Just as Chang Ganyi opened his mouth to refuse, Chang Sheng's voice rang in his ear first.

"Do you want to fight? It seems very fun, I agree, I will fight, I will fight."

When Lin Yuanzhi heard Chang Sheng's promise, he was afraid that Chang Ganyi would go back on his word, so he said, "Okay, if that's the case, then it's a deal. A month later, there will be a showdown at Dongpo Ridge, ten miles outside the city." , He didn't talk to the county lord Wu Shiju in the hall, he waved his hand, and led his subordinates to carry Lin Di's body out of the county office.

Chang Ganyi waited for Lin Yuanzhi to leave, thanked Xiang Dao and led everyone to leave the county government office and return to Changfu.

As soon as he returned to Changfu, Chang Ganyi immediately ordered the housekeeper: "Go and get Mr. Guo's legal fees, and get another 100 taels of silver as a reward." He was very satisfied with Guo Feng's performance in the county government, so he ordered the housekeeper Capture 100 taels of silver.In addition, after watching Guo Feng, he felt that Guo Feng would be someone in the future, and he wanted to make a good relationship.Unexpectedly, Guo Feng waved his hand and said, "Master Chang, I can't ask for your money?"

"No? What? Is Mr. Guo too little? Or do you have other questions?" Chang Ganyi was taken aback and asked.

Guo Feng didn't answer Chang Ganyi, he turned his head, walked to Chang Sheng's side, reached out and tugged at Chang Sheng's clothes, pointed at himself and asked, "Do you remember me?"

Chang Sheng turned his head, looked at Guo Feng, who was half a head shorter than himself, and was stunned. Then he desperately recalled all the memories of the previous owner of this body in his mind, but he recalled all the memories from beginning to end twice in succession. However, Chang Sheng still has no impression of the boy in front of him.

Guo Feng looked at Chang Sheng's stupid face with confusion in front of him, and secretly cursed that he was also stupid. He is a fool, how could he remember what happened so many years ago, let's talk about it himself.

"Five years ago, when I was ten years old, there was a very famous lawsuit in Fengdu City. A poor man won the lawsuit against a wealthy gentry who was also well-known in Fengdu City at that time. I was the one who helped the poor in the lawsuit. Because of the lawsuit, Fushen hated my father anew. Ten days later, in the evening, he bribed Jiangyang robbers to sneak into my house, broke my father's legs, and robbed all valuable things in my house. Those who didn't leave even the first house was set on fire, and the whole house was completely burned down.

Guo Feng showed a complex expression on his face, as if he had returned to five years ago: "That night, I managed to escape from the fire with my father who had a broken leg on his back. The next day, at dawn, we had already lost All that remains is an empty burned home. At this time, Master Chang Sheng, you happened to be passing by my house."

"Perhaps you felt sorry for my father and me. At that time, you threw all the money in your body to me. It was that money that made my father and I spend the most difficult time in our life. If there is no money, My father and I may have starved to death on the street long ago, and there will be no Guo with a broken leg later!"

As he said that, Guo Feng bent down, took a deep look at Chang Sheng, and said: "Your great kindness, Guo Feng will never forget it, so Guo Feng can't take money for helping you with the lawsuit!"

Chang Sheng looked at the grateful Guo Feng, and finally understood why Guo Feng always looked at him so strangely when he saw him. It turned out that there was such a thing. I didn't expect that the owner of this body, And did such a good thing.

Chang Ganyi stood aside, listening to Guo Feng's words, an idea suddenly popped up in his mind, after a little thought, he said: "Guo Feng, since you insist on not accepting money, why don't you come to my Chang's house and do it?" How about my Chang family's special lawyer? My Chang family provides you with food and lodging, and then provides you with 100 taels of silver every month. I have seen your level, and you are definitely worthy of the word lawyer!"

When Piao Miao heard Chang Ganyi's conditions, she was stunned secretly, "Although Chang Sheng spent 4000 taels of silver on one purchase of medicinal materials last time, an ordinary wealthy gentry only earns about 200 taels of silver a month. 100 taels of silver, this is definitely a high price." She knew that the so-called litigator was a name for a very powerful litigator.

Chang Ganyi patted Guo Feng's shoulder, and said earnestly: "Guo Feng, you also know that today you are the best Lin Yuanzhi, and with his character, he will definitely take revenge on you. For the safety of you and your father, you also It's best to come to my Changfu. Although Lin Yuanzhi is rampant, he still doesn't dare to come to my Changfu to make trouble."

"Besides, Chang Sheng's intelligence has never been enlightened. He is like a three-year-old urchin. He will inevitably encounter some troubles. How about you help him when you come?"

Hearing Chang Ganyi's words, Guo Feng secretly said that although he is young, he is very smart, otherwise he would not let his father say that he is already better than blue.What Chang Ganyi said just now, first Xu Yizhongli and then called him a litigator, slapped him calmly, then understood Yili's interests, and finally came out of Changsheng again, using emotional offensive, which made him refuse even There is no way to refuse, as expected of the patriarch of one of the four major families in Fengdu City, he is really powerful.

Guo Feng nodded and agreed to Chang Qianyi's proposal. He officially became the lawyer of the Chang family. At the same time, his father also became the lawyer of the Chang family. The Chang family's lawsuit.

Chang Sheng waited for Guo Feng to take the servants back home to move, then he quickly returned to the room, locked the door, took out the alchemy stove from under the bed, put his nose to it, and sniffed vigorously.

"Fortunately, there is still time."

Chang Sheng took out a piece of ordinary Cordyceps sinensis from the medicinal materials he bought, and took out a piece of Chuanqionglan, turned the weight with his hands, broke off a section of Chuanqionglan, and used the rest together with a piece of ordinary Cordyceps with his hands. Crush it into powder and throw it into the stove.

"Okay, the temperature of the stove doesn't need to be adjusted for the time being. It's better to hurry up and practice the Prosperous Immortal Technique for a while. Although there is no elixir, the progress of the practice is slow, but it is always beneficial to practice."

Chang Sheng closed his eyes and began to practice Shengshi Xianfa.Shi Xiang didn't need to count the time, every once in a while, he would open his eyes, walk to the stove, or add some medicinal ingredients to it, or adjust the temperature of the flame.

For six days in a row, except for the fourth day, when he took a part of each of the medicinal materials for refining Qi Ning Pill and poured them into a porcelain basin filled with spring water to soak, Chang Sheng spent every day like this.

The seventh day, at noon.

Chang Sheng slowly opened his eyes and recovered from the cultivation of the Immortal Art of the Prosperous Age. Although there was no elixir for the past seven days, his cultivation base did not increase much, but he knew a lot more about the Immortal Art of the Prosperous Age. Only then did he realize that his understanding of the prosperous age was too shallow at the beginning, thinking that it would be enough to make both his body and the country he was in a prosperous age.

He only now knows that if the country is in a prosperous age, but his family and city are in troubled times, the speed of cultivation will still be very slow.On the contrary, like the Great Qi Dynasty where he is now, although the country is in decline, if he can turn his family and Fengdu into a prosperous age, then his cultivation speed will still increase.

"The Qi Condensation Pill has been formed. Right now, let's pull out the pill first, and then consider the family affairs."

Chang Sheng got off the bed, took out the porcelain vase, put his hands into the spring water that had been soaked in medicinal herbs for three days since the fourth day, and washed his hands carefully. He seemed more focused than he was in alchemy before. .

"It's about to be bin Laden!"

Chang Sheng waited for the water in his hands to dry naturally, walked to the alchemy furnace, and quickly swung his hands. After both arms ringed nine times each, he took a deep breath.

The process of refining pills is divided into three parts. The first is to study pills. There are too few people who can do this, so most people take other people's pills and start the second part directly. The refining process, this process is very complicated, a little negligence may lead to failure.

After the second process, it is the third step, "Bin Bin".

Standing in front of the alchemy furnace, Chang Sheng stretched out his hands slowly. Many people who don't know alchemy take it for granted that as long as the elixir is formed, it's done and they can take out the elixir directly.If that's the case, there will only be one result for a batch of refined medicines, and they will all be turned into waste residue.

Alchemy is to follow the way of heaven and extract the essence of the things conceived by the earth, which is in harmony with the spirit of heaven and earth, but on the other hand, it is to force the unity of heaven and earth, which is against the way of heaven and earth.Just like that, the pill furnace was simply opened, so many pills were exposed, this kind of naked provocation to the way of heaven and earth, the way of heaven and earth would not allow it, and it would definitely be destroyed.The only way to crack it is "bin Laden".

La Dan took advantage of the closure of the alchemy furnace, and used a unique technique to pull away the karma of the pills that violated the way of heaven and earth, and at the same time pulled out the pills one by one.

The amount of karma eliminated by the different laden techniques is also different.Moreover, the higher the rank and grade of the pill, the more karma it contains, so it is more difficult to pull it out.

"Before, I soaked some medicinal materials for refining elixirs in spring water and washed my hands with spring water. This is my unique secret."

In an instant, an invisible pulling force came out from his hand, along the small mouth of the alchemy furnace, and entered the alchemy furnace. At this moment, his palm shook quickly, driving the whole arm to shake quickly. In an instant, one arm shook five times in a row, and the back of his hand also jerked violently at this moment, making a crisp "pop".

After the sound, a golden elixir, half the size of a dumpling, flew out of the elixir furnace.With a flick of Chang Sheng Ladan's arm, the elixir immediately flew into the disc covered with white silk cloth.The other arm swung forward quickly, repeating the movement that bin Laden's arm did just now.

Once Ladan started, he had to pull out all the pills as quickly as possible, because if one pill was not pulled out, the karma eliminated by that pill would not disappear, but would fall into the air, and then enter into the air on average. Others are still in the elixir in the elixir furnace, so the pulling speed must be fast to minimize the karma of being pulled out of the elixir and entering other elixir.Just as Chang Ganyi opened his mouth to refuse, Chang Sheng's voice rang in his ear first.

"Do you want to fight? It seems very fun, I agree, I will fight, I will fight."

When Lin Yuanzhi heard Chang Sheng's promise, he was afraid that Chang Ganyi would go back on his word, so he said, "Okay, if that's the case, then it's a deal. A month later, there will be a showdown at Dongpo Ridge, ten miles outside the city." , He didn't talk to the county lord Wu Shiju in the hall, he waved his hand, and led his subordinates to carry Lin Di's body out of the county office.

Chang Ganyi waited for Lin Yuanzhi to leave, thanked Xiang Dao and led everyone to leave the county government office and return to Changfu.

As soon as he returned to Changfu, Chang Ganyi immediately ordered the housekeeper: "Go and get Mr. Guo's legal fees, and get another 100 taels of silver as a reward." He was very satisfied with Guo Feng's performance in the county government, so he ordered the housekeeper Capture 100 taels of silver.In addition, after watching Guo Feng, he felt that Guo Feng would be someone in the future, and he wanted to make a good relationship.Unexpectedly, Guo Feng waved his hand and said, "Master Chang, I can't ask for your money?"

"No? What? Is Mr. Guo too little? Or do you have other questions?" Chang Ganyi was taken aback and asked.

Guo Feng didn't answer Chang Ganyi, he turned his head, walked to Chang Sheng's side, reached out and tugged at Chang Sheng's clothes, pointed at himself and asked, "Do you remember me?"

Chang Sheng turned his head, looked at Guo Feng, who was half a head shorter than himself, and was stunned. Then he desperately recalled all the memories of the previous owner of this body in his mind, but he recalled all the memories from beginning to end twice in succession. However, Chang Sheng still has no impression of the boy in front of him.

Guo Feng looked at Chang Sheng's stupid face with confusion in front of him, and secretly cursed that he was also stupid. He is a fool, how could he remember what happened so many years ago, let's talk about it himself.

"Five years ago, when I was ten years old, there was a very famous lawsuit in Fengdu City. A poor man won the lawsuit against a wealthy gentry who was also well-known in Fengdu City at that time. I was the one who helped the poor in the lawsuit. Because of the lawsuit, Fushen hated my father anew. Ten days later, in the evening, he bribed Jiangyang robbers to sneak into my house, broke my father's legs, and robbed all valuable things in my house. Those who didn't leave even the first house was set on fire, and the whole house was completely burned down.

Guo Feng showed a complex expression on his face, as if he had returned to five years ago: "That night, I managed to escape from the fire with my father who had a broken leg on his back. The next day, at dawn, we had already lost All that remains is an empty burned home. At this time, Master Chang Sheng, you happened to be passing by my house."

"Perhaps you felt sorry for my father and me. At that time, you threw all the money in your body to me. It was that money that made my father and I spend the most difficult time in our life. If there is no money, My father and I may have starved to death on the street long ago, and there will be no Guo with a broken leg later!"

As he said that, Guo Feng bent down, took a deep look at Chang Sheng, and said: "Your great kindness, Guo Feng will never forget it, so Guo Feng can't take money for helping you with the lawsuit!"

Chang Sheng looked at the grateful Guo Feng, and finally understood why Guo Feng always looked at him so strangely when he saw him. It turned out that there was such a thing. I didn't expect that the owner of this body, And did such a good thing.

Chang Ganyi stood aside, listening to Guo Feng's words, an idea suddenly popped up in his mind, after a little thought, he said: "Guo Feng, since you insist on not accepting money, why don't you come to my Chang's house and do it?" How about my Chang family's special lawyer? My Chang family provides you with food and lodging, and then provides you with 100 taels of silver every month. I have seen your level, and you are definitely worthy of the word lawyer!"

When Piao Miao heard Chang Ganyi's conditions, she was stunned secretly, "Although Chang Sheng spent 4000 taels of silver on one purchase of medicinal materials last time, an ordinary wealthy gentry only earns about 200 taels of silver a month. 100 taels of silver, this is definitely a high price." She knew that the so-called litigator was a name for a very powerful litigator.

Chang Ganyi patted Guo Feng's shoulder, and said earnestly: "Guo Feng, you also know that today you are the best Lin Yuanzhi, and with his character, he will definitely take revenge on you. For the safety of you and your father, you also It's best to come to my Changfu. Although Lin Yuanzhi is rampant, he still doesn't dare to come to my Changfu to make trouble."

"Besides, Chang Sheng's intelligence has never been enlightened. He is like a three-year-old urchin. He will inevitably encounter some troubles. How about you help him when you come?"

Hearing Chang Ganyi's words, Guo Feng secretly said that although he is young, he is very smart, otherwise he would not let his father say that he is already better than blue.What Chang Ganyi said just now, first Xu Yizhongli and then called him a litigator, slapped him calmly, then understood Yili's interests, and finally came out of Changsheng again, using emotional offensive, which made him refuse even There is no way to refuse, as expected of the patriarch of one of the four major families in Fengdu City, he is really powerful.

Guo Feng nodded and agreed to Chang Qianyi's proposal. He officially became the lawyer of the Chang family. At the same time, his father also became the lawyer of the Chang family. The Chang family's lawsuit.

Chang Sheng waited for Guo Feng to take the servants back home to move, then he quickly returned to the room, locked the door, took out the alchemy stove from under the bed, put his nose to it, and sniffed vigorously.

"Fortunately, there is still time."

Chang Sheng took out a piece of ordinary Cordyceps sinensis from the medicinal materials he bought, and took out a piece of Chuanqionglan, turned the weight with his hands, broke off a section of Chuanqionglan, and used the rest together with a piece of ordinary Cordyceps with his hands. Crush it into powder and throw it into the stove.

"Okay, the temperature of the stove doesn't need to be adjusted for the time being. It's better to hurry up and practice the Prosperous Immortal Technique for a while. Although there is no elixir, the progress of the practice is slow, but it is always beneficial to practice."

Chang Sheng closed his eyes and began to practice Shengshi Xianfa.Shi Xiang didn't need to count the time, every once in a while, he would open his eyes, walk to the stove, or add some medicinal ingredients to it, or adjust the temperature of the flame.

For six days in a row, except for the fourth day, when he took a part of each of the medicinal materials for refining Qi Ning Pill and poured them into a porcelain basin filled with spring water to soak, Chang Sheng spent every day like this.

The seventh day, at noon.

Chang Sheng slowly opened his eyes and recovered from the cultivation of the Immortal Art of the Prosperous Age. Although there was no elixir for the past seven days, his cultivation base did not increase much, but he knew a lot more about the Immortal Art of the Prosperous Age. Only then did he realize that his understanding of the prosperous age was too shallow at the beginning, thinking that it would be enough to make both his body and the country he was in a prosperous age.

He only now knows that if the country is in a prosperous age, but his family and city are in troubled times, the speed of cultivation will still be very slow.On the contrary, like the Great Qi Dynasty where he is now, although the country is in decline, if he can turn his family and Fengdu into a prosperous age, then his cultivation speed will still increase.

"The Qi Condensation Pill has been formed. Right now, let's pull out the pill first, and then consider the family affairs."

Chang Sheng got off the bed, took out the porcelain vase, put his hands into the spring water that had been soaked in medicinal herbs for three days since the fourth day, and washed his hands carefully. He seemed more focused than he was in alchemy before. .

"It's about to be bin Laden!"

Chang Sheng waited for the water in his hands to dry naturally, walked to the alchemy furnace, and quickly swung his hands. After both arms ringed nine times each, he took a deep breath.

The process of refining pills is divided into three parts. The first is to study pills. There are too few people who can do this, so most people take other people's pills and start the second part directly. The refining process, this process is very complicated, a little negligence may lead to failure.

After the second process, it is the third step, "Bin Bin".

Standing in front of the alchemy furnace, Chang Sheng stretched out his hands slowly. Many people who don't know alchemy take it for granted that as long as the elixir is formed, it's done and they can take out the elixir directly.If that's the case, there will only be one result for a batch of refined medicines, and they will all be turned into waste residue.

Alchemy is to follow the way of heaven and extract the essence of the things conceived by the earth, which is in harmony with the spirit of heaven and earth, but on the other hand, it is to force the unity of heaven and earth, which is against the way of heaven and earth.Just like that, the pill furnace was simply opened, so many pills were exposed, this kind of naked provocation to the way of heaven and earth, the way of heaven and earth would not allow it, and it would definitely be destroyed.The only way to crack it is "bin Laden".

La Dan took advantage of the closure of the alchemy furnace, and used a unique technique to pull away the karma of the pills that violated the way of heaven and earth, and at the same time pulled out the pills one by one.

The amount of karma eliminated by the different laden techniques is also different.Moreover, the higher the rank and grade of the pill, the more karma it contains, so it is more difficult to pull it out.

"Before, I soaked some medicinal materials for refining elixirs in spring water and washed my hands with spring water. This is my unique secret."

In an instant, an invisible pulling force came out from his hand, along the small mouth of the alchemy furnace, and entered the alchemy furnace. At this moment, his palm shook quickly, driving the whole arm to shake quickly. In an instant, one arm shook five times in a row, and the back of his hand also jerked violently at this moment, making a crisp "pop".

After the sound, a golden elixir, half the size of a dumpling, flew out of the elixir furnace.With a flick of Chang Sheng Ladan's arm, the elixir immediately flew into the disc covered with white silk cloth.The other arm swung forward quickly, repeating the movement that bin Laden's arm did just now.

Once Ladan started, he had to pull out all the pills as quickly as possible, because if one pill was not pulled out, the karma eliminated by that pill would not disappear, but would fall into the air, and then enter into the air on average. Others are still in the elixir in the elixir furnace, so the pulling speed must be fast to minimize the karma of being pulled out of the elixir and entering other elixir.

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