"Chang Sheng, this time you add [-]. The other party obviously hesitated when quoting the price this time. He doesn't have much money to compete with you."

"Oh? Is that so." Chang Sheng cracked his mouth and smiled. If it wasn't for the other party, he would only need to spend 410 million to buy this pill furnace. The person [-] made him spend a lot of money. This time Not only do you need to grab the alchemy stove, but you also need to disgust the opponent.

"490 million!"

"What's going on? Why only add [-]?"

"Yeah? Isn't it always adding one hundred thousand and one hundred thousand?"

When the price of 490 million and [-] yuan came out, everyone was stunned, and there was a lot of discussion.

Xie Shiwen looked up, her plump red lips curled upwards, she really didn't expect that that rough-looking guy could have such a careful side, obviously Room 1 has reached its limit, he added [-] taels of silver It is a wise choice.

"This bastard, he did it on purpose!" In Room [-], Huang Qin slapped the table hard, and said angrily with a livid face: "A guy on the second floor dared to rob me, I think that kid is alive." Tired of it. Keep an eye on me to see who is so bold as to rob this master. After a while, this master will go to him personally and ask him to hand over the pill furnace obediently! Hmph, since he is willing to pay, then the master Just treat it as someone giving away a pill furnace for free." Huang Qin's face changed again as he spoke, and he shouted: "Also, who is that person who sells pills, did you find out!"

"Not yet...not yet."

"Trash! Why are you still in a daze, why don't you hurry up and help to investigate!"

490, this price is no longer being disputed, Chang Sheng heard Xie Shiwen shout out that after the item was auctioned in Room [-], Chang Sheng breathed a sigh of relief, the pill furnace will finally belong to him.

"Mister, hello, you have bought the finale item of this auction, the alchemy furnace, a tripod. Please follow me to go through the formalities, so that we can hand over the alchemy furnace to you as soon as possible."

Not long after the photo was taken, the reminder has already arrived.

In the spacious room, Chang Sheng sat across from Xie Shiwen, looked at the charming and charming mature young woman, and said very bachelorly: "4901 million taels of silver, I don't have that much money."

"What? No money?"

Xie Shiwen was stunned, she never imagined that the man named Cheng Mo in front of her asked the store clerk to bring him in front of her, just to say that she had no money!

How dare he shoot the most valuable finale item in the audience without money?The Daqi Dynasty has a clear regulation. If someone has no money to pay or refuses to pay after bidding an item at the auction, the state will forcibly confiscate the person’s property, and the state and the auction will share the money equally. Naturally, the auction item still belongs to the auction house, and the person who took the auction item will be sentenced to death or sent to the frontier for three thousand miles. !

Only people with good brains will go to the auction to bid for items, let alone have no money to buy them.

Seeing the surprise on Xie Shiwen's beautiful face, Chang Sheng casually went into his arms, took out a elixir, and said, "Although I don't have any money, I have this thing. I think you will be interested in coming to your auction house."

"Peerless Qi Condensation Pill!" Xie Shiwen saw the pill in Chang Sheng's hand clearly, and exclaimed, the person in front of her had already given her a Peerless Qi Condensation Pill, why did she take out another one in the blink of an eye!This is a top-notch pill!

"How many superb pills does he have?"

The image of a bearded man giving her Qi Condensation Pill appeared in Xie Shiwen's mind, and that movement was as casual as if a farm took out a jujube.

"Mr. Cheng, are you going to sell this peerless Qi Condensing Pill to our auction house?" Xie Shiwen looked at the peerless Qi Condensing Pill in Chang Sheng's hand, her breathing became short of breath. Today is the auction of the Peerless Qi Condensing Pill She was a little surprised at the price offered. People in Linmeng City far exceeded her expectations for the Qi Condensation Pill. If she auctions off such a superb Qi Condensation Pill next time, then...

Chang Sheng nodded, handed the Condensing Qi Pill to Xie Shiwen, and said, "Of course, I also know the laws of the Daqi Dynasty. I don't want to distribute the frontier. Naturally, this Condensing Qi Pill will be sold to your auction house. It's just For this price, I don’t think President Xie will suppress it on purpose.”

"Of course not." A charming smile appeared on Xie Shiwen's face. She knew what the other party meant. If she deliberately lowered the price of this superb Qi Condensing Pill, the other party would have nothing to do to pay for the pill furnace. Even she could She made it clear that she didn't want this Qi Condensing Pill, and she would directly notify the county government to arrest the other party. No matter how much money the other party had, it would be hers.But she will not do this, she has always advocated the long flow of water.

Seeing the way the other party took out the top-quality pills, there are obviously many more. If you establish a friendly relationship with the other party through this incident, then the other party will give priority to her auction house if they want to auction the pills. The help of China is not simply measured by money.

"Oh, that's good, President Xie, this time the price of 300 million taels of silver was sold for the peerless Qi Condensation Pill. I think there is a publicity for this auction, and then you can promote it next time. I will give it to you." The second peerless Qi Condensation Pill will definitely fetch a higher price at the auction."

Chang Sheng stretched out three fingers and said, "The price is 300 taels of silver. In addition, give me a brocade box that can hold the alchemy furnace, and buy me a small yard from a remote place outside the city. When you arrive at the courtyard, you will provide me with a secret room. I wonder what President Xie thinks of this condition!"

"No problem, I agree to your request, and there is no need to find the secret room. Our Tiantai Auction House has a remote manor outside the city, but it occupies a huge area. There are many vacant residences and courtyards in the manor. I decide to send it to you. There is still no problem with one." Xie Shiwen smiled lightly, and suddenly changed the subject: "However, I don't know if Mr. Cheng still has the top-notch Qi Condensation Pill for sale. Our auction can accept all of them, and I can personally decide to sell them again. Take less than [-]% of Mr. Cheng's auction fee."

"What a smart woman." Chang Sheng praised, and said with a smile: "Not for the time being, this is a superb condensing pill, not the Chinese cabbage that can be seen everywhere in the market, but I think we will have cooperation in the future Opportunity."

After all, Chang Sheng changed the subject and told Xie Shiwen that he still had something to deal with, and he would ask her to look at the house later, and then he said goodbye and left. He had to refine a lot of pills when he came out this time.

Chang Sheng came out of Tiantai Auction, and was about to go to the herb shop to buy medicinal materials when his eyes suddenly focused. Four men were walking towards him. The one who has been watching him.

"Hey, it's the alchemy stove you took away. You are not small, dare to grab something from the master." The four people on the opposite side just walked up to them, and one of them was wearing a silver dress and looked like the leader. The man in his forties said directly: "You don't even ask, who was sitting in room [-] back then, it was you, Master Huang Qin!"

Huang Qin pointed to Chang Sheng and said: "You know how to call out the alchemy furnace obediently. I have a lot of adults, so I don't care about the fact that you robbed the master before and lost face to the master." While talking, he stretched out his right hand, Put it in front of Chang Sheng.

"To stretch out your hand after saying a word, and let others obediently hand over to him the things that were photographed for nearly 500 million taels of silver. Huang Qin's guy is even more arrogant than Luo Jin and Lin Di!"

Chang Sheng ignored Huang Qin's outstretched hand, and walked to the side. He came to Mengcheng because he had something to do, so he didn't bother to pay attention to this fool who appeared out of nowhere.

"Damn, stop for me!"

Beside Huang Qin, Zhao Sen saw that the other party dared to ignore him and the others, so he yelled and blocked the road.

"Are you deaf? Didn't you hear what Master Huang said to you just now? You are not from Linmeng City, so hurry up and find out. Young Master Huang is that person. You'd better hand over the pill furnace obediently, otherwise , today you don’t want to leave the city alive!”

As Zhao Sen spoke, he let out his breath of the eighth layer of body forging. In order to cooperate with him, the other two people besides Huang Qin also released their breath.

"One is on the eighth level of body forging, that master can't tell what state he is in, and the other two are on the seventh and eighth levels of sublimation!" Chang Sheng looked behind the two, who had been silent all this time, slightly understood, no wonder The two of them are so arrogant when they are young in the physical training state. It turns out that there are masters in the sublimation state behind them. They do have some arrogant capital, but it is a pity that they met themselves!

Chang Sheng raised his hand and pushed the opponent's hand that was blocking him, and spit out two words "idiot." After finishing speaking, he turned and walked to the side. After walking two steps, a person called Huang Qin came from behind him, That was said to his companion.

"Zhao Sen, stop talking, let's go."

Huang Qin grabbed Zhao Sen, looked at Chang Sheng's back, and said ruthlessly: "Since this kid is not on the road, don't blame him for sending him on the road. He is not from our Linmeng city. He will leave the city sooner or later. Ask me about it." Clearly, we are waiting for him outside the city. As soon as he leaves the city, we will kill him! Of course, it would be better if he does not leave the city, but as long as he is in Linmeng City, he will be in even worse trouble at night!"

Chang Sheng ignored them, and started to buy medicine from shop to shop. After buying the medicinal materials, he returned to Tiantai Auction House. After finding Xie Shiwen, Xie Shiwen sent an old man named Mr. Li who received him for the first time. Then he went to Tiantai Auction House's manor on the outskirts of the city, and Mr. Li happened to be going to the manor outside the city to deal with some matters.

Chang Sheng followed Mr. Li from the auction house and several other guards out of the city on horseback. Not far from the city gate, he suddenly saw that outside the city gate, several of his people who had stopped him at the entrance of the auction had already been waiting. By the side.

"Master, look quickly, it's the guy who snatched the medicine stove!" Zhao Sen saw Chang Sheng with sharp eyes, and then his eyes suddenly became puzzled: "Hey, why is that guy from Tiantai Auction House?" People together? How will we do it next time!"

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