silly elixir emperor

Chapter 399 The True Genius

"560 taels of gold."

"590 taels of gold."

"600 taels of gold!"

Soon the price had reached the price of 600 million taels of gold. At this moment, a pleasant voice came out from the private room on the third floor. The sound was not loud, but it was clearly heard by everyone.

"700 million taels of gold!" Someone suddenly raised the price to 50 taels of gold. The voice came from a room on the third floor.

As soon as the words came out, the entire auction hall fell silent.

"Hmph, it's only 700 million taels of gold, and I can afford it. 800 million..." In the lobby on the first floor, a man with a rough face shouted out his quotation, but before the price was finished, his mouth He was immediately covered by someone.

"Brother, you are crazy, we can't add more money." Beside the big man, a man who looked a bit like him, but a little smaller than him, quickly covered his mouth with his hand.

"What? We are here for an auction, why can't we continue to bid?" The man opened his younger brother's hand, and said with a dissatisfied expression: "Don't worry, your elder brother is not stupid, I heard that voice coming from the third floor Yes, the people who can be on the third floor, they are all people with status and status. But we can't stop bidding just because we are afraid of offending these people. If that is the case, what is the point of us participating in the auction! Anyway, where does our money come from? Right, neither stealing nor robbing, why don't we dare to auction it!"

The big man said, open his mouth and continue to shout the price, but this time, he didn't even shout out a word, and the hand that covered his mouth just now covered his mouth again.

"Brother, stop shouting. Do you know who the person who shouted the price just now is? It's the daughter of the Generalissimo! The younger sister of Marquis Yingwu!"

"The generalissimo's daughter, what's the matter with the generalissimo's daughter? Even if it's the emperor's daughter or a princess, I will pay the price if I want..." Shouting rudely opened his brother's hand covering his mouth, shouting angrily He got up, screamed, and he reacted instantly.

"What did you say? The daughter of the Generalissimo, the younger sister of Marquis Yingwu? That is to say, the person who bid just now was recruited by this martial arts competition..."

"That's right, it's her, Kou Ziyao who recruited relatives through martial arts competitions. If it wasn't for her, all the people gathered here would be the most powerful people from the Daqi dynasty and even other dynasties. Brother, do you think that apart from Kou Ziyao who recruited relatives through martial arts competitions?" , who else can stop everyone from bidding!"

"That's true." The big man immediately realized that it was true. The final champion of this martial arts competition is going to marry Kou Ziyao. Anyone who thinks he can win the final championship in this competition will not think so. The one who competed with Kou Ziyao for this sword.

Otherwise, if he took away the sword and offended Kou Ziyao, if he really won the championship in the future, wouldn't he be making himself uncomfortable?No one would do such a stupid thing, unless they were stupid to bid with Kou Ziyao at this time.

third the room at the edge.

Cui Caiying listened to the sudden silence of the auction house, she didn't know how many layers of powder she had applied, and a look of doubt suddenly appeared on her exaggerated white face: "Why is it so quiet down here, who is the person who called the price just now?"

It's all because Shi Wenyan opened his mouth to speak out, thought for a while, and then closed his mouth again. Princess Cui Caiying is because Kou Ziyao, who is now asking for the price, has a big opinion on him. If he tells the princess now, the person who is shouting now It's Kou Ziyao, don't even think about it, Princess Cui Caiying will definitely get angry with him, he doesn't want to suffer innocent disasters, it's better to keep silent.

Quan Zaishi didn't speak, but Cui Caiying's elder brother Cui Haozhen said: "That person is the daughter of the Grand Marshal of the Great Qi Dynasty, and the protagonist of this competition, Ms. Kou Ziyao!"

"Kou Ziyao? It's her again!"

As soon as Cui Caiying heard Kou Ziyao's name, her expression became ugly: "This woman, what's so good about him? How can he compare with people from our Goryeo Dynasty? Brother Park is coming to the martial arts competition and wants to marry this woman, brother You are the same, you also want to marry this woman, and you!"

Cui Caiying pointed at Quanzaishi with her pointed nails dyed with golden flowers, and reprimanded: "Even you, you dare to come to the competition, have you forgotten your original oath? You I said that you will follow this princess for the rest of your life!"

"No, no, how could Jae-seok forget his oath! Jae-seok's participation in the martial arts competition this time is entirely for the sake of our Goryeo Dynasty." Hearing Cui Caiying's words, Quan Jae-seok explained again and again, looking extremely nervous, but in his heart It was secretly ruthless.

Speaking of which, Cui Caiying's appearance is not bad, she can be regarded as a beauty in Korea, but that's all.His father is also considered to be a high-ranking and powerful woman in Koryo. For a woman like Cui Caiying, if he waved his hand casually, a large number of them would crawl over on their own initiative.

The reason why he has been pursuing Cui Caiying is because of Cui Caiying's identity.

Cui Caiying is a princess, and her mother is the queen of the dynasty, and her two half-brothers are the two princes who have the best chance of inheriting the throne in the future.

It was because of her identity that he would pursue her, otherwise, with Cui Caiying's character, who would pursue her!

With his talent, and his talent as a congenital master at a young age, it is enough to match Cui Caiying, but Cui Caiying always treats him like a dog, and she only has his brother Park in her eyes!

For Cui Caiying, he has had enough, if not for the prosperity of the family, he would have left Cui Caiying far away!

It's all on Shi's lowered head, but there is a flash of resentment in his eyes. One day, he will let Cui Caiying kneel on the ground and suck his toes, as well as that surnamed Pu.Sooner or later, the people of the Goryeo Dynasty will know who is the real genius!

Cui Caiying listened to Quan Zaishi's explanation, but she didn't restrain her temper at all. She stretched out her finger one step further, pointing at Quan Zaishi's face, her sharp nails almost poked Quan Zaishi's nose.

"You participated in the competition for my Goryeo Dynasty? Why are you for my Goryeo Dynasty? Are you useful? Ah? What is the use of your participation in the competition? Do you think you are Brother Park? Although the people of the Daqi Dynasty are all useless, but Everyone in their country is extremely shameless, if you are plotted against and lose the game, then you will only lose people from our Goryeo Dynasty. You..."

"Okay, little girl, don't talk anymore. I believe in Jae-seok's strength. As long as you are careful when you are competing in martial arts, and don't let those shameless people from the Qi Dynasty plot against you, Jae-seok will definitely achieve results that make our Koryo Dynasty proud." of!"

Cui Haozhen saw that her sister's words were becoming more and more unpleasant, so she interrupted her sister's words quickly, saving some face for Quan Zaishi.

In any case, Quan Zaishi's father also had a high status in the Goryeo Dynasty, and his elder brother, his biggest competitor for the throne, happened to disapprove of his sister being with Quan Zaishi.

He has always wanted that Park Sung-hui, the number one master of the younger generation of the Goryeo dynasty, be with his younger sister, and he wanted to use his sister to win over Park Sung-hui.

But Park Sung-hui has no interest in his younger sister at all, his idea will not come true, but he can take this opportunity to slowly match his younger sister and Quan Zaishi, draw Quan Zaishi and his son by his side, and fight for the throne by himself I can strengthen a lot!

Cui Haozhen's gang Quan Zaishi was embarrassed, and continued to say: "As for me, brother, I came here for Kou Ziyao, but not her. There are so many beautiful women in the Koryo Dynasty. Will I fall in love with the women of the Daqi Dynasty?" What a joke! I came here because of her status. This time I will definitely win the final championship, and then wipe out the Daqi Dynasty in one fell swoop."

"Destroy the Great Qi Dynasty?"

Hearing Cui Haozhen's words, Quan Zaishi's face suddenly showed fanaticism: "Prince, you are so right! Their vast land originally belonged to our Goryeo Dynasty, and they shamelessly stole our land. I We have long been waiting for the dynasty to send a large army to conquer this land, so that this land can return to our Koryo dynasty."

"Don't worry, that day won't be far away!" Cui Haozhen stared at the auction stage, full of endless temptation, the sexy female auctioneer who made people thirsty at the first glance, with deep greed on her face He smiled lewdly and said, "When the day comes, I want them to be in the Great Qi Dynasty, and all people will become our slaves. Men will be cows and horses, and women will be responsible for serving us. Hahaha... "

Cui Haozhen stared at the extremely hot figure of the female auctioneer downstairs, imagining the scene when she served her, and couldn't help laughing.

At the same time, in another room on the third floor.

Chang Sheng walked up to Miu Miu suddenly, grabbed Miu Miu's soft fingers, looked at Miu Miu's pretty face, and asked in a childish voice: "Senior Miu Miu, do you like that sword?"

"I... I don't like that sword, how could Senior Sister Misty like that sword!" Suddenly hearing Chang Sheng's words, Miu Miao subconsciously wanted to say that she liked it, but after she uttered a single word, she immediately came to her senses.She knew Chang Sheng too well, since Chang Sheng asked her like this, he must want to buy her this sword.

If it was an ordinary sword, she asked Chang Sheng to buy it for her.But the sword in front of me is a sword made and named by the master swordsmith Ou Jiangzi himself. Now the price of this sword has reached 700 million taels of gold. Since it is 7000 million taels of silver, she can't let Chang Sheng spend so much Money, buy her something.

Besides, she heard it just now. Someone downstairs said that the person who shouted just now was Kou Ziyao.In the beginning, the emperor gave Kou Ziyao to marry Chang Sheng.Even if the martial arts competition is held now, Chang Sheng has a great chance to win the final championship.

In this way, she couldn't let Chang Sheng compete with Kou Ziyao for things. "560 million taels of gold."

"590 taels of gold."

"600 taels of gold!"

Soon the price had reached the price of 600 million taels of gold. At this moment, a pleasant voice came out from the private room on the third floor. The sound was not loud, but it was clearly heard by everyone.

"700 million taels of gold!" Someone suddenly raised the price to 50 taels of gold. The voice came from a room on the third floor.

As soon as the words came out, the entire auction hall fell silent.

"Hmph, it's only 700 million taels of gold, and I can afford it. 800 million..." In the lobby on the first floor, a man with a rough face shouted out his quotation, but before the price was finished, his mouth He was immediately covered by someone.

"Brother, you are crazy, we can't add more money." Beside the big man, a man who looked a bit like him, but a little smaller than him, quickly covered his mouth with his hand.

"What? We are here for an auction, why can't we continue to bid?" The man opened his younger brother's hand, and said with a dissatisfied expression: "Don't worry, your elder brother is not stupid, I heard that voice coming from the third floor Yes, the people who can be on the third floor, they are all people with status and status. But we can't stop bidding just because we are afraid of offending these people. If that is the case, what is the point of us participating in the auction! Anyway, where does our money come from? Right, neither stealing nor robbing, why don't we dare to auction it!"

The big man said, open his mouth and continue to shout the price, but this time, he didn't even shout out a word, and the hand that covered his mouth just now covered his mouth again.

"Brother, stop shouting. Do you know who the person who shouted the price just now is? It's the daughter of the Generalissimo! The younger sister of Marquis Yingwu!"

"The generalissimo's daughter, what's the matter with the generalissimo's daughter? Even if it's the emperor's daughter or a princess, I will pay the price if I want..." Shouting rudely opened his brother's hand covering his mouth, shouting angrily He got up, screamed, and he reacted instantly.

"What did you say? The daughter of the Generalissimo, the younger sister of Marquis Yingwu? That is to say, the person who bid just now was recruited by this martial arts competition..."

"That's right, it's her, Kou Ziyao who recruited relatives through martial arts competitions. If it wasn't for her, all the people gathered here would be the most powerful people from the Daqi dynasty and even other dynasties. Brother, do you think that apart from Kou Ziyao who recruited relatives through martial arts competitions?" , who else can stop everyone from bidding!"

"That's true." The big man immediately realized that it was true. The final champion of this martial arts competition is going to marry Kou Ziyao. Anyone who thinks he can win the final championship in this competition will not think so. The one who competed with Kou Ziyao for this sword.

Otherwise, if he took away the sword and offended Kou Ziyao, if he really won the championship in the future, wouldn't he be making himself uncomfortable?No one would do such a stupid thing, unless they were stupid to bid with Kou Ziyao at this time.

third the room at the edge.

Cui Caiying listened to the sudden silence of the auction house, she didn't know how many layers of powder she had applied, and a look of doubt suddenly appeared on her exaggerated white face: "Why is it so quiet down here, who is the person who called the price just now?"

It's all because Shi Wenyan opened his mouth to speak out, thought for a while, and then closed his mouth again. Princess Cui Caiying is because Kou Ziyao, who is now asking for the price, has a big opinion on him. If he tells the princess now, the person who is shouting now It's Kou Ziyao, don't even think about it, Princess Cui Caiying will definitely get angry with him, he doesn't want to suffer innocent disasters, it's better to keep silent.

Quan Zaishi didn't speak, but Cui Caiying's elder brother Cui Haozhen said: "That person is the daughter of the Grand Marshal of the Great Qi Dynasty, and the protagonist of this competition, Ms. Kou Ziyao!"

"Kou Ziyao? It's her again!"

As soon as Cui Caiying heard Kou Ziyao's name, her expression became ugly: "This woman, what's so good about him? How can he compare with people from our Goryeo Dynasty? Brother Park is coming to the martial arts competition and wants to marry this woman, brother You are the same, you also want to marry this woman, and you!"

Cui Caiying pointed at Quanzaishi with her pointed nails dyed with golden flowers, and reprimanded: "Even you, you dare to come to the competition, have you forgotten your original oath? You I said that you will follow this princess for the rest of your life!"

"No, no, how could Jae-seok forget his oath! Jae-seok's participation in the martial arts competition this time is entirely for the sake of our Goryeo Dynasty." Hearing Cui Caiying's words, Quan Jae-seok explained again and again, looking extremely nervous, but in his heart It was secretly ruthless.

Speaking of which, Cui Caiying's appearance is not bad, she can be regarded as a beauty in Korea, but that's all.His father is also considered to be a high-ranking and powerful woman in Koryo. For a woman like Cui Caiying, if he waved his hand casually, a large number of them would crawl over on their own initiative.

The reason why he has been pursuing Cui Caiying is because of Cui Caiying's identity.

Cui Caiying is a princess, and her mother is the queen of the dynasty, and her two half-brothers are the two princes who have the best chance of inheriting the throne in the future.

It was because of her identity that he would pursue her, otherwise, with Cui Caiying's character, who would pursue her!

With his talent, and his talent as a congenital master at a young age, it is enough to match Cui Caiying, but Cui Caiying always treats him like a dog, and she only has his brother Park in her eyes!

For Cui Caiying, he has had enough, if not for the prosperity of the family, he would have left Cui Caiying far away!

It's all on Shi's lowered head, but there is a flash of resentment in his eyes. One day, he will let Cui Caiying kneel on the ground and suck his toes, as well as that surnamed Pu.Sooner or later, the people of the Goryeo Dynasty will know who is the real genius!

Cui Caiying listened to Quan Zaishi's explanation, but she didn't restrain her temper at all. She stretched out her finger one step further, pointing at Quan Zaishi's face, her sharp nails almost poked Quan Zaishi's nose.

"You participated in the competition for my Goryeo Dynasty? Why are you for my Goryeo Dynasty? Are you useful? Ah? What is the use of your participation in the competition? Do you think you are Brother Park? Although the people of the Daqi Dynasty are all useless, but Everyone in their country is extremely shameless, if you are plotted against and lose the game, then you will only lose people from our Goryeo Dynasty. You..."

"Okay, little girl, don't talk anymore. I believe in Jae-seok's strength. As long as you are careful when you are competing in martial arts, and don't let those shameless people from the Qi Dynasty plot against you, Jae-seok will definitely achieve results that make our Koryo Dynasty proud." of!"

Cui Haozhen saw that her sister's words were becoming more and more unpleasant, so she interrupted her sister's words quickly, saving some face for Quan Zaishi.

In any case, Quan Zaishi's father also had a high status in the Goryeo Dynasty, and his elder brother, his biggest competitor for the throne, happened to disapprove of his sister being with Quan Zaishi.

He has always wanted that Park Sung-hui, the number one master of the younger generation of the Goryeo dynasty, be with his younger sister, and he wanted to use his sister to win over Park Sung-hui.

But Park Sung-hui has no interest in his younger sister at all, his idea will not come true, but he can take this opportunity to slowly match his younger sister and Quan Zaishi, draw Quan Zaishi and his son by his side, and fight for the throne by himself I can strengthen a lot!

Cui Haozhen's gang Quan Zaishi was embarrassed, and continued to say: "As for me, brother, I came here for Kou Ziyao, but not her. There are so many beautiful women in the Koryo Dynasty. Will I fall in love with the women of the Daqi Dynasty?" What a joke! I came here because of her status. This time I will definitely win the final championship, and then wipe out the Daqi Dynasty in one fell swoop."

"Destroy the Great Qi Dynasty?"

Hearing Cui Haozhen's words, Quan Zaishi's face suddenly showed fanaticism: "Prince, you are so right! Their vast land originally belonged to our Goryeo Dynasty, and they shamelessly stole our land. I We have long been waiting for the dynasty to send a large army to conquer this land, so that this land can return to our Koryo dynasty."

"Don't worry, that day won't be far away!" Cui Haozhen stared at the auction stage, full of endless temptation, the sexy female auctioneer who made people thirsty at the first glance, with deep greed on her face He smiled lewdly and said, "When the day comes, I want them to be in the Great Qi Dynasty, and all people will become our slaves. Men will be cows and horses, and women will be responsible for serving us. Hahaha... "

Cui Haozhen stared at the extremely hot figure of the female auctioneer downstairs, imagining the scene when she served her, and couldn't help laughing.

At the same time, in another room on the third floor.

Chang Sheng walked up to Miu Miu suddenly, grabbed Miu Miu's soft fingers, looked at Miu Miu's pretty face, and asked in a childish voice: "Senior Miu Miu, do you like that sword?"

"I... I don't like that sword, how could Senior Sister Misty like that sword!" Suddenly hearing Chang Sheng's words, Miu Miao subconsciously wanted to say that she liked it, but after she uttered a single word, she immediately came to her senses.She knew Chang Sheng too well, since Chang Sheng asked her like this, he must want to buy her this sword.

If it was an ordinary sword, she asked Chang Sheng to buy it for her.But the sword in front of me is a sword made and named by the master swordsmith Ou Jiangzi himself. Now the price of this sword has reached 700 million taels of gold. Since it is 7000 million taels of silver, she can't let Chang Sheng spend so much Money, buy her something.

Besides, she heard it just now. Someone downstairs said that the person who shouted just now was Kou Ziyao.In the beginning, the emperor gave Kou Ziyao to marry Chang Sheng.Even if the martial arts competition is held now, Chang Sheng has a great chance to win the final championship.

In this way, she couldn't let Chang Sheng compete with Kou Ziyao for things.

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