silly elixir emperor

Chapter 291 The Prince Is Not Stupid

Hearing Chang Sheng's words, the old devil suddenly stopped following Chang Sheng's footsteps, and the other party turned out to be in a state of Qi training!This is definitely a young genius, much more genius than he originally imagined.

However, why is a person like him a fool in the eyes of others? He is pretending to be stupid, but why does he need to pretend to be stupid?

Could it be that his life was threatened and he had to play dumb!

The old devil's heart tightened suddenly, and he quickly followed Chang Sheng, his eyes kept looking around, this was no joke, if Chang Sheng died, he had to die too, and Chang Sheng couldn't let something happen to him !

On the official road leading to the capital from Tianluo Province, four horses were galloping fast, two in front and two behind.The spacious road was extremely muddy, and the road was thicker than before they came. Not long after they rescued the old devil, another heavy rain poured down from the sky. , and almost never seen such a heavy rainstorm.

Chang Sheng looked at Feng Wuya, the old devil with a murderous look on his face, suddenly turned his head, and said to Fang Shuwen behind him: "By the way, Fang Shuwen, this time when we return to the capital, follow the story of the old man with the white beard we agreed. , you don’t have to play dumb, but I still have to play dumb, what do you think I should call you? I’m a fool, I can’t call you by your full name, and I can’t call you Shuwen. And you are still from the royal family, you My surname is Huang’s surname, and I can’t call you by your surname, so what should I call you? Do you think the little book sounds nice, or the small text? Oh, what a headache.”

Chang Sheng looked at Fang Shuwen seriously, and seemed to be quite troubled by this question.

"This...these two names are not good!" Fang Shuwen looked at Chang Sheng with a dark face: "These two names are clearly the eunuch's name, how can you call me that, besides, little book, This sounds like a little comb, Xiao Wenzi is that a little mosquito? No, you must not call me by these two names."

"If you don't call it that, what else can you call it?" Chang Sheng looked at Fang Shuwen impatiently: "You three-character people are really troublesome. Look at the words me and Guo Feng, how convenient they are to call you. Hey, no matter what Well, since you don’t say it, then I’ll call you whatever you want. I’ll call you Little Mosquito, otherwise Wenwen would be fine, anyway, don’t expect me to call you Shushu, I don’t want you to take advantage of me.”

"Wenwen, little mosquito..." Fang Shuwen's entire face turned green: "Forget it, you can still call me Xiao Shuzi."

"Then I'll call you Little Shuzi from now on."

Chang Sheng said turning around, seeing the old devil's face full of evil spirits, he couldn't help but said again: "I said, old devil, this time you follow us back to the capital, your identity is the white bearded fairy My apprentice, my brother. You are the person next to the immortal. What you need is kindness, not murderous aura. If you go back to the capital like this, you will say that you are the person next to the white bearded immortal. Even ghosts will not believe you You look so fierce, you can tell that you are a member of the evil sect of the evil sect. Do you know that now in the capital, oh no, the whole country is cracking down on the evil sect of the evil sect! You have to laugh, laugh at you do you know!"

Hearing Chang Sheng's long-winded words, the old devil wanted to raise his palm and grab out five holes in Chang Sheng's Tianling Gai, but when he thought about his own life and the imprint of his soul, he still had to Licking his face, he forced a smile and explained with a good attitude: "I'm a demon cultivator, a demon cultivator, and I always pursue killing and pay attention to killing and decisiveness, so I look like this! "

"A demon cultivator will have a murderous look on his face? Who taught you this? Why are you pursuing killing? Old devil, you are a demon cultivator, and even what a demon cultivator is after. You still cultivate demons, why don't you cultivate demons at all? Alright, go fix your sewing machine!"

"Sewing machine? What is that?" The old devil looked at Chang Sheng with a puzzled expression on his face: "I know how to cultivate demons, immortals, and Buddhas, but what kind of school is this sewing machine? Why have I never heard of it?" Pass."

Not only the old devil, Guo Feng and Fang Shuwen also looked at Chang Sheng curiously.

"Uh...the sewing machine is, it is...a very magical genre, it belongs to the speed flow, the speed is scary, and the weapon is a needle, and it can pierce countless needle holes in the blink of an eye... ...Well, I tell you, you won't understand, anyway, it's a very magical genre."

Chang Sheng thought about the appearance of the sewing machine he had seen before reincarnation, explained it to a few people, and then said loudly to the old devil: "What is the pursuit of killing, let me tell you, what the devil cultivator pursues is freedom. Freedom, this is the highest state pursued by a demon cultivator, you should feel it well."

Chang Sheng told him what Gu Tianmo said to him when he got the boat of freedom last time. What the demon cultivators pursue is great freedom. Gu Tianmo is the strongest among the demon cultivators. In his words It couldn't be easier to fool the old devil.

There's no way, it's impossible not to fool around, the evil look on the old devil's face, following behind him, this will definitely arouse a lot of speculation from others.

Chang Sheng had just finished fooling the old devil, and Gu Tianmo's voice sounded again in his mind: "Chang Sheng, tell me quickly, what is the sewing machine repairing, I, Gu Tianmo, have never heard of that school, is it this? Your hometown, the magical genre of Earth on Magic?"

"My goodness……"

Chang Sheng slapped his head in pain, Gu Tianmo, don't be so curious.


The four of Chang Sheng were practicing while they were on their way.

Finally, when the four of them arrived at the boundary of the capital, Guo Feng had already entered the sixth level of Qi training, and Fang Shuwen, a person in the innate realm, was assisted by the original crystal of Qi training and the exercises practiced by the royal family of the Great Qin Dynasty. Nine Five Xuan Huang Jue, his progress is even more rapid, directly reaching the realm of innate peak.

What's even more gratifying is the old devil, he has finally slowly recovered to the strength of the fourth level of longevity.

When the four of them arrived at the capital, they looked at the high city wall and the moat. Fang Shuwen was stunned for a moment: "The moat is completely full of water. I remember that when we left the capital, the water inside was only half full. It seems that the flood in the Central Plains this time is bigger than we imagined."

"Yes, I don't know how many people were affected by the disaster this time." Guo Fengwen sighed, and the four got off their horses, led the horses by the reins, and walked towards the gate of the city.

"Hey...Master Zhao Rui, that guy, isn't that our Seventh Prince, that idiot?

In front of the moat, a young man about 20 years old with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks saw Fang Shuwen from a distance, and suddenly he was surprised.

Hearing his voice, beside him, a young man in a blue dress immediately turned his head and looked into the distance.

"What a fool."

When Zhao Rui saw Fang Shuwen's appearance clearly, his face suddenly became happy, and his eyes looked at Fang Shuwen as if he were looking at countless money, releasing a frenzied look.As early as more than a month ago, Fang Shuwen suddenly disappeared. I knew this through my master, the third prince who was most likely to get the crown prince.For this matter, there was a lot of tossing in the palace, and even the capital city did not fall into a quiet place.Up to now, the capital city is still tossing. Ordinary people don't know about it, and they think there is another big case, but they can't be more clear about it. It's all because of the strange disappearance of the seventh prince, and the emperor is sending people to investigate.

Right now, I saw the Seventh Prince, although it didn't look like it was the Seventh Prince who returned to the capital by himself, but if I brought him to the Emperor, I would definitely be doing a great job, and I said that I found the Seventh Prince , anyway, the Seventh Prince is a fool, just make up stories by himself.

However, before taking him to the emperor, he still had to make a small fortune first.

Zhao Rui turned his head and scanned the crowd behind him. Soon, his eyes fell on a child who was eating candy.

"Give me a copper coin." Zhao Rui turned around and asked for a copper coin from the servant beside him, then strode up to the little boy who was eating candy, took the copper coin, and threw it at the child.

"Come on, I've given you this copper coin. Master, I want a piece of candy to help."

Zhao Rui said, regardless of whether the little boy agreed or not, he pulled a piece of candy from the child's hand, turned around and walked back.

The little boy who was eating candy with relish hadn't understood what was going on, one of the unopened candies in his hand had been snatched away, and at the same time a strong force was transmitted, and the little boy fell down instantly. On the ground, candies were scattered all over the place.


The little boy fell a ball, and burst into tears immediately.

"Baby, don't cry, don't cry."

Seeing the little boy crying loudly, his mother immediately squatted down, half-embraced the child in her arms, and comforted her softly, but her eyes were looking at the few men walking away. Although she was dissatisfied in her heart, she could see the other party's expression. He also knew that these were dudes, and he couldn't afford to offend them, so he could only admit that he was unlucky.

Zhao Rui took the candy he snatched from the little boy and walked quickly towards Fang Shuwen and the others. While walking, he looked back at the gate of the city, and found that the people at the gate of the city would not be able to see where he was now, so he was relieved , strode up to Fang Shuwen.

"Haha, Seventh Prince, have you come out to play again?" Zhao Rui suddenly appeared from Fang Shuwen's eyes, looked at the dusty Fang Shuwen with a smile on his face, and grabbed the little boy he had snatched from just now. Candy, smiled and handed it to Fang Shuwen: "Come on, Seventh Prince, this is your favorite candy. There is only one piece of candy in the whole capital. You want to eat it. Take out all the jade pendants and valuable things on your body. The candy is yours." Hearing Chang Sheng's words, the old devil suddenly stopped following Chang Sheng, and the other party turned out to be in a state of Qi training!This is definitely a young genius, much more genius than he originally imagined.

However, why is a person like him a fool in the eyes of others? He is pretending to be stupid, but why does he need to pretend to be stupid?

Could it be that his life was threatened and he had to play dumb!

The old devil's heart tightened suddenly, and he quickly followed Chang Sheng, his eyes kept looking around, this was no joke, if Chang Sheng died, he had to die too, and Chang Sheng couldn't let something happen to him !

On the official road leading to the capital from Tianluo Province, four horses were galloping fast, two in front and two behind.The spacious road was extremely muddy, and the road was thicker than before they came. Not long after they rescued the old devil, another heavy rain poured down from the sky. , and almost never seen such a heavy rainstorm.

Chang Sheng looked at Feng Wuya, the old devil with a murderous look on his face, suddenly turned his head, and said to Fang Shuwen behind him: "By the way, Fang Shuwen, this time when we return to the capital, follow the story of the old man with the white beard we agreed. , you don’t have to play dumb, but I still have to play dumb, what do you think I should call you? I’m a fool, I can’t call you by your full name, and I can’t call you Shuwen. And you are still from the royal family, you My surname is Huang’s surname, and I can’t call you by your surname, so what should I call you? Do you think the little book sounds nice, or the small text? Oh, what a headache.”

Chang Sheng looked at Fang Shuwen seriously, and seemed to be quite troubled by this question.

"This...these two names are not good!" Fang Shuwen looked at Chang Sheng with a dark face: "These two names are clearly the eunuch's name, how can you call me that, besides, little book, This sounds like a little comb, Xiao Wenzi is that a little mosquito? No, you must not call me by these two names."

"If you don't call it that, what else can you call it?" Chang Sheng looked at Fang Shuwen impatiently: "You three-character people are really troublesome. Look at the words me and Guo Feng, how convenient they are to call you. Hey, no matter what Well, since you don’t say it, then I’ll call you whatever you want. I’ll call you Little Mosquito, otherwise Wenwen would be fine, anyway, don’t expect me to call you Shushu, I don’t want you to take advantage of me.”

"Wenwen, little mosquito..." Fang Shuwen's entire face turned green: "Forget it, you can still call me Xiao Shuzi."

"Then I'll call you Little Shuzi from now on."

Chang Sheng said turning around, seeing the old devil's face full of evil spirits, he couldn't help but said again: "I said, old devil, this time you follow us back to the capital, your identity is the white bearded fairy My apprentice, my brother. You are the person next to the immortal. What you need is kindness, not murderous aura. If you go back to the capital like this, you will say that you are the person next to the white bearded immortal. Even ghosts will not believe you You look so fierce, you can tell that you are a member of the evil sect of the evil sect. Do you know that now in the capital, oh no, the whole country is cracking down on the evil sect of the evil sect! You have to laugh, laugh at you do you know!"

Hearing Chang Sheng's long-winded words, the old devil wanted to raise his palm and grab out five holes in Chang Sheng's Tianling Gai, but when he thought about his own life and the imprint of his soul, he still had to Licking his face, he forced a smile and explained with a good attitude: "I'm a demon cultivator, a demon cultivator, and I always pursue killing and pay attention to killing and decisiveness, so I look like this! "

"A demon cultivator will have a murderous look on his face? Who taught you this? Why are you pursuing killing? Old devil, you are a demon cultivator, and even what a demon cultivator is after. You still cultivate demons, why don't you cultivate demons at all? Alright, go fix your sewing machine!"

"Sewing machine? What is that?" The old devil looked at Chang Sheng with a puzzled expression on his face: "I know how to cultivate demons, immortals, and Buddhas, but what kind of school is this sewing machine? Why have I never heard of it?" Pass."

Not only the old devil, Guo Feng and Fang Shuwen also looked at Chang Sheng curiously.

"Uh...the sewing machine is, it is...a very magical genre, it belongs to the speed flow, the speed is scary, and the weapon is a needle, and it can pierce countless needle holes in the blink of an eye... ...Well, I tell you, you won't understand, anyway, it's a very magical genre."

Chang Sheng thought about the appearance of the sewing machine he had seen before reincarnation, explained it to a few people, and then said loudly to the old devil: "What is the pursuit of killing, let me tell you, what the devil cultivator pursues is freedom. Freedom, this is the highest state pursued by a demon cultivator, you should feel it well."

Chang Sheng told him what Gu Tianmo said to him when he got the boat of freedom last time. What the demon cultivators pursue is great freedom. Gu Tianmo is the strongest among the demon cultivators. In his words It couldn't be easier to fool the old devil.

There's no way, it's impossible not to fool around, the evil look on the old devil's face, following behind him, this will definitely arouse a lot of speculation from others.

Chang Sheng had just finished fooling the old devil, and Gu Tianmo's voice sounded again in his mind: "Chang Sheng, tell me quickly, what is the sewing machine repairing, I, Gu Tianmo, have never heard of that school, is it this? Your hometown, the magical genre of Earth on Magic?"

"My goodness……"

Chang Sheng slapped his head in pain, Gu Tianmo, don't be so curious.


The four of Chang Sheng were practicing while they were on their way.

Finally, when the four of them arrived at the boundary of the capital, Guo Feng had already entered the sixth level of Qi training, and Fang Shuwen, a person in the innate realm, was assisted by the original crystal of Qi training and the exercises practiced by the royal family of the Great Qin Dynasty. Nine Five Xuan Huang Jue, his progress is even more rapid, directly reaching the realm of innate peak.

What's even more gratifying is the old devil, he has finally slowly recovered to the strength of the fourth level of longevity.

When the four of them arrived at the capital, they looked at the high city wall and the moat. Fang Shuwen was stunned for a moment: "The moat is completely full of water. I remember that when we left the capital, the water inside was only half full. It seems that the flood in the Central Plains this time is bigger than we imagined."

"Yes, I don't know how many people were affected by the disaster this time." Guo Fengwen sighed, and the four got off their horses, led the horses by the reins, and walked towards the gate of the city.

"Hey...Master Zhao Rui, that guy, isn't that our Seventh Prince, that idiot?

In front of the moat, a young man about 20 years old with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks saw Fang Shuwen from a distance, and suddenly he was surprised.

Hearing his voice, beside him, a young man in a blue dress immediately turned his head and looked into the distance.

"What a fool."

When Zhao Rui saw Fang Shuwen's appearance clearly, his face suddenly became happy, and his eyes looked at Fang Shuwen as if he were looking at countless money, releasing a frenzied look.As early as more than a month ago, Fang Shuwen suddenly disappeared. I knew this through my master, the third prince who was most likely to get the crown prince.For this matter, there was a lot of tossing in the palace, and even the capital city did not fall into a quiet place.Up to now, the capital city is still tossing. Ordinary people don't know about it, and they think there is another big case, but they can't be more clear about it. It's all because of the strange disappearance of the seventh prince, and the emperor is sending people to investigate.

Right now, I saw the Seventh Prince, although it didn't look like it was the Seventh Prince who returned to the capital by himself, but if I brought him to the Emperor, I would definitely be doing a great job, and I said that I found the Seventh Prince , anyway, the Seventh Prince is a fool, just make up stories by himself.

However, before taking him to the emperor, he still had to make a small fortune first.

Zhao Rui turned his head and scanned the crowd behind him. Soon, his eyes fell on a child who was eating candy.

"Give me a copper coin." Zhao Rui turned around and asked for a copper coin from the servant beside him, then strode up to the little boy who was eating candy, took the copper coin, and threw it at the child.

"Come on, I've given you this copper coin. Master, I want a piece of candy to help."

Zhao Rui said, regardless of whether the little boy agreed or not, he pulled a piece of candy from the child's hand, turned around and walked back.

The little boy who was eating candy with relish hadn't understood what was going on, one of the unopened candies in his hand had been snatched away, and at the same time a strong force was transmitted, and the little boy fell down instantly. On the ground, candies were scattered all over the place.


The little boy fell a ball, and burst into tears immediately.

"Baby, don't cry, don't cry."

Seeing the little boy crying loudly, his mother immediately squatted down, half-embraced the child in her arms, and comforted her softly, but her eyes were looking at the few men walking away. Although she was dissatisfied in her heart, she could see the other party's expression. He also knew that these were dudes, and he couldn't afford to offend them, so he could only admit that he was unlucky.

Zhao Rui took the candy he snatched from the little boy and walked quickly towards Fang Shuwen and the others. While walking, he looked back at the gate of the city, and found that the people at the gate of the city would not be able to see where he was now, so he was relieved , strode up to Fang Shuwen.

"Haha, Seventh Prince, have you come out to play again?" Zhao Rui suddenly appeared from Fang Shuwen's eyes, looked at the dusty Fang Shuwen with a smile on his face, and grabbed the little boy he had snatched from just now. The candy was handed to Fang Shuwen with a smile: "Come on, Seventh Prince, this is your favorite candy. There is only one piece of candy in the whole capital. You want to eat it. Take out all the jade pendants and valuable things on your body. The candy is yours."

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