silly elixir emperor

Chapter 457 Lessons

Behind the counter, when the shopkeeper heard the words of the man who was obviously drunk, his face suddenly became ugly, and he was about to ask the man to pay attention, when suddenly his eyes blurred, and the papers that had just been placed on the table flew out .

Chang Sheng looked at the unrestrained man in front of him, and casually threw the paper he had just photographed over, and the paper was even more tightly covered with a trace of military aura.

This guy was so outspoken in the restaurant. Although he said he had drunk too much, it was obvious that this guy was usually like this.

Let's teach this guy some lessons this time!

A thin bank note flew out, but there was a whining sound of breaking through the air. In a blink of an eye, the bank note flew in front of the man, flew past his mouth with a swish, and then fell lightly to the ground. But at this moment, the silver ticket has been stained red by a layer of dark red blood.

The man who had been yelling just now suddenly covered his mouth with both hands, and fell down in pain, streaks of scarlet blood flowed down from his palms.

"Keep your mouth clean. Next time, you won't be so cheap, you trash!" Chang Sheng gave the man a cold look, then took out a silver ticket from his Qiankun bag, and slapped it heavily on the cashier's desk superior.

"Give me an upper room!"

In the hall, it became quiet in an instant, and everyone stopped discussing, one by one, looking at the children in front of the cash desk in astonishment.

This child, he actually cut someone's mouth with a bank note just now, and after everything happened last night, he still acted like nothing happened.

Is this still a child?

Beside the big man whose mouth was cut, his friends were surprised, but when they looked at the bank note that fell to the side, they knew that they would definitely not be the boy's opponent.

Although they didn't know how a child could be so powerful, they still wisely set up their companions and rushed outside.

The situation is stronger than people, so let's heal your companion's injuries first.

Behind the account room, the shopkeeper looked at the child who was about the same height as the account table in front of him. After a long pause, he bent down and said politely: "I'm sorry, the shop is full. People in the capital are too busy recently. There are too many, this little brother, can you see if you can change to another shop?"

The shopkeeper's attitude was surprisingly polite. Originally, when opening the door to do business, you must be polite. Besides, the child in front of him is so young, so he obviously has a lot of history.

In the rivers and lakes, old people, women and children cannot be easily provoked, especially the arrogant old people, women and children.

"Change place? I don't have that much free time." Chang Sheng said, turning his head to look at the people in the inn, and said loudly, "Who will give up the room if I offer ten times the price?"

"ten times?"

Suddenly hearing the words of the child in front of them, everyone was stunned for a while, and then a man who looked like a mouse-eyed man stood up: "Brother, are you paying ten times the price? I'll trade it with you, I'll trade it with you, mine The room is conveniently located on the second floor.”

Soon Chang Sheng changed a room from the second floor at ten times the price.

Everyone downstairs, although they were full of curiosity about the child in front of them, but judging from the way the child spoke just now, it was obvious that he was a person with a weird temper, and no one went up to talk to the child on his own initiative.


Yingwuhou Mansion.

"My lord, my subordinates just got the news that the alchemy genius in the Tianji Building has left the Tianji Building, and he has now checked into the Tianyue Inn in the capital."

"Leaving the Tianji Building?" Yingwu Hou thought for a moment when he heard this, raised his hand and said to the subordinate who came to report: "Go, send someone to invite him to the mansion, this Marquis wants to see him."

almost the same time.

In the third prince's mansion, a girl hurriedly ran into the mansion, and directly found the third prince and his chosen concubine who were drinking tea.

As soon as the girl saw the two of them, she knelt down on the ground with a thud: "The prince and concubine are in serious trouble. The eldest son was beaten, and two arms were cut off."

"What, my brother's arm was cut off!" The third imperial concubine was startled when she heard this, and the teacup in her hand fell to the ground with a bang.The son of her and the third prince has always been called the son, but her younger brother is called the young master!

"Who did it, what happened, you start from the beginning."

In front of the table, Fang Shujing, who was drinking tea, slapped the table angrily, his whole face darkened, and he hit his brother-in-law and cut off his brother-in-law's arm in the lower part of the capital. It was a slap in the face!

"It just happened. Originally, the young master, General Liu, and General Sha's sons were riding horses and shopping together, but they had a conflict with a child. The child knocked down the young master and the other two young masters without saying a word. on the ground, and then cut off both arms."

"Child? Are you joking? Can one child defeat the three of them?" Fang Shujing yelled when he heard this. They didn't eat less of those natural materials and earth treasures, and the three of them still had no problem dealing with ordinary people.

Now it is said that the three of them were beaten by a child, how is this possible.

"No, Third Prince, Young Master and the others were really beaten by a child. At that time, I even reported the name of our Third Prince's Mansion, but that child not only refused to listen, but even insulted you." The girl heard that the Third Prince did not believe it. She quickly explained her own words, and just as she had just explained a sentence, another voice came from behind her.

"Child? But a very arrogant one, always looking at others with disdain, a braided kid?"

"That's right, that's him." The girl suddenly heard someone mention the child's appearance, she turned her head with joy, and suddenly, a handsome and elegant face came into view.

Zhuge Zhan.

The girl looked at the man who suddenly appeared, and was stunned: "Mr. Zhuge, did you see that boy too? Why didn't you come out to save the young man?"

As Zhuge Zhan appeared, all three people in the room looked at him for a moment.

Facing the eyes of the three, Zhuge Zhan frowned deeply: "Sure enough, it's really that child. It's normal to be beaten by him."

"What do you mean? Mr. Zhuge, do you know that child? Whose family is he? He dares to bully my younger brother. Do you really think we are easy to bully?" The third concubine sitting next to the third prince heard Zhuge Zhuge Zhan's words were immediately reflected. Judging from the meaning of Zhuge Zhan's words, he seemed to know the child.

"Zhan doesn't know him, Zhan just met him, and we'd better not go to trouble with him."

When Zhuge Zhan heard the words, he said something unexpectedly.When the third imperial concubine heard the words, anger immediately appeared on her beautiful face: "Mr. Zhuge, what do you mean? My younger brother was beaten in the capital. This is the face of our third prince's mansion. We We can’t take revenge yet. If this news gets out, our Third Prince’s House will lose all face. What will others say when they see us in the future?”

"Face? Is face important, or is fame and position important?" Zhuge Zhan suddenly laughed when he heard the words of the third concubine, looked at the third prince with a strange face and said: "Third prince, do you know that child is he?" who?"

Zhuge Zhan asked with a smile, and without waiting for the third prince to answer, he asked himself and answered: "Third prince, you should know that I went to the Tianji Tower today, and I saw that child in the Tianji Tower."

"Tianjilou?" Fang Shujing was startled when he heard the words: "You mean, that kid is from Tianjilou?"

If he is really from Tianjilou, he really can't go to trouble with the other party. Tianjilou is a huge organization covering all countries in the entire continent. It may become a breakthrough for other princes to attack him.

"No, he is not from the Tianji Building. But now he has the same qualifications as me to enter the Tianji Building, and his qualifications are far higher than mine."

Zhuge Zhan walked towards the third prince while talking: "Third prince, in fact, you and I know the character of the young master. It must be the young master who provoked each other before he was beaten. Speaking of which, that He is still showing mercy to the child, do you know what happened in the Tianji Building back then?"

Zhuge Zhan's voice suddenly raised a level: "At the beginning of the Tianji Building, there were two types of internal assessments in the Tianji Building, one was our kind of assessment, and the other was the assessment for people with special talents. Those who have special abilities are assessed for alchemy and are the last to be assessed."

"At that time, he pointed at all the people who participated in the pill assessment, saying that these people were a bunch of trash, and he even scolded the person in charge of the Tianji Building who supported the assessment at that time."

"Call all the people who participated in the alchemy assessment, as well as the people in Tianji Building, is that kid crazy?" Fang Shujing looked at Zhuge Zhan in disbelief when he heard Zhuge Zhan's words.

"He's not crazy. That's right, the people who can participate in the assessment of Tianji Building are all elite geniuses from all over the world, not to mention the people in charge of the assessment inside Tianji Building, but he doesn't take these people seriously at all. With this capital, everyone dare not speak up." Zhuge Zhan seemed to be recalling the original situation, and his face was shocked.

"At the beginning, the first item in the alchemist's assessment was to distinguish the medicinal ingredients. He didn't even need to look at it, but just smelled it with his nose, and he could distinguish all the medicinal ingredients, including the medicinal ingredients that Tianjilou didn't see. After that, he What's more, the elixir to be refined was judged only by the several medicinal materials mentioned by the people in the Tianji Building. I can't say what kind of elixir that kind of elixir is, because the Tianji Building has already said that whoever dares to take the elixir If Fang revealed it, Tianjilou would definitely investigate it to the end. However, he was the only accident, and the person mentioned by Tianjilou at the time did not include him, because he knew that Danfang, the only person in our Daqi Dynasty who knew that Danfang .”

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