The more Guo Fengyue said, the more angry he became, and his voice became louder: "I eat good and spicy food in the city, but the people starve to death outside the city. Can such a local official be called a good official? What is a good official? It's actually very simple. As long as the common people are fed and clothed, such an official is a good official. Obviously, the prefect here is not worthy of being a good official. On the contrary, he is a full-fledged corrupt official, and he is not worthy of your efforts to protect him."

"Okay, well said!"

"Okay, regardless of his young age, what he said makes sense."

As Guo Feng's words fell, bursts of cheers sounded at the gate of the city.

Although the disaster victims gathered at the gate of the city didn't know how hungry they were, and they didn't have much strength in their bodies, they still burst into shouts when they heard the young man's words.

What this young man said is too true. What is a good official? An official who can feed and clothe the common people and has a place to live is a good official!

The cheers from Guo Feng and others at the gate of the city became quieter, and then they turned to Fang Shuwen, calmed down, and said respectfully, "Your Highness, I request to inquire about the mansion of the magistrate, and find out how many family backgrounds this majestic magistrate has."

"Okay, sure, when the relief army arrives, you immediately take someone to search the prefect's house!" Fang Shuwen looked at Guo Feng's face with satisfaction, feeling very grateful.

Originally, the situation encountered today was very difficult. There were so many people and so many local big families who were able to protect the magistrate, so it was not easy for him to punish the magistrate.

But Chang Sheng made a fuss like this, intentionally beating the magistrate and several family members to death, and then Guo Feng stepped forward to show the sixth level of the Qi training state, and shocked everyone with his strength. For a while, The scene was completely under control.

Fortunately, I have two friends, Chang Sheng and Guo Feng!

Fang Shuwen sighed in his heart, let go of Chang Sheng who had gradually stabilized, strode forward and shouted loudly to the people in and around the city: "What Guo Feng said just now is correct, the local magistrate is not only not a good official, He is even more of a corrupt official! And this prince is in charge of this disaster relief, Minchuan City is within the scope of guarding, and it is also under the management of this prince, and this prince finds out that corrupt officials have the right to execute him!"

"What, he calls himself the prince, is he the prince?"

When General Liu heard Fang Shuwen's words, his heart was shocked. He suddenly remembered that he had arrested these three people in prison before, but he is a master of the sixth level of Qi training. If he wants to catch them, a little finger You can kill yourself.

But they still let themselves be caught in the prison. There is only one explanation. They did it on purpose. They wanted to go into the prison to see something.

It is very likely that the other party is really the prince. This time he came to Weifu for a private visit. After all, impersonating the prince is a serious crime of beheading. I am afraid that no one would dare to impersonate the prince so high-profile.

Besides, there is such a young master of the sixth level of Qi training over there, and only the status of a prince can have such a talented subordinate.

The magistrate is dead, and there are several families who were beaten to death. The other party has a master of the sixth level of Qi training. It was not good for me, and they all dispersed without further trouble.

In the evening, the disaster relief troops finally arrived at Minchuan City to meet with Fang Shuwen and the others. Along with them, there was also the Qi training general and his soldiers who should have joined the disaster relief troops long ago.

Fang Shuwen gathered everyone together, and the first order he issued was to distribute food!

The victims outside the city were already so hungry, and if they were allowed to go hungry, these people would have no ability to resist. They were all so hungry, and they couldn't resist if they wanted to.

But if someone provides them with food at this time, and then organizes their uprising, [-]% of them will succeed.

Those remnants of the previous dynasty were already prepared to take advantage of this natural disaster to plan an uprising. If they were allowed to seize the opportunity, there would be big troubles then.

Even if no one comes to confuse the victims to rebel and let the victims die one by one, it is almost certain that the plague will break out, the plague, and sometimes the horror of the plague is not under the uprising.

The most important thing is that these people are all from the Great Qi Dynasty, how could they be allowed to die like this!

While distributing the food, Fang Shuwen even ordered the demolition of the temporary gate of Minchuan City.In a disaster area, it is necessary to divide regions and people into three, six or nine grades. What kind of talk is this!

At the same time, one tent after another was moved from the boat.

As for the magistrate, Guo Feng led his people to search for 2000 million taels of silver, as well as various treasures whose value could not be counted for a while.

"Hmph, a magistrate has been greedy for so much money, and the officials of my Daqi Dynasty have become corrupt to such an extent. It's really heartbreaking!"

Fang Shuwen listened to his subordinate's report, his face was very ugly, and his eyes swept over General Liu intentionally or unintentionally.

The magistrate is dead, and now in the entire Minchuan City, he is a high-ranking official that can be counted.

General Liu felt Fang Shuwen's gaze, and immediately knelt down on the ground with a plop.

"Mingjian, the Seventh Prince, the villain is different from the magistrate. The villain is absolutely not greedy. The villain is only in charge of the affairs of the army. The villain will not interfere with local affairs. Besides, if the villain wants to intervene, the magistrate will not agree. Yes. The magistrate is a member of the third prince, and he has the third prince as his big backer. The villain has no big backer. The whole Minchuan City has always been decided by the prefect, and the villain doesn’t know that the magistrate is greedy for so much money!"

"The third prince's man, why is he his man again!"

Fang Shuwen frowned secretly when he heard the sound. Along the way, the person who united with the remnants of the previous dynasty and wanted to rob money was the third prince's person. Right now, the prefect of the first disaster area closest to the capital is also the third prince's person.And this person did it so badly!Is this a coincidence, or something else?However, it can also be seen from this that the power of the third prince is great. Apart from him, there is probably no other prince who has so many local officials below him.

Fang Shuwen was secretly vigilant in his heart, but there was no expression on his face. He glanced at the confidantes of the third prince standing behind him, and Fang Shuwen deliberately snorted and said angrily: "The third prince's people, his People actually act like officials, it seems that the third brother should also take care of his subordinates."

Fang Shuwen said something coldly, ignoring the reactions of the three princes behind him, then looked at General Liu and said, "Okay, my prince trusts you for now. You said that you have been in charge of public security in the city, then I will ask you , Have you noticed anything special recently?"

What needs to be concerned now is the remnants of the former dynasty.

"Abnormal things..." General Liu thought after hearing the words: "If you want to talk about abnormal things, there is one thing..."

"There's one thing? Don't be secretive, tell me what it is." Fang Shuwen became vigilant when he heard the words. This abnormal thing is likely to be related to the remnants of the previous dynasty.

"It's the way of the devil!" Hearing what the prince said, General Liu didn't dare to neglect and said hastily: "It should be in the last seven days. In our Chuanchuan City, people will always disappear strangely at night. And most of the missing people are children and young children. The villain didn't pay attention to it the first time, but the day after this happened the second time."

General Liu said that there was a look of panic on his face, and he paused as if recalling some horrible scene before continuing: "That day, the villain was patrolling around the city of Minchuan as usual, but he was in a remote place. The skeletons of children were found. These skeletons were not scattered on the ground, but were placed on the ground to form a very terrifying skeleton picture."

As General Liu spoke, he swallowed his saliva and continued: "All the skeletons finally formed a skeleton picture that made the villain feel horrible after seeing it, but the soldier who accompanied the villain had a stroke. Seeing the picture of the skeleton made up of so many skeletons, I became incontinent on the spot. Later, the villain bravely checked the skeletons, and found that these skeletons were all new, that is to say, all these people were just killed by someone. Soon to be killed."

"Also, prince, you also know that even if a person dies, there will still be some vitality in the bones in the first few days after death. But there is no vitality in these bones, and the bones are even more dense than ordinary people's bones." The bones are much more fragile, and these bones are obviously sucked away by someone. This is obviously the practice of people in the magic way, so the villain deduces that there is a master of the way of magic near the city of Chuanchuan. Usually, people in the way of magic dare not do this To commit crimes openly and aboveboard, now that the situation is special, he took the opportunity to snatch people to practice. However, there is one place he dare not go to! That is the Hall of Valor!"

"Heroic Martial Temple? What kind of place is this?"

Fang Shuwen was stunned when he heard the words. He had heard of the ancestral hall a lot, but this was the first time he had heard of the Yingwu Temple.

"The Yingwu Temple is the ancestral hall of the Marquis Yingwu." General Liu quickly explained when he heard Guo Feng's question: "I don't know when it started, we built a Yingwu Temple in Minchuan City, and everyone didn't know about this ancestral hall. Who built it. But even so, even if Yingwu Temple was built later than other ancestral halls in Minchuan City, his popularity and incense are the most prosperous among all the ancestral halls."

"It is said that this Yingwu Temple is very effective. Miracles often appear in the temple, and everyone hides in the Yingwu Temple. Unless the victims have fights with each other, no one dares to go to the Yingwu Temple to cause trouble."

"Oh? So there are such things." Guo Feng said with a slight smile, "Well, don't think about the Yingwu Temple, let's talk about the people of the demon way first. What you said is very reasonable. It seems that this is indeed like a demon way what the middleman did." Fang Shuwen nodded when he heard the sound, but he did not expect that what General Liu was talking about was the evildoer instead of the remnants of the previous dynasty.The more Guo Fengyue said, the more angry he became, and his voice became louder: "I eat good and spicy food in the city, but the people starve to death outside the city. Can such a local official be called a good official? What is a good official? It's actually very simple. As long as the common people are fed and clothed, such an official is a good official. Obviously, the prefect here is not worthy of being a good official. On the contrary, he is a full-fledged corrupt official, and he is not worthy of your efforts to protect him."

"Okay, well said!"

"Okay, regardless of his young age, what he said makes sense."

As Guo Feng's words fell, bursts of cheers sounded at the gate of the city.

Although the disaster victims gathered at the gate of the city didn't know how hungry they were, and they didn't have much strength in their bodies, they still burst into shouts when they heard the young man's words.

What this young man said is too true. What is a good official? An official who can feed and clothe the common people and has a place to live is a good official!

The cheers from Guo Feng and others at the gate of the city became quieter, and then they turned to Fang Shuwen, calmed down, and said respectfully, "Your Highness, I request to inquire about the mansion of the magistrate, and find out how many family backgrounds this majestic magistrate has."

"Okay, sure, when the relief army arrives, you immediately take someone to search the prefect's house!" Fang Shuwen looked at Guo Feng's face with satisfaction, feeling very grateful.

Originally, the situation encountered today was very difficult. There were so many people and so many local big families who were able to protect the magistrate, so it was not easy for him to punish the magistrate.

But Chang Sheng made a fuss like this, intentionally beating the magistrate and several family members to death, and then Guo Feng stepped forward to show the sixth level of the Qi training state, and shocked everyone with his strength. For a while, The scene was completely under control.

Fortunately, I have two friends, Chang Sheng and Guo Feng!

Fang Shuwen sighed in his heart, let go of Chang Sheng who had gradually stabilized, strode forward and shouted loudly to the people in and around the city: "What Guo Feng said just now is correct, the local magistrate is not only not a good official, He is even more of a corrupt official! And this prince is in charge of this disaster relief, Minchuan City is within the scope of guarding, and it is also under the management of this prince, and this prince finds out that corrupt officials have the right to execute him!"

"What, he calls himself the prince, is he the prince?"

When General Liu heard Fang Shuwen's words, his heart was shocked. He suddenly remembered that he had arrested these three people in prison before, but he is a master of the sixth level of Qi training. If he wants to catch them, a little finger You can kill yourself.

But they still let themselves be caught in the prison. There is only one explanation. They did it on purpose. They wanted to go into the prison to see something.

It is very likely that the other party is really the prince. This time he came to Weifu for a private visit. After all, impersonating the prince is a serious crime of beheading. I am afraid that no one would dare to impersonate the prince so high-profile.

Besides, there is such a young master of the sixth level of Qi training over there, and only the status of a prince can have such a talented subordinate.

The magistrate is dead, and there are several families who were beaten to death. The other party has a master of the sixth level of Qi training. It was not good for me, and they all dispersed without further trouble.

In the evening, the disaster relief troops finally arrived at Minchuan City to meet with Fang Shuwen and the others. Along with them, there was also the Qi training general and his soldiers who should have joined the disaster relief troops long ago.

Fang Shuwen gathered everyone together, and the first order he issued was to distribute food!

The victims outside the city were already so hungry, and if they were allowed to go hungry, these people would have no ability to resist. They were all so hungry, and they couldn't resist if they wanted to.

But if someone provides them with food at this time, and then organizes their uprising, [-]% of them will succeed.

Those remnants of the previous dynasty were already prepared to take advantage of this natural disaster to plan an uprising. If they were allowed to seize the opportunity, there would be big troubles then.

Even if no one comes to confuse the victims to rebel and let the victims die one by one, it is almost certain that the plague will break out, the plague, and sometimes the horror of the plague is not under the uprising.

The most important thing is that these people are all from the Great Qi Dynasty, how could they be allowed to die like this!

While distributing the food, Fang Shuwen even ordered the demolition of the temporary gate of Minchuan City.In a disaster area, it is necessary to divide regions and people into three, six or nine grades. What kind of talk is this!

At the same time, one tent after another was moved from the boat.

As for the magistrate, Guo Feng led his people to search for 2000 million taels of silver, as well as various treasures whose value could not be counted for a while.

"Hmph, a magistrate has been greedy for so much money, and the officials of my Daqi Dynasty have become corrupt to such an extent. It's really heartbreaking!"

Fang Shuwen listened to his subordinate's report, his face was very ugly, and his eyes swept over General Liu intentionally or unintentionally.

The magistrate is dead, and now in the entire Minchuan City, he is a high-ranking official that can be counted.

General Liu felt Fang Shuwen's gaze, and immediately knelt down on the ground with a plop.

"Mingjian, the Seventh Prince, the villain is different from the magistrate. The villain is absolutely not greedy. The villain is only in charge of the affairs of the army. The villain will not interfere with local affairs. Besides, if the villain wants to intervene, the magistrate will not agree. Yes. The magistrate is a member of the third prince, and he has the third prince as his big backer. The villain has no big backer. The whole Minchuan City has always been decided by the prefect, and the villain doesn’t know that the magistrate is greedy for so much money!"

"The third prince's man, why is he his man again!"

Fang Shuwen frowned secretly when he heard the sound. Along the way, the person who united with the remnants of the previous dynasty and wanted to rob money was the third prince's person. Right now, the prefect of the first disaster area closest to the capital is also the third prince's person.And this person did it so badly!Is this a coincidence, or something else?However, it can also be seen from this that the power of the third prince is great. Apart from him, there is probably no other prince who has so many local officials below him.

Fang Shuwen was secretly vigilant in his heart, but there was no expression on his face. He glanced at the confidantes of the third prince standing behind him, and Fang Shuwen deliberately snorted and said angrily: "The third prince's people, his People actually act like officials, it seems that the third brother should also take care of his subordinates."

Fang Shuwen said something coldly, ignoring the reactions of the three princes behind him, then looked at General Liu and said, "Okay, my prince trusts you for now. You said that you have been in charge of public security in the city, then I will ask you , Have you noticed anything special recently?"

What needs to be concerned now is the remnants of the former dynasty.

"Abnormal things..." General Liu thought after hearing the words: "If you want to talk about abnormal things, there is one thing..."

"There's one thing? Don't be secretive, tell me what it is." Fang Shuwen became vigilant when he heard the words. This abnormal thing is likely to be related to the remnants of the previous dynasty.

"It's the way of the devil!" Hearing what the prince said, General Liu didn't dare to neglect and said hastily: "It should be in the last seven days. In our Chuanchuan City, people will always disappear strangely at night. And most of the missing people are children and young children. The villain didn't pay attention to it the first time, but the day after this happened the second time."

General Liu said that there was a look of panic on his face, and he paused as if recalling some horrible scene before continuing: "That day, the villain was patrolling around the city of Minchuan as usual, but he was in a remote place. The skeletons of children were found. These skeletons were not scattered on the ground, but were placed on the ground to form a very terrifying skeleton picture."

As General Liu spoke, he swallowed his saliva and continued: "All the skeletons finally formed a skeleton picture that made the villain feel horrible after seeing it, but the soldier who accompanied the villain had a stroke. Seeing the picture of the skeleton made up of so many skeletons, I became incontinent on the spot. Later, the villain bravely checked the skeletons, and found that these skeletons were all new, that is to say, all these people were just killed by someone. Soon to be killed."

"Also, prince, you also know that even if a person dies, there will still be some vitality in the bones in the first few days after death. But there is no vitality in these bones, and the bones are even more dense than ordinary people's bones." The bones are much more fragile, and these bones are obviously sucked away by someone. This is obviously the practice of people in the magic way, so the villain deduces that there is a master of the way of magic near the city of Chuanchuan. Usually, people in the way of magic dare not do this To commit crimes openly and aboveboard, now that the situation is special, he took the opportunity to snatch people to practice. However, there is one place he dare not go to! That is the Hall of Valor!"

"Heroic Martial Temple? What kind of place is this?"

Fang Shuwen was stunned when he heard the words. He had heard of the ancestral hall a lot, but this was the first time he had heard of the Yingwu Temple.

"The Yingwu Temple is the ancestral hall of the Marquis Yingwu." General Liu quickly explained when he heard Guo Feng's question: "I don't know when it started, we built a Yingwu Temple in Minchuan City, and everyone didn't know about this ancestral hall. Who built it. But even so, even if Yingwu Temple was built later than other ancestral halls in Minchuan City, his popularity and incense are the most prosperous among all the ancestral halls."

"It is said that this Yingwu Temple is very effective. Miracles often appear in the temple, and everyone hides in the Yingwu Temple. Unless the victims have fights with each other, no one dares to go to the Yingwu Temple to cause trouble."

"Oh? So there are such things." Guo Feng said with a slight smile, "Well, don't think about the Yingwu Temple, let's talk about the people of the demon way first. What you said is very reasonable. It seems that this is indeed like a demon way what the middleman did." Fang Shuwen nodded when he heard the sound, but he did not expect that what General Liu was talking about was the evildoer instead of the remnants of the previous dynasty.

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