silly elixir emperor

Chapter 265 Black Mist

In an instant, the two resentful souls let out a shrill scream, and the body transformed from resentment burst instantly.

"The ten heroic tigers are all soldiers in the army. I don't know how many battles they have experienced. They carry a deep bloody murderous aura in their bones. This strong murderous aura is also the nemesis of resentful souls."

Chang Sheng listened to the words of the ancient demon in his mind, and his heart tightened. Standing behind the ten heroic tigers, he could feel the monstrous murderous aura, and they were all wearing something like goggles. Obviously they They have come prepared, at least they know the situation inside, it seems that this time they will be their biggest opponents to seize the treasure.

The two resentful souls died in an instant, and suddenly, another resentful soul emerged from behind the heroic ten tigers, screaming and rushed towards them, and judging by its strength, this resentful soul was stronger than the previous two!

"court death!"

None of the ten heroic tigers looked back. Behind them, Chai Tianrong turned around angrily, drew out his long knife to face the wraith from top to bottom, and slashed it down.


The resentful soul exuding a strong aura was instantly split by the knife, and the scattered resentment rushed into Chai Tianrong's precious sword.

"Chai Tianrong's treasured sword has also absorbed the spirit of resentment. Could it be that his precious sword is also an evil weapon?"

Chang Sheng looked in surprise at Chai Tianrong who put away his knife and turned to leave, wondering in his heart.

"No, Chai Tianrong's knife is not an evil weapon. I can feel that his knife exudes a strong smell of blood. I don't know how many people he has killed with this knife. The more people he kills, the more bloody smell. Gradually, his sword should have produced a faint sword spirit."

Hearing Chang Sheng's words, Gu Tianmo explained softly: "The sword has spirituality, even if the spirituality is very weak, but it can instinctively feel that resentment is a great tonic for it, so when it sees resentment, it desperately absorbs it. !"

"So it is."

Chang Sheng waited for Chai Tianrong and his party to go far away, stood up quickly, and walked forward. As they walked, the fog in the cave gradually thinned, the number of resentful souls gradually decreased, and their visibility became higher. stand up.

Finally, after Chang Sheng took Guo Feng and Fang Shuwen around a bend, ten openings that could accommodate three people appeared in front of him, each of which was filled with black air, and from time to time there would be There was a whining sound, and there were a few people who were obviously cultivators standing there, looking at the dark hole, but no one dared to rush in.

"This is what the old devil called the Nine Deaths Cave!" Chang Sheng looked at the ten dark holes in front of him. Among the four holes, nine of them are all dead ends if you enter them, and only one hole can lead to the place where he buried his treasure last.

Moreover, the positions of these ten holes have been changing. At first they were living holes, but they may become dead holes in the next moment.

The only excuse is that the hole is a way of life, and there is only one way to listen to the sound.

Chang Sheng closed his eyes slightly and listened intently.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

A burst of hurried footsteps suddenly sounded from behind, completely interrupting Chang Sheng's inquiry. Hearing the sound, he turned around and saw a seven-foot man with a giant hammer rushing madly with heavy steps. Behind him, a resentful soul obviously exuding strong resentment was chasing closely.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, don't block me."

Seeing someone in front of him, the big man yelled quickly, looked at the ten black holes in front of him, and without even thinking about it, he jumped into a black hole. Seeing his prey jumping into the black hole, he didn't hesitate at all, and immediately jumped in.


The big man had just jumped into the entrance of the cave, and an extremely miserable scream came out of the cave immediately. The next moment, a piece of bloody severed arm flew out of the cave, and then, pieces of it seemed to have been stirred by a meat grinder. Pieces of meat flew out of the black hole continuously.


After the flesh and blood flew out, only a thin piece of fine steel remained, as thick as the shaft of a spear, but only half a foot long, flew out of the black hole and fell to the ground.


The fine steel fell, and another scream came from the black hole, and streams of black resentment floated out of the black hole.

"Damn, this is too fierce." Chang Sheng looked at the flesh and blood on the ground, his scalp felt numb for a while, it really deserved to be a narrow escape hole, the man just now was chased by the resentful soul and had nowhere to go, so he rushed in, and within a second Before the clock ticked, he turned into pieces of flesh and flew out as if he had been cut into pieces by a thousand knives. Even his thick weapon turned into a thin stick, and those who were chasing him The resentful soul also died instantly.

"It's horrible! Chang Sheng, I don't think we should go in." Fang Shuwen looked at the flesh and blood on the ground, and a bean-sized drop of cold sweat dripped down.

"Go in, what are you afraid of? Maybe out of the ten holes, only one will die after entering, and nothing will happen after entering the other holes."

Chang Sheng looked on the ground. Although there were many corpses on the ground, he did not see the members of the Tongtian Mameng and the Futu Sect, nor did he see Chai Tianrong and his party. They came in earlier than him. It seems that they They all have their own ways to find a living hole.

Chang Sheng didn't dare to stay longer, and quickly listened according to the method the old devil taught him.

"The whirring sound in the cave is two long and one short. The cave is the raw's this cave!"

Chang Sheng opened his eyes suddenly, staring at a cave, holding Guo Feng with one hand and Fang Shuwen with the other, and rushed into the cave.

Seeing the three of Chang Sheng rushing into the cave without hesitation, the few people who had been waiting here immediately disdainfully said: "Another person who is not afraid of death rushed into that cave, what a fool, didn't he see it?" Have we been here all this time?"

"No, after the three of them rushed in, the broken corpses still haven't come out. That hole is not dangerous, so follow in." Someone quickly reacted and rushed to the entrance of the hole where Chang Sheng and the other three entered, but someone was better than him. Hurry up, I saw three figures flashing quickly and entering the cave first.

"Damn it, these guys react really fast!" The man cursed, and he had already come to the front of the cave, without any worries, he lifted his feet and stepped into the cave.

"Oh no……"

The man's shrill screams suddenly sounded from the hole, and a white bone with flesh and blood flew out of the hole. Immediately afterwards, pieces of severed limbs flew out of the hole and fell to the ground outside.

Seeing this sudden change, behind the man, several other people who had followed to the entrance of the cave and were just about to step into the cave were startled and stopped their steps instantly.

"What's going on? At first those few people entered the cave without incident, why did he die as soon as they got there?" Everyone was surprised.

"What else can happen? I know that kid. He is the most insidious person. He must have thrown out the severed hands and limbs he found somewhere. I have been fooled by him many times before. I won't be fooled by him this time."

A husky voice came, and everyone turned around, only to see a well-dressed man holding an eyebrow-length stick, stepping over the crowd and stepping into the cave.


In the next second, there was a scream, and bloody flesh and bones flew out of the cave.

"This guy is dead too, what's going on?"

"Why did the people who entered the cave in the beginning have nothing to do, but now they will die if they enter the cave?"

"I know, these holes must be changing all the time. Each hole is safe at a certain time. After time, it changes, so the people who go in at the beginning are fine, and the people behind will die if they go in. .”

A clever guy finally saw the clues, but it was useless. Even if he saw the pattern, he still didn't know which hole was the real safe hole.

In the cave, as soon as Chang Sheng, Guo Feng, and Fang Shuwen entered, their vision suddenly changed. , is completely similar to the place I experienced before, but this cave is very bright. The only thing that is the same as the outside is that it is also covered with fog, a kind of black fog, and this fog is still moving slowly. There is a faint fragrance in the mist.


Chang Sheng sniffed the air lightly, and his face suddenly became serious: "Shuwen, Guo Feng, be careful, the smell of this mist is wrong, this thing is weird, don't inhale these black mist into your body."

As soon as Chang Sheng finished speaking, the black mist in front of him began to flow towards them, but when they reached a distance of only one meter from Chang Sheng and the three of them, the black mist suddenly stopped, then bypassed the three of them and continued forward flow.

"The mist seems to be alive, avoiding the three of us, they are afraid... Guo Feng!"

Chang Sheng looked around, he was walking in the middle, Guo Feng was on his left, and Fang Shuwen was on the right.

These fogs avoided the three of them, but if you look carefully, you can find that these fogs obviously avoid Guo Feng. With Guo Feng as the center, the fog will not enter within a radius of more than one meter.Now, although Wuqi avoided the three of him, he was still very close to Fang Shuwen.

"Guo Feng, come to the middle."

After Chang Sheng discovered the problem, he immediately switched positions with Guo Feng. At this moment, footsteps came from behind him.

Chang Sheng looked back carefully, and saw two men holding long swords rushing over from behind, a black mist drifted past, the two shrugged their noses immediately, and a hint of excitement appeared on their faces.

"It smells so good, and I feel that after inhaling this black air, my whole body feels more comfortable, my body becomes lighter, and my body is full of strength!"

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