silly elixir emperor

Chapter 530 Strange Zombie

Guo Feng was standing by Chang Sheng's side. Hearing the sound, he immediately reached out to touch the chain, but this time, the chain that had been bypassed just after seeing him did not go around again, but tied Chang Sheng and the others together. Tighter.

At the same time, the zombie that threw the chain also rushed towards Guo Feng quickly. It was said to be fast, but it was faster than ordinary people, but in Guo Feng's eyes, the opponent's speed was not fast.

The speed is not fast, just don't know how else.

Guo Feng questioned in his heart, looked at the zombies flying from the opposite side, raised his hand, and slapped a strong wind, blowing the zombies on the opposite side.

A strong wind blew into the sky, and the whistling sound resounded immediately, countless flying sand and rocks flew up from the ground, and at the same time, a pure aura of greatness flew towards the opposite zombie.


The next moment, the awe-inspiring air fell on the zombie, and Guo Feng's face instantly became ugly.

This... the aura of grandeur is specially used to restrain zombies. Ordinary zombies, as long as I release the aura of grandeur, the other party dare not approach, but this zombie, when I attack him with the aura of grandeur, he has no response. The aura of grandeur falls on him. There was just a chirping sound, what kind of zombie is this!

Guo Feng was surprised, but he gritted his teeth and rushed towards the zombie. In the blink of an eye, he had already appeared in front of the zombie.

Seeing the previous person suddenly appear in front of him, the zombie immediately raised his hand and punched it in front of him.

With the movement of his punches, Guo Feng clearly felt the air in front of him vibrate violently, just like a calm lake surface was suddenly thrown into stones, the air rippled in circles, and then there was a buzzing sound In the big formation, the fist has not yet landed, but the violent wind of the fist is like a knife, blowing towards Guo Feng.


There was a chirping sound, and Guo Feng was startled suddenly. He was blown by the fist wind, but his face and clothes were scratched, and bloodstains appeared on his face!

Although his body is not as tough as Chang Sheng's, it is comparable to the ordinary Heaven-defying layer. With such a body strength, it is only blown by the wind of the fist, and it can even scratch his cheek. Imagine how powerful this punch is. If you get hit, your whole head might be blown off.

This zombie is too strong to fight recklessly, he can only outsmart him. It seems that his speed is not fast, but he can use that trick.

Now in this situation, I can only use the paper that can only be used once a week.

Guo Feng made up his mind in an instant, and raised his hand into the Qiankun bag. Immediately, "Hidden Book" appeared in his hand, and he put it on it casually. Guo Feng held the book in one hand, and quickly moved it with the other. As soon as it was torn, a piece of paper was torn off.

Different from the past, after the piece of paper was torn off, it disappeared in an instant and merged into Guo Feng's body. At the same time, Guo Feng soon discovered two unusual abilities from inside his body, very ordinary, Guo Feng discovered them, everything is natural.

Guo Feng can feel that inside his body, in his dantian, there is a vortex-shaped energy, how big it is, and what state that energy is in, he doesn't know, he just can feel it, it is an energy body , and is still spinning rapidly.

And inside that vortex-like energy, Guo Fenghuan discovered that there was a smaller vortex energy, but it was distinguished from the energy surrounding him. connect!

At this time, the zombie was about eleven or twelve meters away from Guo Feng. Suddenly, a piece of talisman flew out of Guo Feng's hand, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a fireball the size of a volleyball, slashing across a straight line. The trace hits that zombie exactly.

When the fireball collided with the zombie's hard body, there was a light cracking sound, and sparks flew everywhere.

"What's the situation!" Chang Sheng opened his mouth wide and stared blankly at Guo Feng.Damn it, why does this thing look so familiar? Some of it looks like the fire charms used by Taoist priests in previous online games, and some of them look like fire balls used by mages.

Guo Feng's "Hidden Book" actually contained such a miraculous piece of paper, and he didn't even know it. However, the power of this thing, which is called a fire talisman, doesn't seem to be very powerful!

After Chang Sheng was surprised, he didn't seem to be affected much after being hit by the fire talisman. He just turned into a somewhat angry zombie, but his heart sank. If it was just like this, it would be useless!

But at the next moment, another fire talisman flew out.

"Fire Talisman"

"Fire Talisman"

"Fire Talisman"


Chang Sheng was stunned again, this was not a one-time event, Guo Feng was able to keep lighting fire talismans!

Guo Feng kept throwing the "fire talisman" in front of him while backing up. The speed of this chained zombie is not fast, and every time the fire talisman hits its body accurately, the chained zombie will pause slightly body, so from the beginning to the end, the chained zombie did not indent the distance from Guo Feng.

How many fire charms did Guo Feng throw?He didn't know the exact number, but it was definitely no less than ten, but judging by the appearance of the chained zombie, it seemed that it was not affected at all.

"It would be great if this is an online game, then I can still know how much blood this chained zombie has lost, so that I can have a head start." Chang Sheng looked at the zombies that were constantly being attacked by fire charms, and suddenly thought of the online game in his previous life , Then there will be a system prompt, but now, he can only rely on his own judgment.I don't know, this is the first time he saw Guo Feng's fire talisman.It seems that the power of this fire talisman is not small, but it seems that this fire talisman has little effect on the chained zombies.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Chang Sheng's eyes lit up.

Hit by nearly ten fire talismans, although the chained zombie still chased Guo Feng, it was not without its influence.

During Guo Feng's counterattack, the fire talisman he sent was lucky enough to focus on the left front leg of the chained zombie twice in a row. At this time, the speed of the chained zombie's pursuit of Guo Feng also slowed down again.

Guo Feng also discovered sensitively that the left leg in front of the chained zombie had been injured.

Take advantage of your illness to kill you!

Guo Feng stopped suddenly, and the fire talismans kept hitting the chained zombie's injured leg as if it didn't cost money, although these fire talismans didn't seem to cost money at all.

The accuracy of the fire talismans issued by Guo Feng is indeed very problematic. It seems that this is the first time he has used such fire talismans, and these fire talismans also look very special.

If Guo Feng hits four fire talismans, one of them will definitely miss, one will hit other parts of the chained zombie, and the other two can hit accurately. There is no way, compared to the entire body of the chained zombie, his legs The area of ​​the fire talisman is much smaller. It is the first time to use the fire talisman, and seeing the erratic flight trajectory of the fire talisman, it is already very good that Guo Feng can do this.

The fire talisman's shooting rate is not high, but it can't hold up and shoots a lot. Just like in the NBA, some players have a low shooting rate, but they take a lot of shots, and they can still score more than [-] points per game, and even get points. The title of king, this is a truth.

Gradually, Guo Feng could clearly see that the chained zombie's condition was getting worse and worse, and his movement was getting slower and slower. Finally, he accidentally hit the chained zombie's left leg with the fire talisman he sent out again. When the chained zombie's head fell, the chained zombie, which had chased Guo Feng halfway, creaked and fell unwillingly!

Just when Guo Feng was about to take a breath, the zombie suddenly jumped up again, and the speed suddenly increased, and it rushed towards Guo Feng at high speed.

not good!

Guo Feng was startled when he saw the opponent's speed, and quickly hit another fire talisman!

But that zombie stood up after receiving Guo Feng's fire talisman forcefully. After standing up from the ground, the chained zombie roared, like a legendary berserker going berserk, screaming and rushing towards Guo Feng.

The zombie standing up again was much faster, and the kung fu chain zombie was about to rush to Guo Feng's side in the blink of an eye.

At this moment of life and death, Guo Feng had an idea, he thought of another security paper of his own.

"Light Talisman!" Guo Feng yelled, and a dazzling glare suddenly burst out from between him and the chained zombie. In an instant, even the sun above his head was robbed of its brilliance, and the chained zombie felt a flash of light in front of him. His eyes hurt from the direct light.

Under conditioned reflex, the chained zombie closed his eyes for a while, and when he opened his eyes again, he was surprised to find that the kid was gone, not only the kid was gone, but he found that he could only see clearly what was about a meter away. space.

"The effect of the flash bomb has taken effect." Seeing the chained zombie's eyes wide open, trying to see everything in front of him clearly, Guo Feng knew that this piece of paper was something he found very interesting when he was looking for "Hidden Book". One of them, after using it, the whole person's eyes are as if they are blind, they can only see the things in front of them, and they can't see anything else.

Fire talisman, fire talisman again, fire talisman, fire talisman one after another, seems to be strung together, one after another, hot fire talisman rushed towards the chained zombie one after another, Guo Feng seemed to be crazy, compared to Any time you fire the fire talisman before, you must put the fire talisman at a fast speed.

The chained zombie still wanted to move forward according to the direction the fire talisman was coming from, and then find Guo Feng, and use his fist to split the opponent into two pieces, but our Guo Feng is not a fool. Flying in my own direction, the next moment it becomes the left, then the right, the front, and the left.front, right...

Guo Feng gave full play to his advantages, and changed places after sending out a fire talisman. The chained zombies whose sight was blocked were like a headless fly circling around in one space, and the fire talismans flew to him one by one. They were all ignited, just like a burning man, and the smell of burning wafted out.

Now, the Chained Zombie feels very bad, not only can't see each other, but also he is constantly being hit by the fire talisman, his vitality continues to decline, maybe two more fire talismans will kill him, Now he can't even stand up, the fire talisman is not cotton candy!

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