silly elixir emperor

Chapter 487 The Hidden Book

As long as it can help the young master, even if the "Hidden Book" is smashed under horse training, it will be worth it!

Guo Feng gritted his teeth hard, gathered the arrogance in his body, grabbed the "Hidden Book" in his hand, and threw it at the opposite Dao Lian with all his strength.


Guo Feng grabbed "Yin Zhi Zhu" and threw it with all his strength, and something unexpected happened, "Yin Zhi Zhu" made a scoffing sound, and the page he was holding was torn off, leaving only One page was still in his hand, but the rest of the book fell to the ground.


Guo Feng stared blankly, because the paper of "Yin Zhi Zhu" is very strong, just now he just grabbed a page of "Yin Zhi Zhu" and wanted to throw it out. The paper was torn off.

On the torn paper, there seemed to be a faint shadow of a picture book emerging from the paper, exuding endless aura of awe.

What's happening here?

Guo Feng looked at the paper in his hand, felt the grandeur in it, glanced at Pi Lian who had already flown down, raised his hand, and the paper flew towards Pi Lian.


The paper flew out, and after spinning around quickly in the air, the phantom on the paper became more and more solid, but after a while, the entire paper disappeared, and instead, a huge turtle shell phantom appeared in the air. film.

As the phantom of the tortoise shell emerged, an aura that seemed to come from the ancient prehistoric era suddenly emerged. On the tortoise shell engraved with lines, there seemed to be a word engraved indistinctly, like a mysterious character, but this The color of the character is too dim, and it is not certain whether it is a mysterious character or not.

Soon, the turtle shell flew in front of Pi Lian.


There was a loud noise, and the tortoise shell collided with Pi Lian, the tortoise shell vibrated suddenly, and the tortoise shell even trembled violently because of the impact, but he was not knocked out immediately.

The tortoise shell completely blocked Pi Lian's landing, and the entire tortoise shell continued to rotate rapidly. As he rotated, Pi Lian became more and more dim, while the word on the tortoise shell became clearer. This word can already be seen clearly, it is a mysterious character!

"This... what is this thing that can resist our horses!" The first elder, the second elder, and the third elder stared blankly at the tortoise shell in the air.

On the ground, the eyes of Guo Feng, who was lying on the ground, also became a little dull. What is the situation, and the book of Yin can still have this effect?Tear off a piece of paper and throw it out, can the paper turn into something else to attack people?But what if you tear up the entire book?

Guo Feng didn't have time to think about it. In the sky, after the tortoise shell resisted for a while, the color became darker and darker, and the mysterious characters on the tortoise shell gradually became blurred.


Just when the mysterious character became more and more unclear, and finally it was impossible to tell what it was, the entire turtle shell suddenly made a bumping sound.

Suddenly, the tortoise shell turned into a puff of blue smoke, and disappeared from the sky instantly. At the same time, a magnanimous aura descended from the sky and entered the "Hidden Book".

With no obstruction, Pi Lian in the sky landed again, but at this time, Chang Sheng had already stood up.

Looking at the place where Pi Lian landed, Chang Sheng quickly dodged aside and dodged in one go.


When Pi Lian hit the ground, there was a loud bang. In an instant, a cloud of earth-yellow smoke and dust rose into the sky along with green grass clippings. The violent impact of Pi Lian's falling down immediately formed a huge tornado.

Chang Sheng turned his head to look at the situation on the ground, and secretly said that he was lucky. Fortunately, Guo Feng blocked him just now, so he had time to escape Pi Lian's attack.

But that guy, the old devil!

Chang Sheng turned his head to look at the old devil. The old devil has been lying on the ground weakly since the phantom was broken, and he didn't know what he was doing.

That way of training myself has been tried, the power is not small, but it will not make the phantom of the old devil shatter, and he has been so sluggish and fell to the ground.I can feel through the old devil's soul imprint that the old devil definitely has the power to fight now.

Chang Sheng looked at the old devil on the ground and said through voice transmission: "What are you doing, old devil? I almost died just now, why are you still lying on the ground, why don't you hurry up to help, I'm dead, you also have to follow dead!"

"Wait, Chang Sheng, wait a little longer."

As soon as Chang Sheng's words fell, the old devil's voice came to his mind immediately. "Chang Sheng, I can indeed move and fight now. I am pretending like this now. I am using a secret method now."

The old devil lay on the ground, and because of the imprint of his soul, he and Chang Sheng could communicate directly without secret language transmission.

"Chang Sheng, hold on a little longer. It will take some time for my secret method to activate. If I don't use the secret method, we will only be passively beaten if I continue like this. Sooner or later we will still lose. If we want to turn defeat into victory, we must be surprised. The main attack is to attack. You first slowly persevere, and as soon as my secret technique is ready, I will attack them and try to turn the tide of the battle."

Hearing the old devil's words, Chang Sheng immediately understood, no wonder the old devil hadn't made a move since just now, he was preparing a secret technique, the old devil was right, even if the old devil made a move at this time, help him The four of them can only be beaten passively all the time, unless they take the initiative to attack by surprise to turn the tide of the battle.And there is Guo Feng who can help himself.

Chang Sheng turned his head to look at Guo Feng. The tortoise shell just now was probably thrown out by Guo Feng. It looks like he used a piece of paper from "Hidden Book".

"What it is?"

Opposite Chang Sheng, the second elder looked at Guo Feng opposite with a puzzled expression: "That tortoise shell can actually block our attack, what kind of treasure is in his hand."

"Don't care what kind of treasures they are, kill them, these treasures are ours, these boys, I really can't imagine that they have so many treasures in their hands." Hearing the sound, the elder looked at Guo Feng viciously. , Infinite murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

If they hadn't been surprised by the tortoise shell thrown by the kid just now, they would not have forgotten to control Pi Lian, so that fool Chang Sheng escaped Pi Lian's attack. This time, they would not be so lucky.


The Great Elder gave a cold shout, and suddenly in the sky, the phantom of the giant swung a stick again, and the seemingly invincible horse flew out of the giant's hand again, and landed on Chang Sheng and the others.


Seeing that the opponent started to attack again, Guo Feng quickly stretched out his hand, took "Hidden Book" in his hand, raised his hand and turned it over, and immediately turned to the place where the page was thrown out just now. Just like that, he threw the paper out, but just as he grabbed that page, Guo Feng was stunned.

After that page of paper turned into a turtle shell, and then flew back into awe-inspiring air again, the paper was restored, but the restored appearance was different from before. The original paper was just paper that looked no different from ordinary paper. , but now the paper that flew back has turned into a transparent paper, and there is no reaction to instilling righteousness into it.

Guo Feng tried to tear off the paper, but after pulling it hard, the paper did not respond at all.

No, this paper cannot be thrown out.

Guo Feng secretly said something bad, could it be that this paper can only be thrown once, and it cannot be thrown away the second time?In other words, it can no longer be used in a short time?

Seeing that the paper could not be thrown away, Guo Feng quickly grabbed another page and pulled it down forcefully. He couldn't believe it. In such a book, all the papers looked the same, and only one paper was the same. It can be torn off, the paper of several people can be torn off, then other papers should also be torn off.

Holding another piece of paper, Guo Feng tore it hard.


There was a soft sound, but the paper was not torn off, and the whole paper didn't seem to have changed at all, not even a wrinkle appeared.

"What type of situation is this?"

Guo Feng was stunned, it was also paper, how could the previous paper be torn off, but not this one?Ordinarily, when I tore off that piece of paper just now, I could penetrate the whole body with awe-inspiring aura, and it is the same now. In the same way, I should be able to tear off the paper. Why can't I?

Guo Feng changed a page of paper in disbelief and continued to tear, but even if he changed a piece of paper, the result was the same, and the paper was still not torn off.

At the same time that Guo Feng was tearing up "Yin Zhi Zhu", horses fell from the sky.

Chang Sheng squinted his eyes at Guo Feng. After seeing Guo Feng's actions, he was stunned, and then realized that he could not count on Guo Feng's help for the time being, and now he could only rely on himself.

Looking at Pi Lian falling rapidly from the sky, Chang Sheng knew that it would be impossible for him to dodge it. Masters of the Qi Law Realm can use magic weapons when they attack, and they can follow the magic weapon when they attack. If the mind changes direction, even dodging is useless now, so I can only fight recklessly!

"Snap the fingers of heaven and earth"

Chang Sheng looked at Pi Lian in the sky, he didn't care about hiding his strength anymore, at this time, he couldn't care about whether pretending to be stupid would let others find out, it's important to save his life first, otherwise, he would die, pretending to be stupid What's the point?

Chang Sheng's hands were constantly raised and popped, and soldiers the size of pills condensed out of his hands, rushed out quickly, and flew towards Pi Lian in the sky.

Qiankun snapped his fingers, this is the most powerful of all the martial arts he has mastered now, and the martial arts at the earth level are even stronger than Mad Demon Strength!I hope that the flick of the universe can reduce some of the power of horse training.

Soldier Qi flew out and landed on the horse training one by one, and then melted rapidly one by one like ice cubes touching a hot flame, but the falling speed of the training horse did not slow down in the slightest. Pi Lian has fallen down.

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