"In the Immortal World, all the most powerful people follow this way of cultivating the Golden Core Dao! However, Gu Tianmo, I always thought that you knew everything, basically there was nothing you didn't know, yet you didn't even know these things .” Chang Sheng deeply despised Gu Tianmo.

Hearing Chang Sheng's contempt, Gu Tianmo couldn't help retorting: "Chang Sheng, do you know how high-level the things you said are? It's not like you don't know how I almost lost my soul. I just ascended to the fairy world Soon, I died fighting on the battlefield of immortals and demons, how could I know so many secrets! However, Chang Sheng, I have a general understanding of the Golden Core Dao you mentioned, so what does this have to do with your special cultivation method."

"The relationship is too big!" Chang Sheng said solemnly: "Golden Core Dao, everyone can only form one pill in their body, and through this pill to communicate with the world, I have been thinking, a person, apart from the Golden Core, can he be Can’t you have another kind of pill? Then use two kinds of pills to practice? Golden pills are pills formed in the body, and it stands to reason that one should be able to form a pill outside the body.”

"Moreover, I think this should be the most perfect way of cultivation, one inside and one outside, one day and one earth, one yin and one yang, to communicate with the world through two pills, this should be the most perfect cultivation, so as to achieve balance !"

"Well, Chang Sheng, what you said is very reasonable." Gu Tianmo immediately agreed with Chang Sheng's words: "However, many people should understand the truth you said, Chang Sheng, but if you want to condense a pill outside your body , how does this need to be condensed? And in order to achieve balance, the strength of the pill outside the body must be equal to the strength of the golden pill inside the body. Otherwise, one is strong and the other is weak, it is not the harmony of the world's yin and yang. Strong The stronger side will definitely devour the weaker side, and there will definitely be problems with the body, and it will definitely be a big problem."

"Gu Tianmo, you are right. Many people understand this truth, but, as you said, even if they understand, they will not go to refine the outer alchemy. The reason is very simple. People who know the golden alchemy way, how One is not the strongest, their golden elixirs are too strong, it is impossible to refine a outer elixir! If you want to refine an outer elixir, unless you are like me, when your strength is still weak. "

Chang Sheng explained: "In addition, although it is an outer alchemy, it can only be refined by oneself, because after all, it is the alchemy that will communicate with the world in the future. If you let others refine it, it will not be effective. So , no matter how many people know about it, I am the only one who can refine this outer pill, unless someone automatically reincarnates!"

"However, even if the reincarnation is reincarnated and understands the principles of the outer alchemy, who can refine the outer alchemy?" Chang Sheng's face showed a look of arrogance, "How to refine the outer alchemy, I am also in the process of reincarnation." I studied for a long time before, and then by chance, I successfully researched the method of refining the outer pill, that is, using the alchemy method to refine a pill, because it is a outer pill, so I take care of the pill The name is, Heavenly Dao Wai Dan!"

Chang Sheng said, and suddenly sighed: "It's a pity, it's a pity that after I researched the Heavenly Dao Wai Dan, I was sent to the battlefield of immortals and demons before I had time to refine it."

While talking to Gu Tianmo, Chang Sheng looked at the auction items brought up one by one on the auction floor: "Fortunately, Gu Tianmo, you gave me an elixir of reincarnation, and let me reincarnate. In this life, I finally have This is the chance to implement my plan. Heavenly Dao Wai Dan, even if the materials are not enough, I can make a fake Wai Dan first! Then I will refine the real Heavenly Dao Wai Dan after I enter the golden elixir stage you mentioned! "

Gu Tianmo listened to Chang Sheng's words in a daze, and his heart was full of shock. Chang Sheng actually researched the method of refining the outer alchemy, which is really amazing!

Think about how vast the fairy world is, and how many amazing talents there are among them. The inner alchemy plus the outer alchemy is the most perfect way of cultivation. Everyone can think of it, but who can cultivate the outer alchemy?

A problem that the entire fairy world couldn't solve, but he solved it!

The auction continued during the conversation. Suddenly, when Chang Sheng looked at a light blue light blue plant that looked like a flower but not a flower or grass but not a grass that was lifted up by the auctioneer, he suddenly sat up straight and stretched his neck Looking forward.

"Youzuihua. A magical flower that grows on the top of the Wanmi Snow Mountain. In addition to the extremely harsh growth environment, each Youzuihua is also guarded by strange beasts, which makes the Youzuihua even more beautiful. Precious. Many medicinal materials need to be refined with other medicinal materials to make elixir to achieve certain medicinal effects. Only the use of Youzuihua alone can relax muscles and activate blood circulation, condense true energy, strengthen bones and maintain youthfulness , of course, this drunken flower is the necessary medicinal material for Zhuyan Pill that all women dream of. If you have a favorite girl, take a photo of the drunken flower and ask an alchemy master to refine a Zhuyan Pill and give it to the other party , that must be the best gift, no woman can refuse Zhuyan Dan!"

"Zhuyan Pill...Zhuyan Pill is already a third-order elixir, and it can indeed preserve the appearance and even make the skin better, but it is a waste to refine a Zhuyan Pill with Youzuihua Flower!" Chang Sheng stared at the light blue You Zui Hua with scorching eyes, revealing a scorching look: "This You Zui Hua is a necessary medicinal material for the Tiandao Wai Dan I refined!"

"En? Chang Sheng, why did your refining of the Heavenly Dao Wai Pill have something to do with Zhuyan's medicinal materials?" Gu Tianmo was taken aback when he heard the words, feeling very strange in his heart.

"What's so strange about this? The reason why Youzuihua can retain its beauty is that it has the effect of preservation. The Tiandao Waidan I refined can't be refined at one time, it needs continuous refining, and, Tiandao Waidan must store all kinds of true qi, and I need the storage effect of You Zui Hua."

While Chang Sheng was explaining to Gu Tianmo, the fiery look on his face became more intense, and his whole body trembled faintly with excitement.

"Gu Tianmo, you should know that what I am practicing now is the Immortal Art of the Prosperous Age. Although it is said that there is the Immortal Art of Stealing the World in the Immortal Art of the Prosperous Age, my cultivation speed is much faster than others, but once I reach a bottleneck, as I am now Peak, although I can still steal other people's origins, but I can't use these origins to increase my own cultivation. And these origins, if I don't give them to others, I can't refine them myself, it will only be in my body Keep it for five days, and after five days, it will dissipate!"

"I know what you said. But what does this have to do with the Heavenly Dao Wai Dan?" Gu Tianmo became more and more confused by Chang Sheng's words.

"Stupid! I just said that the Tiandao Waidan can store all kinds of qi. In this way, if I have the Tiandao Waidan, and then I steal other people's source, I can store the source in the Tiandao Waidan, so that I won’t waste the origin because of the slow consumption of time. If there is no Tiandao Waidan, I can temporarily store the stolen origin, but there is a time limit, up to five days. After five days, if the origin I steal If you don’t use it all the time, it will be lost slowly, but it will be different if you have the Heavenly Dao Waidan.”

Chang Sheng could feel it himself, and his voice visibly trembled: "Also, to cultivate the Immortal Art of the Prosperous Age, the last layer must be supported by the world, and then you can break through through cultivation. In the prosperous age, cultivation is faster and can achieve twice the result with half the effort, but even in troubled times, as long as you practice enough, you can still rely on it, as long as you have a life. But now my Chang family has no life in the capital. My Chang family has nothing at all. Industry, even if Mio Miao bought some properties from those families, it will take time for those industries to form a world. Now the family still has no world, that is to say, I am practicing now, and it will not be effective at all. Effect."

"But it's different with the Tiandao Waidan. I can directly inject the source of my body into the Tiandao Waidan, so that I can continue to practice." Chang Sheng said, feeling that Gu Tianmo didn't seem to understand, and continued to add Dao: "To give an example, my own body is a bank, and the money that the bank can save is limited. After a certain amount of money is saved, it cannot be saved. And my Tiandaowaidan is also like a bank. , I can take out the money from the bank of my own body and put it into the bank of Tiandaowaidan, so that my own bank can continue to save money."

"In this way, I can practice every day, and then store the original source in the Tiandao Wai Dan, so as to preserve the state that can be cultivated. It can be said that my current state is the most suitable for using the Tiandao Wai Dan!"

"The drunken flower is too rare. I missed this drunken flower. I don't know when I will find the next drunken flower. I can't wait. Of course, the drunken flower can also be replaced by other medicinal materials. But those pills are more valuable and rarer. So no matter what, I want to get this drunken flower. Even if I can't buy it, I will see who gets this drunken flower, and I will grab it! "

Ever since Youzuihua appeared on stage, Chang Sheng has fixed his eyes on Youzuihua, and there is nothing else in his eyes.

On the one side, Zhang Qin was very surprised when she noticed Chang Sheng's abnormal state sensitively. Ever since this knight-errant-looking person bought Red Yancao, she became more curious and paid more attention to him, after some observations. , she found that she couldn't see each other more clearly.

No matter what kind of items appeared, the other party always had an expression on his face. Even if Taiyi Fengranshi appeared and he bought it, his expression still remained unchanged, but when this Youzuihua appeared, his expression Obviously it has changed.Those unsurprising eyes and the fiery look that radiated made her feel a little hot when she was sitting by the side.

"He cares so much about this drunken flower, I thought he didn't care about anything, but he cares so much about drunken flower, it must be used for important purposes, is it to please other women? Apart from this function, the drunken flower seems to have no other use."

Zhang Qin secretly guessed in her heart.

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