silly elixir emperor

Chapter 475 Cultivating Immortals and Dao

Gu Tianmo said, paused for a moment, and then said: "Fang Shuwen is a member of the royal family, and he is practicing the Nine-Five Xuan Huang Jue, a unique skill that can only be practiced by royal children. Although he is also cultivating immortals, he is not like you. It’s different, he’s walking the way of the emperor. And the catastrophe he experienced is the test of the way of the emperor.”

"The catastrophe experienced by those who walk the way of the emperor cannot rely on the help of others, and can only face it by themselves. As for the air mask he just had, it is the automatic protection of the catastrophe encountered by the nine-five Xuan Huang Jue he practiced. The reason why some exercises like the Nine Five Xuanhuang Jue are so precious for the people of the royal family to practice is because of this ability, these exercises can have miraculous effects during the tribulation!"

"There is still such a weird catastrophe! Others can't help, so I don't know if I can absorb the source of it?"

Chang Sheng raised his hand to perform the Immortal Art of Stealing the World, and breathed in the mist in front of him. Suddenly, a wave of original power was transmitted into his body along his arm.

The origin of this mist can be stolen.

Chang Sheng was overjoyed, but the next moment, his face became ugly. It is true that the origin in the mist can be stolen, but after stealing these origins, it will not help him at all.

Ordinarily, I absorbed the source, let the mist attack me, and tempered my body just like when I faced other catastrophes.But the current situation is not good. More specifically, it should ignore the original matter. It is these catastrophes, and it is impossible to temper one's body at all.

The catastrophe of the way of the emperor may only be tempered by those who practice the way of the emperor.

Chang Sheng wanted to understand the situation in front of him, and his eyes darkened suddenly. He originally wanted to use Fang Shuwen's catastrophe to improve his strength, but now it seems that it is useless.

Kong can absorb the source, facing the catastrophe, but can't temper his body, is there anything more depressing than this!

Chang Sheng sighed deeply, looked at Guo Feng, who had already walked out of the scope of Heavenly Tribulation, and the old devil who had already hid aside, moved his steps, just thinking about walking out of the scope of Heavenly Tribulation, but his heart moved.

Speaking of it, this catastrophe is still very powerful. Although it is not very powerful to attack people directly, it is very effective when used to influence others.

If I can absorb the origin of this, the effect of the mist on myself is almost negligible, but others can't. If I fight in such a situation, I can make a lot of money. Why don't I absorb some of this mist?I have the Heavenly Dao Wai Dan!

Chang Sheng waved his hand again to absorb part of the origin of the mist in the air, and then slowly put these origins into the Tiandao Waidan, and then, holding the Tiandao Waidan with one hand, faced the person in front of him who had already sucked away the origin of the mist. With a wave, suddenly a puff of mist rushed into the Tiandao Waidan.

Facing the puffs of mist, Tiandao Waidan only shook slightly, and then returned to normal. Obviously, there is no problem in doing so.

Chang Sheng's face was overjoyed in an instant, he grabbed the Heavenly Dao Wai Pill with one hand, and frantically absorbed the source of the surrounding mist with the other.

"Hey, Chang Sheng, you actually thought of absorbing the mist like this. It's a good idea. I never thought of doing this before. Well, you absorb more of this kind of mist. I will think about it carefully and refine it for you. The soul banner should be able to put this mist in." The old devil looked at Chang Sheng, who was crazily absorbing the mist, with a pensive look on his face.

"Oh? It would be great to put it in the Thousand Resentment Miehun Banner. I absorb these mist just thinking that when I fight against others in the future, I will release it through my Heavenly Dao Waidan. It would be better if the flags were sent out."

"Theoretically, it should be possible. I still need to think about it carefully. Put all these mist into your Thousand Resentment and Soul Slayer Banner. I don't believe it just by relying on the previous materials. I still need to find some more materials."

After Gu Tianmo said a word, he suddenly disappeared and stopped talking. Presumably, he was thinking about how to improve the Thousand Resentment Miehun Banner.

Outside the fog, Guo Feng was facing the unstressed Heavenly Tribulation, while curiously looking at Chang Sheng standing in the fog, waving his hands, with a happy face on his face, he wondered: "Young master, is this here?" What are you doing? His complexion changed from good to bad, and now he's so happy again, I really don't understand what the young master is doing, but every time the young master faces the catastrophe, he seems to be very happy."

"What do you care about him? I think it's probably because he's pretending to be stupid. This time he's really stupid." Once changed, it became extremely serious in an instant.

"Little Litigation Stick, let me tell you, this is a catastrophe dedicated to the way of the emperor, and no one can help except those who practice the way of the emperor to overcome the catastrophe. Look at your young master Being so happy must be because he thought he could help Fang Shuwen in the face of some catastrophe pressure inside."

"Actually, he has no influence on the opponent's writing at all. On the contrary, the influence he faces will become greater and greater. After all, he is not practicing the top-level exercises of the way of the emperor, and he does not have the energy to save his life. Cover. However, your young master is a super pervert. Last time, even my old devil couldn’t resist the catastrophe. It's good to be here with you..."

The old devil was talking, when suddenly, in the sky, the catastrophe that Guo Feng was facing suddenly became stronger, a thunderbolt struck, and there was a loud noise, the old devil reacted very quickly, and immediately jumped far away to the side.

"Old devil, why are you making such a fuss? I am a catastrophe of Confucianism and Taoism. Not everyone will attack it, it's just targeting me." Guo Feng looked at the old man who hid far away, speechless. devil.He was puzzled, how could the old devil be so timid as an invincible expert?In the yellow mist just now, the old devil also hid far away at the first time.

Could it be that this old devil has been imprisoned for too long, so he became less courageous after being freed?Otherwise, it is unreasonable for such a cowardly person to be able to cultivate to become immortal against the sky.

In the yellow mist, Chang Sheng felt the growing mist, and his face became more and more joyful.

I don't know how many yellow weapons and particles Happiness absorbed. Gradually, the yellow particles in the air gradually began to disappear, and then slowly, the fog became thinner and thinner, and finally the fog disappeared.

Chang Sheng shook his head with unsatisfactory intentions, why did the catastrophe disappear so quickly.

Looking at Fang Shuwen, whose expression had changed significantly from before, Chang Sheng asked: "By the way, the time you spent in the Heavenly Tribulation just now, little Shuzi, didn't seem too short, how many realms have you raised in total? "

"Hehe, not many..." Fang Shuwen stretched out a hand proudly: "Only the fifth floor, I am now on the fifth floor of Qi training, unfortunately, the sixth floor of Qi training is too difficult to break through, and there is no breakthrough."

Up five floors!

Chang Sheng turned his head to look at Guo Feng who was walking towards here after the catastrophe was over.

"Guo Feng, how much strength have you improved? You should have the eighth level of Qi training, right?"

"Well, I have already practiced the eighth floor." Guo Feng nodded and said: "I seem to feel the ninth floor vaguely. I think it will be no problem to break through to the ninth floor before the martial arts competition is held."

Uh, that's two and a half floors up.

Chang Sheng finally looked at the old devil.

"My strength has also improved somewhat, but it is not so easy for me to break through."

The old devil didn't wait for Chang Sheng to open his mouth, so he opened his mouth first. Although he said so, one could tell from his face that he couldn't hide his joy. .

"That's right, everyone's strength has improved. It seems that this egg refining was very successful!"

"By the way, Chaos Egg."

Chang Sheng suddenly remembered that his purpose of coming here this time was to hatch Chaos Eggs.

Looking into the alchemy furnace with both eyes, Chang Sheng's heart suddenly sank when he looked at it.

In the alchemy furnace, the tiny gap that the Chaos Egg had opened had already closed at some point, and the Chaos Egg stopped spinning early.

This... failed?

Chang Sheng walked to the alchemy stove with a disappointed face, put his ears on the alchemy stove, and listened quietly for a long time, but he couldn't hear the sound of beating before, so he completely gave up. It seems that this time What a failure.However, didn't this chaotic egg cracked a gap before?

Why are they closed again?Could it be that my medicinal materials are not good enough?The alchemy is not enough, and the alchemy is not good enough?

Chang Sheng stood in front of the alchemy furnace and began to think. The Chaos Egg could crack a gap, and there was still breath coming out, which meant that his method should be correct, but the dosage was not enough.

First of all, the alchemy formation, the materials used to arrange the alchemy formation this time are still too common. When you try again next time, you must find enough materials to build the Dan formation, as well as medicinal materials. This time the medicinal materials are mainly fourth-order medicinal materials. Supplemented with a few fifth-tier herbs, next time I will mainly use fifth-tier herbs!

After thinking about it, Chang Sheng put away the chaotic eggs in the alchemy furnace, and took the chaotic eggs away just now, an astonishing immortal energy rushed out of the alchemy furnace.

"This is the aura of the medicinal materials, and these auras, the aura of the medicinal materials that are almost placed in the alchemy array, and the aura of the medicinal materials put in the alchemy furnace are all here."

Chang Sheng was startled, before he had time to think about it, he quickly took out the Tiandao Wai Dan, and put all the medicinal materials in the alchemy furnace in front of him into the Tiandao Wai Dan.

There are a lot of breaths placed in the pill array and put into the pill furnace, but these breaths seem to be all condensed together for some special reasons, and it is not troublesome to absorb them. After a while, Chang Sheng will absorb all these breaths .

"It's really strange. All the herbs in the alchemy array and the medicinal aura of the alchemy furnace are condensed together, and there is almost no waste to dissipate. This is the first time I have encountered such a situation in alchemy for so long. Really Strange thing!"

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