"The highest level below the Heaven-Defying Realm, Gu Tianmo, are you saying that below the Heaven-Defying Realm, the power can only reach a maximum of 99 dragons? I know this, because of the constraints of the heavens, all people, when they reach the Heaven-Defying Realm Before, no matter how talented or formidable he was, he would never surpass nine hundred and ninety-nine dragons, unless he reached the Heaven Defying Realm!"

Chang Shengda was puzzled and said: "But Gu Tianmo, I am currently on the fourth level of Qi training, and I only have the strength of more than 300 dragons, and I am still more than 99 dragons away from the limit of 600 dragons. How can I say that I will soon lose my strength?" How can the method be increased?"

"Hey, Chang Sheng, you still don't understand." Gu Tianmo sighed all over and said, "Your current strength is more than 300 dragons, which is indeed far from the limit of 99 dragons, but you should understand that the reason why you have The power of more than 300 dragons is largely due to the strength of your body, not the strength of your military spirit."

"It is true that after you have been tempered by the Heavenly Tribulation, your military spirit is far more pure than that of people of your same level. However, you are still only practicing Qi after going through three Heavenly Tribulations. Fourth level. No matter how pure your military qi is, your realm was not enough at that time. In terms of military qi alone, although you are stronger than the fifth level of qi training, you are definitely not as good as the sixth level of qi training that can be transformed into soldiers."

"But you have the strength of more than 300 dragons, so I say that your physical strength is the key to your current strength. As your strength increases in the future, your strength can still increase, but that will be due to your military spirit. It has nothing to do with your physical strength, because your physical strength has already reached below the Heaven-Defying Realm, which is the maximum strength that the Dao of Heaven can tolerate."

"Your body strength, that is, the blow force that your body can withstand has reached 99. I guess this is just three days of catastrophe at once. The tempering of the body by the catastrophe has not been completely over. Wait until When it's completely over, your physical strength will reach nine hundred and ninety-nine."


Chang Sheng looked at his arm, and he understood it in his heart. In fact, Gu Tianmo's words can be understood in this way.

Even though his attack power is only more than 300 dragons, his defense power has almost reached the maximum value of 99 dragons, so his body has reached the limit of Heavenly Dao's endurance.

It doesn't matter if the attack power is not enough, as long as the defense power is up, Tian Dao will never let him exceed 99 Jiao, so his body will not be strengthened any more.

No, using Heavenly Tribulation to increase one's own strength is one of the fastest ways to increase one's own strength, and this method must not be temporarily rendered useless!

"Gu Tianmo, you said that if you don't enter the Heaven-Defying Realm, you won't be able to continue to improve. What is the reason? Is it a change in military spirit? Or something else?" Chang Sheng began to ask Gu Tianmo, after all, he had been refining alchemy before his reincarnation. , I know very little about cultivation.

"It's not the military spirit, but the breath. After entering the heaven-defying state, a person's breath will change. The way of heaven feels this breath to block more than nine hundred and ninety-nine people who are not in the heaven-defying state."

Hearing Gu Tianmo's words, Chang Sheng's heart suddenly moved: "Oh? Feel the breath? So as long as I have the breath of a strong man in the Defying Realm, wouldn't I be able to ignore the shackles of these nine hundred and ninety-nine dragons?"

"Theoretically, this is the case, but how do you allow yourself to have the aura of a strong person in the sky-defying realm?" Gu Tianmo sighed: "If you get the aura of a strong person who is similar to the sky-defying realm, and deceive other experts, I will be able to do this." It’s just a little more troublesome to help you do it, and the price you pay will be higher. However, this kind of method will definitely not deceive the heavens, that’s the way of heaven, and you can see clearly!”

"So what about the way of heaven, as long as I can have the aura of the heaven-defying realm, isn't it all right? Even for a while." Chang Sheng generally had an idea in his mind.

"Possess a real heaven-defying aura? How do you do it?" Gu Tianmo looked at Chang Sheng in surprise and asked, "You want to use alchemy? Do you have such an alchemy formula?"

Apart from alchemy, he couldn't think of any other way for Chang Sheng to do it.

"It's alchemy. Although I don't have such an alchemy formula, nor have I heard of such an alchemy formula. But I don't have it now, and it doesn't mean I won't have it in the future. Starting from me, I will be able to have this kind of alchemy formula in the future. I want myself Researching a kind of elixir can make people below the heaven-defying realm have the breath of the heaven-defying realm for a period of time.

Chang Sheng laughed and stopped talking about this question. He turned his eyes and looked around. Since entering here, he has been practicing with the original crystal of Qi training, and he didn't come to see if there are other treasures around. .

Chang Sheng quickly searched around, and just walked a few steps when a mirror reflecting light came into view.

"Huh? This mirror?"

Without thinking too much, Chang Sheng lowered his head and picked up the mirror.

At the same time, in Tianluo Province, in the forbidden area behind the Real Body Sect, under the huge tomb, the old devil suddenly raised his head, his face showing ecstasy uncontrollably.

"Hahaha, that kid finally ran there. I thought the secrets there had been leaked out, but that kid had no chance. I didn't expect him to arrive anyway, and he even got the magic weapon that hides my avatar. Haha, I I can finally have a body!"

Just as Chang Sheng picked up the mirror, suddenly, a black light flashed in front of his eyes, and a black light and shadow full of evil breath rushed out of the mirror instantly, entangled him tightly.

Chang Sheng's whole body froze suddenly, and for a while, he couldn't control his body anymore.

"Hahaha... Finally let me wait until this day, I can have a brand new body again, hahaha, I will be able to escape from birth soon! Well, the fourth level of Qi training, I have entered the fourth level of Qi training, Boy, you practice very quickly, hahaha..."

A black figure appeared from Chang Sheng's eyes, laughing loudly.

Chang Sheng stared in horror at the black shadow that appeared in front of him, the more he looked, the more familiar he became, finally, he remembered, isn't this just the younger look of that old devil who was imprisoned in the Zhensheng faction!

"You... old devil, it's you, I said, why did you tell me the treasure so kindly back then, it turns out that you had a conspiracy long ago."

"Haha, nonsense, boy, do you really think that there is a free lunch in this world? Don't dream, boy, I told you that the treasure here is for today, to take away your body!"

The image of the old devil danced excitedly in front of Chang Sheng's brain: "I'm not afraid to tell you, this body is the avatar of the old man. Your body is not bad, and you are talented enough. I won't give up your body." The body is not an insult to the old man!"

"Is it so easy for you to take my body away?!" Chang Sheng's face was fixed, but his heart was full of anxiety. Now the old devil has the appearance of a soul, and he really has nothing to do with this situation. This time was really careless.

Now I can't move, and it seems that Guo Feng and Fang Shuwen can't see the old devil, they don't react at all, what should I do?

The state of the soul, I hope Gu Tianmo can find a way.

Chang Sheng quickly found Gu Tianmo in his mind: "Gu Tianmo, come out quickly, this old devil wants to take my body, can you deal with him!"

Gu Tianmo emerged from Chang Sheng's mind unhurriedly, looked contemptuously at the old devil outside, and said with a sneer, "Seize the house? Just because he still wants to seize you? If you want to seize the house, you must enter the other party's house." Even if you let that little devil in, I, Gu Tianmo, is in a special state right now, I can't deal with him outside, but inside your body, let's see if I don't kill him!"

"Oh? Gu Tianmo, you are sure to win?" Chang Sheng's face showed joy when he heard this.

"Nonsense, he is just a little devil. If I, the ancient heavenly demon, can't deal with him anymore, my life all these years will be in vain."

Gu Tianmo's voice was full of self-confidence, Chang Sheng nodded when he heard the words, and challenged the old devil's shadow: "You take me away? Just because you are not a human, ghost or ghost? What a joke! "

"Joke? Boy, I have to admire your courage. You can still laugh now. Now let me see how you laugh!"

The old devil laughed loudly, and instantly turned into a black shadow and rushed out. In the blink of an eye, he had already entered his body and rushed straight to Chang Sheng's mind.

"You little devil, you are really brave. You dare to come to Lao Tzu's territory."

Just as the old devil rushed into Chang Sheng's mind, suddenly, a powerful evil thought came over from all around. The endless coercion directly made him unable to move, and he stood there blankly.

"You want to seize the house? Very good, then the old man will seize you first. The old man has not seized the house for a long time, so I will try my hand at you today."

The old devil couldn't even see people, he just heard an old voice, and then, a powerful, evil thought that could destroy the world slowly pressed towards him.

"No...don't, I was wrong...let me go..."

The old devil was shocked for a moment, all demon cultivators have evil thoughts, just relying on the difference in the evil thoughts, he couldn't get up the idea of ​​resistance at all, he could only beg for mercy, but it was useless.


Chang Sheng only felt that his mind was shaken, and within a split second, he had resumed his actions, and the old devil who entered his mind had completely disappeared, and he was wiped out by the ancient sky demon in an instant.

In the forbidden area of ​​the Zhensheng faction, the old devil who was crushed under the huge tomb suddenly shook violently without warning, opened his mouth, and spit out a mouthful of blood.

His face paled instantly.

"It's too powerful. How could there be such a terrifying person in that kid's mind? That kind of powerful demonic thoughts are simply unstoppable. Even the master was far behind this person at his peak!"

"It's really too weak. Such a weak guy, still imitating others to seize the house, really doesn't know how to live or die. It makes me happy for nothing, and I don't even have to play if I want to play." Gu Tianmo said rather boringly, Chang Sheng said: "Chang Sheng, although I killed this kid, he still has some remnants of his soul left, see if it's useful."

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