silly elixir emperor

Chapter 37 Amazing speed

Chang Sheng took a Chuanqionglan and put it into the alchemy furnace. The pill he is going to refine now is Qi Condensation Pill, but this time he can't refine the superb Qi Condensation Pill, otherwise , Uncle Chang Ganyi still dare not sell it.

The refining of Qi Condensing Pill this time is more troublesome than last time. Chang Shengsheng is afraid that if he is not careful, he will refine it into a top-grade pill. For him, this level of pill wants to refine middle-grade and Top-grade ones are slightly more difficult than refining top-grade ones.

While refining the Qi Condensation Pill, Chang Sheng continued to practice the Crazy Demon Fist.


In the courtyard, bursts of violent punching wind kept blowing, and the huge sycamore tree in the courtyard whimpered.

Chang Sheng was completely immersed in the cultivation of Crazy Demon Boxing. After punching all the way, his progress was blocked by the sycamore tree embraced by the three of them.


Chang Sheng let out a loud shout, without even thinking about it, he punched out subconsciously, and hit the thick trunk of the sycamore tree hard!


There was a loud noise, and in an instant, the hit part of the sycamore tree was instantly shattered, and a vacuum appeared in the entire trunk of the sycamore tree.The tree trunks and branches above the vacuum part, without support, immediately fell downwards, hitting a house.

"Oops! The house has collapsed, where do I live!"

Chang Sheng said inwardly that it was not good, he jumped out quickly, grabbed the fallen tree trunk, and kicked several times in an instant. Although the name of Crazy Magic Boxing only includes fists, it is actually boxing and kicking, and there are still kicks in it.

"Dong dong dong..."

The thick tree trunk was like a string of lit firecrackers, emitting a series of muffled noises one after another. The trunk suddenly exploded in the air, and sections of broken branches and pieces of wood fell down in the sky full of sawdust.

"The strength of more than 1 catties is really terrifying!"

Looking at the scene he created, Chang Sheng felt heart palpitations. If someone punched him with such a strong force, he might be blown to pieces too.

"Chang Sheng, your strength, your madness has already been cultivated to the second level, from the first level to the second level, it's only two days! Your speed..." Gu Tianmo exclaimed in Chang Sheng's mind, There was obvious jealousy in the voice: "Two layers of madness, I was proud of myself for several days because it took me two years to practice two layers, but you only took two days!"

"Accurately speaking, it should be less than two days, because I still need to refine medicine, otherwise the speed of cultivation could be faster." Chang Sheng walked back to the room, cleaned his hands, and started laden.The furnace of Qi Condensing Pill he is now refining is no longer a masterpiece, and the pill furnace is no longer that broken apprentice pill furnace. This furnace of pill can be successfully refined in only two days.

"49 elixirs, [-] middle-grade and [-] top-grade, next time we should refine the elixirs for Misty Mother and little lawyer Guo Feng."

Chang Sheng looked at the alchemy stove that was already burning, took out a cattail fan, stood beside the alchemy stove, and flickered.Seeing his action, Gu Tianmo suddenly became interested: "Chang Sheng, when you used to refine the elixir, you didn't always refine it while saying that it was too easy to refine this low-level elixir, and it would be too easy to close your eyes. Can it be done? Why this time, you didn't practice martial arts, and started fanning."

Gu Tianmo was very strange, Chang Sheng's alchemy ability was absolutely beyond doubt, otherwise he would not have been framed by others' jealousy when he was in the fairy world, so what kind of elixir is he refining now, he became serious.

"I'm refining two inheritance pills, one of which is the prescription pill for Misty's mother, and the other is the inheritance pill with the song of awe-inspiring righteousness for the little lawyer." Chang Sheng shook his hand for 100 years. Fanzi introduced to Gu Tianmo: "Inheriting pills is to infuse things that exist in a person's memory, such as pill formulas, qi training techniques, fairy tales, and even memories, into medicinal materials, and finally condense them into pills."

Chang Sheng said a word, then stopped suddenly, stretched out his hand and put it in front of the wall of the alchemy furnace, carefully felt the temperature of the alchemy furnace, slowed down the frequency of fanning, and continued slowly: "Inheritance pill is refining Sometimes it needs the cooperation of the inculcator. When the alchemist needs it, instill the memory. At the same time, there is another great feature of the inheritance pill, that is, the stronger the inculcator is, the more complicated and difficult it is to refine. Moreover, If you want to refine the Inheritance Pill, the alchemist must reach the innate peak before you can barely refine it."

Chang Sheng pointed at himself with one free finger, and said, "I'm just at the peak of sublimation, and now I'm refining the elixir that can only be barely refined at the innate peak. Or, it is better to refine two at the same time, which is even more cautious."

Listening to Chang Sheng's words, Gu Tianmo discovered for the first time that Chang Sheng's alchemy skills far exceeded his imagination.I thought that Chang Sheng was already strong enough, so he casually refined a first-level elixir, and the success rate of Ladan was frighteningly high, but he never expected that he could forcibly refine a person ten levels higher than him The elixir that can be barely refined is still refined two at a time!

"Chang Sheng said that he is cautious, but judging by his current appearance, he still dares to speak distractedly. Obviously, he has not reached his limit. How strong is his alchemy technique!"

Gu Tianmo was very surprised, until two hours later, this surprise turned into an incomparable shock.

"It's been two hours, and the elixir is a little more stable. I can repair it for a while." Chang Sheng said to himself, opened the door and walked into the yard.

Gu Tianmo looked at Chang Sheng who had already performed the first form of the Crazy Demon Fist, and suddenly thought in his heart, if the so-called alchemy masters in Tianyuan Shenzhou saw how Chang Sheng refined the elixir, would they commit suicide in shame!

It took five days, a full five days, before Chang Sheng refined these two inheritance pills.

It had been nine days since he left the Chang family.

In Fengdu City, Chang Ganyi looked at the thick black iron rods carried by four of his subordinates, and raised his head to look into the distance, "Sheng'er's weapon has been delivered, why hasn't he come back? It's been nine days, don't you?" Could it be something else."

"No, probably not. Sheng'er is with the layman Wangdan. Although he has never met that immortal, he must be a peerless master. Sheng'er should be fine if he follows him. The layman said more It's half a month, and the time has not yet come."

"Dong dong dong..."

Outside the door, after a knock on the door, the butler's voice came.

"Master, the elders want to see you."

"These elders want to bother me again because of the Luo family's auction of pills. I'm in a hurry. I've sold the superb Qi Condensing Pill!" Chang Ganyi let out a resentment, and walked towards the door.

Two days later, early in the morning.

Outside Linmeng City, in a remote courtyard, a burst of laughter echoed from the room.

"Hahaha... I, Chang Sheng, have finally reached the third level of madness! And the second furnace of one hundred Dali pills is about to be finished."

Chang Sheng tidied up the remaining medicinal materials in the room, walked to the alchemy furnace, and waited for the Dali Pill to fully form.Although Dali Pill is an unpopular elixir, it is a very popular elixir among Acquired warriors, especially those who are in the Initiation and Body Training realms.The effect of Dali Pill is that it can increase the strength of the user by one hundred catties within 10 minutes, while a martial artist at the peak of Qi Entraining Realm only has five hundred catties of strength, and a peak body exerciser only has one thousand catties of strength. The Dali Pill, which increases the strength by one hundred catties at a time, is definitely a good thing.

"The Luo family has always relied on the business of Dali Pills to thrive in Fengdu City. This time I will specialize in refining Dali Pills to see if they still have business in the Luo Family! The Dali Pills that I made can directly improve the quality of a person's life. Two hundred catties of strength."

A smile appeared on Chang Sheng's face. It is useless to take Dali Pills in combination. Taking ten pills at a time has exactly the same effect as taking one at a time. Therefore, the value of Dali Pills that increase strength by two hundred catties is better than that of one hundred catties. The Dali pill of strength is many times higher.It can even be said that as long as the price is not much higher, no one will buy a Dali pill with a strength of [-] catties.

Stretching out his hand, he pulled a hundred Dali pills with a strength of two hundred catties out of the pill furnace, Chang Sheng put the pill furnace back into the brocade box Xie Shiwen gave him, and walked out of the room.

I have been away from home for twelve days, and I should go back!

Bringing the harvest of this twelve-day outing, Chang Sheng rode out of the auction manor.

Outside the manor, among the hidden woods, Zhao Sen, who had been guarding outside the manor for a few days, suddenly widened his eyes.

"Master Huang, that kid is out!"

"Damn it, I'm finally willing to come out. Our horse has good feet. Wait a minute, wait for him to go far before I catch up with him."

On the wide official road, Chang Sheng rode a horse from the auction manor for a certain distance. Suddenly, there was a rush of hoofbeats from behind. He could tell from the sound that the opponent's horse was obviously better than his own.In just a short while, the horses behind had rushed to the front.

"It's those guys in front who seem to be called Huang Qin, Zhao Sen or something!"

Chang Sheng saw several people clearly, his eyes turned cold instantly, these people failed to be auctioned a few days ago, and he asked himself to give them the alchemy stove, but he refused to give them, he thought the matter was over like this, but he did not expect them to follow Outside the manor, I have been waiting here!It seems that they are about to rob, what is the difference between them and robbers!

"Haha, you still want to run. In Linmeng City, as long as it is something that your master Huang likes, you have never been unable to get it." Huang Qin reined in his horse and stood up, looking at Chang Sheng who was sitting on the horse, as if he was looking at Chang Sheng. A sheep with no strength to resist.

"You reckless man, at the auction, you snatched the alchemy furnace that the master valued and cut the face of the master. If you obediently give the alchemy furnace to the master, the master will let you live. I didn't expect you to be ignorant. To the master. You are seeking death by yourself, no one else is to blame!"

Huang Qin glanced behind him, and suddenly said sharply: "Two gentlemen, help me destroy this ungrateful thing, don't kill him, break his legs and feet first, the master will have something to say later ask him!"

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