Hearing the whistling wind in his ears, Chang Ganyi's eyes were fixed. Although Chang Sheng's stick techniques were chaotic, how did he feel that if he wanted to pick it up, it would not be easy to pick it up!How can there be such a strange feeling!

Chang Sheng waved the long stick in his hand, feeling very unhappy.

"No, this stick is too light. After using the Mad Demon Strength, my own strength has greatly increased. Using this stick to perform the Mad Demon Stick Technique is like dancing with a willow stick. It can't exert its power at all.

After Chang Sheng performed 21 moves with an iron rod, he finally couldn't bear the weight of the iron rod and threw away the iron rod in his hand.

"Sheng'er, why don't you hit?" Chang Ganyi asked strangely, he was thinking about how to break the stick that Chang Sheng was waving randomly, but Chang Sheng stopped hitting.

"This stick is too light, I want to change it to a heavy one." Chang Sheng threw away the iron stick in his hand, and looked for a convenient weapon that could be used on the weapon racks on both sides.

"This is not good, too light, this is too light, too light..."

Chang Sheng kept taking down a weapon from the shelf, weighed it, and threw it on the ground again.After using Mad Demon Strength, his strength increased dramatically, and he felt that the weapon that others thought was easy to use was too light.

Chang Ganyi watched Chang Sheng who had tried all the weapons but was still dissatisfied with the weight, and finally couldn't help but said: "Xiao Sheng, how heavy a weapon do you want! Also, when will you So powerful?"

"I don't know, anyway, I think these weapons are too light." Chang Sheng looked at the scattered weapons, thought for a while, bent down and covered sticks, spears and even the tops The spiked mace, all hugged.

"What does he want to do?" Chang Ganyi was taken aback.

Chang Sheng actually embraced various weapons with both hands and waved them in the air.

"The sum of these is about the same. I want such a heavy weapon. No, it's better to be heavier."

Chang Sheng danced a few times, threw the weapons on the ground in satisfaction, raised his head and said to Chang Ganyi who was not far away.

"It's so heavy!" Chang Ganyi looked at the weapons on the ground with a headache. These weapons weighed at least seven or eight hundred catties. Chang Sheng also said that they should be heavier. Where can I find such a heavy weapon? It is made of blood and tears stainless steel and other materials, but those materials are not to mention the Chang family, it is the financial resources of the four major families in Fengdu City. up.

On the side, Misty lowered her head and pondered for a while, and asked, "Xiao Sheng, are you sure you want such a heavy weapon?" She thought of a way to get such a weapon, but she was afraid that Chang Sheng was just a whim, and when the weapon was in hand , I don't want to use it anymore.

"It's not that heavy, it needs to be heavier." Chang Sheng gestured vigorously with his hands and said, "I don't want this kind of spiked or pointed one either. I want a stick!"

"It's no problem to ask for a stick." Piao Miao smiled lightly, turned to look at Chang Ganyi and said, "Patriarch, although our Chang family doesn't have such a heavy weapon, we can make one."

Like Chang Sheng, Miu Miao stretched out her hands and said, "We can make a two-meter-long, one-chi-diameter fine iron rod! This amount must meet Chang Sheng's requirements."

"Inappropriate." Chang Ganyi Fang immediately shook his head when he heard Miu Miao's words, "How can Chang Sheng hold such a thick stick? Do you have to hug and beat the enemy?"

"We can make the bottom of the stick thinner enough for Chang Sheng to hold, and thicker for the rest." Misty pointed to a mace on the ground and said, "It's the same as this mace, but without the spikes. , and the thicker parts that can be attacked are larger than this mace, which meets Chang Sheng's requirements."

"Yes, it can be like this." Chang Ganyi nodded and said, "I'm going to find the best blacksmith in the whole city."

"The weapon problem is finally solved!"

Chang Sheng walked out of the martial arts arena, thinking in his mind. "It must be very troublesome to build the weapons I want. I'd better find a way to go out of the city first, then sell pills, buy medicinal materials, and gain experience in stick techniques!"

Back in the room, Chang Sheng immediately found Gu Tianmo in his mind, and asked Gu Tianmo to show him how to put on makeup. This time, he was going out of the city to another county. To buy a horse for transportation, he can't buy a horse with this appearance. There are too many people who know him in Fengdu City, so he has to make up.

After about half a stick of incense, Chang Sheng finally finished his makeup under the guidance of Gu Tianmo.

Standing in front of the mirror, Chang Sheng looked in the bronze mirror, with a thick face with two beards, and a one-and-a-half inch long scar on the corner of his face, he was very satisfied.Let alone other people's faces, even he himself couldn't recognize this face. Gu Tianmo's make-up skills are really amazing.

Chang Sheng touched the beard on his face, and he was relieved after confirming that the beard was very tight. He walked to the desk, picked up the brush, and began to write on the white rice paper.This time, he had to use the name of the white-bearded old man to go out of the city, and he had to leave a piece of "evidence".

"Good word!"

Just as Chang Sheng wrote a word, Gu Tianmo's voice rang in his mind. What was rare was that Gu Tianmo praised him as soon as he came up.


Chang Sheng finished writing a few words in a few strokes. Looking at the cursive script on the rice paper, there was a touch of dust and fairy wind in the elegant and free, the corners of his mouth were slightly curved, and he said complacently: "When a boy who makes alchemy, the first thing to do is Copying books, copying the names of various medicinal materials, and I am no exception. I think that when I first arrived in the fairyland, I spent almost every day copying, and I have practiced good calligraphy over time."

Listening to Chang Sheng's self-satisfied voice with a hint of nostalgia and hatred, Gu Tianmo also thought of his past.

In Chang Sheng's room, Chang Ganyi looked at the empty room, and his eyes fell on the rice paper pressed by the inkstone on the table. Chang Sheng knew how to read, but he would never use rice paper to practice calligraphy.

Chang Ganyi walked to the table, stared at the rice paper, and couldn't help admiring: "Good calligraphy! The pen is like a dragon and a snake... Every stroke and stroke are full of fairy-tale artistic conception!" He has always loved poetry, calligraphy and painting, Every time I read other people's articles or documents, the first thing I pay attention to is the words!

Following the first word, Chang Ganyi read it word by word.

"I met your nephew ten days ago. I was very happy. I saw that his bones and dispositions were all good, so I took him in as a disciple. However, his body has a lot of impurities. In order to get rid of his silt, I took him away from the mansion for at least five days or more. Then for half a month, he will be ordered to return. -- Layman Wangdan."

After the signing, there was a large gap, and a line of words like a dog crawling appeared on the rice paper.

"Uncle, I went out to play with the white-bearded grandfather."

"It turns out that Sheng'er was taken away by the white bearded fairy to practice." Chang Ganyi looked at the inscription at the beginning and muttered to himself: "Layman Wangdan?" He searched all his memories, but found that he still didn't know the name. little impression.

"It shouldn't be. It is absolutely impossible for Sheng'er to break through from the entrainment state to the peak of the sublimation state in a short period of time." Chang Ganyi looked at the inscription on the rice paper and thought: "Wangdan Layman , he can make out-of-the-box elixir, he is definitely a master, but he also claims to forget the elixir, is there something hidden, and then he changed his surname and name?"

The more Chang Ganyi thought about it, the more he felt that what he was thinking was right, "Yes, it must be so. But Sheng'er doesn't have to worry about safety if he follows him."

Chang Ganyi closed the door, and walked back into the room with the rice paper, which he wanted to keep.

Outside the city of Fengdu, on the wide official road, Chang Sheng, dressed as a person from the Jianghu, galloped away on a bay red horse. His goal was Linmeng City.

After galloping all the way for more than an hour, Chang Sheng finally saw the gate of Linmeng City. The city wall of this city is higher than that of Fengdu City, and the gate is also slightly larger, but the speed of people entering the city is much slower. few.

"Strange, why are the guards in Linmeng City so strict?" Chang Sheng sat on the horse and saw from a distance that the soldiers guarding the city were holding a picture scroll. Everyone who entered the city had to compare it with the picture scroll. Then they will be released into the city.

"What happened?" Chang Sheng's eyes were sharp, and he saw five portraits posted on the wall at a glance!

"Wanted order? Five Jiangyang thieves have done a lot of evil, and they are doing harm to one side..."

Chang Sheng stared at him, he had already ascended to the peak, even if he was far away, he could clearly see the appearance of the portrait and the content of the wanted list above.

"It's been a month, and these five people have never been caught. I don't know if the officers and soldiers are useless or these five people are too powerful!"

Chang Sheng sighed and touched his face. Fortunately, the make-up did not turn into the appearance of these five Jiangyang thieves this time, otherwise it would be troublesome.

After about a stick of incense, Chang Shengcai followed the crowd through the inspection and walked into Linmeng City. Looking at the streets that were a bit wider than Fengdu City, and the obviously more crowded people around him, he sighed in his heart. City and Fengdu City are both county towns, but Linmeng City is obviously more prosperous than Fengdu City because it is closer to the county.

Chang Sheng followed the crowd for a few steps, and saw a person who was dressed similarly to him walking by, he took a step forward, raised his hand and fisted, and asked, "Hello, brother, I'm coming to Mengcheng next time, I don’t know much about this city, please tell me, brother, what are the relatively large auction houses in Linmeng City.” His voice was very rough, he not only put on makeup, but also learned a set of voice-changing techniques from Gu Tianmo.

From Gu Tianmo's memory, Chang Sheng knew that there were a lot of lone ranger adventurers on the mainland of Tianyuan Shenzhou, and generally people with the same identity asked some simple things, such as asking for directions, and they would answer them.After all, everyone sometimes goes to unfamiliar cities. Over time, lone rangers and adventurers have developed the habit of being convenient for others.

"There are two most famous auctions in Linmeng City. One is the Haijia Auction House in the southwest of the city, and the other is the Tiantai Chamber of Commerce Auction House in the southeast of the city. These two auction houses are held every ten days. Small auctions, medium-sized auctions once a month, and large-scale auctions once every three months. Brother, you came at the right time. Today, Tiantai Chamber of Commerce is holding a large-scale auction once every three months." Listening to the whispering The sound of the wind, Chang Ganyi's eyes were fixed, although Chang Sheng's stick skills were messy, how do you feel, if you want to pick it up, it's not easy to pick it up!How can there be such a strange feeling!

Chang Sheng waved the long stick in his hand, feeling very unhappy.

"No, this stick is too light. After using the Mad Demon Strength, my own strength has greatly increased. Using this stick to perform the Mad Demon Stick Technique is like dancing with a willow stick. It can't exert its power at all.

After Chang Sheng performed 21 moves with an iron rod, he finally couldn't bear the weight of the iron rod and threw away the iron rod in his hand.

"Sheng'er, why don't you hit?" Chang Ganyi asked strangely, he was thinking about how to break the stick that Chang Sheng was waving randomly, but Chang Sheng stopped hitting.

"This stick is too light, I want to change it to a heavy one." Chang Sheng threw away the iron stick in his hand, and looked for a convenient weapon that could be used on the weapon racks on both sides.

"This is not good, too light, this is too light, too light..."

Chang Sheng kept taking down a weapon from the shelf, weighed it, and threw it on the ground again.After using Mad Demon Strength, his strength increased dramatically, and he felt that the weapon that others thought was easy to use was too light.

Chang Ganyi watched Chang Sheng who had tried all the weapons but was still dissatisfied with the weight, and finally couldn't help but said: "Xiao Sheng, how heavy a weapon do you want! Also, when will you So powerful?"

"I don't know, anyway, I think these weapons are too light." Chang Sheng looked at the scattered weapons, thought for a while, bent down and covered sticks, spears and even the tops The spiked mace, all hugged.

"What does he want to do?" Chang Ganyi was taken aback.

Chang Sheng actually embraced various weapons with both hands and waved them in the air.

"The sum of these is about the same. I want such a heavy weapon. No, it's better to be heavier."

Chang Sheng danced a few times, threw the weapons on the ground in satisfaction, raised his head and said to Chang Ganyi who was not far away.

"It's so heavy!" Chang Ganyi looked at the weapons on the ground with a headache. These weapons weighed at least seven or eight hundred catties. Chang Sheng also said that they should be heavier. Where can I find such a heavy weapon? It is made of blood and tears stainless steel and other materials, but those materials are not to mention the Chang family, it is the financial resources of the four major families in Fengdu City. up.

On the side, Misty lowered her head and pondered for a while, and asked, "Xiao Sheng, are you sure you want such a heavy weapon?" She thought of a way to get such a weapon, but she was afraid that Chang Sheng was just a whim, and when the weapon was in hand , I don't want to use it anymore.

"It's not that heavy, it needs to be heavier." Chang Sheng gestured vigorously with his hands and said, "I don't want this kind of spiked or pointed one either. I want a stick!"

"It's no problem to ask for a stick." Piao Miao smiled lightly, turned to look at Chang Ganyi and said, "Patriarch, although our Chang family doesn't have such a heavy weapon, we can make one."

Like Chang Sheng, Miu Miao stretched out her hands and said, "We can make a two-meter-long, one-chi-diameter fine iron rod! This amount must meet Chang Sheng's requirements."

"Inappropriate." Chang Ganyi Fang immediately shook his head when he heard Miu Miao's words, "How can Chang Sheng hold such a thick stick? Do you have to hug and beat the enemy?"

"We can make the bottom of the stick thinner enough for Chang Sheng to hold, and thicker for the rest." Misty pointed to a mace on the ground and said, "It's the same as this mace, but without the spikes. , and the thicker parts that can be attacked are larger than this mace, which meets Chang Sheng's requirements."

"Yes, it can be like this." Chang Ganyi nodded and said, "I'm going to find the best blacksmith in the whole city."

"The weapon problem is finally solved!"

Chang Sheng walked out of the martial arts arena, thinking in his mind. "It must be very troublesome to build the weapons I want. I'd better find a way to go out of the city first, then sell pills, buy medicinal materials, and gain experience in stick techniques!"

Back in the room, Chang Sheng immediately found Gu Tianmo in his mind, and asked Gu Tianmo to show him how to put on makeup. This time, he was going out of the city to another county. To buy a horse for transportation, he can't buy a horse with this appearance. There are too many people who know him in Fengdu City, so he has to make up.

After about half a stick of incense, Chang Sheng finally finished his makeup under the guidance of Gu Tianmo.

Standing in front of the mirror, Chang Sheng looked in the bronze mirror, with a thick face with two beards, and a one-and-a-half inch long scar on the corner of his face, he was very satisfied.Let alone other people's faces, even he himself couldn't recognize this face. Gu Tianmo's make-up skills are really amazing.

Chang Sheng touched the beard on his face, and he was relieved after confirming that the beard was very tight. He walked to the desk, picked up the brush, and began to write on the white rice paper.This time, he had to use the name of the white-bearded old man to go out of the city, and he had to leave a piece of "evidence".

"Good word!"

Just as Chang Sheng wrote a word, Gu Tianmo's voice rang in his mind. What was rare was that Gu Tianmo praised him as soon as he came up.


Chang Sheng finished writing a few words in a few strokes. Looking at the cursive script on the rice paper, there was a touch of dust and fairy wind in the elegant and free, the corners of his mouth were slightly curved, and he said complacently: "When a boy who makes alchemy, the first thing to do is Copying books, copying the names of various medicinal materials, and I am no exception. I think that when I first arrived in the fairyland, I spent almost every day copying, and I have practiced good calligraphy over time."

Listening to Chang Sheng's self-satisfied voice with a hint of nostalgia and hatred, Gu Tianmo also thought of his past.

In Chang Sheng's room, Chang Ganyi looked at the empty room, and his eyes fell on the rice paper pressed by the inkstone on the table. Chang Sheng knew how to read, but he would never use rice paper to practice calligraphy.

Chang Ganyi walked to the table, stared at the rice paper, and couldn't help admiring: "Good calligraphy! The pen is like a dragon and a snake... Every stroke and stroke are full of fairy-tale artistic conception!" He has always loved poetry, calligraphy and painting, Every time I read other people's articles or documents, the first thing I pay attention to is the words!

Following the first word, Chang Ganyi read it word by word.

"I met your nephew ten days ago. I was very happy. I saw that his bones and dispositions were all good, so I took him in as a disciple. However, his body has a lot of impurities. In order to get rid of his silt, I took him away from the mansion for at least five days or more. Then for half a month, he will be ordered to return. -- Layman Wangdan."

After the signing, there was a large gap, and a line of words like a dog crawling appeared on the rice paper.

"Uncle, I went out to play with the white-bearded grandfather."

"It turns out that Sheng'er was taken away by the white bearded fairy to practice." Chang Ganyi looked at the inscription at the beginning and muttered to himself: "Layman Wangdan?" He searched all his memories, but found that he still didn't know the name. little impression.

"It shouldn't be. It is absolutely impossible for Sheng'er to break through from the entrainment state to the peak of the sublimation state in a short period of time." Chang Ganyi looked at the inscription on the rice paper and thought: "Wangdan Layman , he can make out-of-the-box elixir, he is definitely a master, but he also claims to forget the elixir, is there something hidden, and then he changed his surname and name?"

The more Chang Ganyi thought about it, the more he felt that what he was thinking was right, "Yes, it must be so. But Sheng'er doesn't have to worry about safety if he follows him."

Chang Ganyi closed the door, and walked back into the room with the rice paper, which he wanted to keep.

Outside the city of Fengdu, on the wide official road, Chang Sheng, dressed as a person from the Jianghu, galloped away on a bay red horse. His goal was Linmeng City.

After galloping all the way for more than an hour, Chang Sheng finally saw the gate of Linmeng City. The city wall of this city is higher than that of Fengdu City, and the gate is also slightly larger, but the speed of people entering the city is much slower. few.

"Strange, why are the guards in Linmeng City so strict?" Chang Sheng sat on the horse and saw from a distance that the soldiers guarding the city were holding a picture scroll. Everyone who entered the city had to compare it with the picture scroll. Then they will be released into the city.

"What happened?" Chang Sheng's eyes were sharp, and he saw five portraits posted on the wall at a glance!

"Wanted order? Five Jiangyang thieves have done a lot of evil, and they are doing harm to one side..."

Chang Sheng stared at him, he had already ascended to the peak, even if he was far away, he could clearly see the appearance of the portrait and the content of the wanted list above.

"It's been a month, and these five people have never been caught. I don't know if the officers and soldiers are useless or these five people are too powerful!"

Chang Sheng sighed and touched his face. Fortunately, the make-up did not turn into the appearance of these five Jiangyang thieves this time, otherwise it would be troublesome.

After about a stick of incense, Chang Shengcai followed the crowd through the inspection and walked into Linmeng City. Looking at the streets that were a bit wider than Fengdu City, and the obviously more crowded people around him, he sighed in his heart. City and Fengdu City are both county towns, but Linmeng City is obviously more prosperous than Fengdu City because it is closer to the county.

Chang Sheng followed the crowd for a few steps, and saw a person who was dressed similarly to him walking by, he took a step forward, raised his hand and fisted, and asked, "Hello, brother, I'm coming to Mengcheng next time, I don’t know much about this city, please tell me, brother, what are the relatively large auction houses in Linmeng City.” His voice was very rough, he not only put on makeup, but also learned a set of voice-changing techniques from Gu Tianmo.

From Gu Tianmo's memory, Chang Sheng knew that there were a lot of lone ranger adventurers on the mainland of Tianyuan Shenzhou, and generally people with the same identity asked some simple things, such as asking for directions, and they would answer them.After all, everyone sometimes goes to unfamiliar cities. Over time, lone rangers and adventurers have developed the habit of being convenient for others.

"There are two most famous auctions in Linmeng City. One is the Haijia Auction House in the southwest of the city, and the other is the Tiantai Chamber of Commerce Auction House in the southeast of the city. These two auction houses are held every ten days. Small-scale auctions, medium-sized auctions once a month, and large-scale auctions once every three months. Brother, you came at the right time. Today, the Tiantai Chamber of Commerce is holding a large-scale auction every three months."

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