silly elixir emperor

Chapter 565 Master Duel


In the thick black night where there was only a gentle breeze, there was a strange whistling sound suddenly, an unusually sharp cold wind, on the ground, pieces of leaves that had fallen off for an unknown amount of time were suddenly rolled up in the cold wind, spinning towards Yingwuhou. go.

As the cold wind blows stronger and stronger, more and more fallen leaves rolled up on the ground, completely covering this space. For a moment, there was a feeling of covering the sky and the sun, even the dim moonlight above the head. is completely covered.

The night was getting darker.


Amidst the howling wind, a sound that was extremely easy to be ignored, a sound that was slightly lower than the howling sound of the wind, sounded under the cover of the violent wind sound, and a turbulent strong wind swept towards Yingwu Hou with the strong wind.

"Hmph, hide your head and show your tail!"

There was a look of disdain on Yingwuhou's face, he sneered, and raised his hand to wave the strong wind blowing in front of him. Suddenly, a strong wind that was several times stronger than the previous blowing came from Yingwuhou. Blowing up, blowing against the gust of wind carrying countless fallen leaves.

When the two gusts of wind met, Marquis Yingwu raised his hand and waved out, the stronger gust of wind gained the upper hand. Immediately, the gust of wind that came before returned and blew away in the same direction as before, and in this gust of wind, there was even a Unusually strong winds.

The strong wind blew away, and within a few breaths, it had already blown into the woods that was blown by the strong wind. Immediately, countless branches and leaves were blown by the strong wind and made a series of rustling noises. Yes, the big tree that could not be surrounded by the three of them exploded with a bang.


Amidst the loud noise, the big tree exploded suddenly, and the thick trunk was directly blasted into flour-like sawdust, which was blown up in the air with the wind.

At the same time, a golden figure flashed out from behind the big tree, looking in the direction of Marquis Yingwu, and with a wave of his hand, a square golden seal the size of a palm flew into the air, flying high In the air, it fell towards Marquis Yingwu.

Under Yingwuhou's sword eyebrows, a pair of deep eyes suddenly flashed with light. He looked thoughtfully at the golden seal falling in the sky, and raised his hand to point to the sky. Behind him, the hand was almost like his logo. The golden sword pierced through the air and went straight to the golden seal.


The golden sword flew out of the sky, making a loud sound of breaking through the air. The next moment, the golden sword collided with the golden seal.

The two collided, but there was no loud noise, only a sound that only the two people in the field could hear.


After the collision, Jin Jian and Jin Yin retreated a distance of one foot each.

In front of the woods, the figure in the golden robe looked at the golden sword and the golden seal in the sky, the golden robe on his body suddenly bulged without wind, and a golden air flow burst out from his body, and immediately he With one hand pinched a formula and pointed to the golden seal in the sky, with the other hand the five fingers were slightly separated, the palm facing upwards, and then suddenly pressed down.

Following the man's movements, the golden seal in the sky suddenly burst into a dazzling golden brilliance, which was extremely eye-catching in the dark night, and the entire golden seal skyrocketed at a speed visible to the naked eye. The golden seal, which was only the size of a palm, instantly became the size of a wine jar, and continued to smash downwards.

"Sure enough, it's the earth-shaking seal!"

Marquis Yingwu squinted his eyes, and in the sky, the golden sword was like a golden seal, emitting a golden brilliance.

The golden sword was originally golden, but at this time, there was an additional golden halo around the golden sword, which looked like a sword gang.

The next moment, Jin Jian and Jin Yin collided again.


The second collision, this time the sound in the sky was much louder than before, and the sky suddenly burst into dazzling brilliance, and the retreat distances of Jin Jian and Jin Yin this time also became up three feet.

On the ground, the expression of the man in the golden robe remained unchanged. Looking at the heroic Marquis opposite, he turned and pressed his palms again. Following his extremely simple movements, the golden seal in the sky suddenly rose up. The speed is much faster than before, but in the blink of an eye, the golden seal in the sky has skyrocketed to the size of an adult, and the speed of skyrocketing still hasn't slowed down

Finally, when the gold seal skyrocketed to the size of the stone lions in front of those famous mansions in the capital, it stopped skyrocketing.

At this time, in the sky, the brilliance of the golden sword became even more shining, especially the golden light from the tip of the sword had grown more than a foot.


In the sky, the two magic weapons acted at the same time as if they had made an appointment.

The ground shaking was printed on it, and it fell heavily downwards. As it flew, a series of golden phantoms appeared behind it.

The golden edge is on the bottom, the hilt is on the lower end and the tip of the sword is facing upwards. There is a sudden shock, and dozens of golden flying swords are slowly released in an instant, and they rush straight up.


A moment later, the golden sword and the golden seal collided again, and in an instant, under the black night sky, an incomparably huge group of golden brilliance burst out. Its color was so strong that it illuminated the black night sky as brightly as daytime. There was a loud noise as if it could pierce clouds and crack rocks. The sound was so loud that even the capital city far away could hear this loud noise.

"Huh? Such a strong momentum!"

In the Prime Minister's Mansion, Old Prince Lin and Fang Yude raised their heads almost at the same time, and looked towards the suburbs outside the capital, with surprise flashing in their eyes.

"This aura, old Lintou, is it the aura of Marquis Yingwu?" Fang Yude looked at the night sky and asked Old Prince Lin beside him. Although it was a question sentence, his tone undoubtedly confirmed that the one fighting was Marquis Yingwu.

"It's Yingwuhou, but at this time, how could someone take action against Yingwuhou? A while ago, I heard that someone offered a reward to kill Yingwuhou, and there were two masters who were invincible against the sky to deal with Yingwuhou. Now Could it be that someone went to assassinate Marquis Yingwu because of offering a reward?"

Old Prince Lin frowned with his already gray eyebrows, as if he was talking to himself and said to Fang Yude who was beside him: "The world today is getting more and more weird, and this master who fought against Marquis Yingwu , and counting the terrifying and immortal master who came to kill Chang Sheng tonight, when did there become so many immortal masters?"

Chang Sheng listened to what Old Prince Lin said, and sneered in his heart, what do you mean there are so many masters who are immortal against the sky.Among the masters mentioned by the old prince Lin, two of them are basically the same, and that is the one who came to kill him tonight, and he is Marquis Yingwu.

Others can't recognize it, but I have seen Yingwuhou rescue Qiangwei with my own eyes, and the exercises Yingwuhou used at that time are the same as those used tonight.

As for the guy who is currently fighting against Marquis Yingwu...

Chang Sheng secretly guessed in his heart that what the old prince Lin said was also reasonable. It is indeed possible that someone would attack Yingwu Hou because of the reward, but for some reason, he always felt that this should not be the case.

Chang Sheng looked up at the two golden brilliance in the sky that illuminated the suburbs as brightly as day, but felt more and more heavy in his heart.

Yingwuhou has already started to attack himself directly. This time, Yingwuhou still has scruples and comes here masked. God knows whether Yingwuhou will be as scrupulous as today and dare not show all His strength makes people recognize him, and the next time, he may not be able to arrive in time with Old Prince Lin and Fang Yude.

In other words, I can't spend my entire life hiding in the capital as a heroic marquis. It's the last word to improve my strength!

Chang Sheng thought secretly in his heart.

At the same time, countless masters in the entire capital have noticed the sudden golden brilliance in the suburbs.

"It's so powerful, with such power, it must be an invincible master fighting against the sky!"

"The battle between the heavens and the immortals, but you have to take a good look at it, maybe you can learn anything!"

"Let's go, if both sides of this fight lose, we can still benefit from it."

In the capital city, countless masters used their own methods and went to the suburbs. At this time, the martial arts tournament was in full swing. Countless masters gathered in the capital. At this time, everyone left the city one after another. Suddenly, the capital city at night was surprisingly strange. lively.

"Marquis Yingwu? I'd like to see how extraordinary this genius who is well-known on the grasslands is!" He Lianjue grabbed the ancient giant axe, opened the door, and strode out.

"These two guys... are interesting..." Zhang Qin's female companion, in men's clothing, twitched the corner of her mouth slightly, and her figure swayed slightly. The next moment, the person appeared a thousand meters away.

Under the faint moonlight, countless masters walked in the direction of the two immortal masters. Although they were far from seeing the two sides fighting, but only by the two golden brilliance that became more and more dazzling in the sky, There was also that faint loud noise that was louder than thunder, but everyone knew that the confrontation between the two sides was getting more and more intense.

Gradually, some of the strongest and the first to set out were able to see clearly the two sides in the confrontation, and saw the appearance of these two people, and these people were suddenly taken aback.

One side of the fight is Yingwu Hou, while the other side, that person does not know him, but the clothes on his body, this person is wearing a golden robe, although the Daqi Dynasty is not like some dynasties. , Divide people into grades, grades, and grades, and then stipulate what kind of clothes people wear, but the golden robes are a consensus among people in all countries. This is only the people of the royal family, and it is Only the most direct royal family can wear the color.

So, which country's prince is this guy in front of him?However, I have never heard of any country that has such a genius in the royal family, and they can't lose the wind even in a fight with Marquis Yingwu.

Everyone looked at the sky, where two mighty cannons collided, and they consciously stood aside from a distance, watching the two sides fighting.

Gradually, more and more people rushed here, but no one dared to get too close to the battle field. The destructive power of the fight between these two masters was too great. Even if it was affected by the aftermath of the fight between the two sides There is a danger of death.

In the sky, the golden golden seal had become as big as a hill at this time. After colliding with the golden sword again and flying back, the golden figure in the forest suddenly changed its previous movements, and suddenly closed its hands in the middle.

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