silly elixir emperor

Chapter 49 Competition

Looking at Lin Haoming's haughty look, Luo Junba felt a little unhappiness in his heart. How can he say that he is also the head of the Luo family and is an equal existence with Lin Yuanzhi? There, it was too much.

"Even if you joined the Zhensheng faction, if it was the past, I would definitely leave, but now..."

Thinking of the purpose of coming to find Lin Yuanzhi, Luo Junba forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart, turned his head to look at Lin Yuanzhi and said straight to the point: "General Lin, the Chang family is very prosperous now, and as far as I know, you and The conflicts in the Chang family are not small. The Chang family is now dealing with our Luo family, but after dealing with our Luo family, he will immediately deal with General Lin and you. General Lin, I, the Luo family, and you have been friends for many years. This time we There is also a common enemy, so I am here today to form an alliance with you, and then discuss a countermeasure against the Chang family."

"A small Chang family needs to discuss some countermeasures!"

Lin Haoming heard Luo Junba's words with a look of disdain on his face. Originally, after he broke through the Ascension Realm, he immediately asked for leave in the army to visit his master. He wanted to continue practicing in the master's school, but he didn't expect his father to send him a letter. He actually asked him to compete with that idiot of the Chang family.

"I am a dignified genius who stepped into the sublimation realm at the age of 20, but he wants to compete with that idiot. It's a shame to say it."

Lin Haoming cursed secretly, looked at Luo Junba and said, "It's too easy to deal with the Chang family. I also heard about the situation at the auction yesterday. After the auction, the biggest change in the Luo family is their neighbors. Then We just went to eradicate this neighborhood. A small Chang family, dealing with them is as easy as dealing with an ant."

Lin Haoming turned his head to look at his father, and said, "Father, you are the general guarding the city, the highest military officer in the entire Fengdu City, and I also heard that there are five thieves in our generation who are very arrogant recently."

"Hao Ming, what do you mean?"

"In the name of catching bandits, go to Chang's neighborhood to make trouble. Father, since the county lord here is unable to deal with bandits, then you kindly send troops to help him suppress bandits. You send someone to say that you received a tip, and the five big thieves hid It's in Chang's neighborhood, so let's go there and make a fuss to see if his Chang's neighborhood can continue to open."

Lin Haoming's face showed a deep sinister look: "That idiot from the Chang family dared to beat my second brother to death and wound my third brother. I don't care who is right or who is wrong. If he offends my Lin family, I will play him to death." The Chang family, especially that fool!"

"Mr. Lin, in a few days it will be the day when you will compete with the idiot Chang Sheng. Then you can torture him however you want, even if you beat him to death." On the side, Luo Junba smiled and said.

"Kill him? Wouldn't it be too cheap to kill him!" Lin Haoming raised the palm of his right hand in the air, looked at his palm, curled up five fingers one by one into a fist, and said coldly.

"I'm going to make him a crippled, stupid and crippled young master of the Chang family. He will definitely become more famous. By the way, doesn't he only listen to his uncle Chang Ganyi, and also cares about a woman named Misty? Then I arrested Chang Ganyi and forced him to dig out shit. As for that woman, I will fuck her hard every day in front of a fool! I heard that woman is getting more and more beautiful."

Listening to Lin Haoming's words, Luo Junba was secretly vigilant. This Lin Haoming is really a cruel guy. After this family crisis is over, he has to be careful of him.After hesitating for a while, he said again: "There are also many masters in the Chang family, so this time, General Lin may have to do it himself."


Hearing the sound, Lin Haoming snorted coldly, ignored Luo Junba at all, and looked at his master instead.He is a genius who joined the Zhenshengmen, and he didn't bother to pay attention to the bumpkins in Fengducheng who had never seen the world.

As if feeling Lin Haoming's gaze, Mr. Wu, the deacon of the Zhensheng Sect, finally opened his eyes, glanced at Luo Junba lightly, and said with disdain: "There is no need for General Lin to take action. The three elders of the Liu family behind me, they every Everyone is an existence at the peak of the Ascension Realm, and when I hadn't subdued them in the early years, they had also been gangsters, and it was enough to send one."

After speaking, he paused and said, "Liu Chuan, you go this time."

"Yes." Behind Deacon Wu, an old man about five or sixty years old came out in response. Although he was not young, his face still had a fierce look on his face.

Lin Haoming waited for Liu Chuan to stand up, and suddenly thought of something on his face, showing a hint of excitement, and said: "Mr. Liu, you will go there with my father's guard in a while, and you can play as much as you want. What you should smash, what you should grab It is best to kill a few people and snatch a few women. I want to see if the guests and merchants in his neighborhood are alive and the women are taken away. Who would dare to go to him? neighborhood!"

"Yes!" Liu Chuan stuck out his tongue and licked his lips.

At the other end of Fengdu City, the Chang family.

Chang Sheng got up early in the morning to put away the alchemy furnace, then locked the door, and found Chang Ganyi and said he was going out to play.He carried the black iron rod and left the house. He wanted to go to the most important neighborhood of the Chang family.How could he not see the first prosperous neighborhood he built himself!

There are a total of three neighborhoods of the Chang family, the most important of which is located on the south side of Fengdu City, only one street away from the bustling Zhengyang Street.

Starting from Chang's house to the neighbors of Chang's house, they had to pass by the neighbors of Luo's house first.The Luo family's neighborhood is also located on the south side of Fengdu City. Because of Dali Wan's business and years of operation, this neighborhood is no less prosperous than Zhengyang Street!

Chang Sheng swaggered into Luo's neighborhood, and not long after entering the neighborhood, Chang Sheng noticed something different.The previous owner of his body has also been to this street. In the memory of the owner of that body, every time he came to this street, it was always a scene of bustling clothes, crowded people, and full of shops, but now...

Chang Sheng looked at the crowd on the street, which was obviously less than half of what he remembered, and smiled in his heart. The fewer people in Luo's neighborhood, the more people there would be in his Chang's neighborhood.

"I don't know if anyone still buys the Luo family's Dali pills." Chang Sheng deliberately walked towards the Luo family's shop selling Dali pills.He just walked to the door of the shop, before he was ready to step in, another shop next to the shop selling Dali Wan, the sound of two people arguing came to Chang Sheng's ears at the door.

Hearing the sound, Chang Sheng turned his head to look, and saw a chunky middle-aged man in a golden dress staring at the opposite with an angry face, and a middle-aged woman in a silver robe trimmed with purple hollow hibiscus flowers.

"Mrs. Rong, what do you mean? You agreed, you want to sell my shop, but in the end, you don't want it."

"Fatty, how dare you say that! I talked to you more than a month ago, and I want to sell your shop first, but you have always disagreed. You suddenly found me yesterday and said you agreed to sell the shop to me. I was so happy, I didn't even bargain with you. Who knows, after inquiring at night, it turns out that this neighborhood is going to die. Now everyone wants to move to this neighborhood. You think I'm stupid, paying such a high price for your store, Don’t you just value the popularity here? Now the popularity here is obviously not good enough, so naturally I won’t sell it.”

As she said that, the middle-aged woman took out a bank note, slapped it on the short and fat man, and said coldly: "Don't say I'm not kind, this is a negotiated deposit, here it is. Now I'm going to Chang's house The neighbors to see if there is any shop that can be sold, I don't have time to argue with you here!"

After Madam Rong finished speaking, she stopped talking to the other party and left directly with her followers.

Chang Sheng listened to the conversation between the two, and nodded secretly. Whether it is the neighbors of their Chang family or the Luo family, although the entire neighborhood belongs to them, it is impossible for them to run all the shops themselves. Yes, most of the shops still have to be rented out, they just charge for these shops.

"Look at the Luo family's sale of Dali Wan. After a quick look, go to your neighborhood." Chang Sheng thought secretly, walked into the Luo family's shop, and took a closer look. In the very spacious shop, there were quite a few shop assistants. , but there are only four or five customers including himself.

"Chang's Dali Pills are already on sale, and they are even better than your Luo's. Your Dali Pills should also be reduced in price, but you only lowered the price by [-]%. Who will buy it for such a small reduction?"

A man stood in front of the counter selling Dali Pills, said something dissatisfied, turned around and left.

Chang Sheng had already seen the situation of the Luo family, so there was no need to stay here. Following the man who left, he also left the shop of the Luo family and walked towards his own neighborhood.

Far away, before reaching his own neighborhood, Chang Sheng heard bursts of lively noise coming from his own neighborhood, and when he got closer, he clearly felt the increase in the flow of people.

"It feels so comfortable."

Chang Sheng stepped into his neighborhood, and immediately found that a wave of prosperous aura that others could not see quickly gathered around him. No matter where he went, these prosperous aura seemed to be seeing his relatives, surrounding him. I was very happy beside me, and I felt as if I was soaking in a hot spring, basking in the most genial and warm sunshine, and my whole body was extremely comfortable.

"This is the feeling of a prosperous age! I can feel that this neighborhood has broken through the ruling world and entered the prosperous age! Moreover, the spirit of the prosperous age is still growing rapidly at an extremely fast speed, and this is just the beginning."

Chang Sheng looked at the streets, there were far more pedestrians than the Luo family neighborhood, and there were no fewer pedestrians than Zhengyang Street. It is estimated that this neighborhood will surpass Zhengyang Street in a short time!

"It turned out that in the neighborhood of Luo's family, I could clearly feel the decline of that power, and I guess it is not far from the troubled times there."

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