silly elixir emperor

Chapter 354 Dismantling

On the one hand, Guo Feng watched the scene gradually calm down, walked quietly to the bottles containing the poison and antidote, raised two bottles and shouted loudly: "Strange, why are there so many bottles here? There are words written on them, I don't know how to read, so whoever knows how to tell me what these characters are? Could it be an elixir? This is the Yingwu Temple, and the things there must be good things. Yes, this must be an elixir."

Guo Feng shouted, grabbed the jade bottle with the word poison written on it, poured out two pills at a time, opened his mouth and swallowed them.Chang Sheng has already seen this bottle of poison, and confirmed that eating it with his current strength in Qi training will not cause any danger to his life, but will only make him very uncomfortable and cause various adverse symptoms.

When everyone heard the word elixir, they all turned their heads to look around, and suddenly saw a guy in his thirties holding two bottles, poured out two elixirs from one of the bottles and ate them in one gulp. Everyone's eyes were shining, and their fiery gazes fell on the bottle in Guo Feng's hand.

Elixir, is that really a elixir?

Several impatient and quick-response people rushed out one step at a time, grabbed the bottle with poison written on it from Guo Feng's hand, and were about to pour it into his mouth. At this moment, Guo Feng suddenly squatted down with his hands on his stomach.

"It hurts……"

Guo Feng fell limply to the ground, hugged his stomach with both hands, and kept rolling on the ground, his whole face turned white all of a sudden, and beads of sweat dripped from his forehead, it looked like he was in great pain.

Seeing the person lying on the ground writhing and howling in pain, the person who snatched the word "poison" was startled and let go of the bottle.

Could this be the elixir?Will the elixir hurt so much?This looks like poison, not a panacea.

Several people stared blankly at Guo Feng who was lying on the ground in great pain.

Gradually, Guo Feng's pale face gradually turned green, and then turned pale again, and began to change continuously.

"Ah, why does he look like my precious son?" The old man Zhang who followed the crowd to Yingwu Temple saw Guo Feng's appearance, and suddenly thought of his son who had a strange disease for no reason. At that time, his son had a strange disease. It's like that when the disease strikes.

Everyone didn't know Guo Feng who was lying on the ground, but many people knew Old Man Zhang. When they heard what Old Man Zhang said, everyone also reacted.

"Yeah, I remembered it too. Wasn't that the case with Old Man Zhang's son a while ago?"

"That's right, not only Old Man Zhang's son, but also Old Man Tian, ​​whose youngest son also suffers from the same disease as Old Man Zhang's son."

"Yes, I remembered it too. Because of this incident, old man Zhang began to believe in Marquis Yingwu. Originally, old man Zhang didn't believe in Marquis Yingwu. In the end, when his precious son got sick, old man Zhang came to Yingwu Temple to make a wish. After a day, old man Zhang’s son recovered. But old man Tian didn’t come to make a wish because he didn’t believe in Yingwu Temple, so his son died in the end.”

"So it is."

Several people who didn't know about it looked at Guo Feng lying on the ground with sympathy.

"He is really pitiful. If the statue of Yingwu Temple is still there, he can still make a wish. Now he has nowhere to make a wish. He can only wait to die."

"Yeah, what a bad luck."

Everyone was discussing, at this moment, a young man who was thin but still wearing a loose robe squeezed through the crowd to the front with difficulty.

Glancing at the person lying on the ground, his eyes immediately fell to the bottle on the ground. In an instant, his eyes widened and he exclaimed loudly: "Poison, what he ate is poison."

"What? Poison?"

The man who snatched the bottle from Guo Feng just now asked, his face suddenly changed, and he looked at the thin boy in horror: "Liang boy, you said it was poison, how did you know it was poison! What is the written word?"

When the thin young man heard the other party call him Liang Wazi, a trace of anger appeared on his disheveled face, but after seeing the other party's figure, he held back his anger and said angrily, "Of course I know it's poison." , because the word "poison" is written on the bottle, it's terrible to be uneducated."

Beside Guo Feng, Fang Shuwen stopped his mouth when he heard the young man named Liangwazi say he knew characters. Originally, he planned to say that the word poison was written on the bottle. If there is someone among the victims who can read, there is no need for him to speak.

The other party is a disaster victim here, and what he said is much more credible than his. It is best to let someone among the disaster victims speak.

Fang Shuwen looked at Liang Wazi, raised his hand and pointed to another bottle on the side and asked, "This bottle is poison, what is the other bottle? I see that the two words written on it are the same as the two words written on the poison bottle." It seems that one of these characters is the same, but the other is different, what is that?"

Hearing this, Liang Wazi looked at the bottle the other party was pointing at, and after only one glance, he turned around, held his head high, and said proudly: "That's the antidote, it's clearly written on it."

"Huh? The antidote put together with the poison, so this is the antidote for the poison bottle just now?"

Fang Shuwen said something along the way.

Guo Fengyi, who had been lying on the ground and moaning in pain, suddenly raised his head when he heard the word antidote, grabbed the bottle with the word antidote, opened the bottle at once, pointed it at his mouth, and poured it into his mouth suddenly.

As one pill after another was poured into the body, Guo Feng's face soon returned to normal.

"This antidote really works."

"Yeah, look at his face, it doesn't turn green so quickly, it's really fast."

When everyone saw Guo Feng's appearance after taking the elixir, they immediately exclaimed again.

Seeing this, Chang Sheng smiled in his heart, now is the time for the real start of the plan to smear the reputation of Yingwuhou.

Looking at the surrounding situation, Chang Sheng quietly took a step back, then changed his voice, and shouted loudly: "It's really strange, you say, why does Yingwu Temple have poison and antidote? The poison is still as precious as old man Zhang. Is it the same as the poison in the son?"

"Yes, why is this poison the same as the poison poisoned by old man Zhang's son."

Everyone thought about it one by one.

"You said, could it be... that this Yingwu Temple is actually guarded by someone, and then the guard intentionally gave people medicine, and waited until someone came to ask for it, and then gave him the antidote?" Chang said. Sheng saw that everyone began to think, changed their voices again, quietly walked to the other side, and shouted loudly.

"What? Who yelled this? What do you mean? Are you saying that the people of Marquis Yingwu did this on purpose, and then made his family believe in him? You are talking nonsense, if you have the ability to stand up for me, see if I don't I took your skin off!" Fang Shuwen guessed that it was Chang Sheng's voice, and he spoke immediately, his voice sounded like he was refuting Chang Sheng, but in fact it was leading everyone to think in a bad way.

Sure enough, upon hearing his voice, someone spoke again.

"No, what that person said just now makes sense. You say, this Yingwu Temple must be built by someone, so who will build it? The Yingwu Temple must have been built by the people of Yingwuhou. That means the Yingwu Temple It's managed."

"Yes, there must be someone managing it, otherwise why would there be an underground secret room here, and so much food hidden here."

Hearing the sound, Chang Sheng continued to hide in the crowd, and shouted: "I hid so much food, and I didn't take it out for us to eat. When we come here to make a wish, give us some more. That person simply treats us as fools." Lie!"

"That's right, there is so much food, why not divide it! I can see that this Yingwu Temple is also a lie in all likelihood. If it is so effective, why can people dismantle it like this, even the statues are gone. I don't think this Yingwu Temple believes it!" Fang Shuwen hid in the crowd again, and cooperated with Chang Sheng.

In the entire Yingwu Temple, many disaster victims listened to the words of the two, and they all recalled. Although they don't know who said this, it sounds very reasonable, especially those poisons. There are poisons and antidotes here. .Then old man Zhang's son was poisoned. After he came to Yingwu Temple to make a wish, his son recovered immediately. Everything looked like what the man said. Someone was in charge of guarding the Marquis of Yingwu. All these things were caused by that person Made it on purpose.

While everyone was thinking, suddenly, there was another commotion from the front hall.After a while, I saw a few people rushing in excitedly. As soon as these people rushed in, they immediately shouted loudly: "Everyone, go to the front hall to have a look, the rotten one left in the front hall The statue that has been destroyed is empty, and the most amazing thing is that someone reassembled the statue, and then someone discovered that if you look out from the inside of the statue, you can see people outside, but if you look in from the outside, you can’t see anything.”

"Is there such a thing?"

When everyone heard the words of a few people, most of them rushed outside immediately, while the rest rushed for food.

"Why are you robbing food again? Didn't you say it? This is something from Yingwu Temple, so you can't grab it!" Several of the most devout Yingwu Temple believers saw someone coming to grab food, and immediately blocked in front of the food.

"From the Valiant Temple? What you robbed is from the Valiant Temple. Didn't you hear what you said just now? The efficacy of the Valiant Temple is all done by their own people. The talents from the Valiant Temple are either things or robbed!"

"That's right, they are the ones who robbed, everyone grab it!"

At this time, the Yingwu Temple was no longer effective, and some strong and middle-aged men rushed towards the food hidden in the secret passage.

The main hall of Yingwu Temple.

Everyone finally saw the statue that was almost reassembled.

Sure enough, as the person who went to the backyard said just now, the inside of this statue is empty, and it can completely hide a person, and if you look from the inside to the outside, you can see everything outside clearly, but if you look from the outside to the inside, you can’t see anything .

What is even more unexpected is that there is obviously a place for water and food inside the statue, and there are some food residues on it.On the one hand, Guo Feng watched the scene gradually calm down, walked quietly to the bottles containing the poison and antidote, raised two bottles and shouted loudly: "Strange, why are there so many bottles here? There are words written on them, I don't know how to read, so whoever knows how to tell me what these characters are? Could it be an elixir? This is the Yingwu Temple, and the things there must be good things. Yes, this must be an elixir."

Guo Feng shouted, grabbed the jade bottle with the word poison written on it, poured out two pills at a time, opened his mouth and swallowed them.Chang Sheng has already seen this bottle of poison, and confirmed that eating it with his current strength in Qi training will not cause any danger to his life, but will only make him very uncomfortable and cause various adverse symptoms.

When everyone heard the word elixir, they all turned their heads to look around, and suddenly saw a guy in his thirties holding two bottles, poured out two elixirs from one of the bottles and ate them in one gulp. Everyone's eyes were shining, and their fiery gazes fell on the bottle in Guo Feng's hand.

Elixir, is that really a elixir?

Several impatient and quick-response people rushed out one step at a time, grabbed the bottle with poison written on it from Guo Feng's hand, and were about to pour it into his mouth. At this moment, Guo Feng suddenly squatted down with his hands on his stomach.

"It hurts……"

Guo Feng fell limply to the ground, hugged his stomach with both hands, and kept rolling on the ground, his whole face turned white all of a sudden, and beads of sweat dripped from his forehead, it looked like he was in great pain.

Seeing the person lying on the ground writhing and howling in pain, the person who snatched the word "poison" was startled and let go of the bottle.

Could this be the elixir?Will the elixir hurt so much?This looks like poison, not a panacea.

Several people stared blankly at Guo Feng who was lying on the ground in great pain.

Gradually, Guo Feng's pale face gradually turned green, and then turned pale again, and began to change continuously.

"Ah, why does he look like my precious son?" The old man Zhang who followed the crowd to Yingwu Temple saw Guo Feng's appearance, and suddenly thought of his son who had a strange disease for no reason. At that time, his son had a strange disease. It's like that when the disease strikes.

Everyone didn't know Guo Feng who was lying on the ground, but many people knew Old Man Zhang. When they heard what Old Man Zhang said, everyone also reacted.

"Yeah, I remembered it too. Wasn't that the case with Old Man Zhang's son a while ago?"

"That's right, not only Old Man Zhang's son, but also Old Man Tian, ​​whose youngest son also suffers from the same disease as Old Man Zhang's son."

"Yes, I remembered it too. Because of this incident, old man Zhang began to believe in Marquis Yingwu. Originally, old man Zhang didn't believe in Marquis Yingwu. In the end, when his precious son got sick, old man Zhang came to Yingwu Temple to make a wish. After a day, old man Zhang’s son recovered. But old man Tian didn’t come to make a wish because he didn’t believe in Yingwu Temple, so his son died in the end.”

"So it is."

Several people who didn't know about it looked at Guo Feng lying on the ground with sympathy.

"He is really pitiful. If the statue of Yingwu Temple is still there, he can still make a wish. Now he has nowhere to make a wish. He can only wait to die."

"Yeah, what a bad luck."

Everyone was discussing, at this moment, a young man who was thin but still wearing a loose robe squeezed through the crowd to the front with difficulty.

Glancing at the person lying on the ground, his eyes immediately fell to the bottle on the ground. In an instant, his eyes widened and he exclaimed loudly: "Poison, what he ate is poison."

"What? Poison?"

The man who snatched the bottle from Guo Feng just now asked, his face suddenly changed, and he looked at the thin boy in horror: "Liang boy, you said it was poison, how did you know it was poison! What is the written word?"

When the thin young man heard the other party call him Liang Wazi, a trace of anger appeared on his disheveled face, but after seeing the other party's figure, he held back his anger and said angrily, "Of course I know it's poison." , because the word "poison" is written on the bottle, it's terrible to be uneducated."

Beside Guo Feng, Fang Shuwen stopped his mouth when he heard the young man named Liangwazi say he knew characters. Originally, he planned to say that the word poison was written on the bottle. If there is someone among the victims who can read, there is no need for him to speak.

The other party is a disaster victim here, and what he said is much more credible than his. It is best to let someone among the disaster victims speak.

Fang Shuwen looked at Liang Wazi, raised his hand and pointed to another bottle on the side and asked, "This bottle is poison, what is the other bottle? I see that the two words written on it are the same as the two words written on the poison bottle." It seems that one of these characters is the same, but the other is different, what is that?"

Hearing this, Liang Wazi looked at the bottle the other party was pointing at, and after only one glance, he turned around, held his head high, and said proudly: "That's the antidote, it's clearly written on it."

"Huh? The antidote put together with the poison, so this is the antidote for the poison bottle just now?"

Fang Shuwen said something along the way.

Guo Fengyi, who had been lying on the ground and moaning in pain, suddenly raised his head when he heard the word antidote, grabbed the bottle with the word antidote, opened the bottle at once, pointed it at his mouth, and poured it into his mouth suddenly.

As one pill after another was poured into the body, Guo Feng's face soon returned to normal.

"This antidote really works."

"Yeah, look at his face, it doesn't turn green so quickly, it's really fast."

When everyone saw Guo Feng's appearance after taking the elixir, they immediately exclaimed again.

Seeing this, Chang Sheng smiled in his heart, now is the time for the real start of the plan to smear the reputation of Yingwuhou.

Looking at the surrounding situation, Chang Sheng quietly took a step back, then changed his voice, and shouted loudly: "It's really strange, you say, why does Yingwu Temple have poison and antidote? The poison is still as precious as old man Zhang. Is it the same as the poison in the son?"

"Yes, why is this poison the same as the poison poisoned by old man Zhang's son."

Everyone thought about it one by one.

"You said, could it be... that this Yingwu Temple is actually guarded by someone, and then the guard intentionally gave people medicine, and waited until someone came to ask for it, and then gave him the antidote?" Chang said. Sheng saw that everyone began to think, changed their voices again, quietly walked to the other side, and shouted loudly.

"What? Who yelled this? What do you mean? Are you saying that the people of Marquis Yingwu did this on purpose, and then made his family believe in him? You are talking nonsense, if you have the ability to stand up for me, see if I don't I took your skin off!" Fang Shuwen guessed that it was Chang Sheng's voice, and he spoke immediately, his voice sounded like he was refuting Chang Sheng, but in fact it was leading everyone to think in a bad way.

Sure enough, upon hearing his voice, someone spoke again.

"No, what that person said just now makes sense. You say, this Yingwu Temple must be built by someone, so who will build it? The Yingwu Temple must have been built by the people of Yingwuhou. That means the Yingwu Temple It's managed."

"Yes, there must be someone managing it, otherwise why would there be an underground secret room here, and so much food hidden here."

Hearing the sound, Chang Sheng continued to hide in the crowd, and shouted: "I hid so much food, and I didn't take it out for us to eat. When we come here to make a wish, give us some more. That person simply treats us as fools." Lie!"

"That's right, there is so much food, why not divide it! I can see that this Yingwu Temple is also a lie in all likelihood. If it is so effective, why can people dismantle it like this, even the statues are gone. I don't think this Yingwu Temple believes it!" Fang Shuwen hid in the crowd again, and cooperated with Chang Sheng.

In the entire Yingwu Temple, many disaster victims listened to the words of the two, and they all recalled. Although they don't know who said this, it sounds very reasonable, especially those poisons. There are poisons and antidotes here. .Then old man Zhang's son was poisoned. After he came to Yingwu Temple to make a wish, his son recovered immediately. Everything looked like what the man said. Someone was in charge of guarding the Marquis of Yingwu. All these things were caused by that person Made it on purpose.

While everyone was thinking, suddenly, there was another commotion from the front hall.After a while, I saw a few people rushing in excitedly. As soon as these people rushed in, they immediately shouted loudly: "Everyone, go to the front hall to have a look, the rotten one left in the front hall The statue that has been destroyed is empty, and the most amazing thing is that someone reassembled the statue, and then someone discovered that if you look out from the inside of the statue, you can see people outside, but if you look in from the outside, you can’t see anything.”

"Is there such a thing?"

When everyone heard the words of a few people, most of them rushed outside immediately, while the rest rushed for food.

"Why are you robbing food again? Didn't you say it? This is something from Yingwu Temple, so you can't grab it!" Several of the most devout Yingwu Temple believers saw someone coming to grab food, and immediately blocked in front of the food.

"From the Valiant Temple? What you robbed is from the Valiant Temple. Didn't you hear what you said just now? The efficacy of the Valiant Temple is all done by their own people. The talents from the Valiant Temple are either things or robbed!"

"That's right, they are the ones who robbed, everyone grab it!"

At this time, the Yingwu Temple was no longer effective, and some strong and middle-aged men rushed towards the food hidden in the secret passage.

The main hall of Yingwu Temple.

Everyone finally saw the statue that was almost reassembled.

Sure enough, as the person who went to the backyard said just now, the inside of this statue is empty, and it can completely hide a person, and if you look from the inside to the outside, you can see everything outside clearly, but if you look from the outside to the inside, you can’t see anything .

What is even more unexpected is that there is obviously a place for water and food inside the statue, and there are some food residues on it.

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