silly elixir emperor

Chapter 478 Cheating

"What did Guo Feng say? He wants to bet on the entire prime minister's mansion! Is he crazy? The prime minister's mansion, the value of the whole mansion, let's not talk about it, mainly because of the symbolic meaning, which was bestowed by the emperor. Guo Feng Is he crazy!"

"The Prime Minister's Mansion!"

Fang Shujing's body was shocked suddenly, and he even bet on the prime minister's mansion. As long as Chang Sheng lost in the end, and he exported the prime minister's mansion, his father would definitely be furious, and Chang Ganze's position in the emperor's mind would definitely be affected. Influence, even if Chang Ganze is fine, father and emperor will definitely resent Chang Sheng, so Lao Qi will definitely be implicated.

Fang Shujing looked at Fang Shuwen in the crowd, his eyes brightened, and he must seize this rare opportunity.

Worried in his heart that Guo Feng's words were just a temporary brain cramps, Fang Shujing quickly said to the master of the alchemy sect: "Master, promise him quickly, as long as you can win, this prince will give you a lot of benefits."

Juedan Zhenjun nodded lightly when he heard the words. He wanted to agree before, but he just wanted to get more benefits. Now that the third prince has spoken, he agrees. Now the third prince is begging himself. , I can collect some benefits from him again.

Zhenjun Juedan's mind flashed past, looked at Guo Feng opposite, nodded and said: "Okay, I promise you."

Juedan Zhenjun and Guo Feng quickly finished discussing the conditions of the gambling fight, and then Chang Sheng was called to the front by Guo Feng, signed and pledged, and when everything was over, Fang Shujing's heart sank completely in the crowd, and the rest It depends on the competition between Jue Dan Zhenjun and Chang Sheng. Jue Dan Zhenjun has always been confident before, so he probably won't miss it.

Zhenjun Juedan put away the contract with Chang Sheng's handprint, pointed to the table beside him, and said to Chang Sheng and Guo Feng: "The lottery has been agreed upon, so I will talk about the rules of this competition. The elixir for this competition is the Yunji Huiqi elixir that Dan Chenzi and I were competing with in the past. At the same time, we are not only comparing the quality of the final elixir. This time, I will compare all the methods of alchemy with you, who will you compare? The pill that comes out first is better than the quality and quantity of the pill."

Speaking of which, Zhenjun Jue Dan pointed to the two alchemy furnaces on the side and said: "For the sake of fairness, the alchemy furnaces we used in this competition are all ordinary alchemy furnaces. At the same time, the medicinal materials are all of the same value, and the alchemy recipes are also You can only use the most common pill recipes, not special pill recipes. Of course, in order to prevent you from saying that I cheated this time, you should choose these two pill furnaces first."

After Chang Sheng listened to Zhenjun Juedan's words, he looked at Guo Feng beside him with a confused face: "What did he say?"

"Young master, he said he asked you to choose the alchemy furnace? You can choose one of these two alchemy furnaces to make alchemy." Guo Fengwen explained a sentence very simply.

"Chang Sheng chooses at will? That's great!" Chang Sheng suddenly jumped on the spot happily, and looked at the faces of the people around him. They really didn't know what Chang Sheng was happy about.

"Which one does Chang Sheng choose?" It didn't take long for the happy look on Chang Sheng's face to appear, and his face became confused again. He looked left and right around the two alchemy furnaces, turned around and around, and finally , he stopped in front of the alchemy furnace near the left.

Zhenjun Jue Dan saw Chang Sheng stopped in front of the pill furnace on the left, and immediately stepped towards the pill furnace on the right, but just as he walked in front of the pill furnace, Chang Sheng suddenly seemed to see some treasure in front of him, and from the pill furnace on the left He quickly ran to the alchemy furnace on the right.


Zhenjun Juedan snorted coldly, and had to move away and walk towards the pill furnace on the left, but when he walked to the pill furnace on the left again, Chang Sheng ran over again.

In an instant, Zhenjun Jue Dan's face became ugly, but there was no way, he had already said that Chang Sheng should choose the alchemy furnace first, and he could not take back what he said, so he could only move away and walk to the other side again, and then What happened before happened again.

All around, the people who came to watch watched Chang Sheng switch back and forth from the front of the two alchemy furnaces, and looked at Zhenjun Jue Dan who followed him helplessly to change places, and couldn't help laughing.

"Giggle...that's really interesting." In the crowd, the unusually conspicuous Deliki looked at the silly-looking young man in the middle of the square, and let out a burst of laughter like silver bells: "This person is really interesting, he is more interesting than his fellow disciples." Far cuter."

As soon as Dai Liji finished speaking, beside her, the always icy twin brother, who was like a piece of solid ice that never melted, nodded in agreement.

In the middle of the square, Zhenjun Jue Dan finally couldn't bear it anymore. He simply stopped and stood between the two pill furnaces without moving any more. But Chang Sheng followed him and stopped in the middle of the square with a happy expression on his face. Smile: "It's fun, it's fun, play with Chang Sheng."

In the center of the square, after Chang Sheng’s voice sounded, everyone was stunned for a moment. After a while, the screening came over. Chang Sheng didn’t choose the alchemy furnace at all just now, because Jue Dan Zhenjun followed Chang Sheng back and forth between the two alchemy furnaces. Before running around, Chang Sheng took it as a game.

After figuring out what Chang Sheng said, everyone immediately burst into laughter. It's really unlucky for Zhenjun Jue Dan to compete with a fool like Chang Sheng in making alchemy. Chang Sheng didn't do it on purpose, but it was annoying enough.

Listening to Chang Sheng's words, Zhenjun Juedan's face suddenly became gloomy, and his slightly protruding stomach continued to rise and fall. At this time, he really wanted to curse, but at this time, he was in the public and he himself was a sect master. , and facing a fool, if he cares too much, it will appear that he is too immeasurable.

In desperation, Jue Dan Zhenjun could only bear it.

Chang Sheng saw that Jue Dan Zhenjun stopped moving, and the happy smile on his face disappeared immediately. He looked around the two pill furnaces, and finally ran to stand in front of one pill furnace.

True Monarch Jue Dan did not go to another pill furnace. Seeing that Chang Sheng had already chosen the pill furnace, he stretched out a hand, pointed at Chang Sheng and said, "Okay, now you have chosen the pill furnace yourself. Then don’t change it anymore, I use another alchemy furnace.”

After finishing speaking, Zhenjun Jue Dan walked to another pill furnace.

Chang Sheng looked at the Juedan Zhenjun who was walking towards another alchemy furnace, and didn't move any more. He was almost done playing, and it was time to make alchemy.

Glancing at Zhenjun Juedan, Chang Sheng habitually lowered his head to look at the herbs on the table in front of him, and his heart shuddered.

There were tiny scratches on the medicinal materials on the table.

This old boy is playing dirty!

Chang Sheng cursed suddenly in his heart, the scratches on these medicinal materials are very, very thin, even ordinary people who are half-step against the sky may not be able to see the scratches, if it is not because of several catastrophes, his body is abnormal Tough, and his eyesight is far beyond ordinary half a step against the sky, he will not see this scratch.

Although these scratches are small, they will really affect the weight of the medicinal materials. There are a lot of medicinal materials, so the needed ones are small.

The old fellow Jue Dan Zhenjun must have heard that he didn't need to weigh the equipment when he made alchemy, so he directly scratched these medicinal materials, he wanted to influence his alchemy.

Also, these scratches should be useful to him. He asked himself to choose the pill furnace first, so he would never know which pill furnace he would use, so he would not know which bunch of medicinal materials he would use, so he The same trick should have been done on the two piles of medicinal materials.

These scratches could affect his refining of elixir, but for him, it should be a help.Look at the positions drawn by these scratches, which is the position of the required dosage of these medicinal materials for refining the elixir.

He said before that he has to compete with whoever refines the medicinal materials first. In this case, the person who cuts the medicinal materials faster will definitely take advantage. These scratches are the marks of his cutting medicinal materials.

This old man is really a good method, just some scratches, but in this way he can not only affect himself, but also help him.

Chang Sheng was cursing Zhenjun Jue Dan's insidiousness in his heart, and Gu Tianmo's voice suddenly sounded in his mind: "Chang Sheng, no, there is another mystery in this pill furnace, this is not an ordinary pill furnace, this is a set furnace!"

"What, a set of stoves?" Chang Sheng heard Gu Tianmo's voice, and a hint of doubt flashed in his heart. Although he was good at alchemy, he didn't know much about alchemy stoves. He knew about sets of stoves. The so-called set of stoves is a There is a small pill furnace in the big pill furnace, but he can't see that the pill furnace in front of him is a set of furnace. This pill furnace looks like an ordinary pill furnace. The only thing that is special is the pill furnace. The furnace is a little bit bigger, but this is also normal. Among ordinary pill furnaces, there are many larger ones than the current one.

"That's right, this is a set of furnaces, not only the pill furnace in front of you is a set of furnaces, but the pill furnace in front of Zhenjun Jue Dan is also a set of furnaces. When you circled the two pill furnaces just now, I have already thoroughly researched these two pill furnaces."

Gu Tianmo's voice was full of complacency: "Chang Sheng, pay attention to the relief under your left hand, this relief, as long as you put your hand in and turn it lightly, then the small pill inside the Great Pill Stove can be activated immediately. Pill furnace, this small pill furnace is not a simple pill furnace, I can feel the breath of Ziyang furnace from it."

"Ziyang Furnace!" Chang Sheng's heart suddenly moved. Although his Ziyang Furnace was listed on the ground and others, but it was missing one part. Now the ancient Tianmo is hiding the Ziyang Furnace in this set of furnaces. I just don’t know whether this Ziyang furnace is a suite of the Dibang Ziyang furnace or the Renbang Ziyang furnace, or in other words, is it a part of the Tianbang Ziyang furnace?

Chang Sheng looked at the alchemy furnace in front of Zhenjun Jue Dan opposite him, then at the alchemy furnace in front of himself, and sneered in his heart.

This Jue Dan Zhenjun is really insidious enough. On the surface, he said nicely, so that he can choose first to show fairness, but in the end, no matter if there is a problem with the medicinal materials, the two pill furnaces also have problems.

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