Chang Sheng tidied up Lu Jiuzhe, cut off the burnt part of his hair, and then brought Guo Feng and Fang Shuwen. After a group of three disguised themselves, they quickly came to Yingwu Temple under the darkness.

Before reaching the Yingwu Temple, from a distance, I saw a ancestral hall that was much larger than ordinary ancestral halls standing alone on the hillside of a hill, and the ancestral hall was emitting bright lights at this time.

"That is the Heroic Martial Temple, everyone, be careful, there must be a reason why this ancestral hall can make that guy from the Demon Dao afraid to go."

Chang Sheng walked to the foot of the mountain and blessed Guo Feng and Fang Shuwen, and the three of them slowly walked up to the Yingwu Temple halfway up the mountain.

This mountain doesn't look big from a distance, but when you climb up, it feels higher than the visual inspection. After walking for a distance, you can clearly feel that the temperature on the mountain is much lower than that on the mountain. It's almost autumn, and the weather is a little bit cold, but the way up the mountain, the disaster victims can be seen everywhere, and the density is second only to the gate of Minchuan City.

Guo Feng looked at the victims around, and frowned: "Master, have you noticed that it's already a bit cold here, and look at these victims, most of them don't have thick clothes, but they would rather It’s freezing here, and it’s not at the foot of the mountain, so things are a bit abnormal.”

"It's not normal. Even if there are demon masters outside killing people everywhere, it won't cause so many disaster victims to gather here. Let's keep quiet for the time being, and don't talk to these victims. Let's go to the ancestral hall first."

Chang Sheng whispered, and quickened his pace towards the Yingwu Temple halfway up the mountain.

The closer they got to the direction of the Yingwu Temple, the denser the victims became. It took a long time for the three of them to reach the gate of the Yingwu Temple.

Looking up, the Yingwu Temple was already full of disaster victims, and the entire ancestral hall was filled with snoring. The victims were lying in the Yingwu Temple, obviously sleeping very soundly.

However, in the direction of the entrance of the ancestral hall, extending from the entrance of the ancestral hall to the opposite, the space of the five statues in front of the last wall of the ancestral hall does not have a single victim lying on it.

It seems that all the victims consciously vacated this distance, allowing people to walk into the ancestral hall and then go to worship in front of the statue.


Chang Sheng took a look inside the ancestral hall, then raised his legs and stepped into the ancestral hall. As soon as he entered the ancestral hall, the surrounding temperature suddenly changed.

The inside of the ancestral hall is much warmer than the outside. This obvious temperature change is definitely not because this is a house, surrounded by walls to shelter from the wind, but because there are some treasures in the ancestral hall that can increase the temperature.

Chang Sheng's eyes swept across the room, and finally fell on the five stone statues in front of him.

These five statues are completely different from the statues I saw in Mo Cang Grottoes.Although the five statues in front of me are the same as the statues I saw in Mo Canglong Cave, they all have arms and legs, but the arms and legs of the statues in Mo Canglong Cave are separated, and the five statues in front of me, Their legs and arms are glued together, and there is a square stone plate under the statue.

The overall appearance of the stone sculptures is nothing special. Stone statues in many places have such shapes. The strangeness of these five statues lies in their faces.

Chang Shengzai carefully stared at the faces of the five statues in front of him, and the more he looked at them, the more he frowned. The appearance of these statues, even standing in front of them like this now, and observing them closely, is based on the fact that he has been tempered by countless catastrophes. After seeing the body behind him, he couldn't see clearly what the five statues looked like.

No, it should be said that I can definitely see the appearance of the statue clearly, but when I imagine the appearance of the statue, what appears in my mind is an extremely vague appearance, which is similar to the appearance of the Marquis Yingwu in the memory of Lu Jiuzhe, the owner of Huolian Island. Same blur.

"Gu Tianmo, why I can't see clearly the appearance of this statue, can you see the appearance of this statue clearly?" Chang Sheng felt strange, so he couldn't help asking Gu Tianmo.

"It's not surprising that you can't see the appearance of these statues clearly, because these statues are not ordinary statues, these statues are magic weapons!" Gu Tianmo's heavy voice sounded in Chang Sheng's mind.

"A magic weapon? These statues are all magic weapons?" Chang Sheng was surprised.

"That's right, all of them are magic weapons, but the statue in the middle is different from the other four statues. The other four statues are one type of magic weapon, while the middle statue is another type of magic weapon." Gu Tianmo Shen Sheng explained: "Not only that, these magic weapons should still be able to grow continuously."

"Continue to grow?" Chang Sheng was startled. Just as he was about to continue asking Gu Tianmo, a voice came from beside him, and the voice was still deeply tired.

"Hey... I said you came to Yingwu Temple, why don't you kneel down and worship?"

Chang Sheng turned his head and saw a sallow and emaciated disaster victim about forty years old who was obviously healthier than others. He was looking at him with sleepy eyes. Obviously, this person had just woken up. Seeing that the three of them stood still in front of the statue, they asked out of curiosity.

"Oh? My fellow, I can't tell which saint these statues are, nor can I see the statues of sages, so it's strange that I didn't kneel down. My fellow, can you tell me whose statues are these? Chang Sheng looked at the sleepy man in front of him, and asked in his heart.

When the man heard Chang Sheng talking about saints and sages, his face suddenly showed disdain: "What about sages and sages? My old man Wu Dezhi doesn't know them. What's the use of those sages and sages kneeling down to worship them? Let me tell you that this is a statue of Marquis Yingwu. Kneeling down to Marquis Yingwu is much more effective than kneeling down to those guys."

"The statue of Marquis Yingwu, I know Marquis Yingwu, that is the number one hero of our Great Qi Dynasty." Chang Sheng deliberately pretended to be surprised and said: "It turns out that this is the statue of Marquis Yingwu, but isn't Marquis Yingwu a general? Is it useful to bow down to the Marquis of Yingwu?"

"Of course!" The man heard someone questioning Yingwuhou, and his face suddenly showed anger: "You are foreigners, right? We in Minchuan City will never doubt Yingwuhou."

As the man said, he raised his hand and pointed to a mountain on the opposite side of the ancestral hall: "Don't you look at how many ancestral halls there are in our Minchuan City for worship, but no one goes to those other ancestral halls at all, everyone comes The Yingwu Temple is because the Yingwu Temple is too spiritual."

"That is, the efficacy of Marquis Yingwu is not comparable to that of other ancestral temples."

Suddenly, another person interrupted, and another person woke up. Hearing someone talking about the Yingwu Temple, he immediately said, "I'll tell you about foreigners. I don’t believe it. Two days ago, my son was about to starve to death because he couldn’t eat. I had no choice but to ask Marquis Yingwu to show up and save my son. Don’t tell me, I just said my wish. After a day, my precious son was alive and kicking, more energetic than before he fell ill."

"My old man Zhang is quite old, and there is only such a precious son. It was Marquis Yingwu who saved my life. From then on, I, old man Zhang, have trusted Marquis Yingwu for the rest of my life!"

As the old man Zhang said, a frenzied expression appeared on his face, while Wu Dezhi looked even more fanatical than him: "Old man Zhang, what are you? Old Man Wu. I am the first person to believe in Marquis Yingying in Minchuan City. You can see that my body is much stronger than yours. You also know how hard it is to find food in Minchuan City, but because I believe in Marquis Yingying, Walking outside, you can often find some food. Everyone in the same place looks for food together, but I can find it alone, all because I believe in Marquis Yingwu."

Chang Sheng listened to the two people's words, smiled in his heart, and suddenly asked: "No, according to what you said, Yingwuhou is so effective, and now there is a natural disaster, everyone can't eat, why don't you just ask Yingwuhou to give you some food?" Eat, then you will all have enough to eat."



To Chang Sheng's surprise, as soon as he finished speaking, Old Man Wu and Old Man Zhang shook their hands at the same time.

"Marquis Yingwu is a spirit, but Marquis Yingwu will not show his spirit to those who want to get something for nothing."

"That is, if we ask Marquis Yingwu like this, it would be blasphemy to Marquis Yingwu."

When the two of them heard Chang Sheng's words, they completely changed their appearance, and it was really surprising that only two seemingly uneducated people could even say the word blasphemy.

Wu Dezhi talked for a long time, seeing that the three people next to him still did not bow down to Marquis Yingwu, he hurriedly urged him: "I tell you three to pay homage to Marquis Yingwu, as Marquis Yingwu is really very spiritual. Look at how many houses were destroyed by the flood this time." They were all flooded, and many houses collapsed, but nothing happened to Yingwu Temple, so you can see how wonderful Yingwu Temple is."

"No, we still won't kneel down." Chang Sheng shook his head, letting himself kneel down to Marquis Yingwu, don't even think about it!

Then, Chang Sheng glanced at the people in the room again, and said: "I don't have anything to ask for, and even if I don't ask for Yingwu, I can still live well and not starve to death. Besides, the court now The disaster relief team has arrived in Minchuan City, and they are also distributing food for free. I don’t need to ask Ying Wuhou to eat enough. I think you should stop kneeling here, and go down the mountain early to get some food. Fill your stomach."

"The imperial court distributes food? You stop talking nonsense, how can the imperial court have such good intentions? I don't believe it! You also said that Yingwuhou is not good, let me not believe Yingwuhou, you bastard, speak ill of Yingwuhou, look at me I won't beat you to death!" Chang Sheng tidied up Lu Jiuzhe, cut off the burnt part of his hair, and then brought Guo Feng and Fang Shuwen, and the three of them disguised themselves, and quickly came to Yingwu Temple under the darkness.

Before reaching the Yingwu Temple, from a distance, I saw a ancestral hall that was much larger than ordinary ancestral halls standing alone on the hillside of a hill, and the ancestral hall was emitting bright lights at this time.

"That is the Heroic Martial Temple, everyone, be careful, there must be a reason why this ancestral hall can make that guy from the Demon Dao afraid to go."

Chang Sheng walked to the foot of the mountain and blessed Guo Feng and Fang Shuwen, and the three of them slowly walked up to the Yingwu Temple halfway up the mountain.

This mountain doesn't look big from a distance, but when you climb up, it feels higher than the visual inspection. After walking for a distance, you can clearly feel that the temperature on the mountain is much lower than that on the mountain. It's almost autumn, and the weather is a little bit cold, but the way up the mountain, the disaster victims can be seen everywhere, and the density is second only to the gate of Minchuan City.

Guo Feng looked at the victims around, and frowned: "Master, have you noticed that it's already a bit cold here, and look at these victims, most of them don't have thick clothes, but they would rather It’s freezing here, and it’s not at the foot of the mountain, so things are a bit abnormal.”

"It's not normal. Even if there are demon masters outside killing people everywhere, it won't cause so many disaster victims to gather here. Let's keep quiet for the time being, and don't talk to these victims. Let's go to the ancestral hall first."

Chang Sheng whispered, and quickened his pace towards the Yingwu Temple halfway up the mountain.

The closer they got to the direction of the Yingwu Temple, the denser the victims became. It took a long time for the three of them to reach the gate of the Yingwu Temple.

Looking up, the Yingwu Temple was already full of disaster victims, and the entire ancestral hall was filled with snoring. The victims were lying in the Yingwu Temple, obviously sleeping very soundly.

However, in the direction of the entrance of the ancestral hall, extending from the entrance of the ancestral hall to the opposite, the space of the five statues in front of the last wall of the ancestral hall does not have a single victim lying on it.

It seems that all the victims consciously vacated this distance, allowing people to walk into the ancestral hall and then go to worship in front of the statue.


Chang Sheng took a look inside the ancestral hall, then raised his legs and stepped into the ancestral hall. As soon as he entered the ancestral hall, the surrounding temperature suddenly changed.

The inside of the ancestral hall is much warmer than the outside. This obvious temperature change is definitely not because this is a house, surrounded by walls to shelter from the wind, but because there are some treasures in the ancestral hall that can increase the temperature.

Chang Sheng's eyes swept across the room, and finally fell on the five stone statues in front of him.

These five statues are completely different from the statues I saw in Mo Cang Grottoes.Although the five statues in front of me are the same as the statues I saw in Mo Canglong Cave, they all have arms and legs, but the arms and legs of the statues in Mo Canglong Cave are separated, and the five statues in front of me, Their legs and arms are glued together, and there is a square stone plate under the statue.

The overall appearance of the stone sculptures is nothing special. Stone statues in many places have such shapes. The strangeness of these five statues lies in their faces.

Chang Shengzai carefully stared at the faces of the five statues in front of him, and the more he looked at them, the more he frowned. The appearance of these statues, even standing in front of them like this now, and observing them closely, is based on the fact that he has been tempered by countless catastrophes. After seeing the body behind him, he couldn't see clearly what the five statues looked like.

No, it should be said that I can definitely see the appearance of the statue clearly, but when I imagine the appearance of the statue, what appears in my mind is an extremely vague appearance, which is similar to the appearance of the Marquis Yingwu in the memory of Lu Jiuzhe, the owner of Huolian Island. Same blur.

"Gu Tianmo, why I can't see clearly the appearance of this statue, can you see the appearance of this statue clearly?" Chang Sheng felt strange, so he couldn't help asking Gu Tianmo.

"It's not surprising that you can't see the appearance of these statues clearly, because these statues are not ordinary statues, these statues are magic weapons!" Gu Tianmo's heavy voice sounded in Chang Sheng's mind.

"A magic weapon? These statues are all magic weapons?" Chang Sheng was surprised.

"That's right, all of them are magic weapons, but the statue in the middle is different from the other four statues. The other four statues are one type of magic weapon, while the middle statue is another type of magic weapon." Gu Tianmo Shen Sheng explained: "Not only that, these magic weapons should still be able to grow continuously."

"Continue to grow?" Chang Sheng was startled. Just as he was about to continue asking Gu Tianmo, a voice came from beside him, and the voice was still deeply tired.

"Hey... I said you came to Yingwu Temple, why don't you kneel down and worship?"

Chang Sheng turned his head and saw a sallow and emaciated disaster victim about forty years old who was obviously healthier than others. He was looking at him with sleepy eyes. Obviously, this person had just woken up. Seeing that the three of them stood still in front of the statue, they asked out of curiosity.

"Oh? My fellow, I can't tell which saint these statues are, nor can I see the statues of sages, so it's strange that I didn't kneel down. My fellow, can you tell me whose statues are these? Chang Sheng looked at the sleepy man in front of him, and asked in his heart.

When the man heard Chang Sheng talking about saints and sages, his face suddenly showed disdain: "What about sages and sages? My old man Wu Dezhi doesn't know them. What's the use of those sages and sages kneeling down to worship them? Let me tell you that this is a statue of Marquis Yingwu. Kneeling down to Marquis Yingwu is much more effective than kneeling down to those guys."

"The statue of Marquis Yingwu, I know Marquis Yingwu, that is the number one hero of our Great Qi Dynasty." Chang Sheng deliberately pretended to be surprised and said: "It turns out that this is the statue of Marquis Yingwu, but isn't Marquis Yingwu a general? Is it useful to bow down to the Marquis of Yingwu?"

"Of course!" The man heard someone questioning Yingwuhou, and his face suddenly showed anger: "You are foreigners, right? We in Minchuan City will never doubt Yingwuhou."

As the man said, he raised his hand and pointed to a mountain on the opposite side of the ancestral hall: "Don't you look at how many ancestral halls there are in our Minchuan City for worship, but no one goes to those other ancestral halls at all, everyone comes The Yingwu Temple is because the Yingwu Temple is too spiritual."

"That is, the efficacy of Marquis Yingwu is not comparable to that of other ancestral temples."

Suddenly, another person interrupted, and another person woke up. Hearing someone talking about the Yingwu Temple, he immediately said, "I'll tell you about foreigners. I don’t believe it. Two days ago, my son was about to starve to death because he couldn’t eat. I had no choice but to ask Marquis Yingwu to show up and save my son. Don’t tell me, I just said my wish. After a day, my precious son was alive and kicking, more energetic than before he fell ill."

"My old man Zhang is quite old, and there is only such a precious son. It was Marquis Yingwu who saved my life. From then on, I, old man Zhang, have trusted Marquis Yingwu for the rest of my life!"

As the old man Zhang said, a frenzied expression appeared on his face, while Wu Dezhi looked even more fanatical than him: "Old man Zhang, what are you? Old Man Wu. I am the first person to believe in Marquis Yingying in Minchuan City. You can see that my body is much stronger than yours. You also know how hard it is to find food in Minchuan City, but because I believe in Marquis Yingying, Walking outside, you can often find some food. Everyone in the same place looks for food together, but I can find it alone, all because I believe in Marquis Yingwu."

Chang Sheng listened to the two people's words, smiled in his heart, and suddenly asked: "No, according to what you said, Yingwuhou is so effective, and now there is a natural disaster, everyone can't eat, why don't you just ask Yingwuhou to give you some food?" Eat, then you will all have enough to eat."



To Chang Sheng's surprise, as soon as he finished speaking, Old Man Wu and Old Man Zhang shook their hands at the same time.

"Marquis Yingwu is a spirit, but Marquis Yingwu will not show his spirit to those who want to get something for nothing."

"That is, if we ask Marquis Yingwu like this, it would be blasphemy to Marquis Yingwu."

When the two of them heard Chang Sheng's words, they completely changed their appearance, and it was really surprising that only two seemingly uneducated people could even say the word blasphemy.

Wu Dezhi talked for a long time, seeing that the three people next to him still did not bow down to Marquis Yingwu, he hurriedly urged him: "I tell you three to pay homage to Marquis Yingwu, as Marquis Yingwu is really very spiritual. Look at how many houses were destroyed by the flood this time." They were all flooded, and many houses collapsed, but nothing happened to Yingwu Temple, so you can see how wonderful Yingwu Temple is."

"No, we still won't kneel down." Chang Sheng shook his head, letting himself kneel down to Marquis Yingwu, don't even think about it!

Then, Chang Sheng glanced at the people in the room again, and said: "I don't have anything to ask for, and even if I don't ask for Yingwu, I can still live well and not starve to death. Besides, the court now The disaster relief team has arrived in Minchuan City, and they are also distributing food for free. I don’t need to ask Ying Wuhou to eat enough. I think you should stop kneeling here, and go down the mountain early to get some food. Fill your stomach."

"The imperial court distributes food? You stop talking nonsense, how can the imperial court have such good intentions? I don't believe it! You also said that Yingwuhou is not good, let me not believe Yingwuhou, you bastard, speak ill of Yingwuhou, look at me I won't kill you!"

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