silly elixir emperor

Chapter 32 Windfall

"What's my name?" Hearing Xie Shiwen's question, Chang Sheng secretly scolded himself for making such a low-level mistake and forgot to think of his own name.

Xie Shiwen saw Chang Sheng's hesitation, the corners of her mouth were slightly curved up, drawing a beautiful arc, and said: "It's okay, if it's inconvenient for you, sir, Xie Shiwen just asks you to a friend, and you will have a big business in the future." If you take care of our auction, you can sign up and come to me directly, so you don’t have to be so troublesome like today.”

Chang Sheng heard Xie Shiwen's words, and couldn't help sighing, "As expected of being the branch president of this auction, the woman in front of me doesn't feel like a woman with big breasts and no brains. Her words not only relieved my embarrassment, but also imperceptibly You win me over and make yourself feel superior to others. See, when others come, they have to follow the procedures, and when you come, you can directly come in and find the person in charge."

Chang Shing paused, seemingly hesitating, but in fact, he quickly thought about the name he wanted to name. He couldn’t choose a name casually, otherwise he would forget it later, and he would be silly. He also needed a name to use, so now Think about it.

"Don't forget, it has something to do with your name. My name is Chang Sheng, so take half of the word Sheng. Then, if you don't want to forget to take revenge in the immortal world, then take another word Mo."

Thinking of this, Chang Sheng raised his head and said to Xie Shiwen: "Since Chairman Xie wants to ask, then naturally there is nothing to hide. My name is Cheng Mo."

As Chang Sheng said, he reached into his bosom, took out a superb Qi Condensing Pill, and said, "President Xie, let's take a look at my auction item first."

"Excellent Qi Condensation Pill!"

Xie Shiwen stared at the golden elixir in Chang Sheng's hand, her beautiful eyes froze instantly, the person named Cheng Mo in front of her could be brought up, it was naturally a valuable item for auction, but she never thought it would be a The first-order peerless elixir, Condensing Qi Pill!

"As long as you let the wind out, there is a superb Qi Condensation Pill among the items auctioned by the auction house this time, and the experts in Linmeng City will definitely bleed for buying this Qi Condensation Pill!"

"No, no, it should be a mysterious item, so that it can have a better publicity effect afterwards!"

Xie Shiwen suppressed the excitement in her heart, took out a pair of white gloves from a drawer on one side, brought them to her hands, and carefully took the elixir from Chang Sheng's hand.This auction is the first auction since she took over the Linmeng City branch. In order to overwhelm the Haijia auction, she has spent a lot of effort this time, using various negotiable relationships to get a lot of rare ones. See auction items.

Seeing that the auction is about to start, unexpectedly, there will be another unexpected harvest. This exquisite Qi Condensation Pill is definitely one of the most anticipated existences in this auction.If it wasn't for that thing, this peerless Qi Condensation Pill could be the finale!

Xie Shiwen looked at the other party up and down again. It seemed that the other party looked like an adventurer in the rivers and lakes, and there was nothing particularly valuable in his body. Leather armor was the most common leather armor. As for weapons, he I didn't even bring it with me. I think it should be someone who is good at boxing and kicking.

If it was in the past, at Tiantai Auction House, how could the person who was dressed for the list would have met the president.

Xie Shiwen is very glad that she has changed the rules of the auction and does not judge people by their appearance.

"I think that the other party is either running errands to sell pills for others, or he got the pills by accident. In short, it is unlikely that this pill was refined by himself. Not to mention that he is so young, it is impossible to refine the top-notch pill, and Look at how he stores this unrivaled elixir, that alchemist would just wrap the elixir with a piece of silk cloth so casually!"

With a judgment in mind, Xie Shiwen carefully put the superb condensing qi pill that Chang Sheng gave her into a transparent bottle, closed the lid and put it away, turned around to look at Chang Sheng, smiled and said: "Mr. This auction has been prepared for a long time. Not only the rich families in Linmeng City, but also the rich people from several nearby counties will come to participate in the auction. So as long as the value of the item is high enough, there will be more auctions than usual. High price. So I suggest you to auction it directly, naturally according to the rules, our auction house will charge [-]% of the fee. I wonder if Mr. Cheng has any objection?"


Chang Sheng replied softly, he knew that he would have to pay for selling things in the auction house, and the auction house's [-]% fee was not too much, and most auction houses also charged this fee.

Seeing that Chang Sheng agreed, Xie Shiwen took off her gloves, stretched out her crystal clear fingers and took out a card and said, "Mr. Cheng, this auction VIP number card is for you. At that time, if you have something you like, you can also buy it." Come down." Saying that, Xie Shiwen handed the number plate to Chang Sheng. Whether she took the initiative to explain to the other party which way to get the most profit, or sent the VIP number plate for the auction later, she was trying to win the favor of the other party. In this line of work, you must do this to do well. If you want to do something, you must be a man first!

Chang Sheng looked at the number plate with [-] written on it, which was not made of iron or wood, and left the room.

In the room, Xie Shiwen waited for Chang Sheng to leave, and immediately ordered her subordinates to publicize it immediately, saying that a new mysterious item would be added to the auction, which was a must-have treasure for masters in the sublimation realm.

Tiantai Auction House occupies a huge area, but about [-]% of the entire auction house is occupied by the auction house.

Chang Sheng stood at the window next to Box No. [-] on the second floor of Tiantai Auction House, and looked down. There were densely packed seats downstairs, and each chair was already full of people. Looking around, it is impossible to count how many people there are.Looking down from the second floor, it naturally gives people a sense of superiority in status. People downstairs need to squeeze together, while VIPs on the second floor can sit in private rooms, drink tea and watch the auction at the same time.

"The auction should start." Chang Sheng leaned on the window sill and looked towards the center of the first floor.

All the seats on the first floor are built around a huge circular platform in the center. As the platform gradually rises to a height of about one meter above the ground, it stops rising. One looks about fifty years old. The old man in a clean white dress walked down the stairs to the platform.

"Everyone, welcome to Tiantai Auction House. I'm Ge Shu. It's a pleasure to preside over today's auction." Ge Shu said, bending forward to respect.

"Strange, why isn't Xie Shiwen hosting the auction?"

Chang Sheng looked at the old man in his fifties below for a moment. Judging from Gu Tianmo's memory, many auction houses in Tianyun Shenzhou Continent like to use beautiful female auctioneers, and take advantage of men who like to compete in front of beautiful women. Competitive character, this will undoubtedly achieve greater benefits.With Xie Shiwen's charm, as long as she smiles at you, as long as she is a man, I am afraid that if she didn't want to bid at first, she will spend a lot of money because of his alluring smile.

Chang Sheng took a sip of the tea in his cup, and looked at Ge Shu.

"Everyone, let's not talk nonsense, and now we will officially display the first auction item of this auction."

Ge Shu let out a loud cry, and picked up a ball of golden silk from the round table on the side.

"It's golden silk!"

"Golden silk, that is an essential material for making top-quality body armor!"

"The first item to be auctioned is golden silk. It seems that the specifications of this auction are as expected, very high."

Just as Ge Shu took out the items, countless people who knew the goods on the first floor had already shouted loudly.Hearing the discussion of the people below, Ge Shu showed a faint smile of satisfaction, and in the next second, the expression of satisfaction disappeared, leaving only a smile on his face.

"Everyone, there is no need to say much about the value of the golden silk. The auction starts now. The starting price is 5 taels of silver, and each increase is at least 100 taels. The auction begins now!"

Chang Sheng did not participate in the auction, and the things being auctioned now are of little value to him. He just stood at the window and looked downstairs quietly.

Beginning with the auction of the golden silk, the auction house became very popular. Ge Shu took out items one after another, each of which was worth a lot of money. Among them, the highest auction price was a sharp sword made by a master blacksmith. A high price of 100 million was paid!

"Dear guests! Especially the masters of the Ascension Realm, what will be auctioned next is the mysterious item that was newly added today. I don't think I need to introduce it. You can see its value at a glance."

Hearing Ge Shu's introduction, Chang Sheng stood up straight and knew immediately that the next thing to be auctioned would be his Qi Condensing Pill!

Ge Shu carefully took out a transparent porcelain bottle and held it up high.

"Everyone, what's inside is a top-notch Qi Condensing Pill! Moreover, it will also be the unique top-quality pill in this auction!"

"God! Look, it's really a top-notch elixir!"

"I didn't expect that there would be a rare pill in this auction. I didn't expect that I could see a rare pill in my life. It's worth it. Even if I didn't get anything at the end of the day, the entrance fee would still be spent. It's worth it!"

"Peerless elixir, I stayed in the ninth level of sublimation for three years. I finally broke through to the tenth level of sublimation. Become a master of the Xiantian Realm, and I will see who dares to look down on me when the time comes, I will definitely grab this elixir!"

"This elixir belongs to me, damn it, no one can snatch it!"

Ge Shu looked at the many auctioneers who had fallen into madness, Qiangzi showed a calm look on his face, there was no need to rush to speak, and when the surrounding voices became quieter, everyone digested the heavy news of the auction of the superb condensing qi pill , It is the best choice to speak again.

But after a long time, the voices around him didn't decrease at all, and some impatient people even cursed out loud.

"Having hosted so many auctions, this is the craziest one I have ever seen. Maybe a new record is about to be born in my hands!"

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