silly elixir emperor

Chapter 219 Zhuge Zhan Reappears

If I give them these origins again, I'm afraid they will be able to break through to the peak of innateness and enter the half-step innate realm!

In this way, what if they also encounter the punishment of heaven and fire like themselves?They don't have the World Stealing Immortal Technique like themselves, they can steal the Tribulation Fire to temper themselves!

These origins cannot be given to Misty and Guo Feng, so they can only keep them for themselves.A half-step master of qi training, how precious his original source is, he must not let this original source go to waste, so he must quickly practice into the Heavenly Dao Wai Dan!

Chang Sheng sat in his room and began to refine the Heavenly Dao Wai Dan wholeheartedly.

Early the next morning, in Liu Shangshu's manor outside the city, all the arresters surrounded the entire yard.

"Master Chief Catcher, my subordinates have already found out that there are 81 people in the entire yard, plus 78 dogs, all died. Among them, except for Liu Shangshu and this person in front of him, among the remaining 73 people, there are three masters who have reached the peak of sublimation. , one congenital ninth-level master, two congenital third-level masters, and the remaining [-] are all congenital first-level masters!"

In front of Liu Shangshu and Yu Dian's bodies, a young policeman in police uniforms ran from the courtyard behind to the forty-something-year-old chief catcher with a resolute face, and reported everything he had investigated in a loud voice! "

Around, the arresters heard the young arrester's report, they were shocked, there are so many innate masters in Liu Shangshu's mansion!This is too scary, but what is even scarier is that so many innate masters were killed silently without anyone knowing!

If it wasn't for the fact that the emperor hadn't seen Mr. Liu, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites today, and sent someone to look at it, I'm afraid no one would know until now that Liu Shangshu, including everyone in this manor, had been killed!

How powerful would it take to kill so many innate masters at once!

Just as the young police officer finished his report, in the distance, a graceful woman in a head-catching uniform, who seemed to be only 28 or nine years old, walked over quickly.

"It's Huangfu Yao, vice president who is arresting the head!"

The arrester quickly saw the person coming, and stepped aside quickly. Huangfu Yao, the deputy head arrester, although she was a woman, and a young and beautiful woman, she was already a master of Qi training and a genius among the great Qi Dynasty !

Huangfu Yao quickly walked up to the chief arrester, and said in a crisp voice: "Master chief arrester, I checked all the dead people carefully, and found that the dead are mainly concentrated in two places, one is on the wooden building in the back courtyard , where almost all the dead were hit by people with heavy objects, and then hit each other to death one by one!"

"One by one collided with each other and died?" Hearing the words of Huangfu Yao, the deputy chief arrester, the policeman couldn't turn the corner.

The policeman who reported just now has already said that those people are all innate masters, and the innate masters just bumped into each other to death one by one?How can this be?

Huangfu Yao ignored the sluggish-looking officers on the side, and continued to talk about her discovery: "Besides, that master of the ninth floor should be Mr. Liu's master. Looking at his body, he was beaten to death by force." Killed with head cut!"

Huangfu Yao paused as she spoke: "This is another place where the dead are concentrated. I believe the head arrester has seen the dead here. Except for that shriveled corpse and Mr. Liu, everyone else was hacked to death. Killed with one knife, I believe that the other party should be a master of knife! And judging from the method of killing, I believe that all these people should be killed by one person!"

Killed alone?And it was a one-shot kill!How strong is that man!

Many of the arresters suddenly felt a chill down their backs!

It's not scary to kill a person with a single knife, but these people are almost all innate masters!This is not just someone who is in the forging state or sublimation state, but the innate masters are like chopping melons and vegetables, killing one with one knife.

At the Qi training level, only those who are strong at the Qi training level like Chief Catcher and Deputy Chief Catcher can do this, so easily kill the masters of the Xiantian Realm!

The Chief Catcher listened to Huangfu Yao's report, and nodded in satisfaction: "Well, it's the same as what I observed, but the other party doesn't necessarily have to be a master with a knife, and there is still one thing that can be done with one knife, that is his. Much stronger than anyone else."

As he spoke, he pointed to the shriveled corpse: "As for this person, I do know who he is. He is a guest of Mr. Liu. Although he only practiced Qi half-step, I have seen it with my own eyes. The whole process of a master on the first floor resolutely retreating. Now that he is dead, it is enough to prove that the opponent is a master of Qi training."

"The other party is indeed a master of Qi training, and he always catches the head, I suspect that the other party is a person in the evil way!" Huangfu Yao pointed to Yu Dian's body and said: "Looking at the way he died, a half-step Qi training master actually Becoming skinny and skinny, this is obviously the result of evil methods!"

"That makes sense!" The head catcher nodded and said, "One more thing, maybe because of your limited experience, you couldn't discover that all the people who died in the manor were practicing evil methods, and all of them People at the innate level all use special evil methods to forcibly elevate the realm. All I suspect Liu Shangshu, he colluded with people in the evil way, and then I don’t know why, and finally caused internal disputes, which happened over this matter!"

"Huh, Liu Shangshu, he is a majestic Shangshu, but he colluded with the evil people. If he dies, he will die! However, even so, he is still the Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites. That evil person is really bold. Even the Shangshu of my Daqi Dynasty Dare to kill, they are really getting more and more arrogant!"

Huangfu Yao's pretty face was full of anger: "Recently, there have been several murders near my capital. Some of these incidents have evidence that they were committed by evil people, and some of them have no direct evidence. But according to our judgment, it is probably done by crooked people. These crooked people are becoming more and more rampant, and now they even dare to kill the officials of the imperial court, and they are always arresting their heads. We must report this to His Majesty as soon as possible!"

"Well, Huangfu Chief Detective, you are in charge of guarding this place, and I will go to the palace to report to the Holy Majesty!" The Chief Chief Detective said and quickly left the manor.

Almost at the same time, the Deputy Prime Minister's Office.

Zhuge Zhan was sitting upright in the middle of the pavilion, his slender and tender hands like a woman were gently touching the guqin, with a leisurely expression, completely immersed in the melodious music.


After playing the song, Zhuge Zhan opened his eyes, looked at the door from a distance, and said to himself: "It's been a day, and the time is almost up, those people should be coming."

"Master, who are you talking about?" Duan Jian suddenly appeared beside Zhuge Zhan with his arms around the sword.

"I can't say for sure who they are, but I know who they are." Zhuge Zhan slightly tilted the corner of his mouth, showing a charming smile: "Broken Sword, what happened yesterday in the Golden Temple and in the Imperial City You should know about it."

"Young master is talking about the emperor ordering Prince Zhu and others to pay off the money owed to Chang Sheng, and then sending Eunuch Bai and the guards to ask for the money?" Duan Jian frowned secretly: "With the emperor's words, Prince Zhu and the others have already exchanged the money for Chang Sheng, but do these things have anything to do with the people who are coming today?"

"Of course." Zhuge Zhan gracefully lifted up the tea on the table, took a sip and said, "You have to know that in the entire capital, there are quite a few people who hate Chang Sheng's father, Chang Ganze. If a fool gets such a big benefit for no reason, someone will definitely be jealous, unbalanced, jealous, and then want to deal with Chang Sheng!"

"Envy? Jealousy?" Broken Sword became even more puzzled when he heard the words: "Master, Chang Sheng's winnings are only about 3000 million taels, and with the addition of a county king's fiefdom, this money is the same as those in the capital. People from real big families can't look down on them!"

"Don't like it?" Zhuge Zhan laughed loudly when he heard the words: "Broken Sword, you are wrong to think so. Let me ask you a simple question, 1000 taels of silver, you can get it out."

Broken Sword nodded heavily: "For 1000 taels of silver, Broken Sword is still available."

"Then let me ask you again, if you are walking on the street and you see a 1000 tael bank note on the ground, and then someone squats on the ground and picks up the money, and this person is still a fool and your enemy, Are you jealous and jealous? Feeling unbalanced?" Zhuge Zhan looked at Broken Sword with a smile.

Duan Jian heard the words, thought for a while, and said: "Yes, of course, if I encounter such a situation, I will definitely be upset. Why is it that I am not the one who picked up the money? And the other party is still my enemy. I'm not happy, and I will call the other party bad luck!"

"That's right!" Zhuge Zhan lowered his head, as if looking at his lover, and gently stroked the tea cover with his slender fingers: "Chang Sheng's matter is the same as your reason for picking up money. They can also come up with this amount of money, but when they see that Chang Sheng has received such a benefit for no reason, they will definitely feel unbalanced, and Chang Sheng's father, their Chang family is still their enemy, such an imbalance When the opponent is the enemy, it will explode."

"Duanjian understands, young master." Just as Duanjian responded, a white figure suddenly appeared at the gate of the courtyard.

"Master, Master Zhu Sha of the Zhu family has come to see you."

A young and beautiful girl walked quickly in front of Zhuge Zhan. The moment she appeared, Broken Sword had disappeared somewhere.

"Please come in." Zhuge Zhan raised his head and said softly, then lowered his head and gently stroked the strings, but he didn't let the strings make any sound.

"Yes, the slaves retire."

The waitress made a bow, turned around and left, and after a while, Zhu Sha's figure appeared at the gate of the courtyard.

"Zhuge Zhan, you came up with a good idea!"

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