silly elixir emperor

Chapter 224 Transformation

"Of course I can see that someone has used my iron stove. I'm asking you who has used my iron stove!" Yang Yanlei turned his head and looked at the chunky man in the crowd, his big apprentice: "It's Yang Shi that Kid or Yang Lin, have you used my iron furnace? Didn’t I tell you? This iron furnace is left by the master. You are not allowed to use this iron furnace until you can create a second-tier high-grade weapon. You take my words Have you ignored it! You can’t use this iron stove at all now, and if you use it, you are completely ruining this iron stove!”

"Master, I didn't use your iron stove." Yang Shi heard that the master brought him up, and immediately stood up and said, "Master, the people who use the iron stove are not me and my uncle, but a..."

Before Yang Shi could finish saying that it was an iron furnace used by a very powerful blacksmith, his words were interrupted by his master Yang Yanlei.

"What? You didn't use it, could it be someone else used it?" Yang Yanlei suddenly became more angry, looking at Yang Lin as if he could burst into flames: "Tell me, who used my iron stove! "

"It's a customer who came to our shop." Faced with his senior brother's anger, Yang Lin could only bite the bullet and say submissively: "The customer said that he wanted to rent the iron stove in our shop, and the team would give us 3 taels of silver a day." , I think this deal is very beneficial to our store, so I agreed."

Yang Lin originally wanted to hide 1 taels of silver, but seeing how angry his senior brother was, he opened his mouth and unconsciously revealed 3 taels of silver.

"3 taels of silver! Is 3 taels of silver a lot? For a mere 3 taels of silver, you actually lent the iron stove left by your master to outsiders for use. You are really proud of yourself!"

Yang Yanlei waved his hand heavily and said: "Let's forget about today's affairs for the time being. Listen carefully to me. You are not allowed to rent out the things in the store! The stone slag like this is left on the iron stove of the master. It is an insult to the master and this iron furnace!"

As Yang Yanlei said, he raised his arm and swept the gravel on the iron stove to the ground. Immediately, a small pile of gravel was swept to the ground, and at the same time, Yang Yanlei quickly retracted his hand as if he had been electrocuted!


Yang Yanlei swept the gravel with his hand, but let out a low moan of pain, and swept the palm of the gravel, a burning pain dared to spread to the brain along the nerve.

"So tough!"

Yang Yanlei subconsciously raised his palm and looked at the side in front of him. In his eyelids, on the thick palm, there were bright red marks of blood!

These gravel...

Yang Yanlei was startled, and stretched out his hand to grab a small pile of gravel. His hand has been dealing with steel and rocks for many years. I don't know how hard it is, but in front of him, he just swept the gravel, and the palm of his hand was shocked. There were bloodstains.

Yang Yanlei held the gravel in his hand, crushed it hard, looked down, but the gravel didn't respond at all!

"This... This gravel is too hard! I am already a master of the peak of sublimation, but I can't crush this gravel with all my strength!"

Yang Yanlei raised his hand to his eyes, stared at the gravel with traces of fiery red, and began to study it carefully.

"The texture of this gravel is obviously the gravel left after the finest ore is crafted! And looking at the compactness of the gravel, is this still gravel? This kind of gravel is the best in the store if you use it yourself. If the weapon cuts the gravel, the gravel will not be crushed, on the contrary, what will be crushed will be your own weapon!"

Yang Yanlei was grinding the gravel, and suddenly, a look of incomparable horror appeared on his dark face!

"Leiyin of the Immortal Hammer! This is Leiyin of the Immortal Hammer!"

Yang Yanlei stared blankly at the gravel in his hand, all the pores on his body suddenly opened.

Immortal Hammer Thunder Sound, an extremely rare forging technique, uses a special method to smash the sound into the iron embryo while hitting the iron embryo with a hammer, using the unique vibration force of sound Compress and forge the iron embryo for the second time!

"The Immortal Hammer Leiyin actually exists! I never thought I would see the Immortal Hammer Leiyin again in my lifetime..."

In the end, Yang Yanlei kept repeating a sentence, and his hands, which usually wouldn't tremble even after beating with a hammer for a day, trembled violently.

Immortal Hammer Leiyin, the unique skill of my dead master is Immortal Hammer Leiyin. My master once said that there are not many blacksmiths on the mainland, and there are many powerful blacksmiths, but I know that Xianhammer Leiyin exists. There are very few, and those who know are inside.Even if they know the specific method of using the Immortal Hammer Leiyin, there are not many who can use it!

It is too difficult to practice Leiyin the Immortal Hammer!

Yang Yanlei thought of 15 years ago. At that time, he was only 25 years old, but he was already a craftsman at the peak of the second level. With such a level of forging at the age of 25, he can definitely be called a forging genius.

At that time, the master told himself that when he became a third-level blacksmith, the master would teach him the fairy hammer Leiyin.As long as the master teaches him, he has a great chance of learning the fairy hammer thunder sound, because the master said that although he still doesn't know the fairy hammer thunder sound, the crafting techniques he taught him are all using the fairy hammer thunder sound. The basic building technique!

pity!It's a pity that before I became a third-tier craftsman, my master suddenly passed away, and because I didn't have the guidance of my master, and because my forging technique in this lineage was too special, my forging strength had not improved in the past 15 years !

But today, I met Leiyin Xianhammer again.

Yang Yanlei's eyes suddenly shot out an extremely strong look. At first, he thought that after his master died, no one in this world would know how to use the fairy hammer Leiyin again, but today, he met someone who could use the fairy hammer Leiyin again!

This person, as long as he knows him and learns the Immortal Hammer Leiyin from him, it is very possible that he can break through the bottleneck and become a respectable third-tier craftsman!

Even if I can't learn the specific method of the Immortal Hammer Leiyin from that person, as long as I watch him forge iron, I can still gain something in this way!

"Yang Lin!"

Thinking of this, Yang Yanlei quickly called Yang Lin to stop, and said loudly: "If that person comes to our shop again tomorrow, you can continue to rent the iron stove to him, and you must notify me immediately!"

"Ah? Brother, you..." Yang Lin was stunned. What's going on?Just now, the brother was so angry, saying that renting the master's iron stove to outsiders was an insult to the iron stove and the master. Why did he suddenly change his mind?How weird!

Early the next morning, Chang Sheng left the Chang Mansion, disguised himself as Cheng Mo, and quickly went to the blacksmith shop outside the city. Today's forging task is still very heavy, so he must hurry up. Yesterday, he only forged a piece of blacksmith. The smallest Taiyi wind soil stone, but there are three larger Taiyi wind soil stones in my Qiankun bag. In addition to the Taiyi wind soil stone, there are nine days of Lei Ze stone to be forged, and finally I need to spend a day , to shape the forged stone into a stick.

Traveling all the way south, Chang Sheng soon came to Lei Hammer's shop.

"Mr. Cheng, you are here." As soon as Yang Lin saw Chang Sheng approaching, he immediately responded with a smile on his face: "Mr. Cheng, the iron furnace has been prepared for you, and we have prepared all the tools for you. All right, please follow me."

Yang Lin walked in front, leading Chang Sheng to the backyard where the iron stove was located, and at the same time told an apprentice blacksmith on the side: "Quickly, go and inform senior brother that Mr. Cheng is here." According to my orders, the person who rented the iron stove came and notified immediately.

"Looking for his senior brother?" Chang Sheng was taken aback when he heard Yang Lin's words, and without thinking too much, he walked to the huge iron stove in the backyard familiarly, and just about to light the stove, there was a burst of "drumming" footsteps The sound came suddenly.

Chang Sheng looked back, and saw a middle-aged man with a dark complexion and a short stature running over quickly.

"Huh? This person, isn't he the one I met yesterday when I left the blacksmith shop?"

Chang Sheng saw that the other party was slightly taken aback, and the other party's face also showed a look of astonishment.

"This man, he's too young, he looks like he's only in his thirties, he's only in his thirties, yet he has mastered the art of creating the Immortal Hammer and Thunder Sound!"

Yang Yanlei was surprised, and then quickly ran to Chang Sheng's side, looking at Chang Sheng shyly.

"Master... what's wrong with him, master!" Yang Lei looked at his master in amazement, with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Master, is he possessed by someone else? Master, his personality has always been very hot, and he is also extremely strict with people. Why is he acting like a girl who is about to get on a big sedan chair today!"

The blacksmiths looked at Yang Yanlei's appearance, sweating coldly, what's wrong with this world!

This person, his appearance is very rough, but now he is showing a coy look. Chang Sheng really can't stand the other party's appearance, so he turned his head to look at the other party: "What's the matter?"

"It's okay, it's okay." Yang Yanlei said, he waved his hand suddenly, and said, "No, it's okay, it's okay!"

As he spoke, he turned his head to look at the people in the yard behind him, his face suddenly changed, and he scolded, "What are you all standing here for? What should you do?"

Everyone saw that the boss of Hammer Palm was angry, and one by one quickly left the backyard, only Yang Lei, not only did not leave the backyard, but he lowered his head to find a piece of iron, and walked to a nearby iron stove.

"Yang Lei, didn't you hear me? Why are you still here if you don't leave!" Yang Yanlei cursed loudly as he looked at his most talented apprentice.

"I heard master." Yang Shi raised his head and looked at his master with aggrieved face after hearing the sound: "Master, didn't you tell us to do what we should do? I want to practice blacksmithing, so is there anything wrong with preparing a fire?"


Hearing Yang Shi's words, Chang Sheng couldn't help but burst out laughing, this Yang Shi is really cute, his master's words clearly made all these people leave the backyard, and this Yang Shi took it seriously!

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