As soon as they met, a master of the Buddha Sect immediately stood up and shouted loudly in the direction of Chang Sheng and the others. As a monk, he did not have the demeanor that a monk should have, but he was more like a rascal. Opening and closing the mouth is full of dirty words.

Hearing Futu's words, Yue Long walked to the front angrily, raised his hand, and shouted loudly: "Joke, is it the land of the king in the world? Isn't the Western Region the territory of the Daqi Dynasty? Let us leave your Western Region, It's a big joke! I'm a member of the Great Qi Dynasty, so I can't go anywhere!"

"Hmph, you people from the Central Plains rely on your sharp mouth. We won't talk to you too much. Since you don't want to leave, let's talk with your fists."

The red-clothed Futu shouted loudly, rushed out of the team, and went straight to Yue Long: "Now, I'll take care of you, a brat who doesn't know what to do!"

"Arrogance, if you want to deal with people, ask us first!" Beside Yue Long, an old man in the night quickly rushed out and stopped the red-clothed pagoda.

Soon, hundreds of people from both sides rushed to fight.

"Guo Feng, Shuwen, you two pay attention, don't get too far away from me."

Chang Sheng noticed that the chaos had begun, so he immediately gave instructions to the two people beside him, and slowly moved his body to one side. If you play the first bird, if your performance is too eye-catching, it will easily attract the siege of the opponent's masters, and the loss outweighs the gain.

Unless someone has something good in their hands, it's really not worth his full shot.

Usually in the capital, innate masters are all powerful existences, but in Mo Canglong Cave, except for a very few people who don't know how to live or die, who can come here is not a master, let alone go all the way through the temple and come to Mo Canglong Cave People on the fringe.

Because there are treasures in the world, powerful forces from various places in the Daqi Dynasty sent people here. For a while, a large number of masters gathered on the edge of Mo Canglong Cave. Even the innate masters are the weakest existence here. Even the masters of Qi training can be seen everywhere here.

The Western Regions team formed by the Buddha Sect and the Tongtian Mameng met with the team united by various forces in the Central Plains. As soon as the battle started, the innate qi suddenly crisscrossed, and the rumbling sound was endless. Collision, waste, sends out bursts of gigantic explosions.

Chang Sheng protected Fang Shuwen and found two people from the first level of the Qi training stage of the Tongtian Mameng to entangle with the opponent. Anyway, killing people is not good, so let's spend time with the other party slowly, and wait until the person is almost dead , he exerts more force, that is the most sensible approach.

As for Guo Feng, although he is only at the first level of Qi training, he is equivalent to the fourth level of refining equipment. As long as he does not meet the most powerful people here, or be besieged, his strength is enough to protect himself.

Gradually, more and more people were killed and injured on both sides. After all, there are too many people fighting. Even if he is a master of Qi training, if he is targeted by several masters at the same time and the opponents attack together, he will have no choice.

Seeing that almost half of the people on his side were dead, and the dead on the other side were similar to his own side, the leader of the Buddha Sect became more and more anxious.

"What's going on? It's been so long since you've been fighting. Why hasn't the strongest team that entered here from the Tongtian Horse League appeared? With their strength, it's impossible for them to pass through the temple in front. What are your people doing? If we continue to fight like this, we will not be sure of victory!"

Futu in red slapped an innate Central Plains man in front of him to death, and turned his head to look at the leader of Tongtian Mameng with dissatisfaction.

"How do I know why they don't show up all the time, you are anxious, I am more anxious than you!"

The leader of the Tongtian Mameng was dealing with the three third-level Qi training masters in front of him, and at the same time was communicating with the red-clothed Buddha.

They are local snakes here. Based on the information they have inquired and the strength of the people from the Central Plains who came here, they sent a team that is strong enough to deal with the opponent here. Who would have thought that the strongest team would always It didn't come, now, they can only draw with the Central Plains team!

"The strongest team? The strongest team they said should be the team that died at the hands of that super perverted bull-faced beast that I met in the temple before. Unexpectedly, the team that died Such a team can destroy their arrangement."

Chang Sheng listened to the conversation between the two leaders of the other party, and felt great joy in his heart. It seemed that he had helped the Central Plains side where he was invisibly.

The two opponents opposite Chang Sheng couldn't pose any threat to her at all, and dealt with each other easily, Chang Sheng paid more attention to observing the surrounding situation.

Now almost half of the people on both sides are dead, and there are more than [-] people left on each side. It is estimated that in less than a quarter of an hour, this fight should be over.

"Huh? There is a situation!"

Chang Sheng's eyes narrowed suddenly, and on the opposite side, on the way they came, more than ten figures appeared.

At the end of the dozen or so figures that appeared, they were actually pulling a huge war drum. Seeing the people fighting in front of them, among the dozen or so people, the one walking in front frowned, raised his hand and swung his fiery red cloak, He flicked his palm back casually, and suddenly a wave of soldiers came out of his hand, hitting the huge drum.


Suddenly, a loud noise came from the war drum, and sound waves pierced the air, stirring and resounding on the battlefield where the two sides were fighting. The sound was as loud as hundreds of catties of explosives detonating at once.

The two fighting parties were immediately interrupted by the loud noise. The two sides stopped each other in a tacit understanding, retreated to their respective grounds, and turned their heads to look in the direction of the sound.

Immediately, in the eyes of everyone, a man dressed as a general wearing a Yuling steel helmet, a silver chain mail armor, and a fiery red cloak appeared. Behind him stood ten people who were also wearing chain mail. Armor, but on the chest, there is a picture of a tiger's head with its bloody mouth wide open, soldiers with exactly the same expressions, movements, and even heights!

"I am Yingwuhou's subordinate, Chai Tianrong, deputy commander of the personal guards."

The leading man slowly raised his precious sword with its scabbard, and pointed at the people in front of him arrogantly: "I am here to do business under the order of Marquis Yingwu, and you dare to block the way. I will give you half a stick of incense." Time, get the hell out of here, otherwise, kill without mercy!"

The man's few short words showed arrogance and domineering aura, especially his contemptuous expression, looking at everyone was like looking at a group of ants that could be trampled to death at any time.

"It turned out to be the people of Marquis Yingwu, and their people finally came."

"What's going on? Marquis Yingwu is also from our Central Plains. Why does his subordinate treat us as people from the Western Regions? He should kill the people from the Western Regions, so why let us go too!"

Listening to Chai Tianrong's words, everyone had different expressions, some whispered about Yingwuhou's character, while others stood up directly.

"Marquis Yingwu, so what about Marquis Yingwu? Can he, Marquis Yingwu, do whatever he wants? Anyone who comes here is not a giant! I want to see how you can kill us without mercy!"

In the Central Plains team, a grumpy man yelled, suddenly flew into the air, and rushed towards Chai Tianrong: "Let the old man Li Wenliang learn your kung fu first!"

"court death!"

Chai Tianrong waited quietly for the other party to rush in front of him, then flicked his wrist lightly, and the scabbard fell to the ground. The next moment, the silver light of the knife flashed by!


The treasured sword was unsheathed, and there was an unusually loud squabble, and a huge silver saber aura flashed out from the long sword wielded by Chai Tianrong.


A huge saber aura flashed out, and slashed at Li Wenliang from top to bottom. The saber aura slashed across, and in an instant, the spear in Li Wenliang's hand broke, and the saber aura continued to slash the top of Li Wenliang's head for the next moment!


The saber qi rushed over, and Li Wenliang's body was cut in half instantly, with a loud crash, and the bright red blood sprayed out instantly, bursting section by section, as if the intestines with bright red blood were splashing from the broken body out...

"One knife... killed Li Wenliang with one knife, he is too strong, Li Wenliang is the existence of the sixth level of Qi training!"

Everyone looked at Li Wenliang, who was beheaded with a single knife, and couldn't recover for a while. The deputy commander of Yingwuhou's personal guards was so tyrannical!

"Hmph, since you won't let me, then all of you must die!"

Chai Tianrong flipped his long saber, and the tip of the saber suddenly pointed at the people in front: "The whole army obeys the order, kill!"


Behind Chai Tianrong, ten sergeants heard the commander's words, opened their mouths at the same time, shouted after their commander, followed closely behind Chai Tianrong, and drew out the long knife on the back.

Chang Sheng looked solemnly at the few people rushing towards the opposite side, only eleven people launched the attack, but it gave off a weird momentum like a thousand troops rushing to kill, endless murderous aura emanating from the cold blade. out.

"Quick, step back!"

Chang Sheng held Guo Feng with one hand and Fang Shuwen with the other, and quickly stepped aside to show his position. He took the initiative to step aside and not look for himself when fighting.

"Huh, the people of Marquis Yingwu, his subordinates are too arrogant. If others just block their way, they are going to kill everyone. What are you saying that Marquis Yingwu is doing business here, and everyone has to stay away?" He, Marquis Yingwu, is just a Marquis, and it's outrageous that his subordinates are so arrogant!"

Among the crowd, Huang Fuyao, the vice president of the capital, looked at Chai Tianrong who rushed forward arrogantly and the group of subordinates behind him, her eyebrows were tightly frowned, and her face was very unhappy!

"Okay, Yaoyao, don't worry about it, we are here for that thing, don't confront them head-on, let's go."

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