silly elixir emperor

Chapter 204 The Auction House

Piao Miao took Zhu Junwang's property and left, and Zhu Junwang, at this time, he discovered a problem, the cash he had originally plus the 590 million taels of silver he bought from the property sale, the total was only 99 million Two taels of silver are still not enough to repay 1000 million taels of silver.

There is not enough money, but the family property is also sold out, and now there is only such a house left.I can't even sell the house, so that I and my family have no place to live.

Zhu Junwang had no choice but to run back to the mansion and take out the antiques he usually collected. The money must be paid back, and there is still 1 taels of silver. These antiques add up to enough.

With Eunuch Bai and the imperial guards following him, Chang Sheng was very successful in collecting the bills.

Zhu Junwang’s family has a big business. After paying back the money, he still left his servants and houses, but the others were miserable. They were not as rich as Zhu Junwang. In order to pay back the money, they had to sell His own house and even the servants were all sold at a low price.Only then did the money owed to Chang Sheng be paid off.

On the way home, Guo Feng whispered to Chang Sheng's secret voice: "Master, we are really lucky this time, we thought at most we could let Mio Miao pretend to be a businessman who doesn't know us, and earn some money from King Zhu Money, unexpectedly, there happened to be an auction going on. Not only did we buy his property from Junwang Zhu at a very low price, but in retrospect, we also bought the properties of the other five. Thank you for this auction!"

Hearing the sound, Chang Sheng's heart moved, the auction, now he is a rich man, not counting the money collected from these families, he brought a lot of money before he came to the capital, just the explosive pill , At the beginning, I made a net profit of more than 1 million taels of silver. Although I said that I spent a lot of money later, I was really not short of money. In this case, why didn't I go to the auction to see?

If you want to detoxify your father, it is not enough to rely on the medicinal materials obtained from Xiao Guangdao. According to the conversation between Boss Liu and Zhu Junwang, this auction is not small. Maybe there are medicinal materials you need there, and not only It is father's medicinal materials, and refining the elixir that activates the blood in Lan Ke'er's body, which also needs medicinal materials.

"Guo Feng, I'm going to participate in this auction. When I get home in a while, you give me all the money immediately, and I will go and see if there are any good things."

Chang Sheng instructed Guo Feng to go back to his room immediately after returning home, and get ready to change his appearance, and wait for Guo Feng to transfer the 6000 million taels of silver left over from the original auction of the elixir and the 3000 million taels he earned this time. After the money was delivered, she immediately left Chang's house, and immediately found a place where no one was around, and finished her disguise.

Walking out from the path, Chang Sheng just wanted to find someone to ask where the Tiantai Auction House was, when a pleasant voice came from behind him.

"Yue Long blames you. If it wasn't for your delay, we would have arrived at the auction house a long time ago. Now that it's all over, the auction house must have started a long time ago. I don't know if there is still room."

"Is this also going to the auction house?"

Chang Sheng turned around immediately, and what he saw were two men and two women, a total of four people.

These four people were not very old, and three of them looked about the same age as me, but there was a man who looked four or five years older than me.

"Okay, don't talk about Zhang Qin, Yue Long didn't do it on purpose, don't worry, I have been to the capital a few times before and participated in several auctions, we still have a place to go at this time." Among the four, The man who seemed to be the oldest smiled and looked at the girl beside her who had spoken earlier.

This girl looks extremely beautiful, and what is even more exaggerated is her figure, which is absolutely protruding and backward. The so-called devil figure is exactly what she is referring to, but the only fly in the ointment is that her skin looks a little dark, or It would be more appropriate to say that it should be bronze.

Chang Sheng glanced at the four of them, and took a step forward: "Are you going to the auction too? Next, I want to go to the auction, but I don't know the way, so I wonder if you can take me with you?"

Chang Sheng looked directly at the oldest of the four, and he could tell that he should be the head of the four.

"Of course there is no problem." The man smiled lightly, and the smile looked very gentle, which made people feel good.

Under the guidance of the four, Chang Sheng and the others quickly walked towards the auction. Along the way, Chang Sheng already understood that the four were not from the capital, on the contrary, they came from the same place as him, Tianluo Province, As for where it is in Tianluo Province, the other party did not say.

Soon a group of five people walked to the door of the auction house, "Hello, we are here to participate in the auction, do you have any space?" Among them, the oldest person went directly to the waiter at the door.

"Hello, distinguished guest, there are still twenty seats, but the rule of our auction house is that the entrance fee is 1000 taels of silver per person." The waiter at the door bowed slightly.

Hearing that there was still room, among the four, the man named Yue Long who was first complained by the black beauty Zhang Qin immediately stepped forward, took out 4000 taels of silver and handed it to the other party.

"It's really dark, the ticket costs 1000 taels of silver!"

Hearing the waiter's words from behind, Chang Sheng cursed inwardly, and took out a 1000 tael bank note and handed it over.

The waiter took the money and handed it over with an iron nameplate: "Please take it away, honored guest. This is your number plate, No. 26."

"Yeah." Chang Sheng hummed lightly, feeling very unbalanced in his heart. This is more than 3000 people, that is to say, there are at least 3000 people in the auction house now.One person receives 1000 taels of silver, and 300 people receive [-] million taels of silver. The auction house really makes money!

Holding the number plate, Chang Sheng quickly entered the auction house, found his own place and sat down. On his side were the four people who had just asked for directions. They came together, so it is not surprising that they sat together.

As soon as he sat down, Chang Sheng saw a girl named Zhang Qin raised her hand and patted her plump breasts beside her: "Fortunately, it's not too late, Hui Hui, the Phoenix Hetian pendant you want to buy is still available." There is no auction." Zhang Qin turned her head to her companion, lowered her body slightly, and said softly.

She was wearing tight-fitting clothes, and with her movements, a deep gully was exposed on her chest.

"It seems to be bigger than what I visually estimated. It's almost as big as Xie Shiwen. I really don't know how she grew up so big at her age!"

Chang Sheng glanced over inadvertently, and was shocked by Zhang Qin's plumpness, and then, a cold gaze swept over.


Zhang Qin gave Chang Sheng a cold look, turned around, and looked to the other side.

"Hey, I was really wronged." Chang Sheng sighed in his heart, can he blame himself?Zhang Qin is so plump and attractive, a man will pay attention to it when he sees it, and he is not staring at it, so why is he shameless.

Chang Sheng immediately turned his head and looked towards the center of the auction house.

In both Linmeng City and Mengshan City, I have been to Tiantai Auction House, and now looking at the appearance of Tiantai Auction House in Beijing, the overall structure is no different from that of Mengshan City and Linmeng City. !

On the huge auction stage, a pretty female auctioneer holds a jade plate and introduces in a crisp tone: "What will be auctioned next is a phoenix pendant made of high-quality Hetian jade, phoenix... Besides, This pendant is also a magic weapon, and the jade can be used to store innate qi... Now the auction starts, the reserve price is 50 taels of silver!"

As soon as the female auctioneer's words fell, a girl named Huihui left next to Zhang Qin and shouted: "80 taels of silver!"

"Three million taels of silver!"

"Three million taels of silver!"


There were not many bidders for this pendant, and finally a girl named Huihui won the pendant at a price of 150 million taels of silver.

Chang Sheng twisted his neck boredly. This pendant looks good, but it is definitely not as good as the female auctioneer said. Even if Hetian jade can store innate qi, it can't store much. 150 million taels of silver to buy such a thing , Absolutely lost money.

On one side, Zhang Qin saw the guy who came to the auction site with a few of his talents in front of him, twisting his neck in boredom. He also couldn't afford this kind of jade pendant, and he probably came here today just to learn more.

It's just an ordinary ranger, but he came to participate in such a high-end auction and handed over 1000 taels of silver for nothing. I really don't know what people like them think, gain knowledge?What knowledge can I gain?

Just as Zhang Qin was thinking, the crisp voice of the female auctioneer sounded again in the auction house.

"The items for auction below are two medicinal plants."

The sexy female auctioneer stretched out her white and tender hands and raised a round jade plate: "Zihe flower, a magical flower that can only grow on the Zihe plain, the most important thing is that Zihe flower is the It is an essential medicinal material for making a variety of second-order elixirs."

"It turned out to be Purple River Flower!"

Chang Sheng sat up straight, and he wanted to refine the Jiudan for his father, and this purple river flower was one of the medicinal materials that could not be replaced by other medicinal materials.

Other medicinal materials are also available in all major pharmacies in the capital, but there is no purple river flower. I did not expect to meet purple river flower in the auction house today. Now that I have met this purple river flower, no matter how much it costs, I Also take a picture.

"Two purple river flowers will be auctioned together. The low price is 40 taels of silver, and the price increase should not be less than 1 taels of silver. Now the auction begins." A jade plate with purple river flowers was placed on the auction table.

"Three million taels of silver!"

The auction had just started, and someone immediately added 10 taels of silver, which seemed to be a certainty for this purple river flower.

"52 taels of silver!" Soon, the second quotation sounded.

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