"That's right, I also found a problem, so I went out to check it out, and this search really made me discover the problem. It turns out that besides us, there are people who started calling for donations today."

"Aside from us, there are people raising donations? This...we represent the imperial court and the government. If we raise donations, people will naturally donate money, and those people will get benefits from donating money. The other party also raises donations, and it can also affect our donations. The power and influence of the other party... Could it be that the other party is one of the four major colleges?"

"Who else can there be except them, but this time it's not one of the four colleges, but the four colleges together called on merchants in the city to raise donations. They declared that there was a flood in the Daqi Dynasty and they wanted to provide relief, so they also started using donated, and by today’s standards, they’ve raised more money than we have!”

Fang Shuwen sneered: "The four colleges, their people directly said that this time the disaster fell from heaven and the common people were affected by the disaster. This disaster relief is doing good deeds. Therefore, those donors must be good people. For these good people, especially those who donate the most Great benevolent people, their conduct must be excellent. That’s why the four colleges have said that for those great benevolent people, the college will open its doors and welcome their children to study in the college. Damn, this is simply selling student places! "

"Well, and it's an auction with no reserve price and no ceiling." Chang Sheng took the topic and said, "The Four Great Colleges, that is a transcendent existence. For the sake of my children entering the Four Great Colleges, and for the continuation of the future family, those The rich guys donate money desperately, the four colleges are really high."

"Hmph, that's not the only thing they do." Fang Shuwen sneered, "They said directly that people don't believe our court, saying that there are too many officials in our court, and there must be many corrupt officials who said they donated money. Most of them will go into the pockets of officials. They don’t believe us, so they do their own donations. But the money they raise will only be used for disaster relief. All expenditures will be recorded, and they are wholehearted For the sake of the victims."

"Well, if they really do what they say, they only care about the disaster victims, and all the money is used for disaster relief, then there's nothing wrong with what they say, but obviously, they won't do that."

Chang Sheng picked up a piece of diced meat and put it in his mouth, chewed the diced meat with relish, then picked up another piece of diced meat and said: "The four colleges have never done production, but they have such a big stall. The treatment of the students, among other things, is the meat their students eat every day, which is a lot of money. How can they get so much money, and they don’t all rely on others. This time, they don’t take advantage of the disaster relief. Strange. Natural disasters are coming, and all the smart people know that this is a good opportunity to collect money, and their four colleges will never miss it."

"Hmph, in order to make money, their four colleges slander the imperial court. And judging from their current influence, they can completely compete with the imperial court. In fact, I think what Fei Taishi said is not wrong at all. These four colleges are my Great Qi Dynasty. The biggest moth. If our Daqi Dynasty wants to be strong, we must completely eradicate the four major academies. Unfortunately, these four academies are too strong!"

Fang Shuwen said, and then he sighed. There were two once extremely powerful dynasties, the Great Qin Dynasty and the Great Jin Dynasty, which were destroyed because of their conflicts with the Four Great Academies. Today is a day of internal and external troubles.

With a helpless sigh, Fang Shuwen looked at the food on the table and felt even more tasteless: "Forget it, I won't eat it, first go and collect evidence of the third prince's corruption."

After speaking, Fang Shuwen turned around and was about to leave.

Chang Sheng was stunned: "Wait, didn't we agree that when we arrive at the place, wait for the third prince's people to start corrupting, and then directly catch them and kill them? Why do you start collecting their evidence now? , it would be bad if we startled the snake.”

"Of course we have to collect it now. When the third prince and his people make mistakes, I can directly take out the previous evidence, and then punish them for several crimes and punish them directly!" Fang Shuwen said, turned and left.

"Wait, if you want to collect evidence, this thing is useful." Chang Sheng called Fang Shuwen, raised his hand and threw out a bottle of elixir: "This is Honesty elixir, you have seen me use it before, but you have to remember, This thing is only useful to people below the Innate Realm."

Zhuge Zhan'an sat on the seat in the vice prime minister's mansion, picked up the tea cover, lightly touched the teacup twice, and looked at the middle-aged man opposite with a serious face: "Father, this time you, as the Seventh Prince's Assistant, to assist the Seventh Prince to go to the rescue, we must pay attention to one problem."

"Oh? What's the problem?" Zhuge Jun looked up at his son without blinking.Although the person in front of him is his own son, but his son is a first-class young hero in the world, there is nothing shameful in listening to his son's advice.

Zhuge Zhan put the teacup on the square table in front of him gracefully, and said solemnly: "It's a matter of corruption, father, do you know why Chang Ganze is so trusted by the emperor? One is because his political views agree with the emperor's. One thing is, he has never been corrupt! That's why the emperor trusts him! Father, you have to remember, if you want to remove the adverb on your head, then you must not be corrupt during this trip!"

Three days passed quickly.

In the early morning of the third day, in front of the Grand Canal in Waijing, cargo ships loaded with various supplies gathered on the canal.

Chang Sheng and Guo Fengfang Shuwen took the old devil and a group of officials, big and small, to the shore. They went to the disaster relief, and the materials and money they transported were too much, so they couldn't use the land route at all, they could only use water transport.

"It's strange why there are so many boats here. Even if we are doing disaster relief, we won't have so many boats." Fang Shuwen looked at the many boats, feeling a little bit astonished.

Slowly, the group of people got closer and closer to the canal, and gradually, a large black figure came into view.

"Xiao Shuzi, there are quite a lot of people here. So many ordinary people gathered here, presumably they came to see us off. I never imagined that the court of our Great Qi Dynasty still has such influence in the hearts of the people. It's really good. ,good."

Chang Sheng saw clearly at a glance that the large group of people gathered on the shore were all ordinary people, so he couldn't help but speak to Fang Shuwen in a secret language.

"Little Shuzi, you are the general person in charge of this disaster relief. Hurry up and think about what you should say when you meet these people who are full of expectations for our court."

While Chang Sheng and Fang Shuwen were joking with each other via voice transmission, they walked towards the bank of the canal.

Slowly, several people finally came to the people waiting on the shore. Fang Shuwen organized his words and just raised half of his arms, he suddenly found something wrong.

The group of people in front of them watched a few of them approaching, but most of them didn't react at all.

This is not right, these people are not here to see themselves and others off.

Fang Shuwen realized immediately, but these people didn't come to see him off, so they came?

Fang Shuwen was full of doubts. Suddenly, there was a commotion in the crowd in front of him.

"Here they come. They come. They come."

Chang Sheng was surprised to find that the crowd in front of him exclaimed, and then ran towards behind him, shouting.

Chang Sheng turned his head strangely and looked behind him. Suddenly, white figures came into view.

Zhu Junxuan?

Chang Sheng was sensitive to discover that a young Confucian scholar walking in the front of the crowd happened to have met him once. The boy Zhu Junxuan who dug over.

Zhu Junxuan is from the Four Great Academies, and the group of people in front of him are all Confucian scholars, so it is obvious that these people are from the Four Great Academies.

Just as an idea came to Chang Sheng's mind, there was a sound of gongs and drums near the shore behind him, followed by a string of firecrackers being ignited, making a crisp sound.

A group of people ran to the front of the four major colleges and started chatting. Although they were far away, they could still hear them. What they said was nothing more than the hope that the four major colleges could do a good job in disaster relief and help them, the poor people. .

"Hmph, people from the four major colleges, they actually chose to set off for disaster relief today, and it seems that their itinerary is the same as ours. Obviously, they are trying to avoid us."

Fang Shuwen looked coldly at the people from the four major colleges surrounded by crowds of people behind him, his face was very ugly.The same goes for disaster relief, and one side represents people from the imperial court, but it only depends on the popularity of both parties.

There are only a few people on my side, but there are so many people on the side of the four colleges.

This gap is too big!What's the face of the imperial court if the news of today's news is spread!

"It's not just that simple." Guo Feng swept his eyes back and forth among the crowd, and said softly: "Obviously, the people from the Four Great Academies have planned it for a long time. Not to such an extent. There are those who beat gongs and drums, and those who set off firecrackers, and so many people can run to them. Obviously they have already prepared for it."

When Guo Feng said this, he shook his head helplessly and said: "Ordinary people are the most imitative. The four major colleges only need to find some support. While everyone is waiting, say good things about the four major colleges, and say bad things about our court, and then A few more echoes. When the people from the four colleges appeared, these people rushed forward immediately. Those ordinary people followed the crowd. Seeing that everyone else had gone, they naturally followed, which caused this situation. "That's right, I also found a problem, so I went out to check it out, and this search really made me discover the problem. It turns out that besides us, there are people calling for donations today."

"Aside from us, there are people raising donations? This...we represent the imperial court and the government. If we raise donations, people will naturally donate money, and those people will get benefits from donating money. The other party also raises donations, and it can also affect our donations. The power and influence of the other party... Could it be that the other party is one of the four major colleges?"

"Who else can there be except them, but this time it's not one of the four colleges, but the four colleges together called on merchants in the city to raise donations. They declared that there was a flood in the Daqi Dynasty and they wanted to provide relief, so they also started using donated, and by today’s standards, they’ve raised more money than we have!”

Fang Shuwen sneered: "The four colleges, their people directly said that this time the disaster fell from heaven and the common people were affected by the disaster. This disaster relief is doing good deeds. Therefore, those donors must be good people. For these good people, especially those who donate the most Great benevolent people, their conduct must be excellent. That’s why the four colleges have said that for those great benevolent people, the college will open its doors and welcome their children to study in the college. Damn, this is simply selling student places! "

"Well, and it's an auction with no reserve price and no ceiling." Chang Sheng took the topic and said, "The Four Great Colleges, that is a transcendent existence. For the sake of my children entering the Four Great Colleges, and for the continuation of the future family, those The rich guys donate money desperately, the four colleges are really high."

"Hmph, that's not the only thing they do." Fang Shuwen sneered, "They said directly that people don't believe our court, saying that there are too many officials in our court, and there must be many corrupt officials who said they donated money. Most of them will go into the pockets of officials. They don’t believe us, so they do their own donations. But the money they raise will only be used for disaster relief. All expenditures will be recorded, and they are wholehearted For the sake of the victims."

"Well, if they really do what they say, they only care about the disaster victims, and all the money is used for disaster relief, then there's nothing wrong with what they say, but obviously, they won't do that."

Chang Sheng picked up a piece of diced meat and put it in his mouth, chewed the diced meat with relish, then picked up another piece of diced meat and said: "The four colleges have never done production, but they have such a big stall. The treatment of the students, among other things, is the meat their students eat every day, which is a lot of money. How can they get so much money, and they don’t all rely on others. This time, they don’t take advantage of the disaster relief. Strange. Natural disasters are coming, and all the smart people know that this is a good opportunity to collect money, and their four colleges will never miss it."

"Hmph, in order to make money, their four colleges slander the imperial court. And judging from their current influence, they can completely compete with the imperial court. In fact, I think what Fei Taishi said is not wrong at all. These four colleges are my Great Qi Dynasty. The biggest moth. If our Daqi Dynasty wants to be strong, we must completely eradicate the four major academies. Unfortunately, these four academies are too strong!"

Fang Shuwen said, and then he sighed. There were two once extremely powerful dynasties, the Great Qin Dynasty and the Great Jin Dynasty, which were destroyed because of their conflicts with the Four Great Academies. Today is a day of internal and external troubles.

With a helpless sigh, Fang Shuwen looked at the food on the table and felt even more tasteless: "Forget it, I won't eat it, first go and collect evidence of the third prince's corruption."

After speaking, Fang Shuwen turned around and was about to leave.

Chang Sheng was stunned: "Wait, didn't we agree that when we arrive at the place, wait for the third prince's people to start corrupting, and then directly catch them and kill them? Why do you start collecting their evidence now? , it would be bad if we startled the snake.”

"Of course we have to collect it now. When the third prince and his people make mistakes, I can directly take out the previous evidence, and then punish them for several crimes and punish them directly!" Fang Shuwen said, turned and left.

"Wait, if you want to collect evidence, this thing is useful." Chang Sheng called Fang Shuwen, raised his hand and threw out a bottle of elixir: "This is Honesty elixir, you have seen me use it before, but you have to remember, This thing is only useful to people below the Innate Realm."

Zhuge Zhan'an sat on the seat in the vice prime minister's mansion, picked up the tea cover, lightly touched the teacup twice, and looked at the middle-aged man opposite with a serious face: "Father, this time you, as the Seventh Prince's Assistant, to assist the Seventh Prince to go to the rescue, we must pay attention to one problem."

"Oh? What's the problem?" Zhuge Jun looked up at his son without blinking.Although the person in front of him is his own son, but his son is a first-class young hero in the world, there is nothing shameful in listening to his son's advice.

Zhuge Zhan put the teacup on the square table in front of him gracefully, and said solemnly: "It's a matter of corruption, father, do you know why Chang Ganze is so trusted by the emperor? One is because his political views agree with the emperor's. One thing is, he has never been corrupt! That's why the emperor trusts him! Father, you have to remember, if you want to remove the adverb on your head, then you must not be corrupt during this trip!"

Three days passed quickly.

In the early morning of the third day, in front of the Grand Canal in Waijing, cargo ships loaded with various supplies gathered on the canal.

Chang Sheng and Guo Fengfang Shuwen took the old devil and a group of officials, big and small, to the shore. They went to the disaster relief, and the materials and money they transported were too much, so they couldn't use the land route at all, they could only use water transport.

"It's strange why there are so many boats here. Even if we are doing disaster relief, we won't have so many boats." Fang Shuwen looked at the many boats, feeling a little bit astonished.

Slowly, the group of people got closer and closer to the canal, and gradually, a large black figure came into view.

"Xiao Shuzi, there are quite a lot of people here. So many ordinary people gathered here, presumably they came to see us off. I never imagined that the court of our Great Qi Dynasty still has such influence in the hearts of the people. It's really good. ,good."

Chang Sheng saw clearly at a glance that the large group of people gathered on the shore were all ordinary people, so he couldn't help but speak to Fang Shuwen in a secret language.

"Little Shuzi, you are the general person in charge of this disaster relief. Hurry up and think about what you should say when you meet these people who are full of expectations for our court."

While Chang Sheng and Fang Shuwen were joking with each other via voice transmission, they walked towards the bank of the canal.

Slowly, several people finally came to the people waiting on the shore. Fang Shuwen organized his words and just raised half of his arms, he suddenly found something wrong.

The group of people in front of them watched a few of them approaching, but most of them didn't react at all.

This is not right, these people are not here to see themselves and others off.

Fang Shuwen realized immediately, but these people didn't come to see him off, so they came?

Fang Shuwen was full of doubts. Suddenly, there was a commotion in the crowd in front of him.

"Here they come. They come. They come."

Chang Sheng was surprised to find that the crowd in front of him exclaimed, and then ran towards behind him, shouting.

Chang Sheng turned his head strangely and looked behind him. Suddenly, white figures came into view.

Zhu Junxuan?

Chang Sheng was sensitive to discover that a young Confucian scholar walking in the front of the crowd happened to have met him once. The boy Zhu Junxuan who dug over.

Zhu Junxuan is from the Four Great Academies, and the group of people in front of him are all Confucian scholars, so it is obvious that these people are from the Four Great Academies.

Just as an idea came to Chang Sheng's mind, there was a sound of gongs and drums near the shore behind him, followed by a string of firecrackers being ignited, making a crisp sound.

A group of people ran to the front of the four major colleges and started chatting. Although they were far away, they could still hear them. What they said was nothing more than the hope that the four major colleges could do a good job in disaster relief and help them, the poor people. .

"Hmph, people from the four major colleges, they actually chose to set off for disaster relief today, and it seems that their itinerary is the same as ours. Obviously, they are trying to avoid us."

Fang Shuwen looked coldly at the people from the four major colleges surrounded by crowds of people behind him, his face was very ugly.The same goes for disaster relief, and one side represents people from the imperial court, but it only depends on the popularity of both parties.

There are only a few people on my side, but there are so many people on the side of the four colleges.

This gap is too big!What's the face of the imperial court if the news of today's news is spread!

"It's not just that simple." Guo Feng swept his eyes back and forth among the crowd, and said softly: "Obviously, the people from the Four Great Academies have planned it for a long time. Not to such an extent. There are those who beat gongs and drums, and those who set off firecrackers, and so many people can run to them. Obviously they have already prepared for it."

When Guo Feng said this, he shook his head helplessly and said: "Ordinary people are the most imitative. The four major colleges only need to find some support. While everyone is waiting, say good things about the four major colleges, and say bad things about our court, and then A few more echoes. When the people from the four colleges appeared, these people rushed forward immediately. Those ordinary people followed the trend. Seeing that everyone else had gone, they naturally followed, which caused this situation. "

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