silly elixir emperor

Chapter 53 Strength

Glancing at these corpses, Guo Fengshua opened the folding fan at once, like a smelly fan, and opened it lightly, and then opened his mouth and said: "So what if they were killed by the young master? Although they are soldiers, they can My young master killed them when they did bad things. My young master is eliminating violence and peace, not only should not be punished, but should also be rewarded."

"You are talking nonsense with your eyes open, my soldiers have lost the siege of Jiangyang robbers?"

"Jiangyang Bandit? Where are you? Have you caught Jiangyang Bandit? If you haven't caught Jiangyang Bandit, don't say you are going to catch Jiangyang Bandit."

Guo Feng retorted, leaving Lin Yuanzhi speechless again. After a long while, he said harshly: "You Chang family don't need to quibble here. It is an indisputable fact that Chang Sheng killed someone. I must sue Chang this time. Sheng Wei, even if I sue the county government or the provincial government to the imperial city, I will continue to sue until I sue Chang Sheng to the prison and seek justice for my soldiers!

Hearing the sound, Guo Feng couldn't help but sneered: "Sue? If you want to sue, go ahead and sue. My Chang family wants money and people, so you can sue as you like. In the end, the worst case is the same as last time. It’s just some money. For a small amount of money, my Chang family will be sent to beg for food. But you, Lin Yuanzhi, if you allow your subordinates to make trouble in my Chang family’s neighborhood, I will do you a favor. Go to the provincial capital and the imperial city until I sue you."

"Arrogance!" Deacon Wu suddenly walked out of the crowd. He really couldn't bear Lin Yuanzhi and the other party's gossip. Why is it so troublesome?In the face of absolute strength, everything can be easily resolved!

Looking at Guo Feng, Deacon Wu sneered and said: "There is no place for you, a small litigator, to talk here. With your sharp teeth and sharp mouth, you are talking too much, come here, give me a slap in the face!"

"I'll see who dares!" Chang Ganyi's cold eyes swept away, and several soldiers who wanted to do something retreated back immediately. They knew that Chang Ganyi was a master at the peak of sublimation, and it was easy to kill them.

Deacon Wu saw that the soldiers on both sides were afraid of Chang Ganyi and did not dare to do anything. Suddenly, his eyes became colder: "I can't think of it. In a small broken county, besides a small litigant who knows nothing about the heights of the world, there is also a man who is so arrogant." A person of your level!"

Facing Deacon Wu's cold tone, Chang Ganyi did not show any weakness. He strode forward and said tit for tat: "So what if this is a small county town? Just remember, the name of this city is Fengdu City, and it's time to return the round here." Not enough for you to speak!"

"is it?"

Deacon Wu asked back. Suddenly, the baggy robe swelled up, and an incomparably surging innate qi surged out, pushing the soldiers beside him aside.

"Then I'll let you see if I have the right to speak. Tell you, I can slap whoever I want!"

Deacon Wu yelled violently, flying up into the sky like a swift, and slapped Guo Feng with his palm.

"A congenital master?" Chang Ganyi's eyes brightened, facing the direction of Deacon Wu's attack, he also rose into the air and slapped him with all his strength. Even if he is a congenital master, he would never want to touch anyone from the Chang family casually!

When the two palms intersected, there was a loud noise like a spring thunder, and everyone in the field was deafened, and even the ground under their feet was shaken.Two strands of pure innate qi rushed out, strangled each other, and a seemingly boundless coercion spread out from the two as the center, and spread to the surrounding people.

"Ding dong, ding dong."

The invisible coercion overwhelmed, as if the sky was crushed, covered by this momentum, boundless fear suddenly rose in the hearts of each knife guard, and the big knife in his hand fell to the ground in shock, making a crisp sound.


Chang Ganyi and Deacon Wu both snorted at the same time, retreated violently, and retreated to the place where they were standing.

Chang Ganyi carried it on his back with one hand, and put the palm facing Deacon Wu behind him with his bent arm. The whole forearm and the red palm like a red-hot anvil were trembling wildly.

"The other party has such pure qi and strong strength that he is even slightly better than me. This is a master of the fourth level of innate! Where did Lin Yuanzhi find such a master? How can a master of the fourth level of innate see it?" Shanglin Yuanzhi?"

Chang Ganyi was secretly startled, but looked opposite as usual.

Sensing Chang Ganyi's gaze, Deacon Wu snorted coldly, but he turned his big hands and rolled up his wide sleeves. In the sleeves, his fiery red palms were trembling crazily where no one else could see him. Thinking that in a small county town like Fengdu City, one could meet a master of the Xiantian Realm!And this person is also a master of the third level.

"I'm already at the fourth level of innateness. Counting the martial skills I just hit with that palm, I have a force of [-] jin. And the opponent's martial skills are very ordinary. I think it's just a common-level martial skill, and the realm is also higher than that." I was one level lower, but I was able to fight me head-on and fell slightly behind, his palm just now had a strength close to [-] jin."

Deacon Wu secretly calculated, "Obviously the other party is also a very strong existence in the third level of innate, and he should have added three thousand catties of strength to each level. A master of the innate realm has a strength of ten thousand catties on the first level. Afterwards, each floor will increase the strength of one thousand to three thousand catties, and the opponent can have such a strong strength, it should be the strongest strength of three thousand catties added to each floor!"

Thinking of this, Deacon Wu was very shocked, "The Patriarch of the Chang family has become a master of the third level of congenital, including his talent that increases by three thousand catties per level, even if he is placed in my real life faction, he is absolutely qualified to be a deacon Moreover, he is younger than me, so even if he is not as strong as me, his status will be almost the same, or even higher. He has such strength, how can he be willing to nest in such a small county town!"

Deacon Wu was shocked and puzzled, but he also knew that he couldn't win here today, he was only slightly better than the other party, if he fought hard, even if he killed the other party, he would be seriously injured, and even affect his future. It's obviously not worth it for the apprentice's father.

Deacon Wu looked at Chang Ganyi, thinking about the gains and losses in his heart, and Chang Ganyi knew that the other party was slightly better than himself, so he didn't dare to make a move easily.After the two masters met their palms, they looked at each other without saying a word. For a while, the scene became extremely quiet, but everyone's hearts could not be calmed down no matter what.

Lin Yuanzhi was riding on the horse, his hand holding the rein was trembling, Chang Ganyi turned out to be a congenital master, and he could fight head-on with the innate fourth-level deacon Wu.He must have entered the innate realm a long time ago, but he has been hiding his strength, what a scheming mind!If it wasn't for the fact that his son Lin Haoming's master was there, if he confronted him rashly, he would definitely end up with nothing left!

"It turns out that this is the strength of a congenital master. The gap between the peak of sublimation and congenital is like a mountain and a flat land. The difference is too great."

Luo Junba recalled the situation when the two palmed each other just now, it was just one palm, but at that moment he felt a deep sense of fear and powerlessness in his heart, innate!He must find a way to become an innate!

In the distance, a few rangers who followed the city guards and ran to watch the fun opened their eyes wide, and looked at the center of the field with their mouths wide open, all of them were speechless in shock.

what did they seeThey actually saw the duel between two innate masters!Innate master ah!It has been so many years, Fengdu City has never had a congenital master, but today there are two at once, and one of them is Chang Ganyi, the head of the Chang family.

It turns out that Chang Ganyi, not Lin Yuanzhi, has always been the most powerful master in Fengducheng!

After a long time, Deacon Wu glared at Chang Ganyi, shook his arms, and said suddenly, "Let's go."

"Ah? Let's go?" Lin Haoming was stunned for a moment, and opened his mouth to say something more, but when he saw the figure of the master turning away, he had to walk a few steps quickly and chased after him. When there were few people, he asked: "Master , why did you just let them go like this? I can see that Chang Ganyi is no match for the master."

"It's true that he's not the teacher's opponent, but if the teacher wants to kill him, he has to pay a big price." Deacon Wu stretched out his still trembling palm.

"See, he's not much weaker than me."

Lin Haoming looked at the master's palm and his expression changed drastically. He really didn't expect Chang Ganyi to be so strong.

"Master, then let's just forget about it?"

"Don't worry." Deacon Wu said with a gloomy sneer on his face, "The Huang-rank martial arts that I have been practicing for a long time has reached a critical moment, and it will be completed in a few days. When the time comes, I will kill Chang Gan Yiyi It's like flipping your palms! My junior brother will also come in a few days, and when the time comes, our two innate masters will definitely crush his Chang family. Let him be arrogant for a few days now."

Lin Haoming was taken aback for a moment, Huang Jie?What does Huang Jie mean?Are martial arts still graded?There are still a few days of competition.

"But, Master, I can't take Chang Sheng away now. I still have to compete with him in a few days. When the time comes..."

What Lin Haoming was worried about was the martial arts competition in a few days. His father, Lin Yuanzhi, had already written the gauntlet for him, and he had to go after the gauntlet. If people can't shirk it, then the reputation of the person in the afternoon will be ruined for the rest of his life!If he ran away, his father's future would be ruined, and it was even more impossible for his sect to tarnish the sect's reputation by leaving him as a deserter.

Deacon Wu knew what Lin Haoming was thinking, and patted his apprentice on the shoulder. He comforted him, "Don't worry, I have a way for you to defeat him!"

Deacon Wu, Lin Yuanzhi and others left, but Chang Sheng looked at Chang Ganyi's back and thought secretly.

"When my uncle and Deacon Wu fought just now, it could be seen that my uncle's martial arts skills were very average, so that's why he was at a disadvantage. If my uncle had superb martial arts skills, such as Mad Mo Jin, he would have killed the opponent with one punch."

Thinking about it, Chang Sheng found Gu Tianmo in his mind, and asked, "Gu Tianmo, what do you think I will pass on the power of madness to my uncle?"

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