When I was in the heavens, after my own alchemy has been achieved, when Tiandan Zhenjun refines this alchemy again, he no longer looks for others, but looks for himself.

After all, it is dangerous to ask others for help in alchemy cultivation. If the person who asks for help has a different heart, it will be dangerous for Tiandan Zhenjun.

In the later stage, he always made alchemy by himself, and Zhenjun Tiandan stood aside to prevent the catastrophe.

At that time, Zhenjun Tiandan was also in distress, but it was very rare. Most of the time, Zhenjun Tiandan easily blocked the catastrophe, and never let the catastrophe affect him.

Right now, it is so difficult for the four masters I have found to block the Heavenly Tribulation together, and I still underestimate the Heavenly Tribulation.

However, I still have to thank True Lord Tiandan, if he hadn't allowed me to refine alchemy so many times, I would not be so proficient in alchemy.

Chang Sheng glanced at the alchemy furnace and speeded up.


After about a stick of incense, suddenly, there was a burst of abnormal noise from the pill furnace, Chang Sheng's face relaxed, and his face showed joy. That great art.

"Old devil, hurry up and pass the soul branding, and teach me the great art you mentioned."

Chang Sheng's voice resounded in the old devil's mind directly through the imprint of his soul.

"Okay, wait a minute." Although the old devil is facing the catastrophe, it won't take long to pass on the exercises to Chang Sheng through the soul branding. Now he almost believes Chang Sheng's words, and Chang Sheng can do it. The elixirs that have been refined to practice cultivation techniques can only be understood by looking at the severity of the current catastrophe.

Because of the soul imprint, within a short while, Chang Sheng already had a great technique in his mind, and at the same time there was news about this great technique.

"Eight Clan Buddha Art."

Chang Sheng frowned slightly as he looked at the introduction to the Eight-Part Buddha Technique of the Celestial Clan. According to the introduction of this great technique, there was originally a race called the Celestial Clan in the heavens.Later, for unknown reasons, this race was brutally exterminated by a group of masters from the heavens.

And this heavenly clan's supreme divine art was also lost, and for some unknown reason, this heavenly clan's supreme magic was spread to the human world, and even fell into the hands of the old devil and his sect.

However, looking at the introduction of this Celestial Clan's Eight-Part Buddha Art, it is very unusual.

The eight tribes of the Celestial Clan are Brahma, Dragon, Yaksha, Gandharva, Shura, Garuda, Kinnara, and Mahuraka.

There are eight parts in total, each one is a kind of Dafa, and there are eight kinds of Dafa in total. If each kind of Dafa is refined to a small degree, then it is the real Dafa Xiaocheng, but the Dacheng needs to make each part of the eight Dafa It only needs to be refined to achieve great success.

This is a very difficult way to practice, because there are eight parts in the whole way, so the time required to practice this way is equivalent to eight times the time to practice other ways, in fact, this way can also be regarded as the supreme way of eight. .

It takes a long time, and the method is extremely dangerous to practice, and has various sequelae. Therefore, since the birth of this Dafa, there have been very few people practicing it, and those who have successfully practiced it are even rarer.

Chang Sheng secretly thought about it. From this point of view, if he wants to practice this great method, he can't do it with only 36 pill spirits.

Eight times the time, 36 is still too slow, since this Dafa can be regarded as the eight Dafa, then I can let the 36 pill spirits practice one of them, and then refine 36 pill spirits, and then Practice one of the great methods.

In fact, that is to say, I need to refine 36 times eight, which is 280 eight pills.

After figuring it out, Chang Sheng decided to practice the first Brahma part of the exercises first.

As soon as he raised his hand, Chang Sheng divided the exercises of the Brahma Department into 36 parts and put them into the alchemy.


Chang Sheng raised his hand and pulled it, and suddenly a round and plump pill flew out of the pill furnace. After a while, 36 pills flew out and floated in mid-air.

At the same time, as the elixir took shape, the dense dark clouds in the sky gradually dissipated. After the dark clouds were revealed, the same dusty sky, the strong wind just now was too strong. Even without the dark clouds, the sky was still gray. The hazy area is all the dust that was blown up before.

The catastrophe is over!

Marquis Yingwu stood on the roof of the mansion, shaking and looking in the direction of the capital, with a cloudy expression on his face, Chang Sheng, a fool, actually refined a superb elixir.

And it was after he had just revived his little sister and caused a sensation!

In the arena.

Zhang Qin, who was accompanied by a female companion in men's clothes, changed her face, and quickly walked towards her residence in the capital. The power of Chang Sheng's Heavenly Tribulation of Alchemy just now, if it is not bad, is the same as the Heavenly Tribulation of the pill recorded in the sect. , is only slightly stronger than it, and Chang Sheng can refine this kind of elixir, so can he also refine the elixir in the legend of the sect?

In the prime minister's mansion, everyone looked at the 36 pills floating in the air in a certain formation with surprise on their faces.

Unlike ordinary pills, these pills are actually transparent, and you can vaguely see that there is a humanoid villain in each pill, and each of them even makes different movements. , it looks like he is practicing something.

Old Prince Lin and Fang Yude looked at each other. From each other's eyes, what they saw was full of surprise. There were villains in the pill. This was the first time they had seen such a pill, and they hadn't even heard of it before. Never heard of it.


Suddenly, a elixir floating in the air burst, and the crisp sound made everyone in the field stunned for a moment.

Isn't this elixir finished?Why did it suddenly burst again?

Chang Sheng looked at the broken elixir and his heart trembled. Sure enough, what the old devil said was correct, and the cultivation method was indeed very dangerous.

Just now, I have divided the exercise into 36 parts and injected them into 36 pill spirits. Now one of the pill spirits is broken, and naturally it died because of the pill spirit practicing the exercises.

"Clap clap clap..."

But after a while, a series of popping sounds sounded, and Chang Sheng felt a chill in his heart. It was only a short time of half a stick of incense, but twelve pill spirits were already broken. This is because he divided the exercises into 36 parts. .

After waiting for another stick of incense, the 24 remaining pill spirits have been cultivating and have not been broken.

Chang Sheng understood in his heart, it seems that those 24 exercises are relatively safe.

But only 24 copies are not enough, it is still too slow to practice like this, and I have to refine the alchemy again.

Chang Sheng looked at the four old devils around him. Although the four looked very embarrassed, especially the old devil, there was a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth, but it shouldn't be a problem if he wanted to resist the catastrophe a few more times.

Thinking about it, Chang Sheng took out a bunch of medicinal materials from the Qiankun bag again and threw them into the alchemy furnace.

The flame in the alchemy furnace ignited again, and after a while, the robbery cloud flew in the sky again!

"Why did it start again?" The old devil looked at Chang Sheng who had started alchemy again, and then looked up at Jieyun in the sky, his whole face suddenly became bitter.

"This... This kind of elixir has been refined in a furnace, why continue to refine it? When did this top-level elixir become so worthless?"

Old Prince Lin was surprised, but it was too late to ask any more questions, the catastrophe had already landed in the sky.

Fighting against Heavenly Tribulation twice in a row, it's okay, because they have had experience before, but this time, everyone has an understanding of Heavenly Tribulation.

In the Prime Minister's Mansion, Heavenly Tribulation landed again, but in the capital, everyone was already stunned.

"Didn't this Heavenly Tribulation end just now? Why is it coming again?" A man in a fancy dress with obviously strong strength stared blankly at the Heavenly Tribulation above the Prime Minister's Mansion.

"It's not easy. Naturally, I started alchemy again, so the catastrophe came again."

"How can it be so simple, how can it be so easy to refine the elixir corresponding to such a catastrophe!"

In the midst of everyone's discussion, the catastrophe is still going on.

After about an hour or so, the Heavenly Tribulation finally gradually dissipated.

In the prime minister's mansion, in Changsheng's courtyard, six pill spirits floated in the air again.This time, Chang Sheng didn't put all the skills into the 36 spirit pills at once, but put the skills of the broken twelve spirit pills into them.

Moreover, twelve Pill Spirits were pulled out at a time, but in the end, 36 Pill Spirits, because of these twelve exercises, finally [-] Pill Spirits were broken, and only six Pill Spirits were left in the end.

It seems that these exercises are really dangerous.

Chang Sheng raised his head and glanced at the four old princes Lin in the courtyard. At this time, the four of them seemed to be in a panic. Obviously, the four of them were about to reach their limit. If they were allowed to survive another catastrophe, even if the four of them could If they can support it, then if Marquis Yingwu comes over again, the four of them will not be able to support it anymore.

It seems that there is no way to refine Dan Ling today.However, I can refine some quick recovery elixir, and then I can let them keep helping me resist the catastrophe.

Chang Sheng did it when he thought of it, and soon, he took out a lot of medicinal materials from the Qiankun bag.

In the courtyard, Old Prince Lin trembled when he saw Chang Sheng take out the medicinal materials again: "Chang Sheng, you want to make alchemy again? We may not be able to stop such a catastrophe from happening again."

Chang Sheng understood what Old Prince Lin meant, but he didn't stop his movements: "Yes, Chang Sheng wants to make alchemy. The white-bearded grandfather said that Chang Sheng made people block lightning, and Chang Sheng wants to make alchemy for you to eat." .”

"Huh? Refining alchemy for us?" Elder Lin suddenly became suspicious. The old man with a white beard in Chang Sheng's mouth should be Chang Sheng's master. If Chang Sheng's master said so, it might be because he knew the power of Heavenly Tribulation, and then let him Chang Sheng made alchemy for himself and others.

But what pill can Chang Sheng refine?

There is also this Heavenly Tribulation, although it is difficult for the four of us to resist this Heavenly Tribulation, there are many benefits to resisting this Heavenly Tribulation.

Just like after Qi training, every time the realm is improved, the strength can be greatly increased. Part of the reason for the increase in strength is the subsequent Heavenly Tribulation, because the tempering of Heavenly Tribulation makes the body stronger.And the catastrophe just now was even stronger than the catastrophe experienced by the realm promotion. Although the two catastrophes just now made the body a little unbearable, it also increased the strength.

That night, because they were curious about what kind of elixir Chang Sheng was going to refine, both Lord Lin and Fang Yude made an exception and stayed. On the next morning, Chang Sheng had already refined the elixir and handed it over to the four of them.

"This is... this is a pill that quickly recovers from injuries. As long as we take this pill, the injuries we experienced yesterday will be healed."

At the same time, in Yingwuhou's mansion, a figure hidden in the darkness quietly came to Yingwuhou.

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