"Chang Ganze, look at the good things your son has done!" Chen Huanqi immediately gained confidence when he saw Eunuch Bai and the others, and shouted at Chang Ganze, then turned his head, looked at Eunuch Bai and said, "Eunuch Bai , Chang Sheng arrested the court ministers without authorization and put us under house arrest, Eunuch Bai, take him down quickly!"

"I think you are the one who is going to take down!" Eunuch Bai stared at him suddenly, pointed at Chen Huanqi with his orchid finger, "How dare you call the prime minister's name directly!"

"What? Eunuch Bai took me down? I am a victim, why did you take me down? Don't listen to Chang Sheng's nonsense, it was Chang Sheng who caught us."

Chen Huanqi was dumbfounded when he heard Eunuch Bai's words. He heard it right, right? Why did Eunuch Bai say to take him down?What the hell is going on here?Could it be that Chang Sheng and Chang Ganze talked nonsense?They turned black and white?

That's right.

Just as Chen Huanqi was thinking, Eunuch Bai's next words directly shattered his hopes.

"Chang Sheng didn't say anything. Chen Huanqi, now you are no longer a general. The emperor has already heard about this. As a general, you were taken away by a boy of eighteen or nineteen years old. It is a disgrace to our Daqi Dynasty." , and the reason turned out to be that you did not pay back your debts, the emperor heard about this, and has dismissed you from the position of general, and ordered the miscellaneous family to help Mr. Chang Sheng to ask for money."

Eunuch Bai looked at Chen Huanqi coldly: "Okay, Chen Huanqi, today the miscellaneous family has to accompany Mr. Chang Sheng to go to another house to ask for debts, don't waste the miscellaneous family's time, now hurry up and go to your house with the miscellaneous family to get the money."

Chen Huanqi was stunned. He never thought that things would turn out like this. It took him a long time to realize that he looked at Eunuch Bai with an aggrieved expression, and flattered him, "Take the money? But my family doesn't have so much money, five million taels. How can I get it out in a short time? Eunuch Bai, can you give me a few more days, I..."

"No!" Eunuch Bai interrupted Chen Huanqi with a wave of his hand: "The emperor has ordered, and the money must be paid back today! It's okay if you can't get the money, the miscellaneous family can help you. How much property does Chen Huanqi have in the capital? I know, besides, don’t you still have a house?”

"House? Property?" Chen Huanqi listened to Eunuch Bai's words, his body went limp, and he almost fell to the ground. This Eunuch Bai was so cruel that he asked himself to sell the house and property to pay back the money. Time is still so tight, how could he sell it? A good price, this must be losing money!

But even if you lose money, you must pay back the money this time. The emperor has spoken, if you don't pay it back, it will be disrespectful, and the consequences will be ten thousand times more serious than paying back the money at a loss!

On the side, Guo Feng listened to the conversation between Chen Huanqi and Bai Gonggong, and his heart moved. Chen Huanqi and the others must sell their property in order to pay back the money. In this way, they may not be able to find a suitable buyer for a while. Just buy it yourself!

Thinking about it, Guo Feng whispered to Chang Sheng in secret: "Master, we can just take this opportunity to make another sum of money. Chen Huanqi and the others may not be able to give so much cash to the young master. They will all sell it to you." In this way, we just pretend to be buyers and buy their properties at a low price."

"Well, good idea, but, Guo Feng, they all know what you look like, and everyone knows that you are mine. If you want to make more money, you must let others go."

"Master, Guo Feng understands, we can let Misty go."

Chen Huanqi didn't want to pay back the money anymore, so he could only walk out of Chang's house and walk to his own house, accompanied by Chang Sheng, Eunuch Bai and the imperial guards.

After staying away from Chen Huanqi's house for a while, Chang Sheng suddenly yelled: "It's so boring, Chang Sheng went to ask pig's trotters for money."

Chang Sheng yelled, turned around from the door of Chen Huanqi's house, and walked towards Zhujun Wang's mansion. Chen Huanqi and the others owed a small amount of money, and the one who owed the most was Zhu Junwang. He didn't come here, but went directly to Zhu Junwang's mansion.

Seeing Chang Sheng leave, Eunuch Bai could only leave behind a big inner guard, urging the other party to pay back the money, while he followed quickly.

At the gate of Prince Zhu's Mansion.

Zhujun Wang looked at the man beside him, with a smile on his fat face: "Brother Liu, do you want to add a little more to the price? You know, my frontage has a very good location. And the area is also large. If it wasn’t for raising money for a big business recently, I wouldn’t have sold the facade. You only offered 220 million taels of silver, which is too little! Let’s add some more, 300 million taels of silver, how about it? "

Zhu Junwang tried his best to increase the price of the facades he sold. Since he came back early in the morning, he immediately went home, and found several merchants he usually knew well, saying that he had property to sell, but many merchants , They were all preparing to participate in some auction, and only Boss Liu in front of him came over.

"300 million taels is still too high, too high..." Boss Liu shook his head. Although he didn't know why King Zhu was in a hurry to sell his property, it was right for King Zhu to be anxious. The price, just like the facade in front of you, would be more than 400 million taels of silver if it was sold normally, but Zhujun Wang was in a hurry to make a move, so he wanted to lower the price to about 40 million taels of silver!

"The price is not high, Lao Liu, you should know..."

King Zhu Jun was talking, and suddenly a loud shout came from afar.

"Pig King, hurry up and ask Pig Trotter to come out and pay back the money!"

Chang Sheng dared to come all the way from Chen Huanqi's house. Before he reached Zhu's house, he heard Zhujun Wang and the businessman in front of him bargaining from a distance. Suddenly, Chang Sheng yelled.

He also arranged for Misty to buy Zhu Junwang's property, but he couldn't let Zhu Jun Wang sell the property.

Zhu Junwang suddenly heard this shout, and his face darkened. The voice was clearly Chang Sheng's voice. This fool, what are you doing shouting so loudly?In this way, others will know that they are going to sell the property to pay back the money, so the price will be lowered even lower!

Junwang Zhu secretly glanced sideways at Boss Liu beside him.

Sure enough, Boss Liu's expression changed.

Boss Liu looked at the few people who were walking forward from a distance, with a trace of doubt on his face, the money that King Zhu owes others?So in a hurry to sell the property and pay back the money?

But who is that person walking in the front?Why do you look like a fool?

Next to Boss Liu, the attendant seemed to see the doubts in his boss's heart, and whispered in Boss Liu's ear, "Boss, that person is Chang Sheng, the son of Prime Minister Chang Ganze, and he is a fool. However, yesterday , Chang Sheng made a bet with a few people headed by Zhu Junwang’s son Zhu Sha, and in the end Zhu Sha and the others lost, and it is said that the amount was very large.”

"Then, when Chang Sheng came to ask for the bill yesterday, he was cheated by King Zhu. This morning, the villain heard the news that Chang Sheng had arrested two generals who owed him money. Now..."

The store clerk said a few words, and Chang Sheng and the others had already approached, so he immediately shut up.

Although the clerk didn't finish his words, Boss Liu could still think of the next words. Judging from the current situation, Chang Sheng came over safely. Obviously, the capture of the general had no effect, and the person behind Chang Sheng, that person He was actually wearing the clothes of Ouchi guards!

What did Chang Sheng want to do here with so many people?Is it to ask for debt?If this is the case, Duke Zhu would be ashamed enough to be asked for debt by a fool twice in a row!

Boss Liu thought for a while and moved aside. At this time, Chang Sheng had already walked in front of him.

"Pig King, hurry up and let Pig's Trotter come out to pay back the money. If you don't pay back the money, Chang Sheng will beat you to death!"


Zhu Junwang felt that his lungs were going to explode with anger. It was nothing more than being asked for debt by a fool, but he was threatened like this by a fool!

This is simply too embarrassing!

But shame and anger, I have to pay back the money!

Zhu Junwang cursed Chang Sheng bitterly in his heart, and he had to wear a smile on his face: "Chang Sheng, Zhu Sha is not at home, I will exchange your money right away, look at the man next to me. Mr. Wei, we will finish the transaction immediately, and I will give you the money in a while."

With that said, Zhujun Wang quickly turned around and said to Boss Liu: "Boss Liu, that's all, 220 million taels of silver is 220 million taels. Let's make a deal. In addition, I still have a few properties. Let's see if it's a piece of money." wanted?"

"220 million taels? Oh, Prince Zhu, it suddenly occurred to me that I still have to use the money to buy things at the auction. I can't pay that much money, 80 taels of silver, and I can only pay 80 taels of silver to buy you. the front door."

Boss Liu looked at the smile on Zhu Junwang's face, and his heart was overjoyed for a long time. This idiot Chang Sheng appeared too timely. From the looks of it, Zhu Junwang must pay back the money as soon as possible. The price is under pressure!

"Boss Liu, just now we agreed that it was 220 million taels of silver, how did it become 80 taels of silver in a blink of an eye?" King Zhu Jun's bulging stomach suddenly shook violently, this Boss Liu is really too cruel. Another 140 million taels of silver was killed, and 80 taels of silver was used to buy his facade worth at least 400 million taels of silver. Why didn't he grab it?Even if you grab it, you won't make it so fast!

"Hehe, King Zhu, as I said, it suddenly occurred to me that there is something that needs to be spent." Boss Liu laughed: "Prince Zhu, this auction is not small right now. Everyone is going to auction things. If I didn't give For your sake, I went to the auction a long time ago. I will go home and wait for you now. You have to make a decision as soon as possible, otherwise I will go to the auction. At that time, you just want to sell, but you can’t find anyone gone."

Boss Liu laughed out loud, but he turned around and left. His words just now reminded King Zhu that everyone is going to the auction now. If they want to sell, they must sell the property to themselves.

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