silly elixir emperor

Chapter 554 The Zombie King Appears

Chang Sheng was shocked by the burst of Mu Yan's breath. Although Mu Yan was at the sixth level of the Heaven Defying Realm, he could clearly feel that Mu Yan was definitely not a simple sixth level of the Heaven Defying Realm. Taking a look, Mu Yan's strength is definitely no less than that of the ninth level of the Heaven Defying Realm!

All of Yingwuhou's subordinates are indeed geniuses!

After Chang Sheng took a step back, he secretly thought that it was not good. He was strong in one skill and attacked the opponent's weakness, but the reality was that he was at a disadvantage. Even if his pure strength was lower than the opponent's, he should not have the weight of the weapon and the upper hand. Backing up so much, if he was in his prime, maybe he could barely draw a tie just now, but now, he is obviously at a disadvantage, not to mention that the opponent is still a two-handed sword.

At the same time that Chang Sheng retreated, a silver light flashed suddenly in his eyes, and Mu Yan's other sword had already stabbed towards him.

Chang Sheng's heart tightened, and he quickly waved the wind and thunder stick to block it again, but just after the wind and thunder stick blocked the opponent's sword, another light flashed, and Mu Yan's other sword stabbed at him again, Chang Sheng wanted to avoid it However, he found that his figure was far less flexible than usual, and when he moved, he was stabbed by a sword.

At the same time that Chang Sheng was fighting Mu Yan, Guo Feng and Yue Yichen were also fighting each other respectively, but the two were just like Chang Sheng, they were completely suppressed by the opponent as soon as they fought, and the opponent's strength was obviously stronger than theirs , Even if Fang Shuwen joined, it still wouldn't help.

Seeing that Chang Sheng and the others were losing ground in the confrontation with each other, the little zombie's expression changed, and his eyes were full of hatred when looking at Mu Yan and the other three.

"Three uncles, hurry up and help them kill the bad guys, hurry up and help them."

The little zombie looked at the three chained zombies, pointed at Mu Yan and the others and yelled loudly.

The three chained zombies were obviously stunned. They didn't expect that their little master asked themselves to help the three people who had fought with them before, but although the little master gave the order, they couldn't obey it.

"I'm sorry, little master, we can't listen to you. The master's order is for us to protect you, so we can't help them." A chained zombie said.

"Yes, little master, your safety is the most important thing." Another chained zombie glanced at the two sides in the fight, even raised his hand to pull the little zombie, and said: "Young master, we should get out of here quickly Well, it's too dangerous here, and the master is not here, in case you make any mistakes, how can we explain to the master!"

"No, I won't go, I won't go, uncle, help them!" The little zombie became anxious when he heard that the three chained zombies not only refused to help Chang Sheng and the others, but even took him away. In the middle, there are tears flashing out.

Seeing the pitiful appearance of the little zombie, the three chain zombies felt distressed, but when they looked at the two sides fighting, they still hugged the little zombie.

The strength of the two sides fighting against each other is too strong, they are far from being opponents, it is better to leave as soon as possible.

The three chained zombies picked up the little zombie and were about to forcefully take it away, but at this moment, a black shadow suddenly appeared outside the hall.

An unusually pale zombie appeared in everyone's sight.


Seeing this sudden appearance, the three iron chains exclaimed at the same time.

The Zombie King traveled for several days and nights, and finally came to the Immortal Mansion. As soon as he entered the Immortal Mansion, he found the hall where the body was hidden. However, he didn't know these three people, and the other party was Chang Sheng who he had seen Zhuge Jun wanted to kill.

I was wondering how the two sides fought, and suddenly the Zombie King heard the exclamation, turned his head and saw three of his subordinates in the corner of the hall, and one of them was holding his only son!

How is this going!

The Zombie King's eyes froze instantly. When he was going to deal with Chang Sheng and the others, he ordered his three most confidant men to protect his son. They should be in the hidden underground palace. Why did they appear in the Immortal Mansion? Among them?And it came earlier than myself!

How on earth did this happen?

These three confidantes of mine are loyal and have always carried out their orders 100%. How could they bring their son here?

The Zombie King was wondering, when his son's voice sounded in his ears again.

"Father, father, hurry up and help beat those three villains, hurry up and beat up the three villains, they bully the emperor!" The little zombie looked at his father with tears in his eyes, he just told the three uncles to beat the villains, The three uncles didn't help him. Seeing his father coming now, he was afraid that if he said what he said just now, his father wouldn't help him either. For some reason, he just said that those three people bullied him!

"What! How dare you bully me!" The zombie king was furious when he heard the sound, looking at the three people who were fighting with the zombie king, he rushed over in a flash.

In the arena, the few people who were fighting had already noticed the Zombie King rushing in. As soon as they saw the Zombie King rushing in, the three men of Marquis Yingwu immediately looked at each other, stopped at the same time, jumped back, and stopped following Chang Sheng Several people fought, but their wrists flicked at the same time. The next moment, a small black flag appeared on the palm of each person. Immediately afterwards, the three of them threw the small flag into the sky.

Marquis Yingwu said long ago that if you encounter a zombie king, you should use this black flag.This is the magic weapon specially used to deal with the zombie king.

As soon as the three small black flags flew out of the three people's hands, they immediately flew high above their heads, and immediately, strands of black aura burst out from the three flags.

In an instant, the entire hall seemed to be covered by this black aura.

"Huh? And a magic weapon? It seems that Marquis Yingwu's subordinates didn't try their best just now when they fought against them. They only used this magic weapon when they saw the Zombie King appear."

When Chang Sheng saw the three black flags flying into the sky, he was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled in his heart. No matter what kind of magic weapon it is, he would never believe that the three subordinates of Yingwuhou relied on the three black flags A small flag can beat the Zombie King.

Yingwuhou's three subordinates are very strong, and even any one of them is stronger than his heyday, but he is the zombie king.Although it is said that the Zombie King is not an existence that is immortal against the sky, but in terms of strength, the King of Zombies is stronger than many people who are immortal against the sky, and ordinary immortals are not the opponent of the zombie king at all.He has deeply experienced the horror of the Zombie King. Even if the magic weapon belongs to Yingwuhou, the difference in strength between the two sides is too great. Yingwuhou's subordinates will definitely not be the opponent of the Zombie King.

Unexpectedly, this time, several of them will be rescued by the little zombies.

Chang Sheng glanced at the little zombie, then turned to look at the zombie king who rushed to the field.

This is?

As soon as Chang Sheng's eyes fell on the zombie king, his eyes froze immediately.

After bursts of black energy were emitted from the three small black flags, the Zombie King's body suddenly burst, and a look of fear appeared on his face!

Chang Sheng was shocked, this zombie king was stronger than the indestructible strong man, he saw the black flag showing panic, what kind of magic weapon is this?Also, why didn't I feel the danger of the black flag?

The Zombie King felt the disgusting breath in the surrounding air, and then looked up at the three flags floating above his head. After his face changed, he turned around in an instant, and was about to leave towards the outside of the hall, but at this time , the three subordinates of Marquis Yingwu on the opposite side stopped in front of him at some point.

"It's really easy to find nowhere to go, Zombie King, you have been hiding in Xishan, so that Yingwuhou can't catch you. Originally, the three of us came to Xishan to arrest you under the order of Yingwuhou. I haven't met you yet, but I didn't expect that you would take the initiative to come to your door. Since we have met you, then you can stay. Your body, Mr. Yingwuhou, is of great use. It can be used by Yingwuhou. It's your luck!"

"Hmph, it's up to you, daydreaming!"

The Zombie King snorted coldly, his body trembled suddenly, and he rushed forward suddenly. Chang Sheng's face changed after this rush.

The Zombie King's speed is so slow, much slower than the last time I saw him.

"It's useless." Chen Tianyao, one of Yingwuhou's three men, watched the Zombie King's movements, but there was no worry on his face. He raised his hands and waved forward, and suddenly a strong mana flowed from him It shot out from the palm of his hand, and shot straight at the zombie king.


The Zombie King was hit by Mu Yan's mana energy, and his body made a muffled sound, and then he backed up three steps in a row before standing still, and a cloud of dust was rolled up.

What type of situation is this?

Chang Sheng looked at the Zombie King who was repulsed by Chen Tianyao's palm in surprise, his face was full of incomprehension. It could be seen that Chen Tianyao's palm was much stronger than when the four of them fought against him before. But the opposite is the Zombie King, even if he is a lot stronger, it doesn't make him strong enough to be comparable to the Undying, let alone a Zombie King that is much stronger than the ordinary Undying.

But the Zombie King was shocked back, and it seemed that the Zombie King's strength was much weaker than the last time he saw him.

"Chang Sheng, you are in danger. These three flags are a magic weapon for dealing with zombies." Gu Tianmo's old voice suddenly sounded in Chang Sheng's mind: "Under the suppression of this magic weapon, this zombie king can play The strength shown may not be stronger than yours, now you are in trouble, quickly take out the Thousand Resentment Miehun Banner, if you don’t go all out to attack, there will be no chance.”

Hearing Gu Tianmo's words, Chang Sheng finally understood why the Zombie King looked so weak. In fact, as soon as he saw that the Zombie King had become weaker, he had already guessed that the magic weapon was designed to restrain the Zombie King. Hearing Gu Tianmo's words, It just proved his guess.

And listening to what Yingwuhou's subordinates said, and looking at their magic weapons, it was obvious that the three of them had a very clear goal in their trip to the West Mountain this time, which was the opponent's zombie king.

The other party also said that Yingwuhou wanted the Zombie King's body to be useful, and that the zombie's body was nothing more than refining a puppet, and a puppet that was stronger than ordinary immortals was worthy of Yingwuhou's calculations.

Marquis Yingwu had been prepared for a long time, the zombie king could not be counted on, and he could only count on himself.

Chang Sheng took a step back quietly, and with a twist of his wrist, he already had a long pole in his hand, and above the pole was a black canvas.

Thousand Resentment Extinguishing Soul Banner!

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