silly elixir emperor

Chapter 482 I can't tell you the pain

Seeing this, Chang Sheng narrowed his eyes slightly, no, this situation is not simple, even if it is an unlimited task that no one has completed for a long time, it will not make the vice president of Tianji Building so careful.It must be that those who need the Sakyamuni Holy Pill are particularly important to the Tianji Building or the vice president of the Daqi Dynasty.

Chang Sheng's heart moved, Sakyamuni Holy Pill, this is the elixir needed for Buddhist practice, but there is a better elixir on top of it, I don't know if Tianjilou will release that kind of elixir soon Task!

Chang Sheng exchanged points with Sakyamuni Sacred Pill, and Chang Sheng left the top floor of Tianji Building and returned to the book area on the seventh floor to find out the annotations of Yinzhi's book that cost [-] points.

"The Annotation of Confucianism and Cultivation written by Ou Yinzhi in "The Book of Yin" is not only a commentary, but also a supreme magic weapon. "The Book of Yin" is only for those who practice the song of awe-inspiring righteousness, run the awe-inspiring righteousness and follow a specific route It can only be opened by running on "Hidden Book", the specific running route is as follows."

Chang Sheng looked at the introduction of the movement skills below, and cursed in his heart, the Tianji Building is too bad, and it is worth [-] points with just such a little content.

"Hopefully, the small litigation stick can be used."

Chang Sheng memorized the running route, left the book area, and exchanged the two materials needed to refine the Thousand Resentment Miehun Banner, and then returned to his room in the Tianji Building, and then exited the avatar in his mind.

Chang Sheng refined the elixir for Lord Lin, and when he returned home, he brought Guo Feng and the old devil together with Fang Shuwen and the four left the capital and rushed to the Juedan Gate.

At the gate of the Chang Mansion, Miu Miao looked at the four people who had gone away with a gloomy expression.Strength, strength!My current strength can no longer help Chang Sheng...

The four of Chang Sheng went all the way to the Juedan Gate.

At the same moment, inside the Juedan Gate.

"Huh, what a shame. As the head of my Jue Dan Sect, you actually competed with others in alchemy. Do you think you are a street performer? What's even more embarrassing is that the other party is still a fool, and you actually lost to the other party. You even lost the two tripod alchemy furnaces handed down from the era of my Jue Dan sect, and you have lost all the face of my Jue Dan sect!"

In the room, three old men pointed at Zhenjun Juedan's nose and cursed loudly, while Zhenjun Juedan, who was the head of the sect, lowered his head and did not dare to refute a word.

"Hmph, if it wasn't for the fact that you got acquainted with Marquis Yingwu because of this incident, and Marquis Ying also sent over the medicinal materials that you should pay for, you wouldn't be able to continue as the head of the sect. Those We have personally delivered the medicinal materials to the sect's warehouse."

"Sent to the sect's warehouse?" Juedan Zhenjun was taken aback when he heard the words, and finally asked, "What do the three elders mean?"

"What is it? You still want to give these medicinal materials to that idiot Chang Sheng? Huh, it's just a dream to want to take something from my Jue Danmen's mouth!"

"Don't give things to Chang Sheng?" Zhenjun Juedan raised his head and looked at the three elders in surprise: "Elder, then Chang Sheng is with the Seventh Prince, if we don't give it... ..."

"So what if I don't give it, who will I be afraid of from the Jue Dan Sect? In the whole world, which sect and strength don't need to ask our Jue Dan Sect to make alchemy for them? Even those five sects usually sell our Jue Dan Sect In terms of face, I will definitely not give it to the alchemy sect if I say no!"

At the same time, outside the Juedan Gate, the four of Chang Sheng rode on the wide road full of emotion.

"This Jue Dan gate really doesn't look simple. Apart from other things, the road leading to the Jue Dan gate is much better than many official roads." Fang Shuwen rode on the horse with a serious look on his face. said with emotion.

"It's normal. I don't think this road was built by the people of the Juedan Sect, but by the people of the Juedan Sect." Guo Fengwen said with a light smile: "After all, the Juedan Sect specializes in refining The sect of elixir usually has many people begging them to refine elixir, and they don’t need to ask for this road, so someone will help them practice it naturally.”

"It's better this way." Hearing the conversation between Guo Feng and Fang Shuwen, Chang Sheng immediately laughed: "From this point of view, Juedan Sect is very rich. I like this sect the most."

As he said that, Chang Sheng stretched out his hand and patted the old devil who was walking side by side: "Old devil, it will depend on your performance when the time comes."

Chang Sheng, Guo Feng, and Fang Shuwen talked all the way, and soon came to the foot of the Juedan Gate.

Looking up at the mountain gate in front of them, several people were shocked.

The gate of Juedan Gate is built on the mountain, but the whole gate has a feeling of being integrated with the surrounding scenery, but this is not shocking, what really shocks is the gate of Juedan Gate.

At the foot of the mountain gate, a huge white stone gate stands suddenly. The size of this stone gate is about the same size as the gate at the gate of the capital!

And behind the stone gate, a row of white stone steps spread up, with no end in sight.

"This is still a mountain gate. Compared with the Juedan Sect, the Zhensheng Sect is not called a sect at all. This is the real sect."

Chang Sheng sighed, and the four of them tied up their horses and walked towards the gate of Juedan Gate on foot.

The gate of the Jue Dan Gate is very beautifully built. Under the stone gate that looks like a handicraft, ten disciples of the Jue Dan Gate are separated on both sides. Seeing someone approaching, the two disciples in front immediately take a step forward, blocking the progress of the four people. footsteps.

"Stop here!"

The two Jue Dan sect disciples looked at the four people in front of them arrogantly, and shouted loudly: "This is where my Jue Dan sect is. What are you guys doing here?"

Guo Feng looked at the few disciples of the Juedan Sect who looked proud, and sighed in his heart, the people of the Juedan Sect are really arrogant. People often say that the fourth-rank officials in front of the prime minister's sect are just the top-ranked alchemy disciples. The people inside the gate who are in charge of guarding the mountain gate are all so arrogant.

"We are here to take away the medicinal materials that belong to us. Your leader lost some medicinal materials to us. Today, we came as promised to get back the medicinal materials that belonged to us. Everyone, please step aside. "

Guo Feng said with a smile the purpose of his coming.

"Take the medicinal materials? What a mess, you bastards, you are really tired of your work, and you actually come to our Juedan Sect to make trouble, you want to die!"

Hearing Chang Sheng's words, the Juedan Sect disciple who spoke at first drew out the long sword from his waist with a clang, pointed at Chang Sheng and the others, and shouted loudly to the fellow disciples behind him: "Junior Brothers, there is someone who doesn't open their eyes! We are looking for death at the alchemy gate, take them down first!"

As soon as this disciple finished speaking, behind him, the remaining disciples of Jue Dan sect also pulled out their long swords from their waists, and rushed towards Chang Sheng and the others one by one.

"Huh!" Guo Feng looked at the ten disciples of the Jue Dan Sect who were rushing forward, snorted coldly, flicked his wrist, opened the folding fan in his hand, and raised his hand to slap it lightly. A gentle gust of wind blows from the folding fan.

The ten Juedan Sect disciples who rushed out were blown by the somewhat gentle wind, but nine of them flew backwards in an instant, fell to the ground one by one, vomited blood, and could not get up again.

The remaining disciple of the Jue Dan Sect stared blankly at his surroundings, and the brothers who were sent flying out with one blow stared blankly. Is this military spirit?A master of Qi training!Unexpectedly, a master of Qi training came to the door, and a strong man of Qi training was not something he could resist.

The disciple standing on the ground trembled in his heart, and was about to turn around and run away. At this time, a voice full of elegance came from behind: "Go and inform your masters that the debtor is coming."

Guo Feng looked at the disappearing figure of the disciples of the Juedan Sect, turned his head to look at Chang Sheng beside him, and said in a low voice: "Master, it seems that these people don't know that Zhenjun Juedan lost to you in alchemy. It seems that True Monarch Jue Dan wants to renege on his debt."

"It's good to be dead, young master, I like deadbeats, and they're rich as hell."

Chang Sheng raised his hand and waved: "Let's go and collect the debt."

Above the gate of Juedan Gate is a wide step leading to the mountainside.

Inside the Juedan Gate, on the platform above the steps at the bottom of the mountain, the disciples who were not attacked by Guo Feng gasped heavily while shouting loudly: "Hurry up, set up the formation quickly, someone is coming up the mountain to make trouble, quickly set up the formation!" Formation, the opponent is a master of Qi training."

"A master of the Qi training realm? Set up the formation quickly, and you go and inform the masters in the sect." On the platform, a disciple of the Jue Dan sect whose clothes looked slightly different from the others immediately greeted him loudly.

Following the disciple's order, on the platform, many disciples of the Juedan sect quickly ran to several stone pillars lined up on one side of the platform, raised their hands and waved on them, and suddenly, several stone pillars emitted a burst of dazzling brilliance.

Inside the Juedan Gate, on the stairs leading to the mountainside, a rainbow suddenly flashed away.

Immediately afterwards, on the stairs, the scene in front of Chang Sheng's four people suddenly changed. It was obvious that they were still walking on the stairs before, but the next moment, there was no road in front of them, and it was replaced by a dangerous cliff.

"A moment ago it was a staircase, but in a blink of an eye it turned into a cliff. It seems that the Juedan Sect has launched something."

Fang Shuwen lowered his voice, and his eyes fell on Chang Sheng. In the past, every time they encountered various formations, they relied on Chang Sheng to get out safely. Chang Sheng should have studied the formation very well.

Feeling Fang Shuwen's gaze, Chang Sheng found Gu Tianmo in his mind, and asked, "How does Gu Tianmo need to break this formation?"

"Hard break, the little devil next to you is already indestructible, it's not easy for him to break through such a simple small formation!"

Gu Tianmo raised his phantom finger, pointed to the position in front of him and said, "You and the little devil, strike at that direction with all your strength. This formation will naturally break through."

"Okay, let me try first."

When Chang Sheng heard the words, he immediately sent a voice transmission to the old devil: "Old devil, you and I will be together in a while, facing the front position with all your strength, and we will break through this formation together."

After Chang Sheng finished speaking, he lifted his wind and thunder stick, and a wave of rage and condensed to the extreme, even faintly, some qualitatively changed military energy gushed out from his body crazily, surrounding his body, spinning crazily.


The soldier's energy was like a violent tornado, making bursts of hunting sounds. On the ground, leaf after leaf was instantly crushed by the raging soldier's energy and spun up with the wind.

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