silly elixir emperor

Chapter 404 Silver Moon Sword

"Korea? Although I didn't know which country Ou Jiangzi was from before, but after the Koryo people said so, then Ou Jiangzi must be from the Daqi Dynasty. Goryeo, none of their words are credible .”

At the door of a room on the second floor of the auction house, a man with a rough face and some plateau red on his cheeks cursed: "These Koreans, back then they said that the generalissimo of our Liemeng Kingdom was a descendant of their Koreans. I believed it to be true, so I went to ask the Generalissimo, and was finally reprimanded by the Generalissimo, they are the most shameless people in the world!"

"It turns out that they are Koreans. Everyone in the world knows that the best embroidery we produced in Izumo country was robbed by them. They still insist that they don't know."

People from other countries also yelled at the people of Korea.

Cui Caiying listened to the insults outside, and immediately wanted to refute, but was stopped by her elder brother Cui Minzhen: "Okay, little girl. Don't argue with these lowly and inferior people. It's useless if they don't admit it. Anyway, everyone in the world knows that General Ou is from our Koryo dynasty."

"But I feel uncomfortable when I hear them insulting our Goryeo Dynasty like this."

"It's okay, little girl, just treat it like a bunch of mad dogs barking. As long as we buy the sword, it's useless how much they bark!"

"Yes, just buy the sword, isn't it just money? I'm not afraid of them!" Cui Caiying's eyes suddenly lit up when she heard her brother's words, and she shouted loudly, "4000 million taels of gold!"

"Hmph, forty-five million taels."

In a room on the third floor, Kou Ziyao called out the quotation again.

Xiaobi looked at her lady's beautiful face in a strange way, and asked with a puzzled look: "Miss, didn't you stop asking the price just now? Why did you suddenly start asking the price again?"

"Because of that Goryeo woman." Kou Ziyao said in disgust, "I don't want that Goryeo woman to take away the sword of our Daqi Dynasty, and then let her show off everywhere that it is their Goryeo sword!"

"So that's how it is." Xiaobi finally understood.

in another room.

"It's that woman again. Seeing that fool stopped asking for the price, this nasty woman is here again. It's really annoying. She is richer than this lady. Look at this lady smashing her to death with money!" Cui Caiying looked at the other side viciously, without thinking Shouted loudly: "Forty-six million taels of gold!"

As soon as the words fell, Cui Haozhen's anxious voice came over.

"Little sister, there are already more than 4000 million taels of gold, we must pay attention, this time the money that the emperor gave you is only 5000 million taels of gold!"

"5000 taels of gold..."

Chang Sheng listened to the conversation between Cui Haozhen's brother and sister, and he was very happy. The two Korean brothers and sisters are really stupid. They talked in the auction house with such a loud voice. their dialogue.

Now that I know they have an upper limit of 5000 million taels of gold, then I will pay 5000 million taels of gold. These Koreans are the ones who are angry with them!

"5000 million taels, Chang Sheng will give out 5000 million taels." Chang Sheng shouted loudly through the window.

"Two million taels..."

When Cui Caiying heard the price, her whole face twisted, that idiot, he actually offered 5000 million taels of gold!

5000 million taels is already her limit, what should she do!

Cui Caiying wanted to add more money, but she didn't have any more money with her, so she could only look to her brother for help.

"Brother, I think that idiot has almost reached his limit. You can lend me some more money. I will increase the price and use it again. I believe that idiot will quit."

"Add more money? Little girl, this is not acceptable. This sword has been auctioned for 5000 million taels of gold, which is almost the limit. If you add more money, we will lose money. How can we do a loss-making business!" Cui Haozhen shook his head. , Are you kidding me, Miss Kou Ziyao wants to buy this Silver Moon Sword.

Now if it was that fool who bought the Silver Moon Sword, it was naturally that fool who offended Ms. Kou Ziyao and had nothing to do with him.

But if I add more money and let my younger sister buy the Silver Moon Sword, then I will be the one who will offend Miss Kou Ziyao.

This will affect his marriage to Miss Kou Ziyao, this kind of thing can't be done.

No matter what Cui Caiying said, Cui Haozhen insisted not to lend her money.

For a while, without Cui Caiying's price increase, no one in the entire auction house competed with Chang Sheng anymore.

"The Silver Moon Sword bid 5000 million taels for the first time, and 5000 million taels for the second time. Has anyone offered a higher price... 5000 million taels for the third time. Congratulations, Master Chang Sheng, for getting the Silver Moon Sword!"

Xie Shiwen loudly announced the ownership of the Silver Moon Sword, looking at Chang Sheng upstairs, she felt a little unhappy.Spending 5000 million taels of gold to buy a sword, Chang Sheng is really a prodigal. The money does not seem to be Chang Sheng's, and all of it was given to him by Chang Sheng's senior brother Cheng Mo.

Cheng Moxin worked hard to earn money, but in the end, Chang Sheng was completely ruined.Hey, I don't know, someday Cheng Mo's money won't completely ruin Chang Sheng!

Xie Shiwen and other assistants took the Yinyue Sword away, gently twisted her still red and swollen ankle, pondered for a while, and saw that the next auction item was put up, she quickly got into the mood and continued her auction.

"The one that will be auctioned next is a medicinal herb with extremely high value..."

"Golden Hanzhi, the elixir that can only grow in extremely cold places with extremely high cathodes. In our Daqi Dynasty, this kind of elixir can only grow on the [-]-meter snow mountain. The golden Hanzhi in my hand is taken from On top of the [-]-meter snow mountain."

Xie Shiwen stood on the auction table, raising her finger to a short and thin branch on the auction table.

This branch is dark golden as a whole, but around the branch, there is a faint layer of silver frost wrapped around it, lingering around the branch, if you look closely, you can see that these silver frosts are always flowing slowly with.

"Jin Hanzhi, the ultimate healing holy medicine, is said to have the effect of bringing the dead back to life. For ordinary ailments, you only need to hold the Jin Hanzhi and smell it, and your body will recover instantly. Even if it is a sword wound that can be seen deep in the bone, you only need to drop a drop The juice of Jin Hanzhi can also heal wounds quickly."

Xie Shiwen smiled and introduced the various effects of Jin Hanzhi: "Even severe injuries caused by masters of Qi training, after taking Jin Hanzhi, they can quickly recover from the injuries. Even serious injuries caused by masters of defying the sky, taking Jin Hanzhi also has miraculous effects .Of course, if the golden cold branch is used to refine the elixir, the effect will be even better. As far as I know, the golden cold branch is a necessary medicinal material for refining many healing elixir."

"That's right, Jin Hanzhi is indeed a necessary medicinal material for refining many healing elixirs, such as the elixir for restoring strength that I want to refine for the old devil."

Chang Sheng looked at Jin Hanzhi and felt secretly happy. The second item in the auction turned out to be the Jin Hanzhi he needed. His luck was really extraordinary.

As long as the Jin Hanzhi is collected, there are only two kinds of medicinal materials left, and the medicinal materials for the old devil to refine the elixir can be collected.

Chang Sheng felt his body trembling faintly. As long as he gathered all the medicinal materials, the old devil would be able to recover his strength, and he would have another follower who was an invincible and powerful man.

"For one Jin Hanzhi, the starting price is 200 million taels of gold, and the price can be increased by no less than 5 taels of gold each time. The auction starts now." Xie Shiwen shouted crisply.

As soon as the voice fell, Piao Miao took a breath of cold air: "Two million taels of gold is 200 million taels of silver, and this is still only the starting price. It is terrifying that a herb is so expensive. If you use this herb to refine If it is made into a pill, how much will the pill cost!"

"The elixir refined with Jin Hanzhi is at least hundreds of millions of taels of gold, and it's not hundreds of millions of taels, it's billions of taels of gold." Fang Shuwen chuckled lightly upon hearing the sound.

"so tall?"

"This is normal." Fang Shuwen explained: "This is just a kind of medicinal material. When refining elixirs, you don't just use this kind of medicinal material. It requires a variety of precious medicinal materials. How can the price not be high? I said just now that it is still the lowest situation. The elixir refined with Jin Hanzhi has a greater chance of being a priceless treasure. It cannot be measured by money, it can only be exchanged for things!"

"Exchange things?" Misty was stunned again.

"That's right, bartering, because there are so many items, no matter how much money you spend to buy them, people won't care. What they care about are treasures of the same value, so bartering appeared. The situation, as far as I know, there are two such places in our Daqi Dynasty, one is the Tianji Building, and the other is the Qizhen Building." Fang Shuwen explained softly to Misty, and his words came to Chang Sheng's ears, But it surprised Chang Sheng.

Precious items cannot be measured by money, they are all bartered, so what about the elixir that I refined to increase my lifespan by 100 years?

According to what Fang Shuwen said just now, the elixir that increases lifespan by 100 years cannot be measured by money, and must be exchanged for things.

Here, in the room, several people were discussing softly, and quotations had already sounded outside.

Jin Hanzhi may not be used by so many people now, but it is an extremely precious herb after all, even if it is not used now, who knows if it will be used in the future, if it is not used now, it will be used later when it is needed , I tried to look for it again, but I couldn't find it.

Besides, it is good to keep this kind of rare and rare grass to increase in value.

So, as soon as the auction started, the bids kept ringing.

"210 taels of gold."

"220 taels of gold."

"Two million taels..."

"300 million taels."

Amidst the quotations, an unusually cold voice suddenly raised the price to 300 million taels.

200 million taels has been raised to 300 million taels. Although it has been increased by 100 million taels, the people who came to participate in the auction today have gathered so many talented people. The 100 million taels are nothing, but when the voice came out, Immediately, the entire auction hall became silent. "Korea? Although I didn't know which country Ou Jiangzi was from before, but after the Koryo people said so, then Ou Jiangzi must be from the Daqi Dynasty. Goryeo, none of their words are credible .”

At the door of a room on the second floor of the auction house, a man with a rough face and some plateau red on his cheeks cursed: "These Koreans, back then they said that the generalissimo of our Liemeng Kingdom was a descendant of their Koreans. I believed it to be true, so I went to ask the Generalissimo, and was finally reprimanded by the Generalissimo, they are the most shameless people in the world!"

"It turns out that they are Koreans. Everyone in the world knows that the best embroidery we produced in Izumo country was robbed by them. They still insist that they don't know."

People from other countries also yelled at the people of Korea.

Cui Caiying listened to the insults outside, and immediately wanted to refute, but was stopped by her elder brother Cui Minzhen: "Okay, little girl. Don't argue with these lowly and inferior people. It's useless if they don't admit it. Anyway, everyone in the world knows that General Ou is from our Koryo dynasty."

"But I feel uncomfortable when I hear them insulting our Goryeo Dynasty like this."

"It's okay, little girl, just treat it like a bunch of mad dogs barking. As long as we buy the sword, it's useless how much they bark!"

"Yes, just buy the sword, isn't it just money? I'm not afraid of them!" Cui Caiying's eyes suddenly lit up when she heard her brother's words, and she shouted loudly, "4000 million taels of gold!"

"Hmph, forty-five million taels."

In a room on the third floor, Kou Ziyao called out the quotation again.

Xiaobi looked at her lady's beautiful face in a strange way, and asked with a puzzled look: "Miss, didn't you stop asking the price just now? Why did you suddenly start asking the price again?"

"Because of that Goryeo woman." Kou Ziyao said in disgust, "I don't want that Goryeo woman to take away the sword of our Daqi Dynasty, and then let her show off everywhere that it is their Goryeo sword!"

"So that's how it is." Xiaobi finally understood.

in another room.

"It's that woman again. Seeing that fool stopped asking for the price, this nasty woman is here again. It's really annoying. She is richer than this lady. Look at this lady smashing her to death with money!" Cui Caiying looked at the other side viciously, without thinking Shouted loudly: "Forty-six million taels of gold!"

As soon as the words fell, Cui Haozhen's anxious voice came over.

"Little sister, there are already more than 4000 million taels of gold, we must pay attention, this time the money that the emperor gave you is only 5000 million taels of gold!"

"5000 taels of gold..."

Chang Sheng listened to the conversation between Cui Haozhen's brother and sister, and he was very happy. The two Korean brothers and sisters are really stupid. They talked in the auction house with such a loud voice. their dialogue.

Now that I know they have an upper limit of 5000 million taels of gold, then I will pay 5000 million taels of gold. These Koreans are the ones who are angry with them!

"5000 million taels, Chang Sheng will give out 5000 million taels." Chang Sheng shouted loudly through the window.

"Two million taels..."

When Cui Caiying heard the price, her whole face twisted, that idiot, he actually offered 5000 million taels of gold!

5000 million taels is already her limit, what should she do!

Cui Caiying wanted to add more money, but she didn't have any more money with her, so she could only look to her brother for help.

"Brother, I think that idiot has almost reached his limit. You can lend me some more money. I will increase the price and use it again. I believe that idiot will quit."

"Add more money? Little girl, this is not acceptable. This sword has been auctioned for 5000 million taels of gold, which is almost the limit. If you add more money, we will lose money. How can we do a loss-making business!" Cui Haozhen shook his head. , Are you kidding me, Miss Kou Ziyao wants to buy this Silver Moon Sword.

Now if it was that fool who bought the Silver Moon Sword, it was naturally that fool who offended Ms. Kou Ziyao and had nothing to do with him.

But if I add more money and let my younger sister buy the Silver Moon Sword, then I will be the one who will offend Miss Kou Ziyao.

This will affect his marriage to Miss Kou Ziyao, this kind of thing can't be done.

No matter what Cui Caiying said, Cui Haozhen insisted not to lend her money.

For a while, without Cui Caiying's price increase, no one in the entire auction house competed with Chang Sheng anymore.

"The Silver Moon Sword bid 5000 million taels for the first time, and 5000 million taels for the second time. Has anyone offered a higher price... 5000 million taels for the third time. Congratulations, Master Chang Sheng, for getting the Silver Moon Sword!"

Xie Shiwen loudly announced the ownership of the Silver Moon Sword, looking at Chang Sheng upstairs, she felt a little unhappy.Spending 5000 million taels of gold to buy a sword, Chang Sheng is really a prodigal. The money does not seem to be Chang Sheng's, and all of it was given to him by Chang Sheng's senior brother Cheng Mo.

Cheng Moxin worked hard to earn money, but in the end, Chang Sheng was completely ruined.Hey, I don't know, someday Cheng Mo's money won't completely ruin Chang Sheng!

Xie Shiwen and other assistants took the Yinyue Sword away, gently twisted her still red and swollen ankle, pondered for a while, and saw that the next auction item was put up, she quickly got into the mood and continued her auction.

"The one that will be auctioned next is a medicinal herb with extremely high value..."

"Golden Hanzhi, the elixir that can only grow in extremely cold places with extremely high cathodes. In our Daqi Dynasty, this kind of elixir can only grow on the [-]-meter snow mountain. The golden Hanzhi in my hand is taken from On top of the [-]-meter snow mountain."

Xie Shiwen stood on the auction table, raising her finger to a short and thin branch on the auction table.

This branch is dark golden as a whole, but around the branch, there is a faint layer of silver frost wrapped around it, lingering around the branch, if you look closely, you can see that these silver frosts are always flowing slowly with.

"Jin Hanzhi, the ultimate healing holy medicine, is said to have the effect of bringing the dead back to life. For ordinary ailments, you only need to hold the Jin Hanzhi and smell it, and your body will recover instantly. Even if it is a sword wound that can be seen deep in the bone, you only need to drop a drop The juice of Jin Hanzhi can also heal wounds quickly."

Xie Shiwen smiled and introduced the various effects of Jin Hanzhi: "Even severe injuries caused by masters of Qi training, after taking Jin Hanzhi, they can quickly recover from the injuries. Even serious injuries caused by masters of defying the sky, taking Jin Hanzhi also has miraculous effects .Of course, if the golden cold branch is used to refine the elixir, the effect will be even better. As far as I know, the golden cold branch is a necessary medicinal material for refining many healing elixir."

"That's right, Jin Hanzhi is indeed a necessary medicinal material for refining many healing elixirs, such as the elixir for restoring strength that I want to refine for the old devil."

Chang Sheng looked at Jin Hanzhi and felt secretly happy. The second item in the auction turned out to be the Jin Hanzhi he needed. His luck was really extraordinary.

As long as the Jin Hanzhi is collected, there are only two kinds of medicinal materials left, and the medicinal materials for the old devil to refine the elixir can be collected.

Chang Sheng felt his body trembling faintly. As long as he gathered all the medicinal materials, the old devil would be able to recover his strength, and he would have another follower who was an invincible and powerful man.

"For one Jin Hanzhi, the starting price is 200 million taels of gold, and the price can be increased by no less than 5 taels of gold each time. The auction starts now." Xie Shiwen shouted crisply.

As soon as the voice fell, Piao Miao took a breath of cold air: "Two million taels of gold is 200 million taels of silver, and this is still only the starting price. It is terrifying that a herb is so expensive. If you use this herb to refine If it is made into a pill, how much will the pill cost!"

"The elixir refined with Jin Hanzhi is at least hundreds of millions of taels of gold, and it's not hundreds of millions of taels, it's billions of taels of gold." Fang Shuwen chuckled lightly upon hearing the sound.

"so tall?"

"This is normal." Fang Shuwen explained: "This is just a kind of medicinal material. When refining elixirs, you don't just use this kind of medicinal material. It requires a variety of precious medicinal materials. How can the price not be high? I said just now that it is still the lowest situation. The elixir refined with Jin Hanzhi has a greater chance of being a priceless treasure. It cannot be measured by money, it can only be exchanged for things!"

"Exchange things?" Misty was stunned again.

"That's right, bartering, because there are so many items, no matter how much money you spend to buy them, people won't care. What they care about are treasures of the same value, so bartering appeared. The situation, as far as I know, there are two such places in our Daqi Dynasty, one is the Tianji Building, and the other is the Qizhen Building." Fang Shuwen explained softly to Misty, and his words came to Chang Sheng's ears, But it surprised Chang Sheng.

Precious items cannot be measured by money, they are all bartered, so what about the elixir that I refined to increase my lifespan by 100 years?

According to what Fang Shuwen said just now, the elixir that increases lifespan by 100 years cannot be measured by money, and must be exchanged for things.

Here, in the room, several people were discussing softly, and quotations had already sounded outside.

Jin Hanzhi may not be used by so many people now, but it is an extremely precious herb after all, even if it is not used now, who knows if it will be used in the future, if it is not used now, it will be used later when it is needed , I tried to look for it again, but I couldn't find it.

Besides, it is good to keep this kind of rare and rare grass to increase in value.

So, as soon as the auction started, the bids kept ringing.

"210 taels of gold."

"220 taels of gold."

"Two million taels..."

"300 million taels."

Amidst the quotations, an unusually cold voice suddenly raised the price to 300 million taels.

200 million taels has been raised to 300 million taels. Although it has been increased by 100 million taels, the people who came to participate in the auction today have gathered so many talented people. The 100 million taels are nothing, but when the voice came out, Immediately, the entire auction hall became silent.

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