silly elixir emperor

Chapter 248 Dragon Cave Stone Statue

Following Guo Feng through a corridor again, and just walking into another corridor, the pupils of Chang Sheng's eyes suddenly shrank.

In the line of sight in front of them, some people finally appeared, and these people can be regarded as acquaintances. It was the team they met on the hillside the day before that wanted to drive them away. The group of people who retreated due to the strength of the master.

Seeing someone appearing behind them, the few people at the back of the team immediately turned their heads, clenched the weapons in their hands, and looked over with vigilant eyes, while the few people in front still maintained their previous postures and looked forward.

"Well... that's..."

The man who was waving his horsewhip to drive Guo Feng away looked at the scene in front of him, and his face suddenly showed joy. Just more than 30 meters in front, there stood two about two meters high. A statue of a huge hammer, and in front of the statue, there are scattered items, including money bags, weapons, and several jade bottles.

"Good stuff, these things can't be snatched by the people who came from behind." The man's face brightened, he looked back at Chang Sheng and the others, turned around and ran in the direction of the two statues, He wanted to pick up the things on the ground as soon as possible. As for what others said about how dangerous Mo Canglong Cave was, he had been in the Dragon Cave for so long, and he still hadn't seen where the so-called danger was.

It is estimated that this temple is not the real Mo Canglong Cave, so there is no danger.

The man quickly ran to the front of the two statues, squatted down, and grabbed a jade bottle among the many items. This kind of jade bottle is usually used to hold pills, pills, which are priceless If you want to get something, you have to take the elixir first.

The man grabbed a jade bottle and didn't care to see if it was a pill or what kind of pill it was. He quickly raised his hand to grab another jade bottle. At this moment, in front of him, on the surface of the statue with a human body and animal face, That layer of gray lime suddenly and strangely melted away, and from the feet to the head, the original appearance of the statue quickly emerged.

A man with a cow face, two meters tall, a strange beast with bulging muscles, and holding a giant hammer that is about the same height as him!

As one stone statue's lime melted away, the other stone statue's lime also quickly melted away. Seeing the situation in front of him, a female companion behind the man was startled and screamed: "Be careful, be careful of the top of your head! "

"Be careful? Are you calling me?"

The man who was happily picking up the treasures on the ground heard his companion's cry and raised his head in doubt. In an instant, the pupils of his eyes widened, and the eyeballs seemed to stare out of the eye sockets. Instead, a human-shaped alien beast in front of him was holding a huge hammer with a head the size of his own body, and smashed it down fiercely. Look at the posture and the strong wind sound, if you are hit by this blow, you will not be hit. It's strange to die!

The man was shocked instantly and wanted to avoid it, but it was too late. Although the monster with a human body and a cow face looked bulky, the movement of swinging the giant hammer was surprisingly fast. Just as the man wanted to dodge, the giant hammer in his eyes had rapidly enlarged. In an instant, he covered his vision, and in the next moment, the giant hammer fell!


There was a loud bang, and as the hammer fell, the man's head was instantly smashed open like a fragile wooden stake, and the white skull shattered and scattered around. Immediately afterwards, red blood and milky white brain rushed straight to the ceiling And go!

He is so dead!

Seeing his companion was beaten to death with a hammer, several people in the men's team were shocked. Although the one who was killed was said to be the weakest one in their team, he was also an innate sixth-level existence. Such an existence was beaten to death with a hammer!The strange beast in this stone statue is too terrifying!

Killing the man with a hammer, the bull-faced beast didn't stop, and another bull-faced beast rushed towards them quickly.

"Everyone be careful!"

Seeing the strength of the bull-faced beast with their own eyes, several people were shocked immediately, and they rushed towards the two bull-faced beasts quickly, regardless of Chang Sheng and the others behind them.

"Wow, what is this thing? It's so scary, so scary!" Chang Sheng looked at the few people who had already started fighting, and immediately yelled loudly. His cry suddenly startled Fang Shuwen beside him.

It's this time, and Chang Sheng is still barking, what if the bull-faced beast hears his cry and abandons those people and rushes over?Is Chang Sheng really stupid, or is he just pretending to be stupid to the end, regardless of his safety?

The strength of this human-body bull-faced beast should be around the second level of Qi training, or even stronger. Right now, there are two human-body bull-faced beasts. If they really charge over, then the strength of Guo Feng and Chang Sheng It is also impossible for one person to stop one.

As for myself, although I am innate, but looking at the way the group of people in front of me are fighting this bull-faced beast, unless their innate-level people are at the ninth level of innate, they can't beat the bull-faced beast at all. If the face beast does a little damage, he is the innate fifth floor, so it goes without saying, it is definitely useless!

These two bull-faced beasts really rushed over, and they were really dead, but Chang Sheng was still yelling!

Fang Shuwen felt a little regretful, he shouldn't have come here just out of curiosity, to prove whether Chang Sheng is really stupid or not, this place is really too dangerous.

Guo Feng watched quietly the dozen or so people in front of him fighting against the two bull-faced beasts. After watching for a while, he already understood the strength of the bull-faced beasts in his heart.

The strength of this human body bull-faced beast is about between the ordinary second level of Qi training and the third level of ordinary Qi training. Its strengths are its strength and strong body. Beast, it's not a problem to deal with five or six of them by yourself. As for the young master, this kind of strange beast is not enough to look at in front of the young master. You can destroy as many as you come!

Guo Feng understood the strength of the alien beast in front of him, and he relaxed in his heart. He was just about to tell the young master to go from another place, and stop watching the fight between the group of people in front of him and the bull-faced beast. There was a sudden change on the field!

Seeing that the companions around him couldn't deal with a strange beast at all, they died one by one, and the few people behind them just watched, without any plans to make a move.In the front team, the only man in his forties on the second floor of the Qi Training Realm, the man called Brother Zhang, suddenly took a step back and rushed towards Chang Sheng and the others.

"This man, he is courting death!"

A cold light flashed in front of Guo Feng's eyes. He didn't want to be troublesome at first, but the other party took the initiative to make trouble. His actions couldn't be more obvious. It was obvious that he couldn't resist the two alien beasts, so he wanted to lure the troubles to the east and attract the alien beasts. To the side of the three of them, so that he can take the opportunity to escape!

"Hmph, before you drove me away on the hillside, I didn't bother with you, but now that you're here again, don't blame me for being rude!"

Guo Feng raised his leg and chopped it on the ground, a pure and majestic aura of righteousness emanated from his body, and the dust on the ground suddenly rolled up, and the next moment, Guo Feng turned his wrist, and a mass of soldier's energy spun rapidly from the palm of his hand And then, the kung fu was condensed into the shape of a fan in an instant.


Guo Feng held the fan and slammed it forward. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew up in the empty corridor, blowing up countless dust and blowing it directly towards the other party.

"The reaction is quite fast, but the innate level also wants to fight with me to stop me, stop dreaming!"

Senior Brother Zhang chuckled, turned his head slightly, looked at the two strange beasts chasing behind his eyes with the corner of his eyes, calculated the distance between the two sides, and stretched out a palm with his left hand to blow away the strong wind blowing. The big knife formed by the condensed Qi followed closely behind and slashed straight at Guo Feng's head.

"Huh?" Before the knife in his right hand could fall down, Senior Brother Zhang was taken aback for a moment. His own slap did not blow away the strong wind from the opponent's fan. How could this be possible?I am the existence of the second level of Qi training, and the other party is only the first level!


Guo Feng looked at the stunned expression of the other party through the rolled up dust, and smiled in his heart. Doesn't this person know that even in the first level of Qi training, there are many existences that are more powerful than the second level of Qi training?Feeling astonished when you see yourself on the second level of Qi training?What would he do if he knew that the young master's Qi training level was equivalent to being invincible in Qi training?

Taking advantage of the moment when the other party was stunned, Guo Feng turned the fan in his hand, drawing a silver semicircular arc of light. There was a little bit of cold light on the edge of the fan, like a sharp blade, slashing towards the opponent's arm like lightning.

"So fast!"

Brother Zhang's heart tightened, and he quickly raised the sharp knife condensed with military energy in his hand to quickly block the opponent's attacking fan.


The fan of the knife collided with each other, and a string of brilliant golden sparks was immediately sparked. In the dark corridor, it was very dazzling. With this bright spark, Senior Brother Zhang could clearly see the face of the person holding the fan on the opposite side. Facial expression, relaxed with a weird smile.

"This smile, this is a tricky smile."

Brother Zhang was startled, his face suddenly changed drastically, he finally realized that just now he wanted to lure the two beasts with human body and cow face to the other party, he thought the other party was just a person at the first level of Qi training, he He could break through quickly and then get away, but now he was stopped unexpectedly, and the two bull-faced beasts behind him had rushed over.


A gust of cold wind blew from behind, Senior Brother Zhang's entire back suddenly went numb, and his body trembled unconsciously. He practiced all the way from the Qi Entraining Realm to the Qi Cultivating Realm. , this tingling feeling is clearly the feeling of the violent wind blowing on the back caused by someone's attack!

Brother Zhang looked at the person holding the fan in front of him, turned around quickly, and raised his knife to meet the strange beast behind him. There was an enemy in front of him, and a strange beast behind him. When he was attacked by two sides at once, he had to make a choice as soon as possible to avoid one side and let the other side attack. Own!There is no need to consider the strength of those two strange beasts, even if you are hit, you will feel uncomfortable for a long time, so you must not be hit by them, you can only give up your back and let that person attack you!

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