silly elixir emperor

Chapter 46 Grafting

Chang Sheng murmured to himself, and just as he was about to leave, Gu Tianmo's very puzzled voice sounded in his mind: "Grafting? What do you mean? Why have I never heard of this word?"

"Haven't you heard of grafting? Gu Tianmo, you are such an idiot! Grafting is a magical planting technique on the earth, which is to fuse two different plants together... Forget it, I won't tell you, anyway. You Martians won’t understand things about us people on Earth.” Chang Sheng answered inwardly, walking towards several servants.

Gu Tianmo was confused, and repeated Chang Sheng's words just now: "What is the earth? A Martian? I am not a Martian, I am from the mainland of Tianyuan Shenzhou!"

Chang Sheng walked up to several servants and stood still, raised his hand and pointed at the medicinal herb garden, with a dissatisfied expression on his face, "This flower is so ugly, I don't want to see it again!"

"Ah?" The servants felt relieved, it turned out that the young master didn't come to look for them, but said that the medicinal herb garden was not beautiful.However, as long as the medicinal materials can be planted well in the medicinal herb garden, there is no need to make them look good.

Several servants looked at Chang Sheng standing in front of them, and for a while, they didn't know what to do, and they didn't dare to tell Chang Sheng that this was a medicinal herb garden and not a garden.In case, a provoking Chang Sheng thought they were scolding him, and they would not die unjustly if they hit him with a stick.

Chang Sheng saw that a few people didn't move, and there was a trace of anger on his face: "Why don't you move? Hurry up and rot these nasty flowers, I want to grow something beautiful!"

How could the servants dare to listen to Chang Sheng's words? Even if they gave them a hundred courage, they would not dare to eradicate all the medicinal materials in this medicinal herb garden. Even a piece of medicinal material, the patriarch can peel off their skins.

Legend has it that each fruit of the medicinal materials in the medicinal material yard is worth a thousand taels, and the medicinal materials take 100 years to bloom, 100 years to bear fruit, and another 100 years to mature.All the medicinal materials in this medicinal herb garden have already bloomed.That is to say, it has been planted for at least 100 years, and the young master actually asked them to shovel them all. If they shoveled them obediently, it would not be shoveling flowers, but shoveling their own lives.

Seeing that the few people remained indifferent, Chang Sheng swung the iron rod on his back and said angrily, "If you don't fight, I will do it myself." Then, he swept the black iron rod. The Fenglan fruit tree is only about one meter high and mature In the end, a tree will only receive one or two Fenglan fruit. If it can bear three fruits, it is definitely a top-quality Fenglan fruit tree. Chang Sheng swept down three Fenglan fruit trees at once. , and there are three flowers blooming on one of the fruit trees.

Seeing that Chang Sheng had begun to destroy the family's most precious herbal garden, several servants looked at each other, and after leaving one person behind, the others rushed away immediately. They didn't dare to stop Chang Sheng, so they could only inform the family members Elders and patriarchs.

In the inner courtyard of the Chang family, the four elders of the family sat together. Compared to the happy atmosphere in the family, the four of them all looked sad.They don't care what happens to the family. What they care about is their own interests. Right now, their interests are under great threat.

"Great Elder, I just got the news that Chang Ganyi is making a big splash in the auction house. A elixir suppressed by Luo's family was not sold, and Li Yu, who didn't know how Chang Ganyi bought it, even introduced it on the spot. Chang Ganyi's pill will be auctioned tomorrow."

"Chang Ganyi's luck is really great. I thought that the Luo family would make him fall into a big stumble this time. Then, we would take the opportunity to win the position of patriarch. Who would have thought that he would suddenly get so many pills! "

Several elders sat together, their faces were full of unwillingness, the third elder slapped the table heavily, looked at the first elder, and said: "First elder, this auction has greatly improved Chang Ganyi's reputation in the family. , Moreover, with the large sales of the family's elixir, our neighborhood will become more prosperous, and Chang Ganyi's position as the patriarch will be more secure."

"Yes, the third elder is right. First elder, the longer you entrust him, the higher Chang Ganyi's reputation will be. This will be more unfavorable to us. We must discuss a countermeasure as soon as possible."

"Chang Ganyi must have wanted to deal with us a long time ago. If we don't do it, he will definitely do it."

The Great Elder's face became more and more gloomy when he heard the words of the other three elders: "I understand what you mean, but now Changgan is as easy as the sky, what can we do?"

"This..." Several elders opened their mouths, but couldn't utter a word.The Chang family and the Luo family have always been rivals, and they have never overwhelmed the Luo family. Now Chang Ganyi has completely overwhelmed the Luo family.People in the family, whether they are members of the direct line or collateral lineage or a group of guests, how can there be anyone who does not praise Chang Ganyi, what can they do?

Just when the four of them were at a loss, suddenly, there was a sound of chaotic footsteps from outside, and at the same time, the servants in the family shouted in panic: "Elder, it's not good! Chang Sheng destroyed all the family's Fenglan orchard. Already!"


When the four elders heard the voice outside the door, they stood up abruptly, the anger on their faces could not be concealed, especially the first elder, whose anger was the heaviest.

The elder is really mad, he is not angry about the future of the family, this Fenglan fruit has just blossomed, and it has not yet produced fruit, and it will take more than 100 years to mature, nearly 200 years.After nearly 200 years, how could he live that long.What he cared about was that someone had contacted him and asked him to help him get a fenglan fruit at an appropriate time, but the other party had already promised him a lot of benefits after the event was completed.But right now, he hasn't found the right time, Chang Sheng actually destroyed all the Fenglan fruits, how could he not be angry.

"Chang Sheng, this little bastard, he destroyed all the Fenglan orchard, what are we going to sell to others?" The second elder scolded angrily. The first elder once told their other three elders that they would steal a Fenglan orchard together Regarding selling it to others, the Great Elder also promised benefits at that time, but now everything is gone.

"Chang Sheng is a fool! Why doesn't he die!"

Several elders vented their anger furiously. Suddenly, the fourth elder waved his hand to signal the other three to stop talking.

"Everyone, I also got a piece of news today. Chang Sheng also spent 5 taels of silver to buy a useless rotten branch. Now he has destroyed the entire Fenglan Orchard. We all know the value of Fenglan Fruit. He even Destroy all of them, so it’s impossible not to punish them.”

The Great Elder also reflected at this time, he suddenly stood up from the seat, his face was full of excitement: "The fourth brother is right, Zhengchou has no way to deal with Chang Ganyi, Chang Sheng has always been a big gift! Right now is our good opportunity! First punish Chang Sheng, and then use Chang Sheng to win Chang Ganyi's position as patriarch."

"Yes, Great Elder, Chang Sheng's deeds are not too much to imprison him, let's go now." The third elder looked at the wrist wrapped in thick cloth, and a stern look flashed across his face. Chang Sheng dared to step on and break his arm, and when Chang Sheng was imprisoned, Chang Sheng must pay him back ten times!

"I'm afraid it's inappropriate for us to go like this." A trace of worry flashed across the gloomy face of the second elder: "Chang Sheng is very capable of fighting, and we are not his opponents."

"Second, don't worry." The Great Elder waved his hand and said confidently, "I have been the Great Elder for so many years, how could I not have my own people, I personally brought Xue Yi and Zhu Yi, both of them are sublimation They are experts at the second level, and Chang Sheng is no match for them. With their help, it will be easy to capture Chang Sheng."

The Great Elder strode to the door, and said to the three of them, "Get ready, I will take Xue Yi and Zhu Yi and rush there first."

After the Great Elder finished speaking, he left the room and took two family masters who had already been bribed, and hurried to Fenglan Orchard.

The Fenglan orchard is not small, covering a full two acres. Chang Sheng not only wants to knock down all the Fenglan fruits, but also pulls out all the roots of the Fenglan fruit trees.It took him more than ten minutes to clean up the entire Fenglan Orchard.

Patting the dirt on his hands, Chang Sheng picked up the black iron rod on the ground and was about to walk towards his yard when three figures appeared in front of him.

The Great Elder sprinted all the way, hastily ran to the medicinal herb garden that was the most valued by the family, and saw that all the Fenglan fruit trees had been uprooted.

"Chang Sheng!"

The Great Elder tremblingly stretched out his hand, pointed at Chang Sheng, and cursed loudly: "You bastard, you ruined the future of the family! You bastard! Xue Yi, Zhu Yi, capture him for me, and put him in the family prison Lock it up!"


Behind them, Xue Yi and Zhu Yi rushed out. They had already received instructions from the Great Elder on the way to capture Chang Sheng as quickly as possible!

Zhu Yi circled behind Chang Sheng to prevent Chang Sheng from escaping, while Xue Yi made a "clang", drew out the fine iron knife from his waist, and rushed towards Chang Sheng like lightning.

Chang Sheng looked at the menacing people, raised his eyebrows, and anger rose in his heart. They even wanted to arrest him and put him in the family prison, and they dared to do it!If you are so arrogant, then don't blame yourself for being cruel.

"You want to kill me?"

Chang Sheng asked back, raised his hand to grab the back, grabbed the black iron rod on his shoulder, and threw it down at Xue Yi who was rushing.A person who has sublimated to the second level also tried to catch him, and he didn't know what to do.

A huge iron rod swung down in the air. Before the iron rod arrived, it had already caused violent vibrations in the air, and a gust of cold wind blew up. Xue Yi's long hair fluttered in the air. When the hair fell, he could only see a black hair. The iron rod had already fallen to the top of his head, and instinctively, he raised the fine knife in his hand.

The next moment, there was a crisp sound of iron breaking.

This time, Chang Sheng made an angry move, and his subordinates did not hold back. With the three-layer crazy stick technique, coupled with his own strength of [-] jin, he swung an iron rod weighing [-] jin. A fine iron sword, even a small hill, would be smashed into powder by a stick!

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