At that time, the academy will really attack Chang Sheng, and no one in the Daqi Dynasty can help Chang Sheng!

"Okay, brother Zhuge is indeed resourceful, we just listen to brother Zhuge, isn't it just to enter Tianshe College? Although we can't get into Tianshe College by ourselves, we can still send Chang Sheng to Tianshe Academy by working together. Inside the social school."

Zhou Shiwei thought for a moment, then loudly agreed.

Prime Minister's Mansion.

Chang Sheng glanced at his alchemy furnace and walked out of the room. Although he said that he attached great importance to the outer alchemy of the heavenly way, he didn't need to stay here all the time, and he bought the Taiyi wind soil stone and the sky thunder Jiuze Stone, with these two materials, just took advantage of this time to refine the weapon first.

Chang Sheng went to Guo Feng's room, found Guo Feng, and directly ordered: "Guo Feng, I have to go out to do some things, and in my room, there is now a elixir that I refined. , just stay in my room and read a book, don't let others see my elixir!"

"Yes, don't worry, young master." Guo Feng made the promise with a serious face, but his heart became excited. Although the young master has never said that he is an alchemist, he already knew that he was an alchemist. In the past, the young master must have been stealing alchemy, but this is the first time that he solemnly told me to take care of his elixirs like this time!

I don't know what kind of elixir the young master is refining, but he pays so much attention to it!

In Guo Feng's thoughts, Chang Sheng left Chang's house, changed into Cheng Mo's appearance, and searched for a blacksmith's shop on the street.

"Clang... touch..."

Chang Sheng walked on the street for a while, and a sound of iron striking came into his ear, and a blacksmith shop that looked very small came into view.

"Go in and have a look, maybe there is a master forging weapon hidden in this humble blacksmith's shop."

Chang Sheng muttered to himself, and walked into the blacksmith's shop.

In the blacksmith shop, a skinny old man who looked to be in his 60s squinted his eyes slightly, sitting on a rocking chair made of rattan, leisurely smoking the cigarette in his pipe, when he heard the door open, his eyes widened. A ray of light was shot, and he stood up from the rattan chair.

"This old man looks like a master!" Chang Sheng looked at the appearance of the old man, and he was overjoyed. It seemed that he was lucky. He just left a shop, and it was such a small blacksmith shop. It seemed that he met a master. !

An idea just popped up in Chang Sheng's mind, and the next moment, the old man's movements made him petrify.

"Welcome, welcome, my little brother, you can choose whatever weapon you want to buy, and look at it casually. The weapons in this shop are definitely first-class and good stuff." The old man said while turning the pipe in his hand. Come here, and knock on the edge of the iron knife beside you.


When the blade was touched by the pipe, it made a crisp sound and broke from the place where it was bumped!

"Ahem..." The old man looked at the broken blade with embarrassment, opened and closed his bearded mouth for a long time, and stammered: "Well, this knife, oh, I remembered. This knife layer has suffered It was a full-strength blow from a congenital master, and there was a problem at that time. I took the knife back and wanted to forge it again. As a result, after a long time, I forgot to forge it and put it here, so it broke. This knife is a special case. The weapons in my store are all high-quality goods, come on, little brother, you can look at other weapons. These weapons are all made by masters in our store, but they are all used by innate masters!"

Hearing this, Chang Sheng turned his eyes to the side. In the corner of the room, a boy who looked about seventeen or eighteen years old was struggling to hold up the hammer in his hand, and smashed it on the red-hot iron embryo one after another.

"This is the master blacksmith?" Chang Sheng pointed at the young man in surprise, and casually grabbed a mace beside him, his face instantly became extremely ugly.

This old man is just talking nonsense!Although I am not a master of forging weapons, I can try it out. If I want to, I can easily break these weapons without using all my strength. Such weapons are still top-notch!

I really came to the wrong place.

Chang Sheng put down the mace, turned around, and left without looking back.

Back on the street again, Chang Sheng continued to turn around, but went to several shops in a row, and went to all the shops in the capital, even the blacksmith shops on the outskirts of the capital, but still did not find a real forging machine. Grandmaster!There are a few shops with good weapons, but when I asked, without exception, the people who forged the weapons were no longer in the capital. It is said that they were summoned by the Marquis Yingwu a long time ago and went out with the army!

"Bastard Yingwuhou, he is going to fight. Why call all these blacksmiths away when he has nothing to do? He is full of food! Now I want to make weapons, but I can't find anyone to make them."

Chang Sheng stood on the road in the suburbs, angrily cursing.

"Haha, Chang Sheng, you are such an idiot. Naturally, troops need a lot of weapons when they go out on an expedition. It's not surprising that they bring a blacksmith."

Chang Sheng heard Gu Tianmo's old voice, and immediately turned his gun angrily: "Gu Tianmo, I can't find someone to make weapons. If you don't help, just find a way. You're still here to gloat!"

"Whoever said that I won't help you anymore, it's because you didn't ask me! I'm a master at forging weapons, and you're actually looking for someone to make weapons everywhere!"

Gu Tianmo's voice revealed incomparable pride: "Boy Chang Sheng, listen carefully, what I am most proud of is not my cultivation experience, nor the days when I was invincible on the continent of Tianyuan Shenzhou, what I am most proud of is Lao Tzu's level of refining. Your level of alchemy is indeed very high, but Lao Tzu's talent in the world of refining is not inferior to your talent in the world of alchemy!"

Gu Tianmo said proudly: "I think back then, when I hadn't ascended to the fairy world, in Tianyuan Shenzhou Continent, the weapons I refined were definitely the treasures that all strong men on the entire continent dreamed of. The divine weapon was forged by Lao Tzu himself!"

"Really?" Chang Sheng looked at Gu Tianmo's soul in disbelief.

"Don't you believe it, kid? When did I, the ancient Tianmo, brag? Don't you believe it? Well, I'll prove it to you today."

Gu Tianmo found that Chang Sheng didn't believe his words, and immediately said angrily: "Don't you want to make a weapon? It should be the same weapon as your black iron rod. Anyway, you can't find someone to refine this weapon, so Let me personally teach you how to make alchemy, and then you will know how powerful the weapons I made are. Don’t think that you are the only one who has unique skills in alchemy. Let me tell you that I have also invented an absolutely heaven-defying weapon Forging method!"

Gu Tianmo's voice was full of complacency: "Ordinary people forging weapons just make them as strong as possible and as sharp as possible. Some amazing people can make their weapons have some spirituality, but the weapons I forged Because of the weapon, the strength of the person using the weapon can be almost doubled!"

"Doubling growth? It's impossible, isn't it?"

"How is it impossible, Chang Sheng, just find a bigger blacksmith shop and rent an iron furnace from them, and I will teach you how to make it later, and you will know that it is impossible!"

"Okay." Chang Sheng responded and continued to walk forward. Someone told him just now that there was a big blacksmith's shop not far ahead.

Although Chang Sheng suspects that Gu Tianmo's words are bragging, he still knows Gu Tianmo very well. Although Gu Tianmo can brag and likes to brag, overall what he said is not boundless bragging.

Maybe his forging strength is not as powerful as he said, but according to Gu Tianmo's character, it should not be too bad.

Hearing this, Chang Sheng started looking for a blacksmith shop, but he found three blacksmith shops in a row. Before Chang Sheng could talk to others about renting an iron stove, Gu Tianmo spoke first, not to tell him that the other party's iron stove was too expensive. Small, the bellows are not big enough, the fire is not strong enough, just tell him that the other party's hammers are too few and not enough!

Chang Sheng had no choice but to leave and continue searching.After walking a certain distance, he finally saw a blacksmith's shop with a large area. On the main entrance of the blacksmith's shop, there was still a plaque that looked very old, with four large characters written on it - Thunder Hammer Artisan.

Chang Sheng raised his legs and stepped into the blacksmith's shop. As soon as he entered the blacksmith's shop, a middle-aged man who looked like 36 or [-] years old walked over.

"Guest officer, what do you want to buy?" He walked in front of Chang Sheng with a smile on his face.

Chang Sheng looked past the man in front of him and began to look around the shop.The entire shop is full of weapons, and you can see through the wooden door leading to the back of the shop. Behind the shop, there are huge iron furnaces placed in the center of the courtyard. Each of them is naked to the waist, muscular and strong. In front of the iron furnace, Han was either pulling a huge bellows, or holding up hammers of different sizes, pounding on the red-hot iron embryos non-stop.

"Chang Sheng, this is the shop. The iron furnace in this shop is big enough, and there are enough types of hammers, so you can just rent the iron furnace in this shop." Gu Tianmo's voice had a hint of trepidation. Surprised: "I didn't expect to see a blacksmith shop with such a complete set of tools outside the city."

Chang Sheng let out a long breath, and finally found the blacksmith shop that satisfied Gu Tianmo. Looking at the man in front of him, Chang Sheng asked, "I think you should have the final say in the shop."

"It's easy to say, easy to say, my humble Yang Lin, Senior Brother Zhanghammer is not here, and I will be in charge of everything in the store for the time being." The man showed a look of excitement, and the man in front of him directly asked himself if he had the final say, which was obviously to Do big business.

"Oh, it's up to you to decide." Chang Sheng raised his hand and pointed to the courtyard behind: "I want to rent an iron furnace and some forging tools to use."

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