but if you insist, Chang Sheng did not fault."

Wei Zhigang explained in a loud voice: "Chang Sheng is an idiot, leaving aside the fact that General Li Ye and General Chen Huanqi didn't pay back the money they owed Chang Sheng, and Chang Sheng took them away to ask for the debt. This is not wrong. Who told them not to pay the money? Besides..."

Wei Zhigang made a long note, glanced at the generals, and then looked at Fang Yuanfu who was sitting on the dragon chair again: "Besides, your majesty, General Chen Huanqi and General Li Ye, they are two of the eight generals in the West Garden. They are in charge of training soldiers and defending the safety of our Great Qi Dynasty. They were going to fight on the battlefield, but the two of them were taken away by Chang Sheng, an idiot who was only eighteen or nineteen years old. The minister was very suspicious, and they Are you fit to be a general?"

The reformist loyal ministers immediately reacted when they heard Wei Zhigang's words. Wei Zhigang didn't do what he said. Isn't this just an opportunity to attack the generals?

"Your Majesty, Lord Wei is right. Chen Huanqi and Li Ye can't even beat Chang Sheng, a fool. How can such people be expected to defend their home and country and fight the enemy?"

"That's right, it's fine if they're just captains, but they're generals, how can they be so weak? I'm very suspicious, how did they become generals!"

"Your Majesty, according to Chen Huanqi and Li Ye, the army has a very big problem in the selection of generals. According to my minister, the military must carry out reforms!"

"Yes, reform, the army of our Great Qi Dynasty can no longer be rotten like this!"

The people on the generals' side listened to the words of the reformist civil servants, and their hearts were full of anger. These poor people know all about reform, reform, other than reform, do they know anything else?

But now, I can't refute it. After all, it's true that Chen Huanqi and Li Ye are generals, and it's not wrong that they were taken away by Chang Sheng alone!

Fang Yuanfu nodded secretly, and his eyes stayed on Wei Zhigang for a while. Wei Zhigang's reaction was indeed fast enough. It was inconvenient for Prime Minister Chang Ganze to open his mouth about this kind of matter, after all, it involved his son.Originally, Chang Ganze didn't open his mouth, and he was worried that no one would cooperate with him. Unexpectedly, Wei Zhigang reacted so quickly. It seems that he can cultivate Wei Zhigang well in the future.

"Cough cough."

Fang Yuanfu coughed twice, and after the officials of the reformist party calmed down, he finally said, "Well, indeed, from the incident of Chen Huanqi and Li Ye, it can be seen that there are indeed some problems in the military system. Reform is indeed inevitable. okay!"

As soon as Fang Yuanfu finished speaking, almost all the generals turned their eyes at the same time, and they fell on Kou Tianxiao, Generalissimo of the National Army and Horses. The emperor actually said that reform is imperative, which obviously means that a major change is going to be carried out.Even if the emperor is in a bad mood today, he must stop the emperor from making major reforms to the army!

Kou Tianxiao felt everyone's eyes, thought for a while, and finally walked out firmly.

"Your Majesty, I agree with you very much that you want to reform the army. It is indeed time for our army to reform!" Kou Tianxiao's voice was extremely firm.

"What? I heard you right, the Generalissimo is in favor of reform!"

"My God, what happened today? Didn't the Generalissimo always oppose the reform? Why did he suddenly agree with it today?"

"What's going on today? Am I going crazy, or is the whole world going crazy? The Generalissimo, who has always been the staunchest conservative, actually supports reform!"

All the generals stared blankly at the Generalissimo with a firm face, they were very surprised, what did the Generalissimo want to do?

Fang Yuanfu fixed his eyes on Kou Tianxiao's, trying to see the real thoughts in Kou Tianxiao's heart, but no matter how he looked, he couldn't see anything unusual about Kou Tianxiao's expression.

"Kou Tianxiao, what kind of trick does this old fox want to play?"

Fang Yuanfu's heart tightened. If Kou Tianxiao directly said that he had an opinion, he would not find it strange, but Kou Tianxiao directly agreed, which is too strange!Naturally, he can't really want to reform the army, he must have some ulterior motives!

Kou Tianxiao let the crowd scrutinize him constantly, and he was not influenced by the outside world at all. In today's matter, it would undoubtedly be a very stupid move to reject the emperor. After all, he is the emperor, and he is just a courtier.

Although I said that if I object, the emperor will also pay attention to my opinion, but today, the meaning of direct objection is really not great. It is better to follow the emperor's will and then try to get the benefits as much as possible. After all, the military is not He was monolithic, apart from himself, the military also had powerful figures such as General Liu and General Liu, and even Grand Master Fei, he didn't know how many direct descendants this veteran of the three dynasties had planted in the military.

If you can use the emperor's reform to expand your influence, this is also a good idea. A few days ago, your son Yingwu Hou mentioned it in a letter, hoping that he can find an opportunity to carry out a reform of the army and expand his own. strength!

Originally, I had been hesitating, but taking today's opportunity, I agreed!

Coincidentally, the reform can also cooperate with the son's plan!

Kou Tianxiao glanced at Chang Ganze without a trace, and smiled secretly in his heart. Chang Ganze has always been against him, but he is destined to never win against him in his life. His son is a fool, but his son, Marquis Yingwu, he is He is the number one hero of the younger generation of the Great Qi Dynasty. If it wasn't for his son's letter, even he himself would never have imagined that his son would actually be playing such a big game of chess!

In the Golden Luan Hall, Generalissimo Kou Tianxiao's unexpected behavior left everyone confused.

He actually agreed with the emperor to reform the army, isn't he always the most staunch opponent?Even if it was because two generals were captured by Chang Sheng this time, and then the reformist civil servants seized the opportunity to make trouble, but it can't be compromised like this, right?

Kou Tianxiao's eyes moved away from Chang Ganze and landed on Grand Master Fei.

Although Chang Ganze is the prime minister, he only has a group of reformist supporters, and at the local level, some local officials support it. In the military, Chang Ganze has no influence at all!

Without the strength of the military, Chang Ganze would never be able to make any big waves!

But Master Fei is different!

Grand Master Fei was the elder of the three dynasties. Over the years, no matter whether he was in the capital, in the local area, or in the army, he has cultivated countless direct descendants. Some of these people are on the surface, and some are deeply hidden!

Grand Master Fei is the truly terrifying person. This time, we must use reforms to suppress Grand Master Fei's snobbery in the military!

Kou Tianxiao bowed respectfully to Fang Yuanfu who was sitting on the dragon chair: "Your Majesty, it is indeed time for our military to reform. I would like to ask Your Majesty to allow me to reform the army!"


"Kou Tianxiao said that he will carry out reforms!"

When the generals heard the generalissimo's words, they reacted one by one. The generalissimo is really powerful. This move is good to play with retreat as an advance!

Don't you want to reform?Well, let's reform. However, you civil servants don't understand the reform of the army. If you want to reform, you have to reform it yourself!

The generalissimo has the final say on how to change the specific reforms!The Generalissimo is indeed wise!

"Hmph, Kou Tianxiao really has a good plan. It's a dream to let him reform!" Fang Yuanfu sneered in his heart, waved his hands and said, "Kou Aiqing, you are good at running the army, and you are good at fighting. I know this. But, when it comes to reform, Ai Qing, do you understand?"

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