silly elixir emperor

Chapter 563 Assassination of Marquis Yingwu


In the sky, as soon as countless plum-blossom darts were shot by the light, all plum-blossom darts flew backwards at high speed, nearly ten times faster than before!

"Whoosh whoosh..."

The plum blossom darts flew backwards one by one, Tang Xiaoyun didn't even have time to react, the plum blossom darts had already landed on him, piercing through his body easily.

In the blink of an eye, Tang Xiaoyun's body was pierced with countless blood holes, and he fell straight down.

"Hmm... is this dead?"

Chang Sheng looked at the dead Tang Xiaoyun on the ring with a face full of surprise, and was shocked in his heart. Zhu Junxuan was definitely not so powerful before, and Tang Xiaoyun was even stronger than him, but now, it was only a round of fighting, and Zhu Junxuan actually killed him. Tang Xiaoyun.

It was all because of the fan in Zhu Junxuan's hand.

Zhu Junxuan had never used that fan before, and after he went to the West Mountain, or after going to the Immortal Mansion once, he had this fan. In all likelihood, he got this fan from the Immortal Mansion.

Before the Immortal Mansion disappeared, there were countless treasures scattered out. It is estimated that many people got these treasures and improved their strength.

Originally, because I got the body, I didn't pay much attention to these treasures, but now it seems that I was completely wrong.

Although what I got was the most valuable treasure in the Immortal Mansion, but I couldn't fully integrate the body for the time being, and couldn't exert its full power. Compared with some people who got the treasure, the temporary function of my body was not as good as others.

This martial arts competition is really getting more and more headaches.

into the night.

Chang Sheng was in the room thinking about the masters he saw in the ring today that he had never seen before, or the opponents who were suddenly much stronger than before. Suddenly, there was a soft sound outside the door.

"Someone broke into his courtyard."

Chang Sheng's heart moved, he walked quietly to the window, then opened the door and walked out, he wanted to see who was so brave to break into the prime minister's mansion at night.


Just when he walked into the courtyard, suddenly, a huge handprint flew out from the darkness. When the handprint was pressed down, it seemed that the whole space was torn apart.

In Chang Sheng's eyes, the pupils shrank suddenly and became as big as the eyes of a needle. Isn't this handprint the person who left Qiangwei at the beginning?This is Marquis Yingwu!

Chang Sheng was startled, looking at the handprints smashed from above his head, he didn't dare to be careless in his heart, he quickly raised the mana energy in his body to the highest level, sacrificed the prosperous age catalog, and smashed the handprints in the sky past.

It was Yingwuhou who shot this shot, and speaking of it, it should be the first time Yingwuhou shot himself. Facing Yingwuhou, he must not have the slightest reservation, he must attack with all his strength!

In the sky, the huge handprints and the Glory of the Prosperous Age collided suddenly, and a group of unusually shining light burst out in the sky. For a moment, the entire dark sky was illuminated by this light, shining like daytime.

In the dark night, the huge palm shattered Shengshi Tulu with one palm, and the entire palm dissipated, but even so, there were still strong auras attacking Chang Sheng.


With a muffled sound, Chang Sheng's figure was blown by the dissipated breath from his palm, and he immediately flew backwards. After flying five or six meters away, he fell heavily to the ground.


Ying Wuhou looked at Chang Sheng who just flew out but was not killed by his palm. Under the black mask, there was a hint of doubt in his eyes. He did not try his best with that palm just now, but even In this way, Chang Sheng was able to catch this palm, which is too surprising.

The main thing was the picture scroll that Chang Sheng threw out before. The picture scroll was able to shatter the phantom of his palm, which was absolutely impossible with Chang Sheng's strength. It was all because of the picture scroll.

This fool Chang Sheng really has a lot of treasures.

Marquis Yingwu once again raised his palm and slapped it in the direction of Chang Sheng. This time, he increased his strength several times.

Chang Sheng half fell to the ground, watching Yingwuhou strike again, he was shocked for a moment, that time just now, he had already used the strongest attack he could achieve so far, but it was still broken by Yingwuhou's palm, and he was even more Was shocked to fly out.

Even Shengshi Tulu couldn't stop it. Looking at the opponent's current appearance, it was obvious that the attack was stronger than before, and he couldn't stop it by himself.

Shocked, Chang Sheng quickly took out the Thousand Resentment Miehun Banner that had just been successfully refined, looked at the huge palm shadow falling from the sky, and threw the Thousand Resentment Miehun Banner in his hand forcefully.


The Thousand Resentment Miehun Banner flew through the air, and in the blink of an eye, it had already hit the huge handprint that Yingwuhou had slammed down.

The next moment, a brighter brilliance flashed in the sky than before.

Under Yingwuhou's palm, the Tianyuan Miehun Banner that had been perfectly refined flew up into the sky the moment it was hit, but also because of the obstruction of Qianyuan Miehun Banner, Yingwuhou A palm was blocked again.

This idiot...

Ying Wuhou looked at Chang Sheng who blocked his blow again, raised his eyes to see the soul banner flying down in the sky, and then raised his hand to catch it.

In Chang Sheng's hands, this soul banner can block the blow of self-love, so it must be a high-level treasure.

Marquis Yingwu stretched out his hand to grab the soul flag in the sky, but when he grabbed it, the soul flag made an unusually loud chirping sound, and while the soul flag was trembling, it flew back to Changsheng automatically with a whoosh. Qiankun bag.

In Yingwuhou's eyes, a strange color flashed past, and he was unable to subdue this soul banner. This soul banner was refined with a rare and special technique. Only after the master died, others could subdue this magic weapon.

There are so many magic weapons in Chang Sheng's fool, it can only make people more and more interesting.

Marquis Yingwu glanced at the sky, and now he understands why none of the men he sent out killed Chang Sheng before, this idiot has enough treasures on him, even if he did it himself, this idiot can escape twice in a row .

Marquis Yingwu marveled at Chang Sheng's many treasures, but at the same time he felt slightly annoyed. A fool escaped his attack twice in a row, which was a great shame to him.

In a fit of rage, Yingwuhou burst out a stream of pure mana from his body, and his vague figure seemed to grow bigger. Looking at Chang Sheng who was facing him, he raised his palm again and looked at Chang Sheng slapped it down with a palm.

Following the palm of Marquis Yingwu, at the same time, inside the capital.

"Huh? Some masters who are against the sky and immortal have made a move. This place seems to be in the prime minister's mansion." Standing in the grand master's mansion, Fei Taishi felt the sudden explosion of the heaven-defying and immortal aura in the capital, and once again slowed down. Slowly closed his eyes.

This person is going to deal with the prime minister, it has nothing to do with me, I don't need to take care of it, the intensity of this aura does not threaten the safety of the capital.

Inside the Prince's Mansion, where the smell of wine wafts everywhere.

"This breath, this is the Prime Minister's Mansion... No, Chang Sheng is not in danger." Old Prince Lin felt the breath emanating from the Prime Minister's Mansion, got up quickly, and rushed towards the Prime Minister's Mansion.

In the palace, Fang Yude also felt the heaven-defying and indestructible aura suddenly erupting from the prime minister's mansion at almost the same time, so he got up quickly and rushed towards the prime minister's mansion.

Chang Sheng felt the astonishing aura erupting from Yingwuhou on the opposite side, and immediately understood in his heart that relying on his own conventional means, he would definitely not be able to stop Yingwuhou's blow, unless he took out his own treasure to resist the blow as before.

But I can't take out the four stone statues I got in Yingwu Temple before, and I can't take out the black flag, so it seems that I can only use Tiandaowaidan.

Chang Sheng gritted his teeth suddenly in his heart, and sacrificed the Heavenly Dao Wai Pill.After the Tiandao Waidan was shattered, even though he would suffer serious internal injuries, he could still continue refining, but if he died, there would be nothing left.

As soon as Tiandaowaidan flew out of Chang Sheng's arms, he immediately flew towards the huge handprint that fell in the sky.


The huge handprint shot by Marquis Yingwu slapped heavily on the Tiandao Waidan, and the breath of explosion rushed straight. The Tiandao Waidan flew up in the air in an instant, and then fell to the ground, spinning continuously.


Marquis Yingwu was surprised again, Chang Sheng really had a lot of treasures, in such a short period of time, Chang Sheng had already taken out three treasures, and even blocked his own attack.

Marquis Yingwu was surprised when a figure suddenly rushed over outside the mansion.

"Bold, dare to make trouble under the nose of this demon, let this demon die!"

The old devil finally rushed over when he sensed the aura emanating from Changsheng's courtyard.

"Huh! Xiaoxiao dares to be rampant even if he is immortal against the sky!"

Marquis Yingwu glanced at the old devil who was coming, snorted coldly, slapped the old devil with one hand, and slapped Chang Sheng down again with the other hand.

The old devil wanted to rescue Chang Sheng, but the slap from Marquis Yingwu forced him to resist with all his strength.

When Chang Sheng saw the old devil coming, he felt relieved. He thought that even if the old devil was not Yingwuhou's opponent, he should be able to entangle Yingwuhou, but he never expected that Yingwuhou would be able to stop the old devil. At the same time, he shot at himself.

not good!

Chang Sheng was startled, and quickly turned the mana in his body, and instantly activated the power of the ten-day true monarch's body.


An astonishing aura rushed straight from Chang Sheng's body, and when Ying Wuhou's palm fell, Chang Sheng's body suddenly strengthened countless times.


Marquis Yingwu's palm hit Chang Sheng directly. Immediately, Chang Sheng felt an incomparable force coming from him. He couldn't stand up anymore, and flew back far away again, breaking three solid walls. Finally, his body barely stopped, and at the same time, he opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Yingwuhou's palm had already severely injured him.

"It's not dead yet, it's really tenacious!"

Yingwuhou snorted coldly, raised his hand, and looked at Chang Sheng who had fallen to the ground. Just as his palm was about to fall, two figures rushed towards him in the sky.

"Fang Yude, Lord Lin!"

The pupils in Yingwuhou's eyes suddenly dilated, and these two immortals also came to join in the fun.

"Bold lunatic, leave it to this king!"

Old Prince Lin and Fang Yude arrived at the same time, Old Prince Lin suddenly pulled out the ruling whip bestowed by the previous emperor behind him, while Old Prince Lin took out a dragon head stick, and the two attacked Yingwuhou at the same time.

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