Condensed gas into a soldier!

Chang Sheng frowned, even if it is half-step Qi training, there are not many people who can condense Qi into soldiers. Yu Dian can do this, it seems that he is more powerful than he imagined, but, it seems The weapon condensed from his military spirit cannot be released outside, he can only condense the weapon into his own hand, forming a glove-like thing.

"Haha, Mr. Yu has already used his military energy, so he is dead. Mr. Yu is a half-step Qi training master, and he can still compete with a real Qi training master. I have seen it with my own eyes. He The scene of competing with a master of the Qi training realm, and finally retreating completely. And this Cheng Mo, he is only a Xiantian realm, even if he is at the peak of the Xiantian realm, facing Mr. Dian, he is dead!"

Liu Shangshu stared viciously at the figure who was dodging the black poisonous gas in embarrassment, and dared to kill his subordinates, his most loyal and best running dog Liu Yu, I will make you pay the price!

Yu Dian waited for his hands to be completely wrapped in military aura, stretched out his body, and quickly rushed to Chang Sheng who was avoiding the poisonous aura.

"It's this opportunity, it's up to you how to avoid it this time."

Yu Dian took advantage of Chang Sheng, who was turned sideways to avoid the poisonous gas, his eyes fixed, and he stretched out his hand, grabbing Chang Sheng's shoulder suddenly.

Before the hand arrived, bursts of evil spirit rushed out.

"He wants to fight me hand-to-hand? Just right, that's what I want too."

Chang Sheng looked at Yu Dian's grabbed arm, smiled in his heart, and fought with himself. His body was tempered by the fire, would he be afraid of him?In this case, I will...

Chang Sheng turned to one side again, stretched out an arm, and swung vigorously, as if trying to block Yu Dian's grab.


Seeing Chang Sheng's movements, Yu Dian had a look of sarcasm on his pale face. A person in the innate realm actually wanted to stop him.

Yu Dian suddenly stretched out his other arm to grab the opponent's forearm, and at the same time, the arm that was originally attacking the opponent's shoulder also grabbed downwards. The two arms flew across the air at such a high speed that they even created a phantom. In the phantom, accompanied by two whistling sounds, two slightly skinny hands grabbed Chang Sheng's arm.

"I want this arm!"

Yu Dian sneered, the strength of his whole body burst out suddenly, and he grabbed Chang Sheng's arm with both hands and folded it forcefully.


Yu Dian folded his hands hard, and suddenly a huge force passed along the hands holding the opponent. He folded with all his strength, but only heard a light click, and he just folded the opponent's arm, but Without breaking, how is this possible?I have the strength of three dragons in this one move, what is his arm made of?How can it be so hard, even people who practice Qi don't have such a hard bone!

The arm was broken, and in an instant, a deep pain was transmitted to the brain along the nerves. Chang Sheng endured the severe pain in the arm, and the other arm that was not attacked suddenly raised it, and punched Yu Dian in the chest. call!

"Hmph, you have been attacked, yet you still dare to attack Lao Tzu. You know you are not Lao Tzu's opponent, so you want to exchange injuries for injuries? Well, I will fulfill you! Let's see how much damage you can do to Lao Tzu with one punch! "

Yu Dian had an extremely crazy and sinister look on his face, he grabbed Chang Sheng's arm with both hands, and folded it hard again at the position where it was folded just now!

Just now he didn't break his arm, so if he folded it again, he couldn't believe that he couldn't break his arm. Just now his arm made a noise, even if it didn't break, it's almost the same!

A black mist that was more violent than before erupted from Yu Dian's body, and spread to Chang Sheng's entire arm in an instant!


Yu Dian yelled loudly, and his whole body shook violently in conjunction with the movement of his arms.


Suddenly, two loud bangs exploded out of thin air, and one of Chang Sheng's arms was broken!

Almost at the same moment, Chang Sheng's raised fist had already landed on Yu Dian's chest!


There was a loud noise, the sound was so loud that it was like the biggest military drum being sounded on the battlefield of ancient humans and demons. Even Liu Shangshu in the distance was shocked and his ears were numb. For a while, there was a buzzing in his ears Noise, no other sound could be heard.

Yu Dian's body shook suddenly, and then he flew backwards as if knocked down by a fast-flying ancient monster!

Impossible, this is impossible!

Yu Dian flew upside down in the air, looking at the opposite figure in disbelief, that person was obviously a person of the innate realm, how could he have such great strength, how could this punch have the power of three dragons!

With the power of the three dragons, even if he hit with all his strength, he only had the power of the three dragons. He is a person in the innate realm, how did he do it?If I had known that the other party had such great power, I would never have fought head-on with him. Although I broke one of his arms, I would suffer serious internal injuries if I was hit by such a huge force!

Liu Shangshu stood stiffly, looking at Yu Dian who was flying upside down with horror on his face, his eyes were full of horror.

Yu Dian, this is a half-step qi training, comparable to the existence of a real qi training state, so Cheng Mo, how could he knock Yu Dian away with one punch?Isn't he just a person in the innate realm?

Liu Shangshu stared dumbfoundedly at Yu Dian being punched into the air, and quickly fell towards the distance. When he landed on the ground, there was a loud noise. On the ground, Yu Dian's body made a deep hole on the ground. The whole person fell to the ground level, and above, around the round pit, the ground had already been completely cracked, revealing cracks more than ten meters long and a foot wide.

Above the crater, the dust and mud that exploded under the huge impact had already covered this space, seeming to cover the sky of this space.

Yu Dian looked at his opponent in the distance through the dusty waste above his head, and suddenly, his eyes froze.

In sight, the other party actually snapped off the arm that was broken by him, and then a brand new arm grew out of the broken arm in an instant!

Rebirth with a broken arm!This is something that can only be done by an immortal master!

He is immortal!

how can that be!Absolutely impossible!

If he was an immortal master against the sky, he would be beaten to death just by raising his hand lightly, how could he keep fighting with him for so long!

But if he is not an immortal master, how did his arm regenerate?

Yu Dian raised his head, his eyes were full of confusion.

Chang Sheng shook the regrown arm, and a scheming smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. If it wasn't for the rebirth of the broken limb, how could he let Yu Dian grab his arm just now!Originally, Yu Dian was practicing Yinxie Poison Art, and he really didn't dare to let him hit him casually, but it didn't matter if he hit his arm.

Chang Sheng grabbed his broken arm and smiled sinisterly at Yu Dian: "Don't you want my arm? Well, I'll help you now!"

Chang Sheng's body suddenly spun, and after one turn, his broken arm flew out.

Crazy throw!

In an instant, the severed arm sprang out rapidly, with such speed and strength that the arm flew straight out without any rotation, with the sound of crackling wind.

The arm flew over, and on the ground, withered yellow weeds were rolled up in the wind along with the dust.

Yu Dian's expression changed drastically, and sweat immediately appeared on his head. What kind of exercise is this, and how does this broken arm fly so fast.

Even with his half-step qi training, he can barely see the trajectory of the broken arm flight. If he wants to dodge, if he is in his prime, he may not be 100% sure that he can dodge, let alone now. Such a look!

"Hundred scorpions and thousand spider fingers!"

Yu Dian lay on the ground, looked at the roaring arm, raised his finger and shot out a black poisonous gas mixed with innate qi and military qi!


The flying speed of the broken arm was really too fast, the black poisonous gas had just flown out of the hand, the broken arm had already landed in front of the eyes, the two collided, and there was a soft sound immediately.

The black poisonous gas only pierced through the muscles on the severed arm. After concentrating on the bones, it could no longer move forward, and finally dissipated...

No, this arm is too hard!

Yu Dian said inwardly that something was wrong, and it was too late to make another move!The severed arm that was broken by him has already fallen!


There was a loud bang in the courtyard, and in an instant, the ground of the entire courtyard seemed to vibrate.

Amid the billowing smoke and dust, Yu Dian opened his mouth wide, spewing out a mouthful of scarlet blood. This arm was really too hard. He had felt the hardness of the arm just now, but at this moment, he really felt that this arm was so hard. How hard it is, even refined iron, refined steel or even black iron that has been refined for hundreds of years is not so hard!

On the chest that was directly hit by the arm, the sternum was smashed instantly by the extremely brave impact force, and then the extremely powerful impact force rushed into the body without hindrance and raged wildly!

This blow was really too ferocious, it might have the power of four flood dragons!

Yu Dian's pale face was twitching in pain, and he was amazed in his mind. The opponent was a little innate, how did he achieve the power of the four dragons?Even ordinary people who have just stepped into the Qi training state may not be able to play the power of the four dragons!

"Chang Sheng, that's right. I found out that you have the rebirth of a broken limb, and your body has been tempered by the fire. In this way, your broken arm or leg becomes the best weapon for using the madman's throw." Weapons!"

Looking at Yu Dian's miserable state, Gu Tianmo couldn't help but joked: "Chang Sheng, what kind of Taiyi wind soil stone are you auctioning at the auction? Do you still need to make weapons? I think your bones are the most What a good weapon, how hard it is! Just now, the blow you used your unique skill to have the power of four flood dragons!"

The power of the four dragons.

Chang Sheng nodded. The Crazy Molu that he has mastered now has a total of three special skills. They are special skills, and they can naturally unleash power that cannot be unleashed at ordinary times. However, if what he just threw was not his own arm, but an ordinary If it is a knife, it will definitely not smash out the power of the four dragons.

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